Auditions and character ideas

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-Rebecca Williams

Page 2: Auditions and character ideas
Page 3: Auditions and character ideas


• Following the focus group’s feedback on our original ideas we decided to build up character profiles focusing on the two main characters e. g. the protagonist and antagonist. In our survey we found the stereotypical damsel in distress of a female victim was most preferred. For the antagonist, again from the feedback received we felt an unidentified male would suite the these of our title sequence the best.

Page 4: Auditions and character ideas

As a group we decided on key characteristics we wanted our main characters to have:

• The female protagonist we wanted to be: Vulnerable, this may stem from her being of a young age or her being oblivious to the situation around her, we also wanted her to be relatable to the audience, this was an important factor as the viewers would be able to relate to her and gain a gripping interest in our title sequence.

• The Male antagonist we wanted to be: Incredibly dominating, we want him to provide an intimidating feel. This may be done through shots where he takes up the majority of the scene or the music played when he’s in view of the shot. It was also important for him to be the opposite the victim. This is physical in the fact he will be an older male in contrast to a young female, he will also need to have a dark and mysterious persona. This would also make him distant from the viewers as they won’t be able to relate to him and therefore create a negative relationship with the viewers.