Barthes codes

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Proairetic Code• The ‘Proairetic Code’ refers to events which

foreshadow later events in the film. They may be obvious to most viewers; however, this hint may not necessarily appear at the very beginning of the film.

• From this, the audience can predict what will happen regarding the events within the film.

• For example, at the start of Season 5 of Breaking Bad, Walter White is seen purchasing a gun. This is assumed that he will be using it for its predicted function; however, this does not happen…

• In addition, this can also be applied to feature-length films. For example, in ‘The Mask’, the mask can be seen escaping from a box at the bottom of a river, floating to the top – it is assumed it will be found later on.

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Hermeneutic Code‘The Enigma Code’

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‘The Dark Knight’• Essentially the Jokers motives are not explained until the very end of the film, throughout the movie it is

referenced that large quantities of explosives have been bought or stolen in the last six months, members of the mob have gone missing and most importantly why the Joker himself is interested in a large sum of money. It leads us to the idea he is interested in making a profit from killing the Batman, however thisi sn not the case when he burns his earnings and reveals how he is simply conducting his actions to display how materialistic and self obsessed humans are as a species. It is revealed in the climax of ‘The Dark Knight’ how all of the stolen explosives are being used to test Batmans morality and judgement by choosing to either sacrifice or save two completley different sets of civilians (prisoners or innocents)

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• http://youtu.be/tc1awt6v2M0

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Cultural Code

By Tayla Cookson

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• This scene at the end of ‘PROJECT X’ that mimics a news report; references the youth culture we have today that glamorizes bad behaviour.

• It also adds depth and severity to the situation, because we know the news only reports important events, so it makes the viewer realise how huge his party really was.

• It also makes the viewer envision what they would do if their friends were on their local news station because ‘Rise and Shine LA’ seems pretty generic and reminds us of ‘GMTV’ or ‘Daybreak’ and the character is also relatable to today’s generation.

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Semic Code

Rebecca Black

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Semic Code• Is to do with the process of characterization. Meanings can be

interpreted through things like traits, action, events, etc that helps to build the character and contribute to how we feel about them/ how we identify their roles and relationship within the text.

• American History X• In this clip he has just killed a man for trying to steal his car

although he is trying to protect his belongings there was no need for violence or that amount of violence to take place.

• This man takes somebodies life and in doing so is mentally affected by his actions as he would be traumatized by the events that have unfolded. Not only did he take somebodies life he allowed his brother to be present which explains a lot about his personality as he cares more for his feelings about black people and for his belongings than for the emotions of his brother because his brother, even though he never killed a man, he witnessed it and he could even say he helped him kill him as he never stopped him from killing a man which means he is just as fault as he never saved the man even though he did try to stop the attack from happening by shouting at the man to not do this.

• This attack shows a lot about the character and from this clip it shows that the man has now developed into a killer and so it has changed from a hater to a killer.

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Symbolic Code

By Rachel Black

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Symbolic Code

Way things look; attaching meaning to that specific thing.In Revenge you would believe that Victoria (the lady in red) was wealthy, well mannered, posh and snobby. You would think these things in the way that she is sitting (body language) and by the mise-en-scene as she is sitting in grand looking chair, in a big mansion and is sitting drinking tea.

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Symbolic Code Continue

You can also see that there is two ladies having tea, by bringing in other texts (The Importance of Being Earnest) you could see that they are having a Comedy of Manners or sometimes called a War of Manners. This will bring their characterisation of being overly polite and overly concerned with their own importance.