Bread is not just a piece of food Presentation made by Sergii, Paula and Anita for A Crash Course on Creativity

Bread is not just a piece of food

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Bread is not just a piece of food

Presentation made by Sergii, Paula and Anita

for A Crash Course on Creativity

It is not just a frame for hamburger

Long time ago bread preparation was complex process, required group work collaboration with the experience

exchange and lots of communication

Now with the progress of civilisation, a lot of thing are done by machines, but still there are places were traditions of baking bread in groups remained, and its a kind of a fun and social process, not just a food preparation.

It is reason

to be social

It is a connection between species

It is a thing that people work for

It is a way to express yourself

Have that in mind next time you...

Throw away excess bread, that got bad because you weren't hungry or you bought too much, or you haven’t had time to do something else with it.