The masthead is the most important text as it tells the viewer what magazine it is or what the page will be about, so already by having NME we know that this is the magazine, especially as that’s the only part of the text which is red, showing that the words are separate, but mean one thing, contents page. We know it’s the contents page as its says this week next to NME, which is a very useful word play as it says contexts pay, with out having to say it. All the text is organized in a horizontal line, it has like 4 columns throughout the whole contents page, which is a very useful way to separate the different stories from others. The two main images are put right in the middle of the page because it wants to really bring the viewers to see these images and show them what the image will be about on the inside as the image links to the whole magazine The cover lines are to separate the different subjects talked about in the magazine, so that the viewer will know what there looking for by seeing the different cover lines. And the little text lines underneath these have other heading which have writing saying a bit about what the inside of the story will be about. The colour in the text, work well with the contents page as all the colours blend together, which quite tells us that it’s a music contents page as the colour scheme is classical/rock looking. The ‘band index’ is another clue in which it tells the viewer that this is a music magazine contents page, as this is something you wouldn’t see in the front cover but ever in the contents or the second last page of the magazine. The index being in the contents page is a useful idea as now it helps the viewer see exactly what they are looking for without having to look at where it is.

Annotation of other magazines

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Page 1: Annotation of other magazines

The masthead is the most important text as it tells the viewer what magazine it is or what the page will be about, so already by having NME we know that this is the magazine, especially as that’s the only part of the text which is red, showing that the words are separate, but mean one thing, contents page.

We know it’s the contents page as its says this week next to NME, which is a very useful word play as it says contexts pay, with out having to say it.

All the text is organized in a horizontal line, it has like 4 columns throughout the whole contents page, which is a very useful way to separate the different stories from others.

The two main images are put right in the middle of the page because it wants to really bring the viewers to see these images and show them what the image will be about on the inside as the image links to the whole magazine

The cover lines are to separate the different subjects talked about in the magazine, so that the viewer will know what there looking for by seeing the different cover lines.And the little text lines underneath these have other heading which have writing saying a bit about what the inside of the story will be about.

The colour in the text, work well with the contents page as all the colours blend together, which quite tells us that it’s a music contents page as the colour scheme is classical/rock looking.

The ‘band index’ is another clue in which it tells the viewer that this is a music magazine contents page, as this is something you wouldn’t see in the front cover but ever in the contents or the second last page of the magazine.

The index being in the contents page is a useful idea as now it helps the viewer see exactly what they are looking for without having to look at where it is.

Page 2: Annotation of other magazines

‘teen vogue’ with the underline shows that this is the mast head of this page and its most likely that its also the name of the magazine.

The page set up is done in horizontal lines to separate the different texts from each other.This is well organised and set up, because the numbers written in bold are explaining that these are the pages to find ‘behind the scene, cover look’ etc.There are also ones in which are hearted around, which basically means circled around, which I think is to show the viewer’s that this is something in which they’d be interested in looking

‘fashion and features’ really brings attention to the viewer as its written upside down, also by saying fashion it can already tell us that this magazine is mainly aimed at young teenage woman

The main image of Taylor Swiss, is set in like a class room as there’s a chalk board in which is normally used in a class room. She’s like a young teenager in which most young girls look up to her which can mean that this magazine is targeted to young teenage girls as a boy wouldn’t look up to a female figure but a male.

p.96 is boarded in red and merged right on the top of the main image which means that this is an important page that’s why its also ‘hearted’ circled around to show that this is something the viewer would like to read,That’s why right underneath the main image it also has ‘get to know the real Taylor Swiss’ and this is clearly showing that the magazine is mostly about young teenager girls e.g. Taylor Swiss as its mostly written about herby saying get to know Taylor Swiss it makes the target audience want to know more about this role model.

Page 3: Annotation of other magazines

Analyse of Both Content’s PageBoth of these content pages of magazines are organised well, but the difference with the ‘NME’ contents page is that it’s a music magazine and we can clearly identify this because of the images , they are both of two people playing an instrument, but then again its hard to know for what age group is targeted at, as the instruments are not easy to identify because one is seen to be playing the guitar which of course means its ‘rock and roll’ but on the other hand, the instrument seems to be a mini piano, meaning its sort of for people who like classical music. Over all it hard to really analyse the précis people its aimed to but the age group would probably be aimed to a person in there 20’s or 30’s. for the teen vogue magazine its much more easier to know what target audience its aimed at because by the heading its already telling us that its for someone in there teens, and also its aimed for a specific gender as the main image is of a female role model who most teenage girls would look up to, also if you read around this contents page you would see a lot of texts that’s are talking about ‘Taylor Swiss’ as she’s the main subjects that’s being talked about, another reason we know it’s a female ‘teens’ magazine it that the boarders around the words are pink or the underline, underneath the mast heading is pink even on the boarder in Taylor Swiss’ name is high lighted in pink, to really stand out that it’s a females magazine contents page and that, that’s what the magazine will be mainly on about, teenage ‘girls’ life, stories.