Cape Fear 1991 Martin Scorsese Starring: Robert De Niro, Nick Nolte & Jessica Lange

Cape Fear Opening (Guided)

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Page 1: Cape Fear Opening (Guided)

Cape Fear

1991 Martin ScorseseStarring: Robert De Niro, Nick Nolte

& Jessica Lange

Page 2: Cape Fear Opening (Guided)

Frame 1The movie opens with a Universal ident. However, the image is subverted and presented in a gloomy blue colour.

The image also appears as if underwater. This links to a prominent location in the movie

The sound of falling rain in the background adds to the gloomy atmosphere of the initial shot

Page 3: Cape Fear Opening (Guided)

Frame 2

Although this shot is taken from the title sequence it still helps to develop the atmosphere of dread in the opening sequence. The reflection of a shadowy and menacing figure is presented atop a backdrop of calm, lightly rippling water. This juxtaposition of the calm with the violent lies at the core of the movie.

Page 4: Cape Fear Opening (Guided)

Frame 3The camera slowly zooms out, stopping at a mid-shot of a girl in her late teens/early twenties.

She is the archetypal victim of the genre.

The girl is dressed in white carrying connotations of innocence and purity.

The dialogue speaks of the enjoyment the young girl has experienced in a “magical” place, the inaptly named “Cape Fear”

This scene creates uncertainty in the viewer as its overwhelmingly positive tone is a marked contrast to what is to come.

Page 5: Cape Fear Opening (Guided)

Frame 4 The movie opens with an establishing shot showing Cady’s prison cell.

Cady’s wall is covered in pictures of historical figures, martyrs and super heroes. The choice of images suggests he respects absolute power & aggression and feels that he has been mistreated.

The camera gradually zooms out to reveal the scope of his obsession.

The clip features bombastic, gloomy orchestral Music creating a sense of foreboding/ anticipation of bad things to come

Page 6: Cape Fear Opening (Guided)

Frame 5Cady has keep himself in good health by working out, this produces a tougher appearance of the character and growing audience fear of him. This shows he is focus on a particular goal ad is acting towards completing it.

Tattoos of religious cross and scale of justice, he takes himself as the giver/control of redemption and justice.

The bars in the foreground make the audience feel safe as they act as a barrier between them and the prisoner.

The audience is unable to see the face of Cady, this creates mystery which creates tension and fear in the atmosphere of the film

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Frame 6The bars in the foreground are shown opening and this breaks the barrier of safety and creates fear as the audience is left wondering what will he do now he is free.

The background shows a bookcase filled of big, old-fashioned books which are revealed to be books on the topic of law, this adds to the idea that he has been working towards something and has devoted his time to it.

The characters face is now shown and allows for a connection between the audience and the character as they now follow the narrative from his point of view, for now,

As the door opens, an officer calls the prisoner by his name, Cady, this shows that Cady is known among the guards and is on a friendly-basis with them. As he is being lead out of the area, other prisoners just watch in silence, this adds more fear to the character.

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Frame 7 A long shot is used to show the whole prison with the guards releasing Cady back into society. This represents his freedom and opportunity to do what he wishes.

A guard asks if he has anyone collecting him, in which Cady shakes his head, this shows that Cady is alone and has nobody that cares about him. This shows he hasn’t got feelings for attachments in life. This is also shown as he leaves his books behind stating he’s already read them

Storm clouds are shown overhead as a representation that some form of danger will occur, and this relates to the narrative of the film. Shows the character as dark.

The character leaves in a direct manner, as if he knows where he is going to go. He shows no confusion of what to do, this highlights that he has a plan and has thought of it for sometime.

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Frame 8

The storm clouds are now shown bigger and darker as the character approaches. This adds aggression, and evilness to the perception of Cady making him seem as a darker character.

From the last frame, the character dramatically walks up to the camera as if the scare the audience and intimidate them showing he is the person you should be fearful of.

The expression on the character’s shows no clear emotion and is more focused on the camera and portraying that he’s thinking of something else.

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Frame 9

The shot shows a luxurious house with a large garden. The shot is shown in a character’s point of view, this engages the audience by setting them as their in the film The weather in this shot is shown as bright and sunny

which is the opposite to the previous shots. This can tell the audience the mood of the film, telling the character we have seen is going to be evil while this shot shows perhaps the victims.