Bread Alvin and Julian, Period 5 This is bread, a secondary industry production process. Companies mass produce it using bleached flour, a secondary industry where they take flour and bleach it white... ...water, which is a primary industry due to it not having to be processed... ...yeast, which is a primary industry as the yeast is reproduced and created and brought over to the bread industry...

Bread - Alvin and Julian

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Page 1: Bread - Alvin and Julian

Bread Alvin and Julian, Period 5  This is bread, a secondary industry production process.  

  Companies mass produce it using bleached flour, a secondary industry where they take flour and bleach it white...  

  ...water, which is a primary industry due to it not having to be processed...  

  ...yeast, which is a primary industry as the yeast is reproduced and created and brought over to the bread industry...  


Page 2: Bread - Alvin and Julian

...wheat, which also is a primary industry as it is grown, grinded and thrown straight over to the company...  

  ...all this is used to make delicious bread... 

  ...which is then packaged and sold in supermarkets.  



  Trucks, a tertiary industry, make sure everything runs smoothly and deliver things from one place to another.  

Page 3: Bread - Alvin and Julian

  Image URLs:  http://i01.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/60146809709_1/2015_hot_sale_dry_yeast_powder_for.jpg_220x220.jpg  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/74/Wellcome_Gateway.JPG  http://www.garden.com.hk/img/home/slide/en/home_slide_6.png  http://eform.adsale.com.hk/files/OnlineExhibitorDatabase/CPS13/13.1E01_200015_20130106125648.jpg  http://st.depositphotos.com/1020214/1759/i/950/depositphotos_17591113­Bread­making­factory.jpg   http://usercontent2.hubimg.com/7336695_f520.jpg  http://static.trunity.net/files/228701_228800/228753/wheat­harvestpalouseidaho.jpg  http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/12/126443/3927113­1737733905­bread­.jpeg  http://image.made­in­china.com/2f0j00wegaOvsBkZpr/FAW­J5P­6x4­Dump­Truck­CA3252­.jpg