BIOLOGY 8.4 Biodiversity Prepared by: Qhaiyum Mizah Ihfa Wawa

Biology Form 4: Chapter 8.4 Biodiversity

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8.4 Biodiversity

Prepared by:

Qhaiyum Mizah Ihfa Wawa

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Introduction• Biodiversity refers to the variety of forms of living things

on the Earth interacting with each other.

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Classification of Organisms• Taxonomy is used to identify, describe, and naming


• Organisms with the same characteristics are gathered in the same class.

• Organisms are classified into 5 major kingdoms:

a) Monera d) Plantae

b) Protista e) Animalia

c) Fungi

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1. Monera• Prokaryotic – organisms with no

distinct membrane-bound nuclei and organelles.

• Unicellular organisms and has cell walls.

• They can be non-photosynthetic and photosynthetic.

• Examples of monera are bacteria and cyanobacteria (blue-green algae).



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2. Protista• Eukaryotes – includes unicellular or multicellular

organisms, and each have nucleus and organelles that are surrounded by membranes.

• Some have cell walls and some do not.

• Multicellular protists are not specialised to perform specific functions in the organisms.

• Protista have 2 types:

a) Algae

b) Protozoa

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Protozoa Algae

Amoeba sp. Chlamydomonas sp.

Paramecium sp. Spirogyra sp.

• Examples of protists (protozoa and algae):

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3. Fungi• Both unicellular and multicellular organisms.

• The cell walls of fungi contain a material called chitin.

• Bodies consists of a network of a network of thread-like hyphae called mycelium.

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• They do not contain chlorophyll and may feed saprotrophically by absorbing nutrients from decaying organic matter while others are parasitic.

• Examples of fungi are moulds (Mucor sp.), mushrooms and yeasts.

Moulds (Mucor sp.) Mushrooms Yeasts

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4. Plantae• Plants are multicellular organisms that are immobile,

contains chlorophyll and produce their own food by photosynthesis.

• Each plant cell has a nucleus, cell wall and other organelles.

• Examples of plants are palms trees, conifers, flowering plants and more.

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5. Animalia• Animals are multicellular organisms and are mobile.

• Their cells do not have any cell walls.

• Do not have chlorophyll.

• Examples of animals are bird, dragonfly, fish and more.

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The Hierarchy in the Classification of Organisms








• Living organisms are classified into 7 hierarchical levels.

• The number of organisms in each unit decreases from kingdom to species.

• Therefore, each higher unit covers a greater range of organisms.

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Linnaeus Binomial System of Classification• This type of classification uses 2 words to name every

species or organisms found:

a) The first word in the name refers to genus.

b) The second word is the specific name.

• Both names are in Latin (or latinised).

• Both names are in italics if typed or underlined if written.

• Example: Human – homo sapiens or homo sapiens

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Tiger Human Hibiscus

Kingdom Animalia Animalia Plantae

Genus Panthera Homo Hibiscus

Species tigris sapiens rosa-sinensis

a) Tiger: Panthera tigris

b) Human: Homo sapiens

c) Hibiscus: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

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The Importance of Biodiversity• Maintaining a balanced nature

• Source of food

• Source of medicine

• Clean air

• Shelter

• Economic resources (eco-tourism)

• Clean drinking water

• Preserved all living organisms from become extinct

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