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Page 1: Blocks

Mariya Ahmed Block Sketch 05/02/14

Front Cover

The layout that I am going to use is going to follow the codes and

conventions of a popular magazine, which is known as ‘Gramophone’. I’m going to keep my magazine quite basic and not crowded with loads of cover lines because then it will not attract people to purchase the magazine. Also, to make it easy for the audience to follow I’m going to have the models image in the middle and a few cover lines on each side, so its easier for the audience to read and navigate around the magazine. The font style of the masthead will be ‘Oriya MN’ and the font size will be around 70. The font of the cover lines will be ‘Stencil’ and the font size will be 14, but the main cover lines will have a bigger font such as 18. The language I have used is formal to reach my target audience, as they are mature. I am going to add a puff, which will have an exclusive offer or something that will immediately attract the audience. According to my questionnaire results, my audience read about 3-4 magazines a month that made me come to a conclusion that I will publish my magazine weekly. Also, I asked whether I should feature a competition or not in the

I will have an image of a female model that will be wearing a light pink dress with limited make up and jewellery. The pose that she will be doing is having her hands on her hips, which is a pose that I have seen from a popular classical magazine called ‘Gramophone’. Her whole body will be facing the left but her head position is going to be straight towards the camera.

The content that I’m going to insert is a quiz which will show what sort of classical lover you are, upcoming classical festivals which they can go to, music releases and a life journey interview of a famous classical musician. The main point I’m trying to get across is the fact that classical music is like every other genre and not what its stereotyped as which is boring.


Page 2: Blocks

Mariya Ahmed Block Sketch 05/02/14

magazine and 60% of my respondents said I should. Moreover, I asked my audience what attracts them the most when looking at a magazine and they said the title and images which is why I am going to pay more attention on the images that I take and the title. I also wanted to know a colour scheme for my magazine so I asked what colour my audience would associate with classical and they said pink and black, this is why my front cover will be pink and black so it can attract more of my audience and I have a more possibility of people purchasing it.

Contents Page

The layout I am going to use follows the codes and conventions of a popular magazine, which is ‘Q’. I’m going to try and keep my subheadings short so it keeps the audience interested in the magazine and I will make my subheadings to the point. Also, to make it easy for the audience to access I have the images on one side and text on the other so it looks organized and professional. The font style of the masthead will be ‘Lucida Bright’ and the font size will be around 60. The font I will be using for the subheadings will be ‘PT sans Narrow’ and the font size will be 14, however, the writing underneath the subheadings will be the font size of 11. The advertisement underneath will have a font style of ‘Monaco’ with the font size of 14 and the main writing which would attract the reader in size 18. The language I have used is formal to reach my target audience, as they are mature. I am going to add an advertisement, which will have an exclusive offer or free tickets to a concert, which would immediately attract the audience.

I will have an image of the model that is in the front cover and she will be playing the piano. This will give a hint to the viewers that there are piano classes available and it gives a sense of continuously. The camera angle will be from the side to give more emphasis on the piano.

Here I will have an image of a violin as I’m following the codes and conventions of the ‘Q’ magazine. The violin will represent the fact that there are violin classes available for people who wish to become a violinist.

I will have an advertisement at the bottom to show more benefits to the magazine

I will be adding short subheadings to keep the reader interested and I will be adding read borders t separate each section and make it look more organized.


Page 3: Blocks

Mariya Ahmed Block Sketch 05/02/14

According to my research I have found that my target audience wants to have a quiz or some sort of competition in my magazine, this made me come to a conclusion that I will feature a quiz in my magazine hence why one of my subheadings will have this. On my contents page I will use the colours red and black, as they are a good combination and some of my respondents wanted a bit of red in the magazine.

Double Page Spread

The layout I am going to use is from a fashion magazine and I am going to follow the codes and conventions of the fashion magazine and try not to break them. To make my magazine easy for my audience to access I will have the images on the top right hand side and text at the bottom to make it more organized and easy to understand. The font style for my title will be ‘Lucida Calligraphy’ and the font size will be between 60-80. The font for the main writing will be ‘Lucida Bright’ and the font size will be 12. The quote from the musician will be in the font ‘Noteworthy’ and in the font size of 20 to make it stand out. The language I have used is formal to reach my target audience, as they are mature. To attract my target audience I will have another advertisement to reinforce the fact the magazine has beneficial attributes.

I will have a big, eye-catchy title so it can immediately attract the audience.

I am going to have 3 images of the model who will be on the front page. The images will be with the same product to make it look smooth.

I will be adding a lot of text as the target audience is mature so they would like to read more.

I will have an image of the model in a piano, which represents the magazine.

I will have a quote from the famous musician who I will be interviewing, in a big font, as it will be a famous and inspirational quote.


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Mariya Ahmed Block Sketch 05/02/14

According to my results, my target audience would like the magazine to be featured with mostly Opera music, which made me come to a conclusion that I will have an interview with a famous Opera musician on my double page spread. My respondents associated classical music to the colours pink and black, which is why I have come to a conclusion that I will be using these two colours on my double page.