Design your own planet!

Build your own planet!

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A support presentation for a task I use while teaching Adam's sci-fi novel to KS3 students.

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Design your own planet!

The Magratheans are a funny bunch – they rarely employ new designers and so when

they do, you can be sure that they receive a LOT of job applications!

Wanted: Planet Designer

We are looking for a single highly skilled individual to join our team of galactic planetary designers.

You will be expected to produce innovative and durable stellar bodies for a range of discerning and ridiculously wealthy clients.

The pay is equally ridiculous – must be a people person and be willing to get your hands dirty. Vogons need not apply!

Submissions Invited

If you are interested in the position, please submit an example of your work, complete with

•Letter of application•Plans•Design outline•suggested entry for the sales brochure

Gallery of Inspiration

‘Curb Appeal’

What will the overall look of your planet be?

Think about aesthetics and try not to go for the obvious : saturn-esque rings and asteroid belts

are ‘so last millenium’!

And don’t forget that size matters…

‘First impressions’

Once a visitor has passed the upper atmosphere of the planet, what can they expect to see?

Think about land masses, seas, weather patterns and the quality of light…

‘Period Features’

Now we are getting down to the nitty gritty – why would anybody want to own, or visit your planet?

What does your client want from their planet? Is it a refuge from their own polluted and war torn planet? A second holiday home? Or is it a money

making investment?

Submissions Invited

If you are interested in the position, please submit an example of your work, complete with

•Letter of application•Plans•Design outline & explanation•suggested entry for the sales brochure (hard sell!)