CD Cover Process

Cd cover process

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CD Cover Process

Front Cover



These photos may look very similar, but I have actually edited the original image a bit to achieve the effect of the final image. In the second image the surrounding trees look darker and the centre trees I have made a more vibrant green so it will stand out against the black. The stage remained similar but with a bit more shadow.

To the green colour of the trees I changed the brightness/contrast. I decreased the brightness for more shadows and increased the contrast for a warmer green. I did this because I like the green more and I felt it represents the nature more than the previous which is more blue toned.

I then edited a few more effects to achieve the exact colour I wanted. This also changed some of the trees that a colder tone of brown to a warmer tone.

Album title.My choice of album title for my artist DAZED was Livewire. I chose to put the title next to the artist name, but in italics so you can distinguish because the two names. I imagined the name to be blurred to match the artists ‘DAZED’ title, and I can see them using this as their own stylized logo for future albums.

Firstly, I placed the text on without a blur because with the blur it would be hard to read. I chose a bold, white font to stand out against the background. I placed it In the centre to be noticed.

I created a new layer for the blurred effect of the title, I will combine the two layers to you can read it easily, but still have the blurred effect.

When combined, it created this which is the final title of my album. I think the repetition of the title in this effect looks interesting and blended.


Tray cover.This is another image I have, which is an unfocused version of the first image. I used it for my tray cover, and to ensure that it didn’t look exactly like my front cover I decided to mirror it.

I flipped the image horizontally and placed it on the left side. I cropped a part of the middle out which is outlined in red because I wanted this to be where it mirrored. Original

I then added a copy of the photo that was again flipped. This gave it this mirrored effect.

I added these effects to the image to give it the desired effect.

I proceeded to add the song names and made it a simple white, italic text.

In a new layer I added a bar code.

Lastly I added the production information and a record company.