Close up Close ups are used to make the viewer focus on a various place, this being an object or a character. It is used so the viewer can see emotion or an item relevant within the plot. Medium shot A Medium shot is used to convey a characters body language as well as there expressions. Long shot This is used to show a characters body language and if there is more than one character it can show their relationship with each other.

Camera techniques

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Page 1: Camera techniques

Close up Close ups are used to make the viewer focus on a various place, this being an object or a character. It is used so the viewer can see emotion or an item relevant within the plot.

Medium shot

A Medium shot is used to convey a characters body language as well as there expressions.

Long shot This is used to show a characters body language and if there is more than one character it can show their relationship with each other.

Birds Eye View

Birds eye view is used to show large areas and large crowds.

Worms eye view

This is used to show scale.

Page 2: Camera techniques

Tilt This is when a stationary cameras view moves either up or down.

Pan This is when a stationary cameras view looks left or right.

Low angle shot

This is when the camera is from a high point looking down on something. This gives the impression of dominance over the person or object the viewer is looking do upon.

High angle shot

This has the opposite meaning to a low angle shot as the camera is from the lower perspective looking up at the higher point.

Over the shoulder shot

This shot is used to make dialogue look more natural as you can see who is talking to whom.

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Tracking shot

A tracking shot is when the camera moves in a fluid motion from one point to another.

POV shot This shot is taken form the characters point of view

Extreme close up

This shot ensures the viewer can see something crucial to the plot

Hand held This makes the viewer feel closer to a scene ( makes the view feel part of a large crowed)

Crane The camera is used to get a shot that will fluidly move over a high area or over a area the cameraman cant stand.

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Stedicam This is very common in most film and tv as it reduces the amount of shaking that is in hand held filming.

Zoom, reverse zoom and crash zoom

Zoom is when the camera moves forward to get a closer shot. Reverse zoom is moving backwards and crash zooming is the same but faster than a gradual zoom.

Pull focus This is used to make sure the viewer has seen an important person or object, while obscuring the rest of the image.

Deep FocusShallow Focus

Shallow focus is used to give the characters emotion.

Extreme long shot

This shot shows location and large crowds.

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Medium long shot

Shows characters expressions as well as their body language.

Medium close up

Shows expressions and mise en scene


This shot shows location

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Canted\Dutch angle

This angle gives the impression of disorientation

Whip pan Used to quickly change the viewers perspective without cutting