Analysing film opening conventions - Nanny Mchpee. By Harriet Bibby – Media.

Analysing film opening conventions Nanny McPhee

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Analysing film opening conventions Nanny McPhee

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Analysing film opening conventions - Nanny

Mchpee.By Harriet Bibby – Media.

Page 2: Analysing film opening conventions Nanny McPhee


The film ‘Nanny Mcphee’ is a children’s comedy. In the film, Mr. Credic Brown has just lost his wife and is then left with his seven children who misbehave so much that all their nannies have run away. He is then told by a mysterious voice that he should employ ‘Nanny Mcphee’ who is a magical woman with special powers. She guides the children through their issues with their fathers new marriage and helps them put the situation right.

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The titling used within these opening credits create a childish tone to suit the remainder of the film. The titling itself is mismatched and typically magic-like which would interest the target audience.

Also the high key lighting creates a happy, childish sense.


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Within this area I will identify what techniques are being used on the screen and what meaning they have to the audience and the film.

Mise – en – scene.

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The 17th Nanny.

This nanny has a stereotypical carer’s/nanny’s uniform.

This connotes to the audience that she often abides by the rules and also understands the importance of her job and the formality it entails.

The fact that she is wearing white also suggests that she is an innocent, pure character.

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Although this shot is extremely short, the characterisation of ‘the runaway nanny’ is very strong and connotes the anger, fear and distress of the character.

We can see this due to the pace of which she exits the house, the frantic waving of her hands and also the screaming of the character and the facial expressions that go with that.

The 17th Nanny.

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The fact that we don’t see any other character within this opening creates enigma for the audience. We, as the viewers, want to know the faces of these “very naughty” children, who is narrating at the beginning of the film and also why there is an empty chair and whose this chair was/is!

Who else?

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Make up.

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The 17th Nanny.

Because this character frantically runs away rather quickly, it is difficult to distinguish what make up has been added to the actress.

However, we can see that her hair is rather messy. This connotes that she is very stressed, overworked and fed up!

She also appears to be rather sweaty, this also suggests that she is worn out and frazzled.

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The empty chair.

The first thing that we see within this opening is this empty chair. This is the main prop within the beginning of the film and creates enigma for the audience as to who has previously owned the chair and why it is empty.

The choice of colour for the chair also relates to the target audience as they have used a bright pink (which is directly in front of the green wall) which would appeal to younger viewers.

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The setting in the establishing shot.

The setting within the establishing shot is rather grand and green.

Again, the high key lighting and brightly coloured shot sets the tone for the genre of the children’s comedy and also appeals to the target audience.

The large house also connotes to the audience that the family that live within are rather wealthy and that the children that the narrator refers to may be spoilt.

We also have evidence that the characters within are well off as they have been able to afford 17 nannies!

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These techniques are key within a film opening. All of these elements put together set the tone for the film and create the genre that it fits into.

Editing, lighting, camera movements and sound.

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To open the beginning scene, they have used a fading technique. This informs the audience that the story is about to begin and also slowly reveals the setting of the film and what it could entail.

After this short scene, the transition quickly cuts to next scene of the establishing shot. This, along with the narration within the first scene, creates a rush throughout, as if the story is desperate to be told.

After this quick cut of the transition, there is then a slow zoom (using a dolly shot) into the house. This creates juxtaposition between the rushed change of scene and the slow paced introduction of the house.


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The majority of the room is set with a neutral lighting. This suggests to the audience that the characters may lead a reasonably normal life.

However, the fact that there is a dark shadow being cast through the room creates a sense that something is wrong within the lives of the characters, or may perhaps be a foreshadowing of events to come.

The fact that there is a light fire within the room also connotes a cold tone within this scene. Also the fact that the fire is surrounded by a dark, grey fire place may suggest that there is light within the darkness and that the characters within the film will get the happy ending they desire.

Lighting within the first scene.

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Lighting within the establishing shot and the ‘Nanny escaping’ scene.

Within the establishing shot high key lighting has been used. This suggests that the film will be light hearted and fun. However the fact that there is shade casting over parts of the house from the trees implies that at times within the film the characters may go through a few rough times and unhappy moments.

The lighting within the next shot is reasonably neutral but darker behind the character (as she is wearing white.). This shows that she is purer and more innocent that what is going on within the house, adding to the comical genre of the film as we know that they’re just children.

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Camera movements.

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Within the first short scene, a dolly shot has been used to zoom into the

empty chair. This creates a certain importance of the chair as it ends up

being centrally framed. This again creates enigma for the audience as to

why the chair has such an importance. In the establishing shot, it again zooms into the main focus of the scene.

(this being the house) This shot introduces us to where the main events

of the movie will take place. Within the next shot, (which introduces the 17th nanny) the camera again

zooms in to centralize the doorway of which the nanny runs out of.

The shot used to introduce the nanny is a long shot. This allows the

audience to acknowledge her costume and what her character within the

film may be. However, this shot later turns into a mid shot as she runs

toward the camera and later still, becomes a close up. This reveals the

distress of the character and allows us to understand the emotions she

may be feeling at the time.

Camera movements.

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(Diagetic) Narration. The narration used within

this opening informs us about the basic foundations to the story that is going to be told.

This is cleverly used as it also breaks the fourth wall to the audience as the narrator is speaking directly to the viewers.

This technique could also appeal to the target audience as Collin Firth is rather softly spoken and easy to listen to.

The words chosen are also easy to comprehend, making it more enjoyable for younger viewers to watch.

(Non-diagetic) Music. The non-diagetic music that has

been chosen for this opening would drastically appeal to the target audience as it is catchy, tuneful and light hearted.

This music also suits the genre of the film as it is very bouncy and reasonably unpredictable, much like a lot of the characters within the film.

It also has a certain edge to it which may reflect the magical elements within the movie.

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Introduction to key characters- Surprisingly, the 17th nanny is not a main character within the rest of the film. Although we hear the narrator, and learn a small amount about his children (who are in fact all key characters) we aren’t officially introduced. This is an odd decision to make within a film opening but does however, create more enigma because of this.

Film opening conventions that have been challenged!

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I like this opening because it gets straight into the film and explains the storyline well. This makes it easy to comprehend and shows that it always has its target audience in mind.

I also like the music that has been used as it is cheerful and makes the viewers feel good.

However, an improvement could be made within the character introductions as we don’t immediately get to know them.

Why I like/dislike this film opening.

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