The Art of Tattoo .


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The Art of Tattoo


Israel Bader

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyHrFH1OHuU

• http://www.youtube.com/user/hoodidol#p/u/9/lgYzL2QNR24134 to 250

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z--VFR1Otl0

career• “the movement of tattooing into the realm of popular culture displays

certain features of the contemporary culture industry and reveals how fad-like phenomena emerge…culture producers keep an eye on the interests, activities, and appearance of those outside the boundaries of social power. The tastes and entertainment and material interests of minorities, teenagers, disaffected urban residents, and other “outsiders” are filched by the culture industry, cleaned up and homogenized, avidly promoted.”

• “The major source of innovation in popular culture is in the materials and activities of the relatively poor and powerless; innovation flows up the stream of power.”

- Clinton R. Sanders with D. Angus Vail in Customizing the body: the art and culture of tattooing).


• http://www.lowriderarte.com/features/0909_lrap_graffiti_artist_bader_israel/index.html


• “Western society’s attitude towards tattoos has shifted back and forth over the last few centuries, alternately valuing tattoos or viewing them as socially unacceptable. Today, many people consider tattoos an art form. Numerous contemporary tattooists—or “ink slingers”—attended art school, and the artistic qualities of tattoos are widely recognized. Tattooing has moved from the shadowy margins of society and reemerged in the bright light of the mainstream.” (Janey Levy, Tattoos in Modern Society).


• “In addition to being incorporated into the lucrative world of popular culture, in the latter part of the twentieth century tattooing also became more firmly situated in the world of “serious” art.

• What is art?• Museums/art shows continually displays

tattoos as artwork