CHAPTER 10 GENDER INEQUALITIES IN THE US Writing By: Shawna Winstead & Amy Camberos

Chapter 10

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  • 1. Chapter 10Gender Inequalities in the US
    Writing By: Shawna Winstead & Amy Camberos

2. Fighting Back: The Rise of Feminism
Earlier in history,the second-class status of U.S. women was taken for granted. Husband and wifes were one which meaning him.
At the time women were not allowed to:
Vote. Buy property in their name
Serve in Jury Duty, Make legal contracts
A central lesson of conflict theory:
The power yields privilege, like a magnet,
Power draws societys best resources to the elite.
Men used their privileges to use social institutes to
maintain their position.
Women basic rights were granted after a prolonged and
bitter struggle.
3. Feminism
4. Feminist
Back in the late 1800s
5. Feminist
1917 and still women were fighting for their rights
6. Feminist
Feminist were known as suffragists against such views
Here is a picture of one of the women that were arrested for protesting in front of the WhiteHouse.These women were in peace protesting for their rights.In exchange many women were beaten and arrested, in order to stop the protest.
7. The First Wave
Womens movement had a radical branch that wanted to reform all the institutions of society and a conservative branchwhos main concern was to win the vote for women, and it won in 1920.
8. Second Wave
At this point women were taught to work temporary while completing school and getting married.
Feminist instead looked at school as a way to pursue their careers, and started protesting against gender inequalities.
9. Third wave
Feminist has emerged:
10. Gender Inequality in Health Care
Male Doctors tend to discriminate women even when seeking medical help
A researcher at Cedars Sinai Medical Hospital in Los Angeles, California checked their medical records and found that out of 2,300 patients with coronary bypass surgery 4.6 percent of women died as a result of surgery compared to 2.6 percent of men.
Excuses used were that womens surgeries were more complicated than men's, but reality is that doctors take women's complaints of chest pains one tenth lighter than when men complain of chest pain.
Doctors are faster at giving men exercise stress test, radioactive test, and surgery, more than women. Doctorswait until it is to late to send women to get surgery and then they die in the process.
11. Cold Hearted Surgeon and Their Female Victims
A Sociologist name Sue Fisher, who observed at a hospital was shocked to hear, a male doctor recommends a total hysterectomy, when a patient showed no signs of cancer, then explained to his patient that the uterus and ovaries are potential disease producing, and have no use for them after bearing children. of these surgeries or unnecessary. Reality is that doctors make more money when doing hysterectomies.
12. Gender Inequality in Health Care
Now more women are becoming physicians, and doctors, which are more sensitive to womens health problems, will be more concerned on womens wellness and will send women patients to get pap smears and mammograms done accordingly and in timely manner for example.
13. Gender Inequality in Education
14. Gender Inequality in the workplace