1 / 21 Permaculture, Polyculture, Community and Cooperation: Harry Wykman, P EACETREE P ERMACULTURE PDC, H ILTON, 5th of April, 2012

An alternative nation

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My contribution to the 'community' session of a PDC, summer, 2012.

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Page 1: An alternative nation

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Permaculture, Polyculture, Community andCooperation:


PDC, HILTON, 5th of April, 2012

Page 2: An alternative nation

An Alternative Nation

An AlternativeNation❖ Science andSociety

Social Patterns

Polyculture andCommunity

Cooperation,Commonwork andCommunity


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Page 3: An alternative nation

Permaculture, Science and Society

An AlternativeNation❖ Science andSociety

Social Patterns

Polyculture andCommunity

Cooperation,Commonwork andCommunity


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“Just as we can select a globalrange of plants for a garden, wecan select from all extant ethicsand beliefs those elements thatwe see to be sustainable, use-ful, beneficial to life and to ourcommunity.” — Mollison [1988,p. 507]

Page 4: An alternative nation

Social Patterns

An AlternativeNation

Social Patterns

❖ Marauding Ants

❖ State Capitalism

❖ A Garden City

❖ An Australian Plan❖ The Analogy ofFlow

❖ Small-mart

Polyculture andCommunity

Cooperation,Commonwork andCommunity


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Page 5: An alternative nation

Patterns of Exploitation

An AlternativeNation

Social Patterns

❖ Marauding Ants

❖ State Capitalism

❖ A Garden City

❖ An Australian Plan❖ The Analogy ofFlow

❖ Small-mart

Polyculture andCommunity

Cooperation,Commonwork andCommunity


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● The dedritic raidingpattern of ’army ants’(Eciton burchelli) Ball[2011, pp, 147-50]

Page 6: An alternative nation

Patterns of Exploitation

An AlternativeNation

Social Patterns

❖ Marauding Ants

❖ State Capitalism

❖ A Garden City

❖ An Australian Plan❖ The Analogy ofFlow

❖ Small-mart

Polyculture andCommunity

Cooperation,Commonwork andCommunity


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Transport networks, land useand the location of centralplaces in Western Australiawere clearly set up to ef-ficiently direct regional re-sources into the British sup-ply and distribution network .

Such a pattern has been previ-ously recognized as a dendriticdraining pattern focused onsupplying an overseas mar-ket . . . It could be ar-gued that Western Australia hasnever achieved core status . . .Raw materials are removed effi-ciently from WA by multinationalcompanies who pay only a frac-tion of their worth to the Aus-tralian and state governments. . . and the Western Aus-tralian built landscape is stillshaped as a drainage system. . . ” — Nayton [2011, pp, 53-4]

Page 7: An alternative nation

Patterns of Stability — Ebenezer Howard’sGarden City

An AlternativeNation

Social Patterns

❖ Marauding Ants

❖ State Capitalism

❖ A Garden City

❖ An Australian Plan❖ The Analogy ofFlow

❖ Small-mart

Polyculture andCommunity

Cooperation,Commonwork andCommunity


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Page 8: An alternative nation
Page 9: An alternative nation

The Analogy of Flow

An AlternativeNation

Social Patterns

❖ Marauding Ants

❖ State Capitalism

❖ A Garden City

❖ An Australian Plan❖ The Analogy ofFlow

❖ Small-mart

Polyculture andCommunity

Cooperation,Commonwork andCommunity


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Exploitation — Drainage

Source: Google Maps

Stability — Circulation

Leonardo da Vinci, ’Study in Perpetual Motion’,

Forster Codex, Volume II-2, 91v, 1495-97.

Museum no. F.141 Volume II-2 V91 (Forster)

Page 10: An alternative nation

The Small-Mart Revolution

An AlternativeNation

Social Patterns

❖ Marauding Ants

❖ State Capitalism

❖ A Garden City

❖ An Australian Plan❖ The Analogy ofFlow

❖ Small-mart

Polyculture andCommunity

Cooperation,Commonwork andCommunity


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Local is what goes around

“Local businesses yield twoto four times the multiplierbenefit as comparable nonlocalbusinesses.” Shuman [2007, p.49]

“The more times a dollar cir-culates within a defined ge-ographic area and the fasterit circulates without leavingthat area, the more income,wealth and jobs it generates. ”Shuman [2007, p. 41]

“The healthiest economy is bothself-reliant and a strong ex-porter. Meet as many of yourown needs as possible, thencompete globally with a di-versity of products.” Shuman[2007, p. 51]

Page 11: An alternative nation

Polyculture and Community

An AlternativeNation

Social Patterns

Polyculture andCommunity

❖ The scandal ofsunlight

❖ overyieldingpolyculture

Cooperation,Commonwork andCommunity


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Page 12: An alternative nation

The scandal of sunlight

An AlternativeNation

Social Patterns

Polyculture andCommunity

❖ The scandal ofsunlight

❖ overyieldingpolyculture

Cooperation,Commonwork andCommunity


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Page 13: An alternative nation

The scandal of sunlight

An AlternativeNation

Social Patterns

Polyculture andCommunity

❖ The scandal ofsunlight

❖ overyieldingpolyculture

Cooperation,Commonwork andCommunity


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Page 14: An alternative nation
Page 15: An alternative nation

Cooperation, Commonwork andCommunity

An AlternativeNation

Social Patterns

Polyculture andCommunity

Cooperation,Commonwork andCommunity

❖ Mollison on Love

❖ Cooperation

❖ Commonwork

❖ Community

❖ References


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Page 16: An alternative nation

We’ve Given up on Love

An AlternativeNation

Social Patterns

Polyculture andCommunity

Cooperation,Commonwork andCommunity

❖ Mollison on Love

❖ Cooperation

❖ Commonwork

❖ Community

❖ References


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Bill Mollison on Community:

“We’ve givenup on love.”— Bill Mollison, 1983

tape 21b 40:50

● Cooperation

✦ manufacturing

● Commonwork , and

✦ land-based work

● Communities of Mu-tual Aid (ExtendedFamilies)

✦ households basedon friendship, workaffinity or lifestage

Page 17: An alternative nation


An AlternativeNation

Social Patterns

Polyculture andCommunity

Cooperation,Commonwork andCommunity

❖ Mollison on Love

❖ Cooperation

❖ Commonwork

❖ Community

❖ References


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Cooperative Principles:● 1st Principle : Voluntary

and Open Membership

● 2nd Principle : Demo-cratic Member Control

● 3rd Principle : MemberEconomic Participation

● 4th Principle : Autonomyand Independence

● 5th Principle : Education,Training

● 6th Principle : Co-operation among Co-operatives

● 7th Principle : Concernfor Community


"The as soon as practicable,this Society shall proceed toarrange the powers of pro-duction, distribution, educa-tion and government ; or, inother words, to establish aself-supporting home colony ofunited interests, or assist othersocieties in establishing suchcolonies."

Page 18: An alternative nation

Commonwork — Layers of land-based orlow-overhead livelihoods

An AlternativeNation

Social Patterns

Polyculture andCommunity

Cooperation,Commonwork andCommunity

❖ Mollison on Love

❖ Cooperation

❖ Commonwork

❖ Community

❖ References


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“We can all seek for rightlivelihood to do work that as-sists in caring for the earth orother people, work that is con-gruent with our beliefs.When we discuss the princi-ples of “commonwork”, or studythe varies roles of an idividualin a village, we can see thatno person is just a miner, orclerk, or banker, but that ondifferent days one can be abanker, forester, bee-keeper,writer, printer, or carpenter ...In modern life, some time spentin primary production or in man-ufacture, some in service to a

wider group, and some inrelaxation-celebration is ideal;few achieve it.” Mollison [1988,p. 533]

Page 19: An alternative nation


An AlternativeNation

Social Patterns

Polyculture andCommunity

Cooperation,Commonwork andCommunity

❖ Mollison on Love

❖ Cooperation

❖ Commonwork

❖ Community

❖ References


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● Organic Community

✦ workplace

✦ neighbourhood

● Housing Cooperative

● Commune

● Ecovillage

● Cohousing

Page 20: An alternative nation


An AlternativeNation

Social Patterns

Polyculture andCommunity

Cooperation,Commonwork andCommunity

❖ Mollison on Love

❖ Cooperation

❖ Commonwork

❖ Community

❖ References


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This catalog of 1 entries was generated by calibre onThursday, 05. April 2012 16:53This catalog of 500 entrieswas generated by calibre on Thursday, 05. April 2012 21:04References

Philip Ball. Shapes: Nature’s Patterns: A Tapestry in ThreeParts. Oxford University Press, USA, Jul 2011.

B Mollison. Permaculture : a designer’s manual. TagariPublications, Tyalgum Australia, 1988. ISBN9780908228010.

Gaye Nayton. The Archaeology of Market Capitalism: AWestern Australian Perspective. Springer, Apr 2011.

Michael H. Shuman. The Small-Mart Revolution: How LocalBusinesses Are Beating the Global Competition.Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Aug 2007.

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This document, authored by Harry Wykman is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia License.

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