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Page 1: Assignment


TOPIC: Cooperative Learning

Submitted by,

Shaly Edwin K

Roll No: 31

B.Ed Natural Science

Page 2: Assignment


Co operative learning is very similar to collaborative learning

expect that it introduces a more structured setting with the teacher in

total control of the learning environment collaboration is a philosophy of

interaction and personal life style whereas cooperation is structure of

interaction designed to facilitate the accomplishment of an end products

or goal. The key difference between them is the level of contribution

expected of each member of the group. Cooperative learning is defined

as instructional method and technique in which pupils work in small

groups (4-6) and are recuarded in some way performance as a group.

Cooperative learning enhances students academic management and

social skill.

Cooperative learning is an educational approach which aims to

organize classroom activities into academic and social learning

experience. There is much more to cooperative than merely arranging

students into groups and it has been described as structuring positive.

Five essential elements are identified for the successful

incooperation of cooperative learning in the classroom. The first and

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most important element is positive interdependence. The second element

is individual and group accountability. The third element is (face to face)

promotive interaction. The fourth element is teaching the students the

required interpersonal and small group skills. The fifth element is group


Characteristics of Co operative learning

Uses small groups of four or five students.

Focuses on tasks to be accomplished

Requires group co operation and interaction

Mandates individual responsibility to learn

Supports division of labour

Benefits of co operative learning

Improvement of comprehension of basic academic content

Reinforcement of academic skills

Students decision making allowed

Creation of active learning environment

Boosted students self esteem

Celebration of diverse learning style

Promotion of students responsibility

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Focus on success of everyone

Features of Co operative learning

Co operative learning includes the following five features.

1. Positive interdependence

In co operative learning classrooms. Students work together to

ensures the success of each student. Positive interdependence is a

management system that encourages students to work together and

teachers students that school life for each one of them is enhanced

when everyone succeeds.

2. Face to Face interaction

In co operative learning situations students interact assist one

another with learning tasks and promote one another success. The

small group settings allow students to work directly with one another

to share ideas and options to come to common understandings and

work team.

3. Individual accountability

In co operative learning settings each students is held

accountable for his own academic progress and task completion.

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4. Interpersonal and small group skills

Co operative learning offers students a chance to develop the

interpersonal skills needed to succeed at school work and within the

community primary among these skills are effective communication,

understanding and appreciation of others, decision making, problem

solving, conflict resolution and compromise.

Group Evaluation

Group of students need to evaluate and discuss how well they

meeting their goals, with actions help and what actions seem to hurt

group interactions.

Providing co operative learning opportunities is not simply a

matter placing students in group and assigning tasks. Teachers must

carefully select structured groups, plan cooperative learning

activities. Set both academic and social goals for group work and

monitor individual students progress and group learning depends on

the following.

Teacher planning is critical

Student engagement is mandatory

Quality work is essential

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Constant student monitoring is required

Assessment is vital

Time requirement must be established

Trust, cohesiveness and responsibility must be promoted


Methodology of Teaching and pedagogic analysis-

Dr.K. Shivarajan, Prof.A.Faziludheen
