ASSIGNMENT 34 Timeline

Assignment 34

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PowerPoint Presentation

Assignment 34Timeline

Our Timeline

Shot 1

The first shot in our music video will be of the main character/artist sitting at his desk in a classroom. His teacher will be making his/her way towards him.

We may decide to use a low or high angle shot which tilts to introduce the artist or we will opt to not have any camera movement at the beginning of the video.

The second shot will show the teacher trying to console the artist due to a poor exam result.

We will most likely use a two shot, as well as a close up to show the audience why the teacher is consoling the student.Shot 2

Shot 3After this the student will flip out due to unknown stresses. He will fling everything off the desk and storm out of the room.

Due to the slow tempo of the music at this point we will most likely slow the footage down to make it more dramatic. We will also use a long shot to capture all the action.

Shot 4The character will then fling his bag on the floor and will slide down against the wall.

We will use a high angle shot to connote the characters feelings and emotions at this moment in the video.

Shot 5Once the main character seems to be at his lowest, a group of guys will walk by a kick his bag.

He will most likely use a low angle shot.

Shot 6The character will then grab his bag and leave the school.

This shot will start at eye level and will then change to a low angle shot.

Shot 7The character will be walking home, after giving up with school. This is where we will incorporate performance as the character will be singing the song.

We will use a range of shots to make sure we keep the audience interested.

Shot 8In this shot the character will get to his house and stop because he will see his parents arguing through the window.

We will use an extreme close up and an over the shoulder shot for this.

Shot 9He reacts by getting his phone out and texting who is presumed to be his girlfriend. The text reads;I miss you xThe characters phone then notifies him that theres a reply which reads; Well come find me, wait for me where we fell in love xxThe character then turns around and there will be a quick fade to him walking into the train station once the verse I've been cold, I've been merciless plays.

Shot 10This shot will show the character walking into the station.

This will be a long shot to show the character entering the building.

Shot 11The character will then be singing the song while on the train into London.

These shots will be close ups.

Shot 12This will be a montage of the character in London whereby he is making a detour in his journey to travel through London in order to find something.

We will use a range of different shots to make this montage as interesting as possible for the audience.

Shot 13It is now revealed that the character wanted to buy a teddy bear, the reason behind it is never specified and therefore it creates a narrative enigma.

Shot 14The character is now back on his journey to where ever he is going and while he's on the train he will be singing the song.

Like before we will probably use close ups.

Shot 15The character will be leaving the station.

We will a long shot like we did in the other station, however this time it will show the character walking away.

Shot 16The character will be walking down the pier whilst singing.

We will probably use a range of shots to make it faster pace and to keep the audience entertained.

Shot 17Once the character reaches a certain point on the pier he will stand and wait for the person he texted.

The type of shot we use isnt as important at this part, however we will probably use a medium shot.

Shot 18A girl will then walk up to the main character and hold his hand.

He will use a low angle two shot in order to make this as effective as possible.

Shot 19The character will then turn to the girl and smile. After doing this he will let go of her hand and give her the teddy bear.

This shot will be a close up.

Shot 20There will then be a shot of the girl holding the teddy bear and smiling, she will then slowly start to fade away in front of the guy.

This will be a medium shot to fit in the girl holding the bear.

Shot 21The characters face will then drop and he will turn and face the sea, putting his hands on the railing.

This will most likely be an over the shoulder shot.

Fade to black
