Earth’s Atmosphere Why is it so important to life on earth? Kinara Kumudesh Methodist College

Atmosphere by Kinara Kumudesh

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Earth’s Atmosphere Why is it so important to life

on earth?

Kinara Kumudesh

Methodist College

What is atmosphere… ?

• The envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another


• Composition

composed of nitrogen (about 78%) oxygen (about 21%)

argon (about 0.9%) with carbon dioxide other gases in

trace amounts (Eg: hydrogen, helium, and other "noble"


• Atmospheric pressure

Force per unit area that is applied

perpendicularly to a surface by the

surrounding gas.

It is determined by a planet's

gravitational force in combination with

the total mass of a column of gas. kinara 2017 2

Uses of Atmosphere

• The atmosphere helps

protect living organisms

from genetic damage by

solar ultraviolet radiation

• The atmosphere is an

evolutionary agent

essential to the shaping of

a planet

• composition of the

atmosphere determines the

climate and its variations

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Use of Gasses • Oxygen is used by most organisms for


• Nitrogen is fixed by bacteria and

lightning to produce ammonia used in

the construction of nucleotides and

amino acids

• Carbon dioxide is used by plants,

algae and cyanobacteria for


• Protect living organisms from genetic

damage by protect living organisms

from genetic damage by solar

ultraviolet radiation, solar wind and

cosmic rays kinara 2017 4



is made up

of 5 different


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• Atmosphere is not

uniform, its properties

change with altitude.

• Two properties change

with altitude, the air

pressure and the air


• Lets look at each layer


Why is the atmosphere divided into 5

different layers?

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The troposphere

• The layer of the atmosphere

nearest to earth.

• The troposphere goes from

0km to 16km.

• All weather happens in the


• More than half the air in the

total atmosphere is in this


• The temperature drops as

the altitude increases.

• Harmful ozone is found

here…IT CREATES SMOG! kinara 2017 7

OZONE: A gaseous layer in

the upper atmosphere that

protects the earth from

harmful UV radiation. At lower

levels, ozone becomes a major pollutant.

SMOG: Pollution formed by the

interaction of pollutants and

sunlight (photochemical smog),

usually restricting visibility, and

occasionally hazardous to health


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• The temperature goes

up with altitude.

• Most jets fly in this layer.

• The protective ozone is

at the top of the

atmosphere (It protects

us from the ultraviolet

radiation of the sun.)

• Rivers of air, called Jet

Streams, can be found

at the base of this layer.

The stratosphere

from 16km to 50 km

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• In the mesosphere, the temperature drops with altitude.

• The coldest layer of the atmosphere.

• Meteors burn up in this layer.

• Radio waves are reflected back to earth in the mesosphere.

The Mesosphere

from 50km to 90km)

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• In the thermosphere the temperature goes up with altitude.

• The hottest layer of the atmosphere.

• Curtains of light called auroras occur in this layer.

• The Ionosphere is found in the thermosphere.

• The component of the thermosphere that makes the auroras.

The thermosphere

from 90km to 300km

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Exosphere • The exosphere is

the outermost layer

of the atmosphere.

• The temperature in

the exosphere

goes up with


• Satellites orbit

earth in the


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