Why was it necessary to create the black consciousness day ? The National Black Consciousness Day is celebrated on November 20 th . The date refers to the death of Zumbi, the then leader of the Palmares which was located between the states of Alagoas and Pernambuco, in northeastern Brazil. The figure of Zumbi of Palmares is especially claimed by the black movement as a symbol of all these achievements, so that the law that established the Day of Black Consciousness was also the result of this claim. The day was first celebrated in 1971. The idea spread to other social movements to combat racial discrimination and, in the late 1970s, have appeared as a national proposal the Unified Black Movement. Since then, the date has encouraged the promotion of forums, debates and cultural programs on the topic throughout the country.

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Why was it necessary to create the black consciousness day ?

The National Black Consciousness Day is celebrated on November 20th. The date refers to the death of Zumbi, the then leader of the Palmares which was located between the states of Alagoas and Pernambuco, in northeastern Brazil.The figure of Zumbi of Palmares is especially claimed by the black movement as a symbol of all these achievements, so that the law that established the Day of Black Consciousness was also the result of this claim.The day was first celebrated in 1971. The idea spread to other social movements to combat racial discrimination and, in the late 1970s, have appeared as a national proposal the Unified Black Movement. Since then, the date has encouraged the promotion of forums, debates and cultural programs on the topic throughout the country. “We do not need a black consciousness day, white, brown, yellow, albino ... We need 365 days of human consciousness.” Thiago Saraiva

Ana Flavia Araújo, Eduarda Vieira, Hellen Gomes, Maria Thereza Silva turma D1IEDI3