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ghj rte rterghfBTOP 101Dr. Tes del Tufo & Kathy Graybeal


K-Purpose of today Group YAY! 101 before the Launch in mid-Jangot the postcard? DE way ahead plus a gathering of DOERS so prep will enable us to have true work sessions at Launch

What #1?

Broadband Technology Opportunities Program = B T O P

A Department of Commerce grant through the National Telecommunications & Information Administration (NTIA)

Provides Public Computing Centers (PCC) and related services

Delaware was selected among 900 applicants

Why? BTOP Mission

Accelerate broadband deployment in unserved and underserved communities through equipment upgrade, access to public computers, videoconferencing capabilities, assistive technology and wireless networking in public computer centers.

The Award

FEDERAL AWARD: $1,899,929

TOTAL MATCH: $1,008,094 (34.7%)

From the Gates Foundation $750,000 for BTOP

And $150,000 for E-Rate training & Expansion

Remainder from the Division of Libraries

TOTAL BUDGET: $ 2,908,023

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\MEDIA\CAGCAT10\j0222015.wmfProject Goals

Upgrade public computer centers at all 32 public libraries and deploy approximately 50 new computer workstations.

Organize and sustain Job/Learning Labs in 4 anchor libraries and 28 satellite libraries by leveraging unique partnerships and resources to combat unemployment through workforce development and educational programs

Technology is a catalyst and an enabler of change.

C:\Documents and Settings\tes.deltufo\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\N8EO6MJ2\MC900291822[1].wmfTechnology is a powerful agent for change but ultimately human interaction is far more powerful and dynamic. Douglas Johnson
The Indispensable Librarian

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\MEDIA\CAGCAT10\j0205582.wmfK-REAL goal get people back on their feet, back to work and back on track for a productive and happy future.Servant Leaders in the room.


Funded Positions

Five Job/Learning Lab Program Coordinators

One Telecommunications Network Technician

C:\Documents and Settings\tes.deltufo\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\6GSXM83Z\MC900056098[1].wmfK-Needed to be a hubTes hopes leads to many more!

K-On-site coordinators research community needs, schedule, manage, collect data. State coordinator monitors, builds content, shares best practicesMe? Link to them, you, fiscal and tech.

Partners: Visionaries and Doers

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Christina Adult Education Program

DE Center for Distance Adult Learning

DE Department of Education

DE Economic Development Office

DE Department of Labor

DE Technical Community College

DE Department of Technology & Information

DE Workforce Investment Board

Literacy Volunteers Serving Adults

Retired Seniors Volunteer Program of Sussex County

C:\Documents and Settings\tes.deltufo\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\YV6OQJ3Q\MC900056602[1].wmfK-Look at this list!

Private Vendors & Providers

RFP for Job Readiness and Job Placement Services

RFP for marketing and public information campaign

Purchase of calendaring system and databases

C:\Documents and Settings\tes.deltufo\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\6GSXM83Z\MC900018714[1].wmfC:\Documents and Settings\tes.deltufo\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\CN9DZ4UI\MC900150663[1].wmfK-What do each mean? For libs/partners?

What #2?

Libraries get:


Partners get:

Increased service capacity

Increased delivery capacity

Direct contact with the job seeker where they are

Reference services by library staff

C:\Documents and Settings\kathy.graybeal\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\RHDEDZTA\MP900341872[1].jpgK-I didnt know the library did that Syndrome


Job Seekers get:

Vocational assessment of skills, knowledge & interests

Job search strategies & job placement services

Basic computer skills & online search techniques for employment

Resume building, cover letter creation and tips for interviews

Small business start-up: entrepreneurship

DE Library Learning Journeys

C:\Documents and Settings\kathy.graybeal\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\JDTYC3Q7\MC900290847[1].wmfHow? The Budget


for library staff

Training in facilitation skills to lead workshops & seminars

Use of a Librarians Toolkit for establishing a Job/Learning Lab

Participation in the DE Department of Labor and Economic Development Office Train the Trainer sessions

Access to/training in use of BTOP online portal for job seekers




So What? The Evaluation

Monthly Reporting Requirements:

1. Number of jobs created or retained

2. Number of individuals placed in jobs

3. Total hours per week of training provided

4. Total hours of operation per week that Public Computer Center is open

5. Number of users per week in Public Computer Center

6. Number of new and upgraded workstations available to the public

C:\Documents and Settings\kathy.graybeal\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\LCNI31W1\MC900441510[1].png

Description of Partners
Proposed Projects

Project Objectives

Services & Projected Timeframes

Personnel Plan

Proposed Budget

Performance Measures

Lets review the document

C:\Documents and Settings\tes.deltufo\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\RQRDYBI6\MC900012879[1].wmf

A or K-

Creating Opportunities.
Building Connections.

K-You are now bubbling over with info about this project so we can hit the ground running at the Launch. From tech infrastructure to advanced collaboration, we are so far ahead of the curve starting out. We can actually do this effectively.



Thank you for your commitment & hard work!

To close

Become the high-touch environment in a

high-tech world. Douglas Johnson, The Indispensable Librarian

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\ORFCGJKV\MP900149024[1].jpgThis is what sets us apartthis is what will make a difference in a persons life

Many thanks to our funders.


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