Wide area networks (WANs) always require (1) None of these (2) High speed processors (3) Same type (4) All of the above (5) High bandwidth communication source link 2. Typical bandwidth of optical fibres is (1) Order of GHz (2) Order of KHz (3) Order of Hz (4) None of these (5) All of the above 3. A large number of computers in a wide geographical area can be efficiently connected by (1) Twisted pair lines (2) Coaxial cables (3) All of the above (4) None of these (5) Communications satellites 4. Which of the following topologies is not of broadcast type? (1) Star (2) None of these (3) Ring (4) All of the above (5) Bus 5. Bug means (1) A difficult syntax error in a program (2) Documenting programs using an efficient Docu¬mentation too (3) A logical error in a program (4) All of the above (5) None of these 6.The part of machine level instruction, which tells the central processor what was to be Done is (1) Operation code (2) Address (3) All of the above (4) Operand (5) None of these 7. Indicate which , of the following is not true about 4GL. (1) Many database management system packages support 4GLs

Bank Clerk exam current affairs

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Page 1: Bank Clerk exam current affairs

Wide area networks (WANs) always require(1) None of these(2) High speed processors(3) Same type(4) All of the above (5) High bandwidth communication source link

2. Typical bandwidth of optical fibres is(1) Order of GHz(2) Order of KHz(3) Order of Hz (4) None of these (5) All of the above

3. A large number of computers in a wide geographical area can be efficiently connected by(1) Twisted pair lines(2) Coaxial cables(3) All of the above(4) None of these (5) Communications satellites

4. Which of the following topologies is not of broadcast type?(1) Star (2) None of these(3) Ring(4) All of the above(5) Bus

5. Bug means(1) A difficult syntax error in a program(2) Documenting programs using an efficient Docu¬mentation too (3) A logical error in a program(4) All of the above(5) None of these

6.The part of machine level instruction, which tells the central processor what was to be Done is(1) Operation code(2) Address(3) All of the above (4) Operand(5) None of these

7. Indicate which , of the following is not true about 4GL. (1) Many database management system packages support 4GLs(2) 4GL does not support a high -level of screen interaction(3) A 4GL is a software tool which is written, possibly, in some third generation language(4) All of the above(5) None of these

8. Indicate which of the following, best describes the term "software"(1) Systems programs only

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(2) Application programs only(3) All of the above(4) Both (1) and (2)(5) None of these

9. A translator is best described as(1) A hardware component(2) A system software (3) An Application software(4) All of the above(5) None of these

10. Indicate which of the following is not true about an interpreter(1) Interpreter analyses each source statement every time it is to be executed(2) Interpreter is a kind of translator(3) Interpreter generates an object program from the source program(4) All of the above(5) None of these

11. The errors that can be pointed out by the compiler are(1) All of the above(2) Semantic errors(3) Logical errors (4) Syntax errors (5) None of these

12. C is(1) An assembly language(2) A machine language(3) A third generation high level language(4) All of the above(5) None of these

13. A graph prepared by a computer(1) is its output(2) None of these(3) is a hard copy(4) all of the above (5) is the piece of information to use

14. Which of the following does not represent on I/O device (1) speaker which beeps (2) ALU (3) plotter(4) joystick(5) None of these

15. The communication line between the CPU, memory and peripherals is called a (1) all of these (2) line (3) media

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(4) Bus (5) None of these

Answers..1. 52. 43. 54. 25. 36. 47. 28. 49. 310. 111. 412. 313. 514. 215.4

1.The basic units of a excel spreedsheet where we enter data is called(a) Tab(b) Box(c) Cell(d) Fielde) None of the aboveQ2. The maximum number of rows supported by Excel 2003 spreadsheet is(a) 10,000(b) 35,356(c) 55,782(d) 65,536(e) None of these

Q3. The maximum number of rows supported by Excel 2007 spreadsheet is(a) 9,68,576(b) 12,15,857(c) 13,42,554(d) 10,48,576(e) None of these

Q4. Which one is a 'text editor' for Microsoft Windows(a) MS Word(b) Ms Excel(c) WordPad(d) Notepad(e) None of these

Q5. Which one is the default 'Word Processor' for Microsoft Windows(a) MS Word(b) Ms Paint(c) WordPad

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(d) Notepad(e) None of these

Q6. What is the maximum size of a word document created(a) 1 MB(b) 32 MB(c) 16MB(d) 999KB(e) None of these

Q7. What is the maximum number of Primary Partitions that can be created on a Hard-disk(a) 2(b) 3(c) 4(d) 1(e) None of these

Q8. How many layers in the TCP/IP protocol layers(a) 7(b) 5(c) 4(d) 11(e) None of these

Q9. What is the binary value of 'A'(a) 01000100(b) 11000001(c) 01100001(d) 01000001(e) None of these

Q10. Which key combination is used to minimize all open windows and displays in the screen(a) Alt+M(b) Shift+M(c) Windows Key+D(d) CTRL+D(e) None of these

Q11. How many users can access a share folder simultaneously from a Windows XP machine(a) 20(b) 10(c) 15(d) Unlimited(e) None of these

Q12. How many users can access a share folder simultaneously from a Windows 7 machine(a) 10(b) 15(c) 20(d) 50(e) None of these

Page 5: Bank Clerk exam current affairs

Q13. Which key combination is used to close a open application in Windows machine(a) Alt+F8(b) CTRL+X(c) Alt+F4(d) Shift+P(e) None of these

Q14. Total number of function keys in a computer keyboard(a) 10(b) 12(c) 14(d) 8(e) None of these

Q15. Which one is the latest release of Windows Client Operating System(a) Windows XP(b) Windows 7(c) Windows Me(d) Windows 8.1 or 8(e) None of these

Answers..1. C2. D3. D4. D5. C6. B7. C8. C9. E10. C11. B12. C13. C14. B

15. D


India---Lithuania----Agriculture cooperation

India----Bangladesh----for checking of Human trafficking

India---Germany ---18 Mous

India---Isreal+Vietnam----Tax avoidance pacts

India---Honkong---prisoners exchange

India---Ecuador---Joint Economic and Trade Committee (JETCO)

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India----Maldives----Defence Security

India----Jordan---6 MOUs

Maritime,IT & Electronic, Cultural exchange, Training of diplomats,Standardization,Exchange of


India signs Rs 105 cr deal for 194 micro-light planes with Slovenian firm Pipistrel

India----Sweden------Urban Sector initiative

India and Mozambique ----Renewable energy

India----Portugal------Naland University


China-Indonesia sign USD5.5bn high-speed rail pact

India-----Isreal----10 MOUs

Northern India Textile Research Association (NITRA) ----Tajikistan---Textile industry

1100-km gas pipeline agreement inked between Pakistan-Russia

Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Malaysia proposed to invest 30 billion US dollars

for urban development in India(NBCC)

USA----Spain----Clean up nuclear waste

India----Egypt----Maritime cooperation

Russia-----Usa-----Airstrikes in Syria on ISIS

India ----Maldives-----Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty(MLAT)

Britain and China inked nuclear deal

India-----Russia---triple their trade by 2025(from $9.51 billion to $ 30 billion)

India----France---Rs 30,000 crore offset deal on 36 Rafale fighter aircraft.

Hyderabad-based Indian School of Business ISB and Deakin University( Australia) ink three year MoU

for collaboration

Joint venture of Essar Projects – Saipem secured $1.57 bn contract in Kuwait

Andhra pradesh----Japan-----several MOUs including JBIC

France to introduce biometric visas to Indians

India----France---digital preservation and conservation rare written treasures

Tata trusts -----Harvard university-------- on capacity building and knowledge creation for social and

economic empowerment in India.

Nepal----- China ----- Fuel supply

China, Germany ink 13 deals to step up cooperation

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1. Who has been awarded the prestigious 2015 Mailer Prize for Lifetime Achievement ?

Ans-Salman Rushdie

2. Who has been honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2015 Dubai International

Film Festival (DIFF)?

Ans-Naseerudin Shah

3. Who has been appointed as the Chairman of 2016 World Travel & Tourism Council, India Initiative


Ans- Kapil Chopra

4. What is the India’s position in the Global Illicit Financial Flows Report 2004-13?

Ans-4th, China tops the list

5. Who was sworn in as the President of Argentina ?

Ans- Mauricio Macri Blanco

6. ‘On My Terms: From the Grassroots to the Corridors of Power,’ is the autobiography of whom ?

Ans-Sharad Pawar

7. Which country has successfully test-fired nuclear-capable Shaheen-III ballistic missile ?


8. Which country has approved world’s first-ever Dengue fever vaccine branded as Dengvaxia for the

public use ?

Ans- Mexico

9. Who has taken charge as Chairman of Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) ?

Ans-Prakash Kumar Singh

10. Which organisations has won the 2015 Aegis Graham Bell Award?


11. On which date, the International Mountain day is observed?

Ans- 11 December

12.Who has become the global partner of the International Cricket Council (ICC) from 2016 to 2020?


13. Inle Lake, is the first UNESCO Biosphere Reserve is in which country ?



Page 8: Bank Clerk exam current affairs

Books of OCTOBER------------------------------

Gandhi ke Path par-----Bharat Sahai

Gandhian philosophy with a handwritten note by J B Kriplani

Ruled or Misruled: Story and Destiny of Bihar: Santosh Singh

The Clintons’ War on Women----Roger Stone and Robert Morrow

Ben S. BernankeThe Courage to Act – A Memoir of a Crisis and Its Aftermath -----Ben S. Bernanke

Neither a Hawk nor a Dove: An Insider’s Account of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy----Khursid mahmmud kasuri

Smita Patil: A Brief Incandescence ------ Maithili Rao

Dreaming Big – My Journey to Connect India – Sam Pitroda

Defence and Science Technology of WHOLE OCTOBER________________________________________________

Australia launches Sky muster satellite

Argentina----- Arsat-2 satellite

India has announced its INDC (Intended Nationally Determined Contributions) cut emissions 35% by 2030

SOS “CGI Dubai” launched for Indian workers in disusess

CORPAT (Coordinated Patrolling)--------Maritime patrolling excercise between India and Indonesia

Trident Juncture(30 countries) – Biggest Military Exercise launched by NATO in Italy

World’s highest(17600 feet above) terrestrial research centre by DRDO – Habitat in Ladakh(Jammu & Kashmir)

200 New Species Discovered in Himalayas

China launched Typhoon(during mujigae Typhoon) detecting missile

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torpedo and recovery vessel INS Astradharani. (succeedor of INS Astravahini) in Visakhapatnam by Indian Navy( 4 Dec-- Indian Navy day )

Keytruda” is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be used as an immunotherapy in the treatment of melanoma or lung cancer.

China launches remote sensing Jilin-1” satellites

Indian Air Force celebrated 83rd anniversary(8 October)

Indo-China Joint Military Exercise HAND-IN-HAND 2015 in Kunming Military Academy, Yunnan, China.

NATO to set up 2 more small headquarters in Hungary and Slovakia

NASA spacecraft finds blue skies, water ice on Pluto

In India Alibaba's UC browser topped in mobile browser while Google Chrome leads in PC

Customs Traveler Guide-India App-----Mobile-based app to inform people all about customs rules

Iran test-fires new generation long-range ballistic missiles-Emad(Pillar)

NASA launches Earth’s first miniature satellite CubeSat

Banana’s new family found in Andaman Islands

Perjeta” and “Kadcyla” are the two drugs launched by the swiss pharma company Roche in India for breast cancer patients

Navies of India Japan and US are participated in exercise Malabar in the Bay of Bengal in india

China launches communication satellite APSTAR 9 (sucessor of APSTAR 9A) based upon DFH-4 platform for HK firm

Fire test of Nirbhay Missile aborted after 700 Seconds of Launch

union govt ----Validity of environment clearance (EC) extended from 5 years to 7 years

Government divides Maharashtra and Gujarat Naval Areas into two Separate Headquarters

Ziyuan III-----China’s first high-resolution stereo mapping satellite for civilian use

4 New crab species are located in kerala

Army to launch new department to look into veteran’s issues

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anti-diabetes herbal drug named ‘BGR-34’ was launched by aCouncil of Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR) labin Lucknow.

Indian Army celebrates 68th Infantry Day (Oct 27)

China launches Tianhui-1C mapping satellite of Tianhui-1

Tsunami Early Warning System Successfully Tested In Mumbai

Archaeologists unearth 3,500-year-old warrior’s grave in Greece

Russia to Launch Manned Moon Mission by 2029

China’s first lunar rover Yutu sets record for longest stay on Moon

Facebook, BSNL to set up 100 Wi-Fi hotspots

Nick Names of Cities=================1.Golden City-- Amritsar2.Manchester Of India--Ahmedabad3.City Of Seven Islands--Mumbai4.Queen Of Arabian Sea--Cochin5.Space City--Bangalore6.Garden City Of India--Bangalore7.Silicon Valley Of India--Bangalore 8.Electronic City Of India-- Bangalore9.Pink City --Jaipur10.Gateway Of India --Mumbai11.Twin City:-- Hyderabad, Secunderabad12.City Of Festivals-- Madurai13.Deccan Queen-- Pune14.City Of Buildings-- Kolkata15.Dakshin Ganga-- Godavari16.Old Ganga-- Godavari17.Egg Bowls Of Asia-- Andhra Pradesh18.Soya Region-- Madhya Pradesh19.Manchester Of The South-- Coimbatore20.City Of Nawabs-- Lucknow21.Venice Of The East --Cochin22.Sorrow Of Bengal-- Damodar River23.Sorrow Of Bihar-- Kosi River24.Blue Mountains-- Nilgiri25.Queen Of The Mountains-- Mussoorie (Uttarakhand)26.Sacred River-- Ganga27.Hollywood Of India-- Mumbai

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28.City Of Castles-- Kolkata29.State Of Five Rivers-- Punjab30.City Of Weavers-- Panipat31.City Of Lakes-- Srinagar32.Steel City Of India-- Jamshedpur (CalledTatanagar)33.City Of Temples --Varanasi34.Manchester Of The North-- Kanpur35.City Of Rallies-- New Delhi36.Heaven Of India-- Jammu & Kashmir37.Boston Of India-- Ahmedabad38.Garden Of Spices Of India --Kerala39.Switzerland Of India-- Kashmir40.Abode Of The God-- Prayag(Allahabad)41.Pittsburg Of India –Jamshedpur

Recent India rankings and toppersProsperity index------99------norwayGender gap----------108-----Iceland Vacantion deprivation--------------4------UAEThronton business dynaism..........34--------SingaporeHealthiest---------------103---------SingaporeBrand name--------------7---------USADeath quality----------40-----britainWealthiest------------10--------UsaStartups------------3----------BritainGiving index------106-------MyanmarBusiness optimist----2-----Irelandease doing business---130----Singaporeglobal innovation index----81----Switzerlandglobal competitiveness-----55----Switzerlandworld press -----136-----Finlandworld peace-----143-----Icelandglobal Happiness------117----Switzerlandtrust in govt.------2------UAEHuman capital ----------100---NorwayMother index---------140---NorwayMaintain law----------59-----DenmarkSocial progress-----101-----NorwayHDI-------------------------135----NorwayE-waste------------------5----------USAswiss bank black money----61---UKGreen gas emitter------4---------ChinaBusiness Resilience-------119---Norway

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# BANKING ABBREVIATIONS1. PIN: Personal Identification Number2. CCEA – Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs3. GIRO - Government Internal Revenue Order4. PPP – Public Private Partnership & Purchasing Power parity5. HDFC: Housing Development Finance Corporation6. SWOT: Strength, Weeknesses, Opportunities And Threats7. SWIFT: Society for Worldwide Financial Telecommunications,8. FERA: Foreign Exchange Regulations Act9. FEMA: Foreign Exchange Management Act10. CRISIL: Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited11. CIBIL: Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd12. KYC: Know Your Customer13. RTGS: Real Time gross settlement14. NEFT: National electronic Money Transfer15. EFT: Electronic fund transfer16. CBS: Core banking Solutions17. PSBs: Public Sector banks18. FIIs: Foreign Institutional investments19. FDI: Foreign Direct Investment20. IPO: Initial Public Offering21. IBA: Indian bank Association22. BPLR: Benchmark prime Lending rate23. ICICI: Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India24. MICR: Magnetic Ink Character reader25. BIRD: Bankers Institute of Rural development26. ICRA: Indian Credit rating Agency27. CARE: Credit Analysis & Research Ltd28. WMAs: Ways and means Advances29. ALM: Asset Liability management30. CASA: Current and saving account31. NDTL: Net Demand and Time Liabilities32. ALM- Asset Liability Management33. ASBA: Application Supported by Blocked Amount34. CBS: Core Banking Solution35. FSLRC – Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission36. CRAR: Capital to Risk-weighted Assets Ratio37. LCR: Liquidity Coverage Ratio38. TARC - Tax Administration Reform Commission39. TIEA – Tax Information exchange Agreement40. . GAAR - General anti avoidance rule41. LIBOR: London Interbank Offered rate42. MIBOR: Mumbai Interbank Offered rate43. MIBID: Mumbai Interbank Bid rate44. SARFAESI: Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest45. CAMELS: (C)apital adequacy(A)ssets(M)anagement Capability(E)arnings

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(L)iquidity (also called asset liability management)(S)ensitivity46. CAR: Capital Adequecy RatioTIN - Tax Information Network (TIN)47. IMPS - Interbank Mobile Payment Service (IMPS).48. CDR- Corporate Debt Restructuring49. CAD- Capital Account Deficit50. REITs: Real Estate Investment Trusts51. InvITs: Infrastructure Investment Trusts52. DTAA – Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement53. ECBs - External Commercial Borrowings54. EFSF – European Financial Stability Facility55. FINO- Financial Inclusion Network Operation56. FIPB – Foreign Investment Promotion board57. SENSEX: Sensitive index of Stock Exchange58. GNP: Gross national Product59. NASDAQ: National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations60. NAV: Net Asset value61. ATM Full Form - - Asynchronous Transfer Mode62. ATM Full Form - - Automated teller machine63. BCBS Full Form - - - Basel committee for Banking Supervision64. GST - Goods and Service Tax

<> MIND IT <<>> PROPERLY IT'S LONG BUT LIFE SAVER<<>>>Top Scheme And Programme Launched By Narendra Modi GovernmentMake in India (Launched on 25th September 2014) – To make India a manufacturing hub.Digital India (Launched on 1st July 2015)-To transform India’s economySkill India (Launched on 15th July 2015)-To create jobs for youth of the Country.Smart Cities (Launched on 29th April 2015)Unearthen Black Money (Bill Passed on 14th May 2015)Namami GangeSwachh Bharat Abhiyan (Launched on 2nd October 2014)-to have clean India by 2nd October 2019Swadesh DarshanSukanya Samridhi Account (Launched on 22nd January 2015)Bal swachh mission (Launched on 14th November 2014)-awareness about the cleanliness of the childrenPradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (Launched on 28th August 2014 ) – To give financial services to weaker section of society.Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (Launched on 9th May 2015)Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Yojana (Launched on 22nd January 2015)-To generate awareness of welfare service meants for girl child and women.Atal Pension Scheme (Launched on 9th May 2015)-for unorganised sector ‘s workersHRIDAY (National Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana) scheme (Launched on 21st January 2015)-To develop heritage cities.Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (Launched on 9th May 2015)-Life insurance

Page 14: Bank Clerk exam current affairs

scheme by GovernmentMUDRA Bank Yojana (Launched on 8th April 2015) to provide up to 10 lakh to small entrepreneur.Krishi Amani Bima Yojana-Scheme for farmerPradhan Mantri Gram Sinchai Yojana-To provide water to all field in the Country.Pradhan Mantri Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (Launched on 11th October 2014)-Each MP to develop three villages by 2019.Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (Launched on 25th September 2014)- To provide employment to youth residing in rural area.Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana -To provide power(electricity) to rural area of the country.Mahatma Gandhi Pravasi Suraksha YojanaSoil Health Card SchemeIndradanush Scheme (Launched on 25th December 2014)Soil Health Card SchemeRani Laxmi Bai Pension scheme-for victims of Muzzafar nagar riot.Udaan Scheme-To provide skill to youth of India.Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban MissionPandit Deendayal Upadhyay Shramev Jayate Karyakram (Launched on 16th October 2014)Kisan Vikas Patra (Relaunched in 2014) – Saving certificate SchemeAMRUT – Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Development (earlier name JNNURM)PRASAD – Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual Augmentation-To improve the infrastructure at pilgrimage places.

Computer - File type shortcuts=========================Text Files :

.doc - Microsoft Word Document

.docx - Microsoft Word Open XML Document

.log - Log File

.msg - Outlook Mail Message

.odt - Open Document Text Document

.pages - Pages Document

.rtf - Rich Text Format File

.tex - LaTeX Source Document

.txt - Plain Text File

.wpd - WordPerfect Document

.wps - Microsoft Works Word Processor Document.

Data Files:

.csv - Comma Separated Values File

.dat - Data File

.efx - eFax Document

.epub - Open eBook File

Page 15: Bank Clerk exam current affairs

.pps - PowerPoint Slide Show

.ppt - PowerPoint Presentation

.pptx - PowerPoint Open XML Presentation

.sdf - Standard Data File

.xm - XML File

Audio Files::

.aif - Audio Interchange File Format

.iff - Interchange File Format

.m3u - Media Playlist File

.m4a - MPEG-4 Audio File

.mid - MIDI File

.mp3 - MP3 Audio File

.mpa - MPEG-2 Audio File

.ra - Real Audio File

.wav - WAVE Audio File

.wma - Windows Media Audio File

Video Files::

.3g2 - 3GPP2 Multimedia File

.3gp - 3GPP Multimedia File

.asf - Advanced Systems Format File

.asx - Microsoft ASF Redirector File

.avi - Audio Video Interleave File

.flv - Flash Video File

.mov - Apple QuickTime Movie

.mp4 - MPEG-4 Video File

.mpg - MPEG Video File

.rm - Real Media File

.srt - SubRip Subtitle File

.swf - Shockwave Flash Movie

.vob - DVD Video Object File

.wmv - Windows Media Video File

3D Image Files

.3dm - Rhino 3D Model

.max - 3ds Max Scene File

.obj - Wavefront 3D Object File

Raster Image Files::

.bmp - Bitmap Image File

.dds - DirectDraw Surface

.gif - Graphical Interchange Format File

.jpg - JPEG Image

.png - Portable Network Graphic

.psd - Adobe Photoshop Document

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.pspimage - PaintShop Pro Image

.thm - Thumbnail Image File

.tif - Tagged Image File

Page Layout Files::

.indd - Adobe InDesign Document

.pct - Picture File

.pdf - Portable Document Format File

Spreadsheet Files

.xlr - Works Spreadsheet

.xls - Excel Spreadsheet

.xlsx - Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet

Database Files::

.accdb - Access 2007 Database File

.db - Database File

.dbf - Database File

.mdb - Microsoft Access Database

.pdb - Program Database

.sql - Structured Query Language Data File

Executable Files

.cgi - Common Gateway Interface Script

.com - DOS Command File

.exe - Windows Executable File

.gadget - Windows Gadget

.jar - Java Archive File

.pif - Program Information File

.vb - VBScript File

.wsf - Windows Script File

Game Files

.dem - Video Game Demo File

.gam - Saved Game File

.sav - Saved Game

Web Files::

.css - Cascading Style Sheet

.htm - Hypertext Markup Language File

.html - Hypertext Markup Language File

.js - JavaScript File

.jsp - Java Server Page

.php - Hypertext Preprocessor File

Page 17: Bank Clerk exam current affairs

.rss - Rich Site Summary

.xhtml - Extensible Hypertext Markup Language File

Plugin Files

.8bi - Photoshop Plug-in

.plugin - Mac OS X Plug-in

.xll - Excel Add-In FileFont Files::.fnt - Windows Font File.fon - Generic Font File.otf - OpenType Font.ttf - TrueType Font

Settings Files::

.cfg - Configuration File

.prf - Outlook Profile File

Compressed Files::

.7z - 7-Zip Compressed File

.rar - WinRAR Compressed Archive

.rpm - Red Hat Package Manager File

.zip - Zipped File

.zipx - Extended Zip File

Developer Files::

.c - C/C++ Source Code File

.class - Java Class File

.cpp - C++ Source Code File

.cs - Visual C# Source Code File

.dtd - Document Type Definition File

.fla - Adobe Flash Animation

.java - Java Source Code File

.py - Python Script

.vcxproj - Visual C++ Project

Backup Files ::

.bak - Backup File

.tmp - Temporary File

.Misc Files

.dbx - Outlook Express E-mail Folder

.ics - iCalendar File

.msi - Windows Installer Package

.part - Partially Downloaded File

.torrent - BitTorrent Fill

Page 18: Bank Clerk exam current affairs

Current affairs - 15.12.15

1) CBI raids office of Principal Secretary to the Delhi Chief Minister; Arvind Kejriwal alleges he is being targetted by central agency; BJP demands apology from Kejriwal for his remarks against the Prime Minister.

2) Rajya Sabha could not transact any legislative business for sixth day today, due to uproarious scenes over CBI raids at Delhi Secretariat and other issues.

3) Prime Minister says Congress hampering development of the country by making a mockery of Parliament's functioning.

4) India's export dip for 12th straight month.

4) ISRO to launch six Singapore satellites from Sriharikota tomorrow.

5) Finance Minister Arun Jaitley denies Congress charge of reopening National Herald case by Enforcement Directorate.

6) Supreme Court slams Uttar Pradesh government for delay in appointing Lokayukta; Orders compliance by tomorrow.

7) Saudi Arabia says 34 nations will form a new Islamic military alliance to fight terrorism.

8) Himachal Pradesh to phase out over nine-year-old state Road Transport Corporation buses as part of green initiative.

9) Ceasefire begins this morning to halt nine month old war in Yemen coinciding with the start of UN-backed peace talks in Switzerland.

10) IPL: Dhoni, Ashwin, Rahane to play for newly added Pune while Raina and Jadeja for Rajkot.