Implementation and Institutionalization of Technology to Improve Academic Readiness Skills A Case Study Brett Mahan, James De Lane & Melissa Smith

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INST 5131 Unit 4 Implementation and Institutionalization

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  • 1. Implementation andInstitutionalization of Technology to ImproveAcademic Readiness SkillsA Case Study Brett Mahan, James De Lane & Melissa Smith

2. Introduction At some point in the history of any organization, it has adopted anew innovation or idea in order to improve various processes orgenerate more efficiency. Subsequently the new innovation results in a detrimental cycle ofunintended outcomes growing to be ineffectual turning out to be unused eventually becoming abused These negatively unplanned outcomes waste valuable resourcesand frustrate the very people the innovation was intended tohelp. So, how does an organization attempt to prevent substandardresults procured from this cycle? 3. During the process of diffusion theory, atechnological innovation creates awareness arouses interest undergoes trial accomplishes adoption However, two steps transpire following theadoption of an innovation, and are essential forthe enduring success of the innovation. Implementation Institutionalization 4. After the determination to use an innovation, implementation commences through the actual utilization of that innovation into practice (i.e. teaching or instruction in a classroom).The Association of Education and Communication Technologys (AECT) standard saysusing instructional materials and strategies in real settings . . . to facilitate appropriate use of the innovations by individuals in the organization. (AECT Standard, 2002, Std. 3.3).Surry and Ely illustrate eight conditions, required from an organization, which contribute to the successful implementation of an innovation (Surry and Ely, n.d). 5. Surry and Elys 8Facilitative Conditions1. Dissatisfaction with 5. Rewards and/or the status quoincentives exist2. Knowledge and6. Participation skills exist 7. Commitment3. Availability of8. Leadership resources of the executive officer4. Availability of time within the institution orproject 6. Increasingly, schools are seeking to incorporatetechnology into their curricular programs in order to improve the quality of learning activities for the studentsin order to enhance school readiness expand the efficiency and effectiveness of the teachers inorder to complete additional pertinent work Technology also prevalent in the pre-kindergartens,preschools and other early childhood educationinstitutions This case study examines one such pre-kindergarten(Forever Growing) and its devotion to providing highquality academic and social learning experiences. 7. The director of Forever Growing plans to coordinate withrepresentatives from the Instructional Design TechnologyDepartment at the University of Houston Clear Lake(UHCL). UHCL will design and develop various DVDs and internet-based learning modules for utilization by the school UHCL will construct a school web page and establish visibility in several of the social media forums This case study will evaluate whether the aforementionedconditions offered by Surry and Ely are present at ForeverGrowing and where they, if any, are lacking. Then it will identify strategies to establish these conditionswithin the school. 8. Background of the School Forever Growing 1990 in Alvin, Texas by Denise West Originally founded as an in-home daycare and afterschool program Curriculum designed to integrateacademic skills as well as socialinteractions in children ages 2-5. Teaches academic and readingreadiness through situationalproblem solving, phonologicalandphonemic awareness, andsocialdialogue. 9. School employs five full time teachers and one parttime teacher in order to split the classroomsaccording to developmentally appropriate agegroups. Expenditures 40% on teacher training and salary 30% on curriculum materials 20% on office upkeep 10% on miscellaneous (marketing, billing, etc.) Mission statement: support small class sizes, teacherguidance, and the perception that the attainment ofknowledge is a continuous process. 10. Specific Area of Interest Forever Growing small, privately owned preschool total of 6 teachers on staff Its small size can be anadvantage or adisadvantage when itcomes the diffusion andimplementation oftechnologicalinnovations. 11. Once a technology has been adopted, an organization must establish aplan which includes strategies with the purpose of ensuring that the innovation is integrated into the structure and culture of the organization is appropriately managed by the workforce Surry and Ely describe variables which impact the effectiveness ofimplementation organizational climate political complexity (not applicable within this case study) demographics attributes of the innovation itself This case study will design a strategy focusing on the eight conditionsas well as addressing the controlling variables in support for ForeverGrowing to achieve a successful implementation of the impendingeducational technology innovations. 12. Institutionalization is successfully achieved when aninnovation is routinely used in settings for which it wasdesigned. It [the innovation] has become integral to theorganization or the social system and is no longerconsidered to be an innovation. (Surry & Ely, n.d.). At this point, the innovation is considered to beinstitutionalized as an integrated part of the organizationalstructure. 13. Surry and Ely also suggest six This case study proposescommonly acceptedstrategies for assessing theindicators ofdegree of institutionalizationinstitutionalization. They of the newly procuredare: educational technology Acceptance by relevant participants innovations established at The innovation is stable andForever Growing. routinized Widespread use of the innovation throughout the institution or organization Firm expectation that use of the practice and/or product will continue within the institution or organization Continuation does not depend upon the actions of specific individuals but upon the organizational culture, structure or procedures Routine allocations of time and money 14. Schools History andGrowth Embraced an optimisticvision and a determinedoutlook. Experienced manychallenges and numeroustriumphs. Learned from the obstaclesand victories Believe that the school canovercome any adversity inorder to achieve success 15. Timeline of History and Growth 1990 - Began with 5 students and grew to 12 students in just acouple of months. 1991 - School was becoming overcrowded and had toreluctantly turn away children 1994 - After-school program abandoned order to better assistthe future progress of the school. Currently Supports a wonderful staff, a great facility and aprominent curriculum. Enrolls almost 100 full and part timestudents each year in their pre-kindergarten program. Forever Growing has witnessed periods ofdifficulty and hardship as well as stages ofremarkable prosperity and growth. 16. Strengths and Weaknesses Strengths Strong management system High quality curriculum Effective teacher training andstaff development Weaknesses Obtaining financial capital Utilizing media instructional technology Developing effective marketing materials 17. Responses and Results of theSchools Current Strategy Largest challenge is obtaining the financial capitalwhich Maintains the operations Supports the acquisition and implementation of resources Improve the educational quality of its programs Addressing these challenges Implements a mixture of initiatives to both raise funds and avoid costs. Obtain full and partial scholarships from local businesses to help off-set tuition costs Receives assistance with fund raising activities and donation matching from the community Acquires one time financial gifts Teachers have voluntarily given up their pay raises 18. In spite of everything, there is not sufficientcapital to acquire additional educationalresources (technology implementation, training) Additional resources are needed to support the schools over-all efforts to help students especially from lower socio-economic familyenvironments These additional resources willbe leveraged to overcome theknowledge gap which manystudents possess when theyfirst enroll in Forever Growing. 19. The Specific Problem Directors decision to bridge the shortage through acollaborative development project with UHCL producesthe demand for a strategy to assure the implementationand institutionalization of the adopted innovations. This case study will review the conditions mentioned bySurry and Ely to establish an environment favorable forsuccessful implementation and institutionalization. The circumstances where variables and conditions aredeficient, strategies will be developed to establish oraugment promising conditions for these processes. 20. Alternatives The following action based alternatives aresuggestions for an iterative process ratherthan mutually exclusive alternatives. These alternatives will encompass plannedmethods which support the school throughthe diffusion processes of implementationand institutionalization stages, focusing oneach stage of the process. 21. Assessment of Environmentfor Implementation The executive climate at Forever Growing contains a strong andcohesive faculty who share a common set of values and a mutual group of established goals for the success of the school and the students. Teachers exhibit a variety of technology familiarity The technology proposed for adoption is neither exceedingcomplex nor will it require extensive technical support to operate. The current conditions at the school were analyzed and evaluatedaddressing variables, where necessary, within the setting. Thecurrent conditions at Forever Growing support successfulimplementation of the proposed technology. The assessment of the schools eight facilitating conditions (moreinformation see case study) 22. Alternatives forImplementationTeachers work with UHCL instructionaldesigners in the analysis and design phaseof the collaborative project By participating in the design and development of the learning modules, the affluence of the teaching staff will become more enhanced as the products are constructed. Questions can be addressed Coaching will ensure any technology gaps are overcome Also help to shorten the time needed for the teachers to feel experienced with the final products in order to support implementation into the instructional programs Reinforce both number two and four of Surry and Elys conditions 23. Identify an innovator or earlyadopter among the teachers tostart peer to peer conversationsplus act as mentors and tutors Aligns effectively with the first achievementsuggested previously Through peer conversations, the less technicallyadvanced teachers will engage in an informal, lessthreatening support structure in order to answerquestions, demonstrate concepts, and facilitatereassurance regarding the proposed changes Supports the decrease in time required to establisha level of comfort to use and implement thelearning programs into daily learning activities 24. Implementation Summary In an environment as small andcohesive as Forever Growing,problems achieving successfulimplementation of theproposed technology will beminimal. Staff recognizes the need forand will undoubtedly supportthe adoption andimplementation of thetechnology. Alternatives provide a resourcefor the school to addresspossible complications that mayarise as a result of uneventechnological knowledge orinsufficient time 25. Assessment of Environment forInstitutionalization All previously noted conditions supportinginstitutionalization of the proposed technology aresubstantiated except perhaps the routine allocationsof time and money. Scarcity of monetary resources is one of the biggestchallenges confronting Forever Growing. The project to develop a website and subscribe tosocial media forums was selected precisely toincrease the visibility of the school beyond just thecommunity The hope was that the increased visibility wouldresult in a corresponding increase in fund raisingsuccess 26. Alternatives forInstitutionalization The conditions supporting successful institutionalization of an innovationor new technology are: Acceptance by relevant participants The innovation is stable and routinized The innovation is used throughout the entity There is a firm expectation of continuance regarding the innovation There will be routine allocations of time and money The current environment at Forever Growing already furnishes theconditions that will support institutionalization of the new technologyonce it has been adopted and implemented. The staff already acknowledges the need for and is supportive of theutilization initiative. The proposed technology is not complex therefore will be stable andeasily routinized to be used throughout the school. Additionally, there is a strong intention to continue using the technologyonce it is implemented. Therefore, alternative actions are required. 27. Recommendations forFuture Changes The school director will initiate the alternativesrecommended. Even if, for some reason, the initiative to acquire theproposed technological learning resources failed tomaterialize, the teaching staff can be trained on thetechnology which will undoubtedly pay dividends inthe future. The alternatives suggested also offer a way toconstruct a professional learning community amongthe educators as well as provide a method forincreasing decision-making input concerning thedirection and future of the school. 28. How Alternatives Relate toAECT Standard 3.3Sub-Standard 3.3.1Use appropriate materials and strategies in various learning contexts The decision by Forever Growing to adopt and implement DVDsand web-based learning modules into their curricular programsdirectly addresses this standard. The learning modules will be used throughout the school toencompass a variety of subjects. The alternatives and recommendations provided support theimplementation of the proposed technology. 29. Sub-Standard 3.3.2 Identify and apply techniques for integrating ECITinnovations in various learning contexts The intended use of DVDs and web-based learning modulesdirectly addresses this standard. Using technology to assist in elevating the quality of theschools instructional programs, will improve the foundationallearning skills the children need throughout the K 12 schoolenvironment. 30. Sub-Standard 3.3.3 Identify strategies to maintain use after initialadoption Both of the alternatives directly address this standard. Involving the teaching staff in the design and developmentphase of the technology initiative creates a sense of ownershipas well as resolves any questions or issues that may emerge Additionally, using peer mentors and tutors to overcomeknowledge deficits establishes a professional learningcommunity Instill a level of comfort and create an enthusiasm for theresources which will assure support for the continued use Standards regarding integration of the technology into thestructure and culture of the school will emerge asinstitutionalization creates permanence for the innovation 31. Conclusion Implementation and Institutionalization of theeducational innovative technology in this case studydoes not cause an extensive or complex problem. Forever Growing is a small cohesive educationalorganization whose existing structure and culturealready demonstrate many of the conditions whichsupport successful implementation andinstitutionalization of the new technology. By following the alternatives and recommendationsmentioned in this study, the last stages,implementation and institutionalization, of ForeverGrowings diffusion process will be a successfulachievement. 32. References Association for Educational Communications and Technology. (2001). What are the initial standards?Retrieved from http://www.aect.org/standards/initstand.html Congressional and Budget Office. (2011). The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2011 to2021. Retrieved from http://www.cbo.gov/ftpdocs/120xx/doc12039/0126_fy2011outlook.pdf EDTC Curriculum Project. (n.d.). AECT rubric for the curriculum project (reflective journal). Retrievedfrom http://www.udel.edu/education/edtc/CurriculumProject.html Fayol, H. (n.d.). 14 principles of management. 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