Bioremediation of contaminated soil by (waqas azeem)

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Bioremediation of soil. Types, Control methods and strategies.

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  • 1.Submitted To Dr. Sher Muhammad Shahzad Submitted By Waqas Azeem Reg No PAGF12E033 University College of Agriculture University of Sargodha

2. THE BASIC PROBLEM: RELEASE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Enormous quantities of organic & inorganiccompounds are released into the environment each year as a result of human activities. The release may be: Deliberate and well regulated (industrial emissions) Accidental and largely unavoidable (chemical/oilspills) US EPA estimated that in 1980 at least 57 millions metric tons of the total waste can be categorized into three general groups: 3. Heavy metal, Pb, Cd, Ni and Be can accumulate in various organs, interfere with normal enzymatic reactions and cause disease including cancerChlorinated hydrocarbons, also known as organochlorides including pesticides and other organic compounds such as PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) Research proven a positive correlation between cancer in lab animals and organochlorides.Nuclear waste including radioactive material such as plutonium which are dangerous for thousands of years 4. What Is Bioremediation? Biodegradation - the use of living organisms such asbacteria, fungi, and plants to degrade chemical compounds Bioremediation process of cleaning upenvironmental sites contaminated with chemical pollutants by using living organisms to degrade hazardous materials into less toxic substances 5. What are environmental contaminants? pollutants naturally-occurringcompounds in the environment that are present in unnaturally high concentrations. Xenobiotics chemically synthesizedcompounds that have never occurred in nature. Examples: Examples: crude oil refined oil phosphates heavy metals pesticides herbicides plastics 6. Contaminants Potentially Amenable to Bioremediation ____________________________________________Readily degradable ____________ _Somewhat Difficult to Generally degradable degrade recalcitrant _____________ _____________ _____________fuel oils, gasoline creosote, coal tarschlorinated solvents (TCE)dioxinsketones and alcoholspentachlorophenol (PCP)some pesticides and herbicidespolychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)monocyclic aromatics bicyclic aromatics (naphthalene) 7. Current Situation in Pak Pak is an agricultural country. But still most of its agricultural fields are already deficient in fertilizer and pesticides application. So, soil toxicity due to fertilizer or pesticides application are very rare. But water contamination cases can be seen. 8. Karachi, a hub of industrial activity, houses sevenmajor industrial estates in Korangi, Landhi, SITE, Federal B Area, North Karachi, Superhighway and Port Qasim. At present, Karachi coastal region has become adumping ground of hazardous waste, receiving huge quantities of untreated domestic & industrial wastewater through Lyari & Malir Rivers. Since most industries have no treatment facility or havegrossly inadequate arrangements.. 9. Accelerated rate of fresh water contamination in thecity is exposing the problem of water scarcity. Continued practice will ultimately threatens freshwater availability and food security for future as well as health hazards and economic losses. 10. Current Concern Contaminated water is responsible for over 12 million deaths per year world over. More than 40% hospital beds in Pakistan are occupied by patients with water related diseases. According to Economic Survey of Pakistan 2008-09, economic losses due to water pollution in the country are estimated at Rs.109.5 billion per year. While National Drinking Water Policy Document 2009 mentions the same at about Rs.112 billion per year, over Rs.300 million a day, in terms of health costs and lost earnings. 11. Water Pollution in Karachi Karachi, population over 18 million discharged around446 MGD of wastewater. About 70% untreated wastewater discharged into theArabian sea. All most all chemical waste are dumped untreated intostorm-drains, open nallahs or in the lyari and malir rivers which ultimately fall into the Arabian Sea. The coastal zone, extended up to 135 Km, is exposed toheavy pollution load of both domestic and industrial origin. 12. With new regulations and a greater environmental concern, industrial effluent treatment need especial attention. 13. Why use Bioremediation? Most approaches convert harmful pollutants intorelatively harmless materials such as carbon dioxide, chloride, water, and simple organic molecules Processes are generally cleaner 14. Biotechnological approaches are essential for Detecting pollutants Restoring ecosystems Learning about conditions that can result in human diseases Converting waste products into valuable energy 15. BIOREMEDIATION It requires the control and manipulation of microbialprocesses in surface reactors or in the subsurface. The contaminants can be biodegraded in situ orremoved and placed in bioreactor (at or off the contamination sites). Idea: To isolate microbes that can degrade or eat aparticular contaminant To provide the conditions whereby it can do this mosteffectively, thereby eliminating the contaminant 16. Bioremediation Basics What needs to be cleaned up? Soil, water, air, and sediment Pollutants enter environment in many different ways Tanker spill, truck accident, ruptured chemical tankat industrial site, release of pollutants into air Location of accident, the amount of chemicalsreleased, and the duration of the spill impacts the parts of the environment affected 17. Groundwater contamination Groundwater constitutes 96% of availablefreshwater in U.S. 95% of potable water in rural areas of U.S. comesfrom groundwater In 1988, EPA confirmed that 26 states had variousamounts of 44 different pesticides in their groundwater Cost of cleanup is in the $ trillions Issues that are still hotly debated How clean is clean? 18. Bioremediation Basics 19. REQUIREMENTS FOR BIOREMEDIATION MICROORGANISMSENERGY SOURCEELECTRON ACCEPTORMOISTURENUTRIENTSABSENCE OF TOXICITYpHTEMPERATUREREMOVAL OF METABOLITIESABSENCE OF COMPETITIVE ORGANISMSBIOREMEDIATION 20. Microbial Divisions Two kinds of cells are recognized, the prokaryotic andeukaryotic.Prokaryotic cellEucaryotic cellBacteria Blue-green bacteria or cyanobacteriaPlants Animals Protozoa Fungi Most algae The most important groups to bioremediation are bacteriaand fungi. 21. Microorganisms Aerobic bacteria: Examples include: Pseudomonas, Sphingomonas,Rhodococcus, and Mycobacterium Shown to degrade pesticides and hydrocarbons; alkanes and polyaromatics May be able to use the contaminant as sole source of carbon and energy. Methanotrophs: Aerobic bacteria that utilize methane for carbon andenergy Methane monooxygenase has a broad substrate range active against a wide range of compounds (e.g. chlorinated aliphatics such as trichloroethylene and 1,2dichloroethane) 22. Anaerobic bacteria: Not used as frequently as aerobic bacteria Can often be applied to bioremediation ofpolychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in river sediments, trichloroethylene (TCE), and chloroform Fungi: Able to degrade a diverse range of persistent or toxicenvironmental pollutants 23. Aerobic and Anaerobic Biodegradation 24. Environmental Factors Nutrient availability Environmental Conditions Metal content 25. Microorganisms destroy organic contaminants inthe course of using the chemicals for their own growth and reproduction. Organic chemicals provide:carbon, source of cell building material, electrons, source of energy 26. TYPES OF BIOREMEDIATION The two main types of bioremediation are in situbioremediation and ex situ bioremediation. In addition, another offshoot of bioremediation is phytoremediation. 27. Forms of Bioremediation In situ Bioremediation Bioventing In situ biodegradation Biostimulation Biosparging Bioaugmentation Natural Attenuation Ex situ Bioremediation Land farming Composting Biopiles Bioreactors 28. In Situ Bioremediation In situ bioremediation is when the contaminated site iscleaned up exactly where it occurred. It is the most commonly used type of bioremediationbecause it is the cheapest and most efficient, so its generally better to use. There are two main types of in situ bioremediation:intrinsic bioremediation and accelerated bioremediation. 29. Five Steps of In SituBioremediation 1.Site investigation2. Treatability studies3. Recovery of free product and removal of the contamination source 4. Design and implementation of the in situ bioremediation system 5. Monitoring and performance evaluation of the in situ bioremediation system 30. Intrinsic Bioremediation Intrinsic bioremediation uses microorganismsalready present in the environment to biodegrade harmful contaminant. There is no human intervention involved in this typeof bioremediation, and since it is the cheapest means of bioremediation available, it is the most commonly used. When intrinsic bioremediation isnt feasible, scientiststurn next to accelerated bioremediation. 31. Accelerated Bioremediation In accelerated bioremediation, either substrate or nutrients are added to the environment to help break down the toxic spill by making the microorganisms grow more rapidly. Usually the microorganisms are indigenous, but occasionally microorganisms that are very efficient at degrading a certain contaminant are additionally added. 32. Main advantage is that site disturbance is minimized, which is particularly important when the contaminated plume has moved underpermanent structures. Biggest limitation of in situ treatment has been the inability to deal effectively with metalcontaminants mixed with organic compounds. The goal of in situ treatment is to manage andmanipulate the subsurface environment optimize microbial degradation.to 33. In Situ Bioremediation Land treatments:Bioventing is the most common in situ treatment and involves supplying air and nutrients through wells to contaminated soil to stimulate the indigenous bacteria. 34. Bioventing 35. In situ biodegradation involves supplying oxygen and nutrients by circulating aqueous solutions through contaminated soils to stimulate naturally occurring bacteria to degrade organic contaminants. 36. Stimulating Bioremediation Nutrient enrichment (fertilization) fertilizers areadded to a contaminated environment to stimulate the growth of indigenous microorganisms that can degrade pollutants Bioaugmentation (seeding) bacteria are added tothe contaminated environment to support indigenous microbes with biodegradative processes 37. Biosparging involves the injection of air under pressure below the water table to increase groundwater oxygen concentrations and enhance the rate of biological degradation of contaminants by naturally occurring bacteria. Biosparging increases the mixing in the saturated zone and thereby increases the contact between soil and groundwater. 38. Biosparging 39. Ex Situ Bioremediation which is when contaminated land are taken out of the area to be cleaned up by the organisms. This type of bioremediation is generally used only when the site is threatened for some reason, usuallyby the spill that needs to be cleaned up. Ex situ bioremediation is only used when necessary because its expensive and damaging to the area,since the contaminated land is physically removed. 40. Cleanup Sites and Strategies 41. Ex Situ Bioremediation Landfarming is a simple technique in which contaminated soil is excavated(dig up) and spread over a prepared bed and periodically tilled until pollutants are degraded.Composting is a technique that involves combining contaminated soil with non-hazardous organic compounds such as agricultural wastes. The presence of these organic materials supports the development of a rich microbial population and elevated temperature characteristic of composting. 42. Landfarming& Compost 43. Bioreactors-Slurry reactors or aqueous reactors areused for ex situ treatment of contaminated soil and water pumped up from a contaminated plume. Bioremediation in reactors involves the processing ofcontaminated solid material (soil, sediment, sludge) or water through an engineered containment system. 44. Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages of bioremediation Bioremediation is a natural process and is therefore perceivedby the public Bioremediation is useful for the complete destruction of awide variety of contaminants. Insteadof transferring contaminants from one environmental medium to another, for example, from land to water or air, the complete destruction of target pollutants is possible. 45. Adv Bioremediation can often be carried out on site, often without causing a major disruption of normal activities. Bioremediation can prove less expensive than other technologies that are used for cleanup of hazardous waste 46. Advantages and Disadvantages Disadvantages of bioremediation Bioremediation is limited to those compounds thatare biodegradable. Not all compounds are susceptible to rapid and complete degradation. There are some concerns that the products of biodegradation may be more persistent or toxic than the parent compound. 47. Biological processes are often highly specific. microbial populations, suitable environmental growth conditions, and appropriate levels of nutrients and contaminants. Bioremediation often takes longer than othertreatment options. 48. Cleanup Sites and Strategies Turning Wastes into Energy Methane gas used to produce electricity Soil nutrients can be sold commercially as fertilizers Anaerobes in sediment that use organic moleculesto generate energy Electicigens electricity-generating microbes.. ? 49. Applying Genetically Engineered Strains to Clean Up the Environment Petroleum-Eating Bacteria Created in 1970s Isolated strains of pseudomonas from contaminatedsoils Contained plasmids that encoded genes forbreaking down the pollutants 50. Applying Genetically Engineered Strains to Clean Up the Environment E. coli to clean up heavy metals Copper, lead, cadmium, chromium, and mercury Biosensors bacteria capable of detecting a variety ofenvironmental pollutants Genetically Modified Plants and Phytoremediation Plants that can remove TNT 51. Future Strategies and Challenges for Bioremediation Recovering Valuable Metals Bioremediation of Radioactive Wastes 52. Thanks for your attention!