Intermediate ICT Skills: Communicate & Collaborate Why do we need to blog? Blog What? Why?

Blogging for teaching and learning-A tutorial

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This learning object e-torial is in draft and has been created for the subject advisors ICT training. It is an individual learning object for self study (Not as a presentation) with the idea that everybody can take it and link up their own favourites and pass it on... The actual powerpoint will be loaded onto the Thutong portal for download and use.

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Page 1: Blogging for teaching and learning-A tutorial

Intermediate ICT Skills: Communicate & Collaborate

Why do we need to blog?

BlogWhat? Why?

Page 2: Blogging for teaching and learning-A tutorial

Intermediate ICT Skills: Communicate & Collaborate

What is a blog and why should we blog?

By the end of this e-torial, you will:

Know what a blog is

Understand the benefits and challenges of


Have an action plan for effective

educational blogging!

This e-torial make use of the following

programmes or tools:

A Browser ( Internet explorer/ Firefox…)

Online blogging tools (Wordpress/ Blogger/

Typepad/ Edublogger/iblog…)



Page 3: Blogging for teaching and learning-A tutorial

Intermediate ICT Skills: Communicate & Collaborate

What is a blog?

„A weblog is kind of a continual tour, with a

human guide who you get to know. There

are many guides to choose from, each

develops an audience, and there‟s also

comraderie and politics between the

people who run weblogs, they point to

each other, in all kinds of structures,

graphs, loops, etc.‟ Source

Wikipedia: A blog (short for web log) is a user-generated website where entries

are made in journal style and displayed in a reverse chronological order. A typical

blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media

related to its topic. Blogs also provide readers with the option to leave comments,

which makes it possible to start a discussion around a blog post

Problogger (a blogger) has blogged about what a blog is in his blogpost…

“What is a blog” in reference to other bloggers defining


So what is a Blog, Blogger, Blogpost, Blogging, blogoshere…..?

Page 4: Blogging for teaching and learning-A tutorial

Intermediate ICT Skills: Communicate & Collaborate

Why do people blog?

I use my blog like a website as I do not have to host it

anywhere and it is so easy to update on the fly!

I use my blog to organise and link workshop materials

See Maggie’s blog

I use my blog to share and link my lesson plans and resource materials.

See Pam’s blog

I use my blog to publish school news, comment on educational articles, policies and happenings

I use my blog to reflect on my teaching practice

See Tom’s Blog

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I can even blog straight from my cell phone!!!!

Intermediate ICT Skills: Communicate & Collaborate

Why are blogs so popular?

It is searchable

If you mentioned



it will show up in

your blog search

More reasons………

It is free

It is quick and easy to update and


It allows for feedback

You do not have to be a “techie” to

create and maintain it!

You can personalise it with funky easy-

to-apply themes…

Which results in professional looking


It builds community

It builds brand (teachers/schools need a

better profile…!)

For a full report on the state of the blogosphere, see Technorati

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Intermediate ICT Skills: Communicate & Collaborate

Why are blogs so popular? Interactivity

What is RSS and widgets?

It allows for easy

subscription using

RSS & e-mail

You can “dolly it up”

and make it

interactive using

widgets (snippets of

code that brings

video, feeds, photos,

anything really…into

your blog


Share it everywhere

As part of a follow-on learning pathway you will learn how to

use RSS and widgets to make your blog more interactive!

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Intermediate ICT Skills: Communicate & Collaborate

To blog or not to blog……

Creating a blog without a clear

idea of why you want to do it,

is like writing a book without a


Ps we won’t read it!

Do blog … Don’t blog…

Everyone is doing it!

So I should too…..?

With a purpose

For fun

To educate

To learn

To share

To collaborate

To advocate

To inform

If you are not prepared

to commit time…..

If you are not an


If you are a quitter

If you do not want to be

in the 21st century!

For more reasons and discussion, click here

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Intermediate ICT Skills: Communicate & Collaborate

Blogging action plan

In order for us to achieve our

outcome of creating and

maintaining an effective blog, we

need to ….

Decide what the purpose

(theme/niche) of our blog is

going to be

Brainstorm some ideas that

will support our purpose and

create an ideas folder

Create our blog

Maintain our blog

Post regularly

Reply to feedback

Collaborate with others in

our field


•What is your blog going to be about?

•School? Personal? Organisational?

•Who is your audience? Learners? Parents


•What posts have to be included?

•Ideas Folder

•Look for opportunities.


•Where are you going to create it?

•Choose a theme

•Insert feeds, widgets, interactivity


•Update regularly

•Look after comments

Find a blog-buddie to do this with you, so that you can support one another!

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Intermediate ICT Skills: Communicate & Collaborate

Ideas 4 blogging 4 teachers

Blogging is a great tool for critical thinking, enhancing writing skills and peer

assessment. Why not let your learners blog?

Post daily homework tasks

Reflect on the days teaching

Post educational tutorials

Embed videos and slideshows that

you want the class to watch and post

comment on. (peer review maybe?)

Post newsletters and parent notes

Post sport results and event


Post a photo gallery

Weekly class report

Comment on current educational



Embed a school radio station



1. Read some of the teachers blogs (click on the links to the right) and make a note of how they used their blog

2. Make a list of things that YOU can blog about

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Intermediate ICT Skills: Communicate & Collaborate

Ideas 4 blogging 4 Subject advisors

You have so many roles to full fill, how can blogging help you to cope? How can

your blog keep your teachers informed, resourced and motivated?

Post weekly list of new teacher

resources from Thutong ;-)

Reflect and comment on educational

policies and new curriculum

implementation issues

Post lesson plans for teachers

Post educational tutorials

Embed videos and slideshows that

could assist teachers in their teaching


Post newsletters with news from the


Post notices and summaries of


Organise workshops and links



As a subject advisor you have to be a policy implementer, subject specialist, teacher supporter, lifelong learner, assessor, trainer, facilitator and administrator. Bearing this in mind, make a list of all the things that you would like to blog about in support of all your roles. Be specific.


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Intermediate ICT Skills: Communicate & Collaborate

School Blogging ideas

Snap fundraising idea: Get your school blog sponsored!

It is easy to post collaboratively to a school

blog and it is therefore effortless to maintain

The school can post:

Daily notices for learners and parents

Sport results as they happen

School photo gallery

Events calendar


Comment on educational issues

Advice for parents, learners

Grade reports

Class happenings (embed a video)

School radio station (embed podcasts)


A school blog can showcase the spirit of learning in a school

Picture source: Crestoncollege

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Intermediate ICT Skills: Communicate & Collaborate

Personal Blogging ideas

Reflect on daily/weekly happenings

Blog about your interests, hobbies and

passions (eg gardening, recipes,


Use it as a newsletter for friends and


Inspirational quotes

Post photo albums

Post important information

I cut and paste “really” funny jokes or PowerPointsthat people send me via e-

mail into my blog

I must Read:10 good

reasons to blog

Something that made you cry

Something that made you laugh

(a must read!)

Create a radio station

Whinge about the crime rate (or

anything else accept your boss!)

Talk about REAL issues!

Create a blog page for all the links that

you want to get to quickly

Post your CV……..

What about privacy in a personal blog?

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Intermediate ICT Skills: Communicate & Collaborate

The challenges you will face

It can be time consuming

Allocate a daily/weekly

timeslot depending on your


It takes time to built an audience

base (If you are going to do a



You do not always get feedback

and comments

Don‟t worry, lurkers also


Blog for yourself and your

own learning pathway!

The majority of bloggers recognize the positive impact that blogging has on their

personal and professional lives Technorati Report

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Intermediate ICT Skills: Communicate & Collaborate

Activity: Action plan

Complete the first 2 steps of

your action plan

The majority of bloggers recognize the positive impact that blogging has on their

personal and professional lives Technorati Report


•What is your blog going to be about?

•School? Personal? Organisational?

•Who is your audience? Learners? Parents


•What posts have to be included?

•Ideas Folder

•Look for opportunities.


•Where are you going to create it?

•Choose a theme

•Insert feeds, widgets, interactivity


•Update regularly

•Look after comments


DownloadAction plan


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This e-torial was developed by

maggiev for the Department of

Education for use by subject

advisors, teachers and learners

All e-turials can be found on the

Thutong portal:


It forms part of a learning pathway

Blog: What? Why?

Creating a blog

Making your blog look good

Making your blog interactive

with widgets and RSS

Intermediate ICT Skills: Communicate & Collaborate

Presentation information