Want more Updates www.facebook.com/tanbir.ebooks www.facebook.com/tanbir.cox Ctrl + Shift + H 1) Aberrant: Abnormal or deviant নীতিʼnŻ 2) Abeyance: Suspended action সামতক অতিিা 3) Abscond: Depart secretly and hide আগাপন কগে থাকা 4) Abstemious: Sparing in eating and drinking; temperate Ɨŧাহােী 5) Admonish: Warn; reprove সাবধান কগে Ʊেওা 6) Adulterate: Make impure by adding inferior or tainted substances তবŭিা নŻ কো 7) Aesthetic: Artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciating the beautiful তিŧśতিসŗি 8) Aggregate: Gather; accumulate সমতŻি 9) Alacrity: Cheerful promptness; eagerness ƖূতিƳ 10) Alleviate: Relieve -উপিম কো 11) Amalgamate: Combine; unite in one body এক কো 12) Ambiguous: Unclear or doubtful in meaning অƒŻ 13) Ambivalence: The state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes একই বযতিে যুপৎ তবেযমানিা 14) Ameliorate: Improve উĨি কো 15) Anachronism: Something or someone misplaced in time একযুগে বƍ, বযতি, ঘটনা ইিযাতেগক ভু ল কগে অনয যুগে সংগ জতগ Ʊেলা

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    1) Aberrant: Abnormal or deviant 2) Abeyance: Suspended action 3) Abscond: Depart secretly and hide 4) Abstemious: Sparing in eating and drinking; temperate 5) Admonish: Warn; reprove 6) Adulterate: Make impure by adding inferior or tainted substances 7) Aesthetic: Artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciating the beautiful 8) Aggregate: Gather; accumulate 9) Alacrity: Cheerful promptness; eagerness 10) Alleviate: Relieve - 11) Amalgamate: Combine; unite in one body 12) Ambiguous: Unclear or doubtful in meaning 13) Ambivalence: The state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes 14) Ameliorate: Improve 15) Anachronism: Something or someone misplaced in time , ,


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    16) Analogous: Comparable 17) Anarchy: Absence of governing body; state of disorder 18) Anomalous: Abnormal; irregular 19) Antipathy: Aversion; dislike 20) Apathy: Lack of caring; indifference 21) Appease: Pacify or soothe; relieve 22) Apprise: Inform 23) Approbation: Approval 24) Appropriate: V. Acquire; take possession of for one's own use 25) Arduous: Hard; strenuous 26) Artless: Without guile; open and honest 27) Ascetic: Practicing self-denial; austere 28) Assiduous: Diligent 29) Assuage: V. Ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger) 30) Attenuate: Make thinner Mnemonic: attention when you ATE will make you thin/slim 31) Audacious: Daring; bold 32) Austere: Forbiddingly stern; severely simple and unornamented 33) Autonomous: Self-governing; independent 34) Aver: Assert confidently or declare; as used in law, state formally as a fact 35) Banal: Hackneyed; commonplace; trite; lacking originality 36) Belie: Contradict; give a false impression 37) Beneficent: Kindly; doing good 38) Bolster: Support; reinforce 39) Bombastic: Pompous; using inflated language 40) Boorish: Rude; insensitive 41) Burgeon: Grow forth; send out buds 42) Burnish: Make shiny by rubbing; polish 43) Buttress: V. Support; prop up 44) Capricious: Unpredictable; fickle 45) Castigation: Punishment; severe criticism 46) Catalyst: Agent that increases the pace of a chemical action


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    47) Caustic: Burning; sarcastically biting Mnemonic: caustic soda is very common and its "harmful" for health such as Burns 48) Chicanery: Trickery; deception 49) Coagulate: Thicken; congeal; clot 50) Coda: Concluding section of a musical or literary composition; summarizes or concludes 51) Cogent: Convincing 52) Commensurate: Adj. Corresponding in extent, degree, etc.; proportionate 53) Compendium: Brief, comprehensive summary 54) Complaisant: Trying to please; overly polite; obliging 55) Compliant: Yielding; conforming to requirements 56) Conciliatory: Reconciling; soothing 57) Condone: Overlook; forgive; give tacit approval; excuse 58) Confound: Confuse; puzzle 59) Connoisseur: Person competent to act as a judge of art; a lover of art 60) Contention: Claim; thesis 61) Contentious: Quarrelsome 62) Contrite: Penitent- Her contrite tears did not influence the judge when he imposed sentence 63) Conundrum: Riddle; difficult problem 64) Converge: Approach; tend to meet; come together 65) Convoluted: Coiled around; involved; intricate 66) Craven: Cowardly 67) Daunt: Intimidate ;frighten 68) Decorum: Propriety; orderliness and good taste in manners 69) Default: Failure to act 70) Deference: Courteous regard for another's wishes 71) Delineate: Portray; depict; sketch 72) Denigrate: Blacken 73) Deride: Ridicule; make fun of 74) Derivative: Unoriginal; obtained from another source 75) Desiccate: Dry up 76) Desultory: Aimless; haphazard; digressing at random


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    77) Deterrent: Something that discourages; hindrance 78) Diatribe: N. Bitter scolding; invective 79) Dichotomy: Split; branching into two parts (especially contradictory ones) 80) Diffidence: Shyness Mnemonic: it is like opposite of confidence means you are shy not confident 81) Diffuse: Adj. Wordy, rambling, spread out (like a gas) 82) Digression: Wandering away from the subject 83) Dirge: Lament with music 84) Disabuse: Correct a false impression; undeceive 85) Discerning: Mentally quick and observant; having insight 86) Discordant: Not harmonious; conflicting 87) Discredit: Defame; destroy confidence in; disbelieve 88) Discrepancy: Lack of consistency; difference 89) Discrete: Adj. Separate; unconnected; consisting of distinct parts 90) Disingenuous: Lacking genuine candor; insincere 91) Disinterested: Unprejudiced 92) Disjointed: Lacking coherence; separated at the joints 93) Dismiss: Eliminate from consideration; reject 94) Disparage: Belittle 95) Disparate: Adj. Basically different; unrelated 96) Dissemble: V. Disguise; pretend 97) Disseminate: Distribute; spread; scatter (like seeds) Mnemonic: distribute by a seminar 98) Dissolution: Disintegration; looseness in morals 99) Dissonance: Discord; opposite of harmony 100) Distend: Expand; swell out 101) Distill: Purify; refine; concentrate 102) Diverge: Vary; go in different directions from the same point 103) Divest: Strip; deprive 104) Document: Provide written evidence 105) Dogmatic: Opinionated; arbitrary; doctrinal 106) Dormant: Sleeping; lethargic; latent 107) Dupe: Someone easily fooled 108) Ebullient: Showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm


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    109) Eclectic: Selective; composed of elements drawn from disparate sources 110) Efficacy: Power to produce desired effect 111) Effrontery: Impudence; shameless boldness; sheer nerve; presumptuousness 112) Elegy: Poem or song expressing lamentation 113) Elicit: Draw out by discussion 114) Embellish: Adorn; ornament; enhance, as a story ===em(BELL)ish Merry Christmas (in advance)! It is time to decorate the christmas tree with Bells and lights. 115) Empirical: Based on experience 116) Emulate: Imitate; rival 117) Endemic: Prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area or country 118) Enervate: Weaken 119) Engender: Cause; produce 120) Enhance: Increase; improve 121) Ephemeral: Short-lived; fleeting Mnemonic: sounds like e-funeral (). Electric funeral should be short. 122) Equanimity: Calmness of temperament; composure Mnemonic: equal+enemy (ity). Remember to stay calm seeing an enemy. 123) Equivocate: Lie; mislead; attempt to conceal the truth , Mnemonic: Attitude like Advocates. They try to hide the truth or mislead the case. 124) Erudite: Learned; scholarly Mnemonic: Consider the part Rude. Talented people are always Rude. 125) Esoteric: Hard to understand; known only to the chosen few Mnemonic: Read Historic. History is really hard to understand and remind cleanly. 126) Eulogy: Expression of praise, often on the occasion of someone's death Mnemonic: Read it You+Logy (). If there could be a Logy only for you then it must be about your praise. 127) Euphemism: Mild expression in place of an unpleasant one Mnemonic: Read it Feminism (). You know, Women are soft/mild.


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    128) Exacerbate: Worsen; embitter 129) Exculpate: Clear from blame Mnemonic: Ex-Cuprit. He who is no more culprit by clearing his blame. 130) Exigency: Urgent situation; pressing needs or demands; state of requiring immediate attention 131) Extrapolation: Projection; conjecture 132) Facetious: Joking (often inappropriately); humorous 133) Facilitate: Help bring about; make less difficult 134) Fallacious: False; misleading Mnemonic: Read it Falsious. False-ious. 135) Fatuous: Brainless; inane; foolish, yet smug 136) Fawning: Trying to please by behaving obsequiously, flattering, or cringing Mnemonic: Read it Fao ( ). Trying to impress by which seems Fao-ning. 137) Felicitous: Apt; suitably expressed; well chosen 138) Fervor: Glowing ardor; intensity of feeling Mnemonic: Read it fever. You got excited about exam and fever comes. 139) Flag: Droop; grow feeble Mnemonic: Normally Flags dont fly strongly. It needs strong wind. 140) Fledgling: Inexperienced Mnemonic: Mind it Sledging. Your cricketers (bowlers) sledge the talented one if he can't out him. Huh, lack of experience. 141) Flout: Reject; mock; show contempt for Mnemonic: Read it Flirt. Flirt Girls means make fun of them and reject them. 142) Foment: Stir up; instigate ; 143) Forestall: Prevent by taking action in advance Mnemonic: fore = front/before. Stall = Stop. Stop before anything bad happened. 144) Frugality: Thrift; economy Mnemonic: Read it as free+girl. If a girl comes for free, it saves waste of money. 145) Gainsay: Deny Mnemonic: Girls GAIN weight but does not SAY it which means, she is denying the fact. 146) Futile: Useless; hopeless; ineffectual Mnemonic: futile is not fertile, hence not fruitful.


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    147) Garrulous: Loquacious; talkative; wordy Mnemonic: Read it Girl-ous (Girlish). Girls talk so much & its an attitude of them. 148) Goad: Urge on Mnemonic: GO + And + Do it. Inspires. 149) Gouge: Overcharge 150) Grandiloquent: Pompous; bombastic; using high-sounding language Mnemonic: Grand (Huge/Large audience)+ Eloquent () 151) Gregarious: Sociable Mnemonic: remember AGGREGATION means gathering something together. Similarily Aggregation -> gregation ->gregarious 152) Guileless: Without deceit Mnemonic: Guilty+Less 153) Gullible: Easily deceived Mnemonic: Gulli ( ) goes straight. Just for reminding () 154) Harangue: Long, passionate, and vehement speech Mnemonic: Her + Anger. What she does while anger? Nothing but but some vehement speech. 155) Homogeneous: Of the same kind 156) Hyperbole: Exaggeration; overstatement Mnemonic: hyper(beyond the limit)+bole(means speak)..so someone who gives the statement beyond his limit..overstating basically. 157) Iconoclastic: Attacking cherished traditions Mnemonic: Icon (Idol) + Clash (). Destroy Idols. 158) Idolatry: Worship of idols; excessive admiration 159) Immutable: Unchangeable 160) Impair: Injure; hurt 161) Impassive: Without feeling; imperturbable; stoical 162) Impede: Hinder; block Mnemonic: impede from impedance meaning resistance 163) Impermeable: Impervious; not permitting passage through its substance Mnemonic: No way to get permission. 164) Imperturbable: Calm; placid 165) Impervious: Impenetrable; incapable of being damaged or distressed


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    166) Implacable: Incapable of being pacified Mnemonic: Sounds like impleaseable some one who cannot be pleased or appeased. 167) Implicit: Understood but not stated 168) Implode: Burst inward 169) Inadvertently: Unintentionally; by oversight; carelessly 170) Inchoate: Adj.recently begun; rudimentary; elementary Mnemonic: In+Chocolate+Age 171) Incongruity: Lack of harmony; absurdity Mnemonic: IN+congress+no unity 172) Inconsequential: Insignificant; unimportant 173) Incorporate: Introduce something into a larger whole; combine; unite 174) Indeterminate: Uncertain; not clearly fixed; indefinite 175) Indigence: Poverty Mnemonic: Indian gents are very poor as compared to other countrymen. 176) Indolent: Lazy 177) Inert: Inactive; lacking power to move Mnemonic: An inert gas is a gas which does not undergo chemical reactions. Inactive. 178) Ingenuous: Naive and trusting; young; unsophisticated 179) Inherent: Firmly established by nature or habit 180) Innocuous: Harmless Mnemonic: innocent, Innocence 181) Insensible: Unconscious; unresponsive 182) Insinuate: Hint; imply; creep in - Mnemonic: A girl has lost her memory. The boy telling her, This is the institute IN which U ATE. He is trying to HINT, IMPLY to her. 183) Insipid: Lacking in flavor; dull 184) Insularity: Narrow-mindedness; isolation , ; Mnemonic: we insulate electrical wires.. By insulating , we are Isolating () the wires from the environment. 185) Intractable: Unruly; stubborn; unyielding 186) Intransigence: N. Refusal of any compromise; stubbornness 187) Inundate: Overwhelm; flood; submerge 188) Inured: Adj. Accustomed; hardened mnemonic: someone injured again and again will become tough.


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    189) Invective: N. Abuse 190) Irascible: Irritable; easily angered 191) Irresolute: Uncertain how to act; weak 192) Itinerary: Plan of a trip 193) Laconic: Brief and to the point 194) Lassitude: Languor; weariness Mnemonic: Try to remember- Lazy Attitude 195) Latent: Potential but undeveloped; dormant; hidden Mnemonic: Regroup the words and spell it as talent. Many people have POTENTIAL (talent) but undeveloped..where as some people HIDE their talent. 196) Laud: V. Praise mnemonic: read it like lord and you will remember to praise 197) Lethargic: Drowsy; dull 198) Levee: Stone embankment to prevent flooding 199) Levity: (N.) A lack of seriousness or earnestness, especially about things that should be treated with respect; buoyancy, lightness in weight mnemonic: lev(leave)+it. You casually leave things without any seriousness. 200) Log: Record oaf voyage or flight; record of day-to-day activities 201) Loquacious: Talkative Mnemonic: Take Lok () & people (crowd) talks. 202) Lucid: Easily understood; clear; intelligible Mnemonic: I remember it as Lucid Linux Operating System which is easy to understand & use. 203) Luminous: Shining; issuing light 204) Magnanimity: Generosity 205) Malingerer: One who feigns illness to escape duty Mnemonic: Ma (Mom) + Linger ( ) 206) Malleable: Capable of being shaped by pounding; impressionable 207) Maverick: Rebel; nonconformist 208) Mendacious: Lying; habitually dishonest 209) Metamorphosis: Change of form 210) Meticulous: Excessively careful; painstaking; scrupulous Mnemonic: Math + Calculas? Be careful. 211) Misanthrope: One who hates mankind 212) Mitigate: Appease; moderate 213) Mollify: Soothe


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    214) Morose: Ill-humored; sullen; melancholy 215) Mundane: Worldly as opposed to spiritual; everyday 216) Negate: Cancel out; nullify; deny 217) Neophyte: Recent convert; beginner 218) Obdurate: Adj. Stubborn 219) Obsequious: Slavishly attentive; servile; sycophantic 220) Obviate: Make unnecessary; get rid of 221) Occlude: Shut; close 222) Officious: Meddlesome; excessively pushy in offering one's services Mnemonic: Sounds similar to office. Imagine a government office where people poke their nose in other's affairs 223) Onerous: Burdensome 224) Opprobrium: Infamy; vilification Mnemonic: If you take OPIUM(banned drug) you will be criticized, humiliated & put to shame 225) Oscillate: Vibrate; waver 226) Ostentatious: Showy; pretentious; trying to attract attention Mnemonic: Read it stunttious. You perform stunts to attract attention 227) Paragon: Model of perfection 228) Partisan: One-sided; prejudiced; committed to a party 229) Pathological: Pertaining to disease 230) Paucity: Scarcity 231) Pedantic: Showing off learning; bookish Mnemonic: pandits are usually very strict about the bookish stuff 232) Penchant: Strong inclination; liking Mnemonic: Remember Chatting which is kind of addiction now a days. 233) Penury: Severe poverty; stinginess 234) Perennial: Something long-lasting 235) Perfidious: Treacherous; disloyal Mnemonic: per+FID+ious.. FID stands for fidelity.. I.e. Loyalty.. Hence perfidious is its opposite 236) Perfunctory: Superficial; not thorough; lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm Mnemonic: per-FUNCTORY. Non Function. No need to learn the deep functionality. 237) Permeable: Penetrable; porous; allowing liquids or gas to pass through


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    238) Pervasive: Spread throughout 239) Phlegmatic: Calm; not easily disturbed Mnemonic: plleg (flag) when we hoist a FLAG we have the AUTOMATIC reaction be calm and unexcited. 240) Piety: Devoutness; reverence for God Mnemonic: Pie+tea if we get a pie and a tea when we are hungry we thank god and devout to him 241) Placate: Pacify; conciliate Mnemonic: PL + ac + ATE = a PLATE full of tasty food to SATISFY someone 242) Plasticity: Ability to be molded 243) Platitude: N. Trite remark; commonplace statement mnemonic: flat + attitude: something flat does not attract us as it is very common. 244) Plethora: Excess; overabundance Mnemonic: Extract and read it in Hindi. Mom says "Pe Le + Thoda Aur Juice Le" to their boys. 245) Plummet: Fall sharply 246) Porous: Full of pores; like a sieve 247) Pragmatic: Practical (as opposed to idealistic); concerned with the practical worth or impact of something 248) Preamble: Introductory statement 249) Precarious: Uncertain; risky Mnemonic: Read it Pre+Catious. Pre + Caution. There are some pre-cautions in a risky machine, product or factor. 250) Precipitate: Adj. Rash, premature, hasty, sudden mnemonic: pre + anticipate. That means you dont think/anticipate before you do something. You do it in rash 251) Precursor: Forerunner 252) Presumptuous: Arrogant; taking liberties 253) Prevaricate: Lie Mnemonic: Pre (Before) + Vari (Verification) Cate (Ket) ( ). Hide/Lie before verification. 254) Pristine: Characteristic of earlier times; primitive; unspoiled Mnemonic: Read it PRIS(Pre)+tine(Time). Before time which is something of earlier time. 255) Probity: Uprightness; incorruptibility Mnemonic: Sounds (Poverty). Poverty will come if you remain uncorrupted.


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    256) Problematic: Doubtful; unsettled; questionable; perplexing 257) Prodigal: Wasteful; reckless with money Mnemonic: If you are a PRO (prod) with girls (digal) then you must waste money a huge 258) Profound: Deep; not superficial; complete 259) Prohibitive: Tending to prevent the purchase or use of something; inclined to prevent or forbid 260) Proliferate: Grow rapidly; spread; multiply Mnemonic: Pro (professional)+Life+Rate which means a huge life increment rate. 261) Propensity: Natural inclination Mnemonic: Now a days people are Inclined (, ) to CITY. It is a propencity. 262) Propitiate: Appease 263) Propriety: Fitness; correct conduct 264) Proscribe: Ostracize; banish; outlaw Mnemonic: We hate and outlaw the PROS (Prostitute). Also Subscribe means add to a group & Proscribe is opposite of it. 265) Pungent: Stinging; sharp in taste or smell; caustic 266) Qualified: Limited; restricted 267) Quibble: Minor objection or complaint 268) Quiescent: At rest; dormant; temporarily inactive Mnemonic: Something towards Quiet 269) Rarefied: Made less dense (of a gas) Mnemonic: Rare means least. Fied means doing that. 270) Recalcitrant: Obstinately stubborn; determined to resist authority; unruly 271) Recant: Disclaim or disavow; retract a previous statement; openly confess error 272) Recluse: Hermit; loner Mnemonic: Rember R & Clu. Robinson Cruso was a hermit in an island 273) Recondite: Abstruse; profound; secret Mnemonic: Think it as (Reconditioned). Reconditioned Cars are very hard to identify whether it is used and how long. 274) Refractory: Stubborn; unmanageable 275) Refute: Disprove 276) Relegate: Banish to an inferior position; delegate; assign


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    277) Reproach: Express disapproval or disappointment 278) Reprobate: Person hardened in sin; devoid of a sense of decency 279) Repudiate: Disown; disavow 280) Rescind: Cancel Mnemonic: Rescind reminds us of "Resign", where resign is to cancel your appointment 281) Resolution: Determination 282) Resolve: Determination; firmness of purpose 283) Reticent: Reserved; uncommunicative; inclined to silence Mnemonic: 50Cent -> talks too much.. On the contrary.. Reticent-> talk less 284) Reverent: Respectful; worshipful 285) Sage: Person celebrated for wisdom Mnemonic: S+Age. Aged person is wise usually. 286) Salubrious: Healthful 287) Sanction: Approve; ratify 288) Satiate: Satisfy fully 289) Saturate: Soak thoroughly 290) Savor: Enjoy; have a distinctive flavor, smell, or quality 291) Secrete: Hide away or cache; produce and release a substance into an organism 292) Shard: Fragment, generally of pottery 293) Skeptic: Doubter; person who suspends judgment until having examined evidence supporting a point of view Mnemonic: Skeptic-just remove 'K' -Septic-When a person is Wonded/Injured he always have doubt whether it is going to get septic or not. So he is doubtful. 294) Solicitous: Worried; concerned 295) Soporific: Sleep-causing; marked by sleepiness 296) Specious: Seemingly reasonable but incorrect; misleading (often intentionally) 297) Spectrum: Colored band produced when a beam of light passes through a prism 298) Sporadic: Occurring irregularly Mnemonic: Assume it as Opposite of Periodic, we know periodic things occur regularly. 299)

    300) Stigma: Token of disgrace; brand 301) Stint: V. Be thrifty; set limits 302) Stipulate: Make express conditions; specify


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    303) Stolid: Dull; impassive Mnemonic: Try to remember stone from STO. Stones are solid and something like impassive 304) Striated: Marked with parallel bands; grooved Mnemonic: strip of diferent color 305) Strut: Pompous walk 306) Strut: Supporting bar 307) Subpoena: Writ summoning a witness to appear 308) Subside: Settle down; descend; grow quiet 309) Substantiate: Establish by evidence; verify; support 310) Supersede: Cause to be set aside; replace; make obsolete Mnemonic: when a SUPER new thing arrives, we REPLACE /SET ASIDE the old thing because it is OBSOLETE 311) Supposition: Hypothesis; surmise Mnemonic: Suppose to Supposition. Suppose means assume something. 312) Tacit: Understood; not put into words Mnemonic: tacit ~ take it; imagine you are giving permission to someone to take something from your room. 313) Tangential: Peripheral; only slightly connected; digressing 314) Tenuous: Thin; rare; slim Mnemonic: Remember like Tennis & and all female tennis players are Slim like Maria Sharapova :) 315) Tirade: Extended scolding; denunciation; harangue Mnemonic: Seems Tired. You feel tired after giving a long speech. 316) Torpor: Lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy 317) Tortuous: Winding; full of curves Mnemonic: a tortoise does not move in straight line... It keeps twisting and turning making path complicated 318) Tractable: Docile; easily managed 319) Transgression: Violation of a law; sin 320) Truculence: Aggressiveness; ferocity 321) Vacillate: Waver; fluctuate Mnemonic: sounds like oscillate..so something which moves from one position to another position 322) Venerate: Revere Mnemonic: ven(..when)U RATE someone higher.. You TREAT THEM WITH RESPECT


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    323) Veracious: Truthful 324) Verbose: Wordy 325) Viable: Practical or workable 326) Viscous: Sticky, gluey 327) Vituperative: Adj. Abusive; scolding 328) Volatile: Changeable; explosive; evaporation rapidly 329) Warranted: Justified; authorized 330) Wary: Very cautious 331) Welter: Turmoil; bewildering jumble 332) Whimsical: Capricious; fanciful 333) Zealot: Fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal


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