Web site: http://www.makerfairehongkong.com/ Facebook: https ://www.facebook.com/makerfaireh ongkong Call for Makers: English: http ://www.makerfairehongkong.co m/eng/join/be-our-maker/ Chinese: http ://www.makerfairehongkong.co m/cht/join/be-our-maker/ This presentation document: http ://www.slideshare.net/cliffordchoy9 /briefing-on-call-for-makers-of-maker- faire-hong-kong-2017-13-dec-2016

Briefing on Call for Makers of Maker Faire Hong Kong 2017 (13 Dec 2016)

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Page 1: Briefing on Call for Makers of Maker Faire Hong Kong 2017 (13 Dec 2016)

• Web site: http://www.makerfairehongkong.com/

• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/makerfairehongkong

• Call for Makers:• English:


• Chinese: http://www.makerfairehongkong.com/cht/join/be-our-maker/

• This presentation document: http://www.slideshare.net/cliffordchoy9/briefing-on-call-for-makers-of-maker-faire-hong-kong-2017-13-dec-2016

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Maker Faire Hong Kong 2017Dr. Clifford Choy

School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

14 Jan 2017

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Maker Faire

• A family-friendly festival of inventiveness, creativity and resourcefulness

• For makers to gather, show what they have made and share what they have learned• To demonstrate what is possible• To exchange knowledge and ideas• To inspire others, and be inspired

• Part of science fair, part of fun fair

• You can perform/demonstrate “crazy” things

• NOT “Book Fair”, “Computer Fair”, “Animation-Comic and Game Fair” in Hong Kong• NOT a trade fair dominated by traditional sales and marketing

• NOT an invention show, NOT a technology expo

• NOT a competition

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Maker Faire

• First launch in Bay Area, USA, in 2006

• In 2015, 150+ Maker Faires around the world, including Featured Maker Faires in Oslo, Rome, Newcastle, Tokyo, Taipei, Shenzhen, Hong Kong

• Maker Faire Bay Area 2015 – 1200+ maker entries, 145,000+ attendees, 95+ sponsors

• World Maker Faire New York 2015 – 900+ maker entries, 90,000 attendees, 65+ sponsors

• Maker Faire Bay Area in 2016 – 150,000 attendees

• Promote STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) education

• An important event in maker movement

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Who are “makers”?

• DIYers

• Learners

• Educators

• Hobbyists

• Designers

• Technologists

• Artists

• Inventors

• Entrepreneurs

• … and others – “We are all makers”

• Note: only a small percentage of “makers” are entrepreneurs, and many of them are for fun or leisure

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Maker Movement

• Growing culture of hands-on making, creating, designing and innovating

• Despite its diversity [in makers’ interests], the movement is unified by a shared commitment to open exploration, intrinsic interests and creative ideas

• When I talk about the maker movement, I make an effort to stay away from the word “inventor” – most people just don’t identify themselves that way. “Maker”, on the other hand, describes each one of us no matter how we live our lives, or what our goals might be.

Peppler, K., Bender, S. (2013) Maker movement spreads innovation one project at a time. Kappan, v95, N3,

pp22-27. Retrieved from http://www.kyliepeppler.com/Docs/2013_Peppler_Maker_Movement.pdf

Dougherty, D. (2012). The Maker Movement. Innovations, v7, n3, pp11-14

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What do you expect in Maker Faire?

• Makers show-and-tell their works/projects

• Presentation

• Performance

• Hands-on activities

• Workshops

• Competitions

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Maker Exhibit: Show-and-tell

Kniterate, Maker Faire Bay Area 2016

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Maker Exhibit: Demonstration

Woodwork, Maker Faire Tokyo 2016 (https://youtu.be/Q7Dgzn3tY20)

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Maker Exhibit: Experiential Session

Robava, Maker Faire Tokyo 2016 (https://youtu.be/xHJeg5fnaKE)

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Hands-on Activity

Soldering Workshop, Maker Faire Bay Area 2016

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Maker Ed, Maker Faire Bay Area 2016

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Hands-on Activity + Competition

Hebocon, Maker Faire Hong Kong 2016

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Hands-on Activity

Lithography with laser-engraved glass, Maker Faire Bay Area 2016

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Lens making, Maker Faire Bay Area 2016 (https://youtu.be/ZQVdpAOZwOM)

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Maker Faire Hong Kong 2015 (28-29 Nov 2015)

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Maker Faire Hong Kong 2015 (28-29 Nov 2015)

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Supports Three Broad Stages of Makers

• Zero to Maker• Arouse interest of those with no experience in making to become a maker• In Maker Faire: Through hands-on activities, through workshops, through inspiring

talks, through inspiring works from other makers

• Maker to Maker• Sharing of knowledge between makers• Collaborate and access to others’ expertise• Work together on shared platforms• In Maker Faire: Through show-and-tell their projects, through offering hands-on

activities and organizing workshops, through interact with visitors and other makers

• Maker to Market• Some creations of makers have commercial appeal and get into the market• In Maker Faire: Through presenting their journey to other makers, through collecting

feedbacks from visitors on their creations

Hagel, J. Brown, J,, Kulasooriya, D. (2014) A Movement in the Making. Deloitte University Press. Retrieved from


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Some Facts on Maker Faire Hong Kong 2015

• www.makerfairehongkong.com/2015

• More than 200 makers participated• More than 170 exhibits/activities/workshops/talks show-cased/delivered• Estimated 15,000 per day on average visited

• 4 local primary schools, 8 local secondary schools, and 1 international school participated; more schools are interested and will join next year

• Makers come from HK, Taiwan, mainland China, Japan, France, Barcelona, UK

• From embroidery to robotics, from amateur/hobbyists to professionals

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“Maker Faire Hong Kong 2017”

• Funded by 150th Anniversary Standard Chartered Community Foundation

• Aim: Promote maker culture to general public in HK

• A project consists of• Half-day Makers’ Day in 10 different locations in HK

• Maker Faire HK 2017 (MFHK2017) on 8 and 9 Apr 2017

• Maker projects to selected schools

• Competitions and Exhibitions

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Makers’ Days

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Makers’ Day

• To bring maker activities to local communities

• Plan to visit 10 different districts

• To build up expectations to MFHK2017, and plan to continue after MFHK2017

• “Zero-to-Makers”

• More details in https://www.slideshare.net/secret/YjfZDIsDBxJSW

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Makers’ Day Schedule

• Nov• 27 Nov 2016 - Yan Oi Town Square, Tuen Mun, supported by BGCA

• Jan• 15 Jan 2017 – Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai

Secondary and Primary School (Primary Section), Shek Mun, Shatin• 22 Jan 2017 – Rainbow Primary School, Wong Tai Sin

• Feb• 25 Feb 2017 – Yan Chai Hospital Lan Chi Pat Memorial Secondary School, Tseung

Kwan O

• Mar• 4 Mar 2017 - LST Leung Kau Kui Primary School (Branch), Tin Shui Wai• 18 Mar 2017 – Pui Kui Primary School, Siu Sai Wan

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Help on Makers’ Day• Schools to host other Makers’ Day?

• Teachers and students with experiences to participate as volunteers?

• Teachers, students and others with experiences to improve some activities, including Nerdy Derby Car and Soldering Workshop, for running during MFHK2017:

• Nerdy Derby Car• Construct parts for a new track?

• Soldering Workshop• New idea on soldering kit?

• Volunteer enrollment: [email protected]

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Maker Projects

• To introduce “maker projects” to schools so that they can be developed into core interests in schools

• With core interests, schools (especially teachers) can develop core technical competencies (and other resources like connections to experienced makers/experts) to support future maker projects

• Increase motivation by turning some into contests

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Maker Projects

• Let’s Build Something Really Big Together (https://www.slideshare.net/secret/HkzOBdgqMfjfsK)

• Electric go-kart (https://www.slideshare.net/secret/1pNa9dnLqVA8V)

• Bamboo Pavilion (https://www.slideshare.net/secret/1hCIdmaTbKFEZW)

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Let’s Build Something (Really) Big Together

• Goal - “Make something Really Big” and “Together”

• Contest aiming at primary and secondary schools

• Suitable for students from Arts background, but can also integrate STEM knowledge

• Show-and-tell, exhibition, performance

• Certificates of participation, trophies and prizes

• https://www.slideshare.net/secret/HkzOBdgqMfjfsK

• Welcome to join the contest, enroll by end of Dec 2016

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Possible ideas: Big Heads



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Possible Ideas: Costumes with Moving Parts




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Maker Faire Hong Kong 2015, 28-29 Nov 2015

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Let’s Build Something (Really) Big Together

• Not necessarily static, what about moving?

• Possible technical competencies• 3D modeling (e.g. Sketchup, 123D design, Fusion 360, Rhino, …)• 3D capture through photogrammetry (e.g. Agisoft, 123D catch, ...)• 3D scanning• 3D printing• Folding – line crease, curved crease• Mechanism – gear, linkage, ...• Materials – paper, plastic, wood, thin sheet metal, ...• Structural stability

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Let’s Build Something (Really) Big Together

• Welcome any interesting ideas on ”Big Things”, even if you are not from primary or secondary schools

• Possible for me to find support from other companies and other resources to sponsor your work

• Submit your idea to [email protected]

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Electric go-kart

• Goal – create/customize a one-seat electric go-kart

• Contest aiming at primary and secondary schools, and above

• Range from those with Arts background, to those in STEM

• Exhibition, race, test-drive, show-and-tell, parade

• Certificates of participation, trophies and prizes

• https://www.slideshare.net/secret/1pNa9dnLqVA8V

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PVC pipes


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Metal Chassis



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Wooden Frame



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Maker Faire Bay Area 2016

Maker Faire Taipei 2016

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Electric go-kart

• Car body design• Possible technical competencies similar to those in “Let’s Build Something Really Big


• New frame design? Steering mechanism? Tiltable trike?

• Sensors? Actuators? Remote control?

• Other Technical Competencies• Mechanical design• Physical computing – sensors, actuators, programming, IoT• 3D printing• Materials and tools – wood, metal

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Help on Electric go-kart

• Design and construct ”race course” for electric go-kart

• Some ideas:• Sensors on ground for earning scores when the go-kart move over it

• Pick up ”items”

• A physical Mario Kart game?

• Volunteer enrollment: [email protected]

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Bamboo Pavilion

• Goal – create a bamboo structure collaboratively (with architects, volunteers, university students and students+teachers from primary and secondary schools)

• Use of sustainable materials, and promote its use not only as temporary structures but as permanent use

• Training workshops for learning skills on creating joineries, and contribute to design and construction

• https://www.slideshare.net/secret/1hCIdmaTbKFEZW

• Prefer scout club to join

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活動名稱:廟圷村木工與竹藝工作營活動日期:2016年7月8日- 17日舉辦單位:廟圷村+四川綠耕社工站+郭子怡(Kuo Jze Yi)

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Maker Faire Hong Kong 2017

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Maker Faire Hong Kong 2017

• Venue: Hong Kong Polytechnic University Campus

• Opening to pubic: 8 and 9 Apr 2017 (Sat and Sun)

• Opening and reception: 7 Apr 2017 evening

• Plan to have 200 - 250 booths, and 60,000 visitors

• Welcome every one to contribute (to share and to inspire)

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Maker Faire Hong Kong 2017

• Welcome contributions from• Independent Maker or Group

• Non-profit

• Cause or mission-based organization

• Startup Company

• Corporate entity or established company

• Free of charge for exhibitors

• Free of charge for public to visit

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Maker Faire Hong Kong 2017

• Restrictions• no political or religious advocacy• no money exchange, no distribution of products/goods• no fund-raising• no unsolicited promotion

• There are some restrictions on display of logos in the exhibition venue, especially for promotional purposes. In general, we do not allow display of logos, unless they are from sponsors, partners, or supporting organizations. Also, they will be displayed under certain arrangement. Please contact us for more details at [email protected]

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Maker Faire Hong Kong 2017

• For activities which involve consumables, it is possible for us to offer sponsorship on materials. Please send us a plan on what you want to do.

• Priority will be given to NGOs and schools, and is on a case-by-case considerations

• Send email to us with details on your plan, via [email protected]

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Maker Faire Hong Kong 2017

• For Startup or established companies • We welcome exhibit of new and novel products or prototypes,

especially those which are not available in the market (e.g. just started Kickstarter campaign)

• Ask your design/engineering team to come, NOT the marketing team – this is an event for sharing and exchange of knowledge, not for marketing

• If products are for facilitating making, welcome to offer hands-on activities for general public to experience

• E.g. Dremel, Roland DGA, Epilog, others

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• Sustainability

• Renewable energy

• Bio-hacking

• Robotics

• Internet of Things

• Cars

• Planes

• ROVs

• RC models

• Construction toys

• Model kits

• 3D printing

• Fashion accessories

• Woodwork

• Metalwork

• Paper craft

• Assistive Technology

• …. And more ....

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CD – Maker Exhibit booth area

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CF – Maker Exhibit booth area

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DE – Maker Exhibit booth area

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EF – Maker Exhibit booth area

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FJ – Maker Exhibit booth area

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FG Stage

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A – Maker Exhibit booth area

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J - Architectural Structure Area

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Nerdy Derby + Flyable Area

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Nerdy Derby

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Help on Nerdy Derby

• Design of new track• Curved?

• Add booster?

• Add timer?

• Other extensions?

• Fabrication? Assembly?

• Volunteer enrollment: [email protected]

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• Square cage

• 5m x 5m x 5m

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Help on Flyables

• Willing to help to run one of these activities?• We can sponsor materials and other resources

• Other interesting “flyables”• Rubber-band plane?

• RC Blimp?

• Volunteer enrollment: [email protected]

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Bamboo Area

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Mini 4WD

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Bicycle Area

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Electric Go-kart

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Drone Area

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Drone Area

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Drone Area

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Help on Drones• Suggestions on making activities relating to drones

• Make-and-compete?

• FPV race?

• Volunteer enrollment: [email protected]

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Hebocon Hong Kong 2017

Hebocon Hong Kong 2015

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Robot Boxing League


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ROV Contest and Mini-ROV Workshop

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Maker Exhibit Booth Details

• Booth

• Size 1: small - 2m x 2m x 2.5mH; or

• Size 2: big - 2.5m x 2.5m x 2.5mH / 3m x 3m x 2.5mH

• 1x table + 2x chairs

• 1x signage

• 1x power bar (Socket 13A)

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Thank You!!!