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Page 1: American financial corporation

American Financial Corporation 1

Vince Rubiera

American Financial Corporation: Case Analysis

MGT 660-62-082

January 18, 2008

Page 2: American financial corporation

American Financial Corporation 2

What is/are the problem(s)?

The initial conflict in this case arose from Don failing to meet a deadline for a report

for Betty. Betty seemed to set very clear expectations for Don regarding the report, and

when it was due. As the case progressed, I felt the conversation deteriorated. Betty

turned personal as she mentioned his messy work space and excuses, and Don got

defensive as he mentioned the roadblocks he encounters.

What are some alternative solutions to the problem?

From Don’s perspective, he should realize the root of Betty’s frustration and act

accordingly. This is not easy to do while you are under attack, but diffusing a situation

through managing up will usually result in a better outcome. As Gabarro and Kotter

stated, “appreciate your bosses goals, pressures, strengths and weaknesses”… “Don’t

take things at face value” (Vecchio, 2007). Don should understand that Betty is facing a

lot of pressure to complete this task, and being defensive will only create hostility. Since

Betty’s only focus is having a completed report, Don needs to approach Betty with a

quick date for completion of the report and air his grievances at a more appropriate time

and under a more productive setting. Don should have also communicated the delays,

unexpected task complexity and lack of available clerical resources early on. Given the

importance of the report, Betty might have been able to provide additional resources.

Analyzing Betty, she should have been aware that since Don has not been able to

meet deadlines in the past, this report may have been delayed. Coaching and goal

setting should have been conducted at that time (when it became a problem). I am

making the assumption that there were no prior discussions around this concern; given

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American Financial Corporation 3

the way Betty was unaware of the roadblocks cited as causing his inability to meet

deadlines. At no time though, should Betty resort to unprofessional behavior. She

should not have used this incident to call into question his ability to keep track of items

due to his messy office. She also should not have interrupted him so often. Betty should

have been more self aware of her reaction and calmly approached Don, and work

towards a solution. Later on she should use this incident to investigate what caused the


Although the Situational Leadership Model has been called into question in the

readings by Vecchio, she might want to use it as a high level guide to develop a

coaching strategy for Don. If it is Don’s inability to manage tasks and delegate

effectively, Betty may need to take a more directive approach. Following this same

assumption, and using the SLT, Don did not seem to need much “supportive” coaching,

since he did not become dissuaded until after Betty became hostile.

Key assumptions:

1) Don’s ability to view Betty’s frustration as a result of pressure, and react calmly.

2) Don’s early realization of the complexity of the task, and that his clerical staff

would be unavailable or too busy.

3) There were probably missed opportunities for Betty to approach Don earlier

about his ability to meet deadlines.

4) Don may not have the ability to delegate effectively, and the roadblocks he stated

were just excuses.

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American Financial Corporation 4


Vecchio, R. P. (2007). Leadership: Understanding the dynamics of power and influence

in organizations. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press.