Documento de Trabajo No. 1 Working Paper No. 1 Document de Travail No. 1 Compilación Bibliográfica sobre Belice Bibliographical compilation on Belize Compilation bibliographique sur le Belize Elisabeth Cunin & Odile Hoffmann con el apoyo de / with support of / avec l’aide de Gloria Lara México, Septiembre 2008 Mexico, September 2008 Mexico, Septembre 2008 AFRODESC http://www.ird.fr/afrodesc/

Afrodesc cuaderno no. 1 Bibliographic Compilation on Belize

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Page 1: Afrodesc cuaderno no. 1 Bibliographic Compilation on Belize

Documento de Trabajo No. 1 Working Paper No. 1

Document de Travail No. 1

Compilación Bibliográfica sobre Belice

Bibliographical compilation on Belize

Compilation bibliographique sur le Belize

Elisabeth Cunin & Odile Hoffmann

con el apoyo de / with support of / avec l’aide de Gloria Lara

México, Septiembre 2008 Mexico, September 2008 Mexico, Septembre 2008



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AFRODESC – Documento de trabajo No. 1, Working paper No. 1, Document de travail No. 1


CUNIN, Elisabeth & HOFFMANN Odile, 2008. Compilación Bibliográfica sobre Belice.

Bibliographical compilation on Belize. Compilation bibliographique sur le Belize. Documento

de Trabajo No. 1 / Working Paper No. 1 / Document de Travail No. 1, México: Proyecto


Las citas bibliográficas se presentan en el formato de la American Psychological Association (APA). The bibliographical references follow the model of the American Psychological Association (APA). Les références bibliographiques suivent les normes de la American Psychological Association (APA).

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AFRODESC – Documento de trabajo No. 1, Working paper No. 1, Document de travail No. 1


Esta compilación bibliográfíca inaugura la colección “Documentos de trabajo” del Programa Internacional de Investigación AFRODESC, “Afrodescendientes y esclavitud: dominación, identificación y herencias en las Américas”. Este programa está financiado principalmente por la Agencia nacional de investigación (ANR) francesa y comprende una docena de instituciones mexicanas, francesas, colombianas y de otros países. Para más información, se puede consultar el sitio web http://www.ird.fr/afrodesc/. Las actividades de AFRODESC se llevan a cabo en colaboración estrecha con el Programa europeo de investigación EURESCL « Slave Trade, Slavery, Abolitions and their Legacies in European Histories and Identities ».

El Documento de trabajo No. 1 del programa AFRODESC marca la primera etapa de la investigación en curso sobre Belice. Empezamos por registrar las referencias de trabajos disponibles, y nos pareció útil difundirlas después de haberlas organizado de manera sistemática. Los temas son en parte arbitrarios en la medida en que corresponden a nuestros propios intereses de investigación. Además, concretamente, algunas referencias podían haber sido registradas en varias rúbricas: en este caso privilegiamos la temática principal del documento. La compilación se realizó mediante la revisión de las obras disponibles en librerías y bibliotecas, principalmente en Belice (Archivos, Biblioteca Nacional, Biblioteca de la University of Belize), y de las revistas nacionales e internacionales. Se nutrió además de los datos referenciados en los catálogos de las bibliotecas especializadas en Francia (IHEAL, SUDOC con 196 referencias), México (COLMEX con 150 títulos, UNAM con unas veinte obras referenciadas, CIESAS con 118 títulos, Instituto Mora con 90 referencias), Estados Unidos (Library of Congress con 187 títulos) y Gran Bretaña (British Library, con más de 550 referencias, aunque no más de 200 publicadas después de 1990). La documentación histórica es relativamente abundante, sobre todo aquella concerniente a los litigios territoriales entre Belice, México y Guatemala, señalando así el interés de los analistas, diplomáticos e historiadores, por este caso muy particular de un territorio fuera de normas, a la vez codiciado y abandonado durante siglos por las potencias coloniales. Por su parte, la literatura contemporánea es rica en trabajos relativos al medioambiente, la biodiversidad y la biología, muestra de los intereses globales de nuestra época por este medio extremadamente rico en ecosistemas y recursos de alto potencial (turismo, ecología, desarrollo sustentable). Sin soslayar estos tópicos, nosotras privilegiamos temáticas contemporáneas sociales, políticas y culturales (dejando de lado los trabajos más arqueológicos). Si no es muy abundante, la producción bibliográfica es mucho más rica de lo que pensábamos al iniciar este trabajo de compilación. Sin pretensión de exhaustividad, esta bibliografía sobre Belice da cuenta de esta riqueza, evidencia algunas lagunas y atestigua de los intereses y debates llevados sobre Belice en el mismo país como en las arenas académicas internacionales. Esta bibliografía es una versión provisional, llamada a ser constantemente completada por los avances en la investigación y los aportes de otros investigadores. El texto ha sido revisado y formateado por Gloria Lara. Elisabeth Cunin, IRD-CIESAS [email protected] Odile Hoffmann, CEMCA [email protected]

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This bibliographic compilation opens the collection “Documentos de trabajo” of the International Research Program AFRODESC, “Afrodescendientes y esclavitud: dominación, identificación y herencias en las Américas”. It is principally financed by the French Research National Agency (ANR) and includes a dozen institutions from Mexico, France, Colombia, and other countries. AFRODESC activities take place in close collaboration with the European research program EURESCL “Slave Trade, Slavery, Abolitions and their Legacies in European Histories and Identities”. For more information, please check up the web page http://www.ird.fr/afrodesc/.

Work document number 1 of AFRODESC program indicates the first stage of the currently research about Belize. We have started to register the available bibliographical references so we found useful to diffuse them after having organized this material in a systematic way. Topics are partly arbitrary as they correspond to our own research interests. Furthermore, some references might have been registered in several headings: in this case we favoured the document’s principal thematic. The compilation was made through the revision of publications available in bookshops and libraries, mainly in Belize (Archives, National Library, University of Belize Library), and from national and international journals. We also used the referenced data of specialized libraries’ catalogues: in France (IHEAL, SUDOC 196 references), in Mexico (COLMEX 150 titles, UNAM about 20 referenced works, CIESAS 118 titles, Instituto Mora 90 references), in the United States (Library of Congress 187 titles) and in Great Britain (British Library, more than 550 references, although no more than 200 published after 1990). Historical material is relatively abundant, especially regarding the territorial disputes between Belize, Mexico and Guatemala, thus indicating the interests of analysts, diplomats and historians, for this very particular case of a territory which has been both disputed and neglected during centuries by the colonial powers. Regarding the contemporary literature on Belize, it mainly concentrates on ecology biodiversity and biology issues, showing today’s global interests for this environment so rich in ecosystem and potentially exploitable resources (tourism, ecology, sustainable development). Considering the above mentioned subjects, we have attached great importance to social, political and cultural contemporary issues (with very few references to the archaeological works). Even though the bibliographical references on those topics are not very numerous, they are more numerous than what we thought at the beginning. This compilation, which does not pretend to be exhaustive, gives account of this abundance, as well as it shows the absence of some thematic and allows thus to precise the themes of interests and discussions about Belize in this country or in the international academic world. Like all bibliographies, this one is a temporal version, and we hope it will be completed progressively our colleagues and readers contributions. The text was revised by Gloria Lara. Elisabeth Cunin, IRD-CIESAS [email protected] Odile Hoffmann, CEMCA [email protected]

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Cette bibliographie inaugure la collection « Documento de Trabajo / Working Paper / Document de Travail » du Programme international de recherche AFRODESC, « Afrodescendants et esclavages: domination, identification et héritages dans les Amériques ». Financé principalement par l’Agence Nationale de Recherche (France), celui-ci regroupe une douzaine d’institutions, principalement au Mexique, en Colombie et en France. Pour plus d’informations, voir le site http://www.ird.fr/afrodesc/. Les activités d’Afrodesc se déroulent en étroite collaboration avec le programme européen EURESCL « Slave Trade, Slavery, Abolitions and their Legacies in European Histories and Identities ».

Le Document de Travail No. 1 du programme Afrodesc correspond à la première étape de recherches en cours au Belize. Comme lors de tout nouveau projet, nous avons commencé par recenser les travaux disponibles, et il nous a semblé utile de les organiser de façon systématique et de les diffuser publiquement. Les thèmes retenus sont donc en partie arbitraires et correspondent à nos propres intérêts de recherche. D’un point de vue pratique, certaines références auraient pu être classées dans plusieurs rubriques : dans ce cas, nous avons privilégié la thématique principale abordée dans le document. La compilation bibliographique s’appuie sur la révision des ouvrages disponibles en librairie et en bibliothèques, principalement au Belize (Archives, Bibliothèque Nationale, Bibliothèque de l’University of Belize), et des revues nationales et internationales. Elle reprend aussi les données référencées dans les catalogues des bibliothèques a priori les mieux dotés en France (IHEAL, SUDOC avec 196 références), au Mexique (COLMEX avec 150 titres, UNAM avec une vingtaine d’ouvrages, CIESAS avec 118 titres, Instituto Mora avec 90 titres), aux Etats-Unis (Library of Congress avec 187 titres) et en Grande Bretagne (British Library, plus de 550 titres avec l’entrée Belize, mais pas plus de 200 publiés depuis 1990). La documentation historique est assez abondante, surtout pour celle concernant les litiges territoriaux entre le Belize, le Mexique et le Guatemala, signe de l’intérêt des praticiens et des théoriciens (diplomates et historiens) pour ce cas tout à fait particulier de territoire à la fois disputé et négligé pendant des siècles par les puissances coloniales. Pour sa part, la littérature contemporaine est riche dans les domaines de l’environnement, la biodiversité et la biologie, traduisant les intérêts globaux de notre époque pour ce milieu extrêmement riche en écosystèmes et ressources potentiellement exploitables (tourisme, écologie, développement durable). Tout en prenant en compte ces domaines, nous avons pour notre part privilégié les thématiques contemporaines sociales, politiques et culturelles (laissant ainsi de côté les travaux plus archéologiques). La production n’est pas extrêmement abondante, mais elle est beaucoup plus riche que ce que l’on pouvait penser en un premier temps. La compilation, sans prétention exhaustive, rend compte de cette richesse, met en évidence certains manques, et permet de préciser les thèmes d’intérêts et les débats menés sur place ou dans les arènes universitaires internationales. Cette bibliographie est une version provisoire, nous espérons qu’elle sera progressivement complétée grâce aux apports de nos collègues et des lecteurs en général. Le texte a été revu et mis en page par Gloria Lara. Elisabeth Cunin, IRD-CIESAS [email protected]

Odile Hoffmann, CEMCA [email protected]

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GÉNÉRALITÉS (SYNTHÈSES, BIBLIOGRAPHIES, ATLAS) .........................................................................7 2. HISTORIA/ HISTORY/ HISTOIRE................................................................................................9

2.1 Relatos de viajeros/ Stories of travelers/ Récits de voyageurs .......................................9 2.2. Historia colonial/ Colonial history/ Histoire Coloniale .................................................10 2.3. Independencia, anticolonialismo/ Independence, anticolonialismo/ Indépendance, anticolionalisme.................................................................................................................13 2.4 Esclavitud/ Slavery/Esclavage ......................................................................................15

3. SOCIEDAD, POLÍTICA, ECONOMÍA/ SOCIETY, POLITICS, ECONOMY/ SOCIÉTE, POLITIQUE, ECONOMIE ........ 16 3.1. Sociedad y política/ Society and politics/Sociéte et politique ......................................16 3.2. Economía/ Economy/Economie ..................................................................................19 3.3. Explotación forestal, agricultura, tierra/ Logging, agriculture, land/Exploitation forestière, agriculture, terres .............................................................................................22 3.4. Turismo/ Turism/Tourisme .........................................................................................24 3.5. Ciudad, medio ambiente, territorio/ City, environment, territory/Ville, environnement, territoire ............................................................................................................................25

4. ETNICIDAD, RAZA/ ETHNICITY, RACE/ETHNICITÉ, RACE ................................................................ 27 4.1. Políticas, integración, identidad nacional/ Politics, integration, national identity/ Politiques, intégration, identité nationale .........................................................................27 4.2. Relaciones interétnicas, etnicidad/ Interethnic relations, ethnicity/ Relations interethniques, ethnicité ....................................................................................................29 4.3. Grupos étnicos/ Ethnic groups/Groupes ethniques .....................................................31

4.3.1. Creoles, baymen, negros, afrodescendientes/ Creoles, baymen, blacks,

descendents of Africans/ Créoles, baymen, noirs, afrodescendants .......................... 31

4.3.2. Garifunas/ Black Caribs ................................................................................. 33 4.3.3. Españoles, mestizos, indígenas, mayas/ Spanish, mestizos, indians, mayas/

Espagnols, mestizos, indigènes, mayas ................................................................... 35

4.3.4. Hindúes, chinos/ East Indians, Chinese/ Indiens, chinois ................................. 38

4.3.5. Menonitas/Mennonites ................................................................................ 39 5. GÉNERO/ GENDER/ GENRE .................................................................................................. 40 6. MIGRACIONES/ MIGRATIONS/ .............................................................................................. 41

6.1. Migración/ Migration .................................................................................................41 6.2. Emigración/ Emigration ..............................................................................................42 6.3. Inmigración, refugiados/ Immigration, refugees/ Immigration, réfugiés ...................42

7. CULTURA/ CULTURE............................................................................................................ 43 7.1. Cultura, arte, literatura, medios/ Culture, art, literature, medias/ Culture, art, littérature, medias .............................................................................................................43 7.2. Educación y lengua/ Education and language/ Education et langue ..........................45 7.3. Religión/ Religion .......................................................................................................48


RELATIONS INTERNATIONALES, CONTEXTE RÉGIONAL ...................................................................... 48 8.1. España-Inglaterra, política exterior/ Spain-Great Britain, foreign policy/ Espagne-Angleterre, politique extérieure .........................................................................................48 8.2. Belice-México/ Belize-Mexique ...................................................................................49 8.3. Belice en Centro América, Belice-Guatemala/ Belize in Central America, Belize-Guatemala/ Belize Amérique Centrale, Belize-Guatemala ................................................51 8.4. Belice en el Caribe ingles/ Belize in the English Caribbean/ Belize dans la Caraïbe Anglaise .............................................................................................................................53

REVISTAS/ JOURNALS/ REVUES ................................................................................................. 54 ÍNDICE DE AUTORES/ AUTHORS' INDEX/ INDICE DES AUTEURS ........................................................... 55

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1. Generalidades (Síntesis, bibliografías, atlas)/ Generalities (syntheses, bibliographies, atlas)/ Généralités (Synthèses, bibliographies, atlas)

A Bibliography of books on Belize in the national collection (1977). Belize: The Central library. A History of Belize: Nation in the Making (1983). Belize: Sunshine Books. [Reissue: 1995 y 2004. Benque Viejo del Carmen: Cubola, Productions. Disponible en: http://www.belizenet.com/history.html; consulta 30/06/08)]. Abstract of statistics: Belize (1970-2004). Belmopan, Belize: Central Statistical Office, Ministry of Finance. ANDERSON, A. H. (1963). A brief sketch of British Honduras. Government Printer. [First Ed. 1927]. ANTOCHIW, Michel & BRETON, Alain (1992). Catálogo cartográfico de Belice/ Cartographic catalogue of Belice, 1511-1880. México: Bureau Regional de Cooperation en Amérique Centrale, Centre d’Etudes Mexicaines et Centramericaines. ARANA, Francis B. (1992). It used to be that… Volume I. Beverly Hills: Minuteman Press. ARANA, Francis B. (1995). It used to be that… Volume II. Benque Viejo del Carmen, BRC Printing Ltd. ARANA, Francis B. (1997). It used to be that… Volume III. National Printers Ltd. Atlas of Belize (2006). Benque Viejo del Carmen: Cubola Books. BARRY, Tom & VERNON, Dylan (1995). Inside Belize: The essential guide to its politics, economy, society, and environment. Albuquerque, New Mexico: Resource Center Press. BATH, Sergio (1966). Notas para una bibliografía sobre Belize, Honduras Británica. México: Embaixada do Brazil. Belice, historia y sociedad (1990). Guatemala: FLACSO - Fundación Friedrich Ebert. Belize Today: A Society in transformation (1984). Belize City: Sunshine Books. Belize: New Nation in Central America (1975). Belize: Cubola. BOUVIER, Leon (1984). Belize: Yesterday, today and tomorrow. Washington DC: Population Reference Bureau. BRADBURY, Alex (1994). Guide to Belize. Old Saybrook, Connecticut: Globe Pequot Press. BRADLEY, Leo (Ed.). (1964). A Bibliography of published material on the country, as found in the National collection (2nd ed.). Belize City: British Honduras Library Service. BUHL, Richard (Ed.). (1976). National Studies Faces & places of old Belize. Belize: Government Printery.

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BURDON, Sir John Alder (1927). A Brief sketch of British Honduras past, present, and Future. London: The West India Committee. CARPIO, Roberto (1977). Hacia donde va Belice. Ciudad de Guatemala: Girblan y Cia. Ltda. DIRECTION DE LA DOCUMENTATION, FRANCIA, (1972). Les pays anglophones de la Caraïbe. Les Antilles Britanniques Belize-Guyana. Le bloc andin: structures et perspectives. Paris: Direction de la Documentation. ESTRADA DE LA HOZ, Julio (1949). Belice. Guatemala, C. A.: Tipografía Nacional Guatemala. EVERITT, John (1969). Terra incognita. An analysis of a geographical anachronism and an historical accident (a cultural geography of British Honduras). MA Thesis, Vancouver, Simon Fraser University. GARGALLO, Francesca & SANTANA, Adalberto (comp.). (1993). Belice: sus fronteras y destino. México: Universidad Autónoma de México. GLASSMON, Paul (1991). Belize Guide. Champlain: Passeport Press. GORDON, Jessica (1990). The Nation we are making. Junior history of Belize. Belmopan: Ministry of Education, published by Cubola Productions. KNIGHT, Franklin & PALMER, Colin A. (1989). The modern Caribbean. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. KROHN, Lita et al. (1987). Readings in Belizean History (2nd ed.). Belize City: St John’s College. MERRIL, Tim L. (1993). Guyana and Belize: Country studies. Washington D.C.: Federal Research Division, Library of Congress. MINKEL, Clarence & ALDERMAN Ralph H.A. (1972). “A Bibliography of British Honduras, 1900-1970”. Journal of Latin American Studies, 4 (1), (May), 155. Cambridge University Press. MUNIANDY, Andy (1991). Belize and her people. Limited Buermah House Swindon (UK): Burmah Castrol OLGUÍN, David (2004). Belize. Belice (Triptyque). Montreuil, la Guillotine: Collection Le miroir qui fume. PALACIO, Joseph (1976). “Anthropology in Belize”. Current Anthropology, 17(3), 485-490. PALACIO, Myrtle (1990). “A social profile of Belize City”. SPEAReports3. Third annual studies on Belize conference, Belize, City, 1989 (pp. 68-81.). Belize City: Society for the Promotion of education and Research (SPEAR). Profile Of Belize (1990). Society for the Promotion of Education and Research (SPEAR). SPEAReport6, (1990). Second annual studies on Belize conference (26-28 de octubre 1989). México: Published for SPEAR by Cubola Productions.

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SPEAReport7, (1991). Fourth annual studies on Belize conference (25-27 de octubre 1990). México: Published for SPEAR by Cubola Productions. SPEAR (1992). Fifth annual studies on Belize conference. Ten Year’s of Independence in Times of Crisis: Belize 1981-1991 (October 1991). México: Published for SPEAR by Cubola Productions. SULLIVAN, Paul (1978). “The founding and growth of bullet tree falls”. Belizean Studies, 6 (6), 1-22. SWAN, Michael (1957). British Honduras. London: Phoenix House. The Belize issue (1978). London: Latin America Bureau, Research and Action on Latin America. The Handbook of British Honduras (1925). London: The West India Committee. The New Belize (1978). Belize: Government Information Service. WADDELL, David (1960). “More on the Belize Question”. The Hispanic American Historical Review, 40 (2), (May), 230-233. WILLIAMS, Eric (1966). British Historians and the West Indies. London: Andre Deutsch. WOODWARD, Ralph L. (1980). Belize Bibliography (World Bibliographical Series, vol. 21). Oxford: Clio Press. WOOLRICH, B. Manuel (1957). Bibliografía sobre Belice. México: Vargas Rea. YOUNG, Alma (1990). “Belize”. In James M. Malloy & Eduardo A. Gamarra (Ed.), Latin America and contemporary record. NY-London: Holmes and Meyer. ZAMMIT, J. Ann (1978). The Belize Issue. London: Latin American Bureau.

2. Historia/ History/ Histoire

2.1 Relatos de viajeros/ stories of travelers/ Récits de voyageurs

CARR, J.D. & THORPE J.E. (Ed.). (1961). From the cam to the Cays: the story of the Cambridge Expedition to British Honduras 1959-60. London: Putnarn. DAMPIER, William (1717/1906). Dampier’s voyage: Two voyages to Campeachy. Vol. 2., Ed. by John Mansfield. London: E. Grant-Richards. Department of Archaeology, Archives Department, Department of Museums (1990). The 1990 Travel Exhibition. Moments in the history of Belize. Belmopan: Government Printery. DOBSON, Narda (1959). English privateering voyages to the West Indies: 1588-1595. Ed. Kenneth R. Andrews. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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STEPHENS, John L. (1969). Incident of travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. New York: Dover Publication Inc.

2.2. Historia colonial/ colonial history/ Histoire Coloniale

ASHCRAFT, Norman (1973). Colonialism and underdevelopment: processes of political economic change in British Honduras. New York: Teachers College Press. ASHDOWN, Peter (1978). “The perversion of history: A critique of Stephen L. Caiger’s ‘British Honduras past and present’”. Journal of Belizean Affairs, 6, (Jan.), 37-50. ASHDOWN, Peter (1987). “The Colonial administrator as historian: Burdon, Burns and the Battle of St. George’s Cay”. Belizean Studies, 15 (1), 8-16. [Reprinted in Essays in the Battle of St. George’s Caye Day, 2006. Belize: St. John’s College+. BOLLAND, Nigel (1977). The formation of a Colonial society: Belize, from conquest to crown Colony. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. BOLLAND, Nigel (1988). Colonialism and resistance in Belize: essays in historical sociology. Belize City: SPEAR. BRADLEY, Leo H. (without date, introduction in 1966). Glimpse on our country. Seventy-six short articles on British Honduras (Belize). BRISTOWE, Lindsay & WRIGHT, Philip (1889). The Handbook of British Honduras, 1888-1889. Edinburgh and London: Blackwood. BROOKE, Cyril (1924). The new edition of the consolidated laws of British Honduras. London Wall, London: Waterlow and Sons Limited. BROWN, Wallace (1990). “The Mosquito shore and the bay of Honduras during the era of the American Revolution”. Belizean Studies, 18 (2-3), (December), 43-61. BRYCE, William (1963). The subsidiary laws of British Honduras in force on the 31st Day of December, 1963. London: Richard Madley Limited. BUHLER, Richard (1979). “How the British won the Battle of St. George’s Caye”, Belizean Studies, 7 (5), (September), 11-17. [Reprinted in Essays in The Battle of St. George’s Caye Day (2006). Belize: St. John’s College, pp. 1-7]. BURDON, Sir John Alder (1931-1935). Archives of British Honduras, Vol.3. London: Sifton Praed and Co. BURNS, Alan (1949). Colonial civil servant. London: Allen and Unwin. BURNS, Alan (1954). History of the British West Indies. London: Allen and Unwin. CAIGER, C.L. (1951). British Honduras past and present. London: Allen and Unwin. CAL, Angel (1989). Review of Nigel Bolland “Colonialism and resistance in Belize: essays in

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historical sociology”. The Hispanic American Historical Review, 69 (3), 584-585. CALDERON, José A. (1944). Belize, 1663-1821. Sevilla: Victoria Gráficas. CAMPBELL, Mavis C. (2003). “St. George’s Caye: Genesis of the British Settlement of Belize – Anglo-Spanish Rivalry”. Journal of Caribbean History, 37 (2). CLEGERN, Wayne (1967). British Honduras: Colonial dead end, 1859-1900. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. DOBSON, Narda (1973). A History of Belize. London: Longman Caribbean, Trinidad and Jamaica: Longman Caribbean Limited. DONOHOE, William A. (1946). A History of British Honduras. Montreal: Provincial Publishing Co. ERGOOD, Bruce (1991). “Review. Belize: an introduction”. Latin American Research Review, 26 (3), 257-265. EVANS, G. (1948). Report of the British Guiana and British Honduras settlement Commission. London: HMSO. FLOYD, Barry (1970). “Focus on British Honduras (Belize)”. Occasional Publication, no. 18. Jamaica: University of the West Indies. GIBBS, Archibald R. (1883). British Honduras: an historical descriptive account of the colony from its settlement, 1670. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington. GOLDSWORTHY, D. J. (1971). Colonial Issues in British Politics, 1945-61. Oxford: Clarendon. GRANT, Cedric (1976). The making of modern Belize: politics, society and British Colonialism in Central America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. GREAT BRITAIN. CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION (1964). Reference Division, Honduras Británicas (Belize). Londres: Central Office of Information. GREGG, Robert A. (1968). British Honduras. London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. HENDERSON, George (1809). An account of the British Settlement of Honduras. London: C. and R. Baldwin. HUMPHREYS, Francis (1979). “The Battle of St. George’s Caye: a new analysis (Part. I)”. Belizean Studies, 7 (4), (July), 1-11. [Reprinted in Essays in The Battle of St. George’s Caye Day (2006). Belize: St. John’s College, pp. 17-27). HUMPHREYS, Francis. (1979). “The Battle of St. George’s Caye: a new analysis (Part. II). Belizean Studies, 7 (5), (September), 1-10. [Reprinted in Essays in The Battle of St. George’s Caye Day, (2006). Belize: St. John’s College, pp. 28-37]. HUNTER, Lita, MURRAY, Fr. M. & YSAGUIRRE, Lena (Ed.). (1987). Readings in Belizean History. Belize: Belizean Studies.

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HURFORD, Graham (1987). “The Moyne Commission in British Honduras public opinion and the politics of the Burns Administration, 1934-1940”. Master’s Thesis, University of London. KING, Emory (1991). Belize 1798. The road to glory. The Battle of St. George’s Caye. A novel history of Belize. Belize: Tropical Books. KING, Emory (1999). The Great Story of Belize, vol. 1. Belize: Printed by BRC Printing and Published by Tropical Books. KING, Emory (2000). The Great Story of Belize, vol. 2. Belize: Printed by BRC Printing and Published by Tropical Books. KING, Emory (2000). The Great Story of Belize, vol. 3. Belize: Printed by BRC Printing and Published by Tropical Books. KING, Emory (2001). The Great Story of Belize, vol. 4. Belize: Printed by BRC Printing and Published by Tropical Books. LEAS, Charles (1863). Belize or British Honduras. Manuscript, Dispatches from the United States Consuls in Belize, 1847-1906, roll 2 (53), July 25. LEON, Narda D. (1958). Social and administrative developments in British Honduras, 1798-1843. Thesis, University of Oxford: unpublished B. Lit. LEWIS, Gareth D. (1977). “The 1794 register of St. John’s Cathedral”. Belizean Studies, 5, 19-26. METZGEN, Monrad & CAIN H.E.C. (1925). Handbook of British Honduras, 1925. London: The West India Committee. METZGEN, Monrad (Ed.). (1928). Shoulder to shoulder, or the Battle of St. George’s Caye 1798. Belize City: Literary and Debating Club. MOBERG, Mark (1996). “Review 13 Chapters of a History of Belize by Assad Shoman”. Journal of Latin American Studies, 28 (2), (May), 512-513. MORRIS, D., 1883. The Colony of British Honduras. Its resources and prospects. London: Edward Stanford, 55, Charing Cross. NAYLOR, Robert A. (1968). “Review of Clegern Wayne M., 1967. British Honduras: Colonial dead end, 1859-1900. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press”. The Hispanic American Historical Review, 48 (1), (feb.), 136-137. NAYLOR, Robert A. (1989). Penny Ante Imperialism: the Mosquito shore and the bay of Honduras, 1600-1914: a case study in British Informal Empire. Rutherford: Fairleigh Dickinson Press. OMAN, Sir Charles (1922). The unfortunate Colonel Despard and other studies. London: Edward Arnold. OWER, Leslie H. (1927). “Features of British Honduras”. The Geographical Journal, 70 (4), (Oct.), 372-386.

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PEREZ, Gustavo (1958). Documentos sobre Belice o Balice. México: Boletín Bibliográfico de la Secretaria de Hacienda y Crédito Público. POSNETT, N. W. & REILLY P.M. (1973). Belize (British Honduras). Foreign and Commonwealth office overseas development administration, land Ressource Division. Tolworth Tower, Surbiton, Surrey, England. RITZ, Stacy (1994). The new key to Belize. Berkley, CA: Ulysses Press. SHERLOCK, Philip (1969). Belize: A Junior History. London and Glasgow: Collins. SHOMAN, Assad (1995). Backtalking Belize: selected writings. Edited by Anne Masherson. Belize City: The Angelus Press Limited. SHOMAN, Assad (2000). Thirteen chapters of a history of Belize. Belize City: The Angelus Press Limited. [First Ed. 1994] TOUSSAINT, Mónica (1993). Belice: una historia olvidada. México: Instituto Mora-CEMCA. TOUSSAINT, Mónica (Comp.). (2004). Belice: textos de su historia, 1670-1981. México: Instituto Mora. VICKERS, George (1955). The legislature of British Honduras. London: Government Printer. WADDELL, David (1961). British Honduras: A historical and contemporary survey. London, New York and Toronto: Oxford University Press. WADDELL, David (1988). “Britain, British Honduras and Belize”. Belizean Studies, 16 (2), 16-28. WINZERLING, E.O. (1946). The Beginning of British Honduras, 1506-1765. New York: North River Press.

2.3. Independencia, anticolonialismo/ Independence, anticolonialismo/ Indépendance, anticolonialisme

AGUILERA, Gabriel (1977). “Dependencia política y colonialismo: Ideología independentista y lucha de clase en Belice”. En Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos, 3, 81-95, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales de la Universidad de Costa Rica. ASHDOWN, Peter (1977). “Antonio Soberanis and the 1934-35 ‘Disturbances’ in Belize” Part 1. Belizean Studies, 5 (4), July, 1-11. ASHDOWN, Peter (1977). “Antonio Soberanis and the 1934-35 ‘Disturbances’ in Belize” Part 2. Belizean Studies, 5 (5), July, 16-30. ASHDOWN, Peter (1978). “Antonio Soberanis and the 1934-35 ‘Disturbances’ in Belize” Part 3. Belizean Studies, 6 (2), 12-19. ASHDOWN, Peter (1978). “Antonio Soberanis and the 1934-35 ‘Disturbances’ in Belize” Part 4. Belizean Studies, 6 (3), 7-13.

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ASHDOWN, Peter (1978). “Antonio Soberanis and the 1934-35 ‘Disturbances’ in Belize” Part 5. Belizean Studies, 6 (4), 8-15. ASHDOWN, Peter (1979). “The Labourer’s riot of 1894”, Part I. Belizean Studies, 7 (6), 8-20. ASHDOWN, Peter (1980). “The Labourer’s riot of 1894”, Part II. Belizean Studies, 8 (2), 22-28. BALBONI, Barbara S. & PALACIO, Joseph O. (Ed.). (2007). Taking stock: Belize at 25 years of Independence (Vol.1). Belize: Cubola Books. BERTRAND, Régis (1985). Belize: son indépendance ou l'issue d'un contentieux colonial entre Grande-Bretagne et Guatemala. Mémoire de DEA, Paris, IHEAL-Université Paris3. BOLLAND, Nigel (1986). Belize. A New Nation in Central America. Boulder and London: Westview Press. BOLLAND, Nigel (1992). “The politics of freedom in the British Caribbean”. In Frank Mc Glynn, Seymour Drescher (Ed.), The meaning of freedom: economics, politics, and culture after slavery (pp. 113-146). Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, COLLINS, Charles O. (1973). The political geography of nation-building: the case of Belize. Tesis (Doctor of Philosophy), University of Kansas. DA PENA, Ramón (1976). Belize prospects for independence and sovereignty. Tesis (Doctor of Philosophy in Geography), Los Angeles, Calif., University of California. FAIRWEATHER, D.N.A. (1977). A short history of the volunteer forces of British Honduras. Montreal: n.p. George Price. Father of the nation of Belize (2000). Belize: Ion Media. GILES, B. W. (1956). The “belize” question: a problem of anticolonialism in the new world. Tesis (Doctor of Philosophy), Yale University. GOVERNMENT OF BELIZE, 1980. Free Belize Now! GOV. OF PEOPLE'S UNITED PARTY (PUP), (1989). The manifesto for the Independent Belize. Belize: Government Printery. HOWE, Stephen (1993). Anticolonialism in British Politics: The left and the end of empire. Oxford: Clarendon Press. JAMAIL, Milton (1984). “Belize: still struggling for Independence”. NACLA Report on the Americas, 18 (3), (May-June), 8-10. KOOP, G.S. (1991). Pioneer Years in Belize. Belize City, Belize: Published by G.S. Koop. PAZ, Ma. Elena (1979). Belize. El Despertar de una Nación. México: Siglo XXI.

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PEOPLE'S UNITED PARTY (PUP). (1969). Manifesto for the New Belize in the surging seventies. Belize: Government Information Service. Printed by the Government Printery. SÁNCHEZ, I. E. (1984). Belize and its cultural identity: crisis of a people in search of their national identity. Belmopan: mimeografiado. SETZEKORN, William D. (1981). Formerly British Honduras: a profile of the new nation of Belize. Athens: Ohio University Press. [Original work published in 1975 by Newark, NJ, Dumbarton Press]. SHOMAN, Assad (1973). “The birth of the nationalist movement in Belize, 1950-1954”. Journal of Belizean Affairs, 2, 3-40. [Reissue: Lita Hunter Krohn, Fr. M. Murray, Lena Ysaguirre (Ed.). (1987), Readings in Belizean history. Belize: Belizean Studies and St. John’s College, pp. 194-238]. SPEAR’s Annual Studies on Belize Conference: Ten Year’s of independence in times of crisis: Belize 1981-1991. Belice: 1991, independence ten years after: fifth annual studies on Belize conference. Belize, SPEAR, 1992 SUTHERLAND, Anne (1998). The making of Belize: Globalization in the margins. Westport, Connecticut: Bergin and Garvey.

2.4 Esclavitud/ Slavery/ Esclavage

BOLLAND, Nigel (1981). “Systems of domination after slavery: the control of land and labor in the British West Indies after 1838”. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 23 (4), 591-619. BOLLAND, Nigel (1978). “Slavery in Belize”. Journal of Belizean Affairs, 6, 3-36. BOLLAND, Nigel (1986). “Labour control and resistance in Belize in the century after 1838”. Slavery and Abolition, 7 (2), 175-187. BOLLAND, Nigel (1994). “Colonization and slavery in Central America”. In Paul E. Lovejoy and Nichols Rogers (Eds.). Unfree labour in the development of the Atlantic World (pp. 11-25). London: Frank Cass. BURN, W. L. (1937). Emancipation and apprenticeship in the British West Indies. London: Jonathan Cape. CRATON, Michael (1982). Testing the chains: resistance to slavery in the British West Indies. Ithaca, NY: Carnell University Press. DAVIES, Ioan (1971). The West Indies, before and since slave emancipation. London: Frank Cass. [First Ed. 1854]. ENGERMAN, S. L. (1985). “Economic change and contract labour in the British Caribbean: the end of slavery and the adjustment of emancipation”. In David Richardson (Ed.), Abolition and its Aftermath: the historical contact, 1790-1916 (pp. 225-244). London: Frank Cass.

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FIEHRER, Thomas (1979). “Slaves and freedmen in Colonial Central America: rediscovering a forgotten Black”. The Journal of Negro History, 64 (1), (Winter), 39-57. GREEN, William A. (1976). British slave emancipation: the Sugar Colonies ad the great Experiment, 1830-1865. Oxford: Clarendon Press. GREEN, William A. (1984). “The perils of comparative history: Belize and the British sugar Colonies after slavery” and Bolland’s Reply. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 26 (1), (Jan.), 112-119. HADEL, Richard (1975). “Slave trials in Belize”. Belizean Studies, 3 (2), 1-7. HIGMAN, Barry (1984). Slaves populations in the British Caribbean, 1807-1834. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press. KING, Emory (2006). Slavery in Belize. A family affair. Belize City: Tropical Books. [First Ed. 1999]. MURRAY, Roy (2002). An account of slavery in the marginal colonies of the British West Indies. Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Glasgow. SPEAReport4, (1990). Second annual studies on Belize conference (14-16 de octubre 1988). Slavery and freedom in Belize: Yesterday and Today. México: Published for SPEAR by Cubola Productions.

3. Sociedad, política, economía/ Society, politics, economy/ Société, politique, économie

3.1. Sociedad y política/ Society and politics/ Société et politique

50 years of serving the people. PUP 1950-2000, a special anniversary pictorial (2000). Belize, Ion Media. ASHDOWN, Peter (1980). “Sweet-Escott, Swayne and the unofficial majority in the Legislative Council of British Honduras: 1904-1911”. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, IX (1), (October), 57-75. ASHDOWN, Peter (1980). “The Belize elite: a pictorial commentary”. Belizean Studies, 8 (1), (January), 12-15. ASHDOWN, Peter (1981).”The Belize elite and its power base: Land, labour and commerce circa 1890”. Belizean Studies, 9 (5-6), 30-43. ASHDOWN, Peter (1989). “A Democracy too soon: The Constitutional proposals 1923-1925”. Belizean Studies, 17 (2), 23-33. BOLLAND, Nigel (1973). “The social structure and social relations of the settlement in the Bay of Honduras (Belize) in the 18th Century”. Journal of Caribbean History, 6, 1-42.

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BOLLAND, Nigel (1991). “Society and politics in Belize”. In Colin Clarke (Ed.). Society and politics in the Caribbean (pp. 78-109). Oxford: Macmillan. CHEVERTON, R. L. & SMART, H. P. (1937). Report of the committee on nutrition in the Colony of British Honduras. Belize: Government Printer. CRAIG, Susan (1982). “Sociological theorizing in the English-speaking Caribbean: A Review”. In Susan Craig (Ed.), Contemporary Caribbean: a Sociological Reade, 2, 143-180. EDWARDS, Colleen (1994). Belizean children in especially difficult circumstances. Belize: The Belize National Committee on Families and Children and UNICEF. ELLIS, Zoila (1980). “A brief review of recent social legislation. The status of children ordinance 1980”. Network: Journal of Belizean Women’s Affairs, 1 (1), (December), pp. 22-33. FERNANDEZ, Julio (1989). Belize: case study for democracy in Central America. United Kingdom, United States: Aldershot, Avebury. GRANT, Cedric (1966). “The civil service strike in British Honduras: a case study of politics and the civil service”. Caribbean Quarterly, 12 (13), (September), 37-49. GRANT, Cedric (1967). “Rural local government in Guyana and British Honduras”. Social and Economic Studies, 16, 57-76. HADEL, Richard. (1974). “Three early censuses: 1816, 1820 and 1823”. Occasional Papers Series, BISRA Journal of Social Research and Thought. Belize City: St. Johns College. HANSON, David (1974). “Politics, partisanship and social position in Belize”. Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, 16 (4), 409-435. HARRISON, J. (1984). Belize: Social policy and intersectorial planning. Belmopan: British Development Division in the Caribbean. KROSHUS, Laurie (1988). “Creating and manipulating power within dependency”. Belizean Studies, 16 (3), 2-13. KROSHUS, Laurie (1992). Power and development: The political economy of identities in Belize. PhD Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles. KROSHUS, Laurie (2004). Negotiating economic development: identity formation and collective action in Belize. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. LUNDGREN, Nancy (1987). Socialization of children in Belize: identity, race and power within the world political economy. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Massachusetts. OKEKE, Stephen (2004). Understanding the problems of Belizean youths. Positive insights. Benque Viejo del Carmen: BRC Printing LTD. PALACIO, Joseph (1993). “Social and cultural implications of recent demographic changes in Belize”, Belizean Studies, 21 (3), 2-12.

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PALACIO, Myrtle (1990). “The Rise of local area community organizations in Belize City”. In SPEAReports 6: Third annual studies on Belize conference, Belize, 1989 (pp. 52-81). México: SPEAR by Cubola Productions. PALACIO, Myrtle (1991). “Elections in Belize City: who is Participating? A critique of our voting system”. In SPEAReports7: Fourth annual studies on Belize conference, Belize, 1990 (pp. 48-60). México: SPEAR by Cubola Productions. PALACIO, Myrtle (1993). The first Primer on the people called Garifuna. Belize: Glessima Research and Services, Ltd. PALACIO, Myrtle (1993). Who and what in Belizean elections, 1954 to 1993. Belize: Glessima Research and Services, Ltd. PRICE, George (1991). Constitution & regulations of the People's United Party (PUP). Belize: Government Printery. ROESSINGH, Carel & BOERSMA, Kees (2005). “Local Interests versus Global Organizational Power: Political Conflicts in the Organization of Belizean Football”. In: Belizean Studies, 27 (1), 77-82. ROSBERG, Michael (2005). Impact of crime and violence on children and adolescents: Responding to the emotional, physical and financial security needs of children and adolescents. Belize: Community Rehabilitation Department-UNICEF. SÁNCHEZ, I. E. (1990). “Our political contract: amendments and additions”. In SPEAReport, 4: Second annual studies on Belize conference (pp. 64-70). México: SPEAR by Cubola Productions. SHOMAN, Assad (1987). Party politics in Belize. 1950-1986. Benque Viejo del Carmen: Cubola Productions. SHOMAN, Assad (1988). “Double Jeopardy: trade unions relations with party and State. The case of the UGWU”. In Belize: Ethnicity and Development. Belize: SPEAR (without pagination). SHOMAN, Assad (1990). “Belize: an authoritarian democratic State in Central America”. In SPEAReports4: Second annual studies on Belize conference (pp. 42-63). México: SPEAR by Cubola Productions. SMITH, Godfrey P. (2005). Belize. A Caribbean nation in Central America. Selected Speeches of Said Musa. Kingston, Miami: Ian Randle Publishers. THORNDIKE, Tony (1983). “Belizean political parties: the independence crisis and after”. Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, 21 (2), 195-211. TOUSSAINT, Mónica (1990). “Las elecciones en Belice: del espejismo bipartidista a la realidad neocolonialista”. Secuencia, 18, (sept-dic.), 5-16. UNICEF-CRD (2005). The impact of crime and violence on children and adolescents. Belmopan: Ministry of Human Development-Community Rehabilitation Department.

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WILK, Richard (1984). “Rural settlement change in Belize, 1970-1980: The effects of roads”. Belizean Studies, 12 (4), 1-10. WILK, Richard (1995). “Learning to be local in Belize: Global systems of common difference”. In D. Miller (ed.), Worlds apart: Modernity through the prism of the local. London: Routledge, pp. 110-133. WITTER, Michael (n.d.). Civil society participation in Governance in Jamaica and Belize. Jamaica: CSEDNet. YOUNG, Alma (1994). “Belize: challenges to democracy”. In Carlene J. Edie (Ed.). Democracy in the Caribbean. Myths and realities (pp. 114-129). Westport, Connecticut: Praeger.

3.2. Economía/ Economy/ Economie

ASHDOWN, Peter (1979). “Control and Coercion: the Motives for Governments Nurture of Organized Labour”. Journal of Belizean Affairs, 9, 36-43. BARNETT, Carla (1993). “Perspectives on globalization”. In SPEAReports 9: Globalization and Development: Challenges and Prospects for Belize. Belize City: SPEAR. BLOOD, Sir Hilary (1960). “British Honduras: land of opportunity”. Journal of the Royal Commonwealth Society, 3. BOLLAND, Nigel (1984). “Labour conditions in Belize: the century after 1838”. Belcast, Journal of Belizean Affairs, 1 (1), 48-54. BOLLAND, Nigel (1988). “The Labour movement and the genesis of modern politics in Belize”. In Malcom Cross & Gad Heuman (Ed.), Labour and the Caribbean: From Emancipation to Independence (pp. 258-284). London: Macmillan. BOLLAND, Nigel (1995). On the March: Labour rebellions in the British Caribbean. 1934-39. Kingston, Ian Randle, London: James Currey. BOLLAND, Nigel (2001). The politics of Labour in the British Caribbean: the social origins of authoritarianism and democracy in the labour movement. Princeton: Markus Wiener. BRAUN, Bertram (1993). “The Enterprise for the Americas initiative: where Belize Fits”. In SPEAReports 9: Globalization and Development: Challenges and Prospects for Belize. Belize City: SPEAR. CAL, Angel (1984). “The Corozal (Goshen) Estate 1819-1887”. Belcast, Journal of Belizean Affairs, 1 (1), (December), 41-47. CAL, Angel (1991). “Capital-Labor relations on a Colonial frontier: nineteenth Century Northern Belize”. In Jeffrey T. Brannon & Gilbert M. Joseph (Ed.), Land, labour, and capital in modern Yucatán: Essays in regional history and political economy (pp. 83-106).Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press. CAL, Angel (1991). Rural society and economic development. British mercantile capital in the

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nineteenth-century Belize. PhD Dissertation, University of Arizona. CARREY, N.S. (1953). The Pattern of a dependent economy: the National Income of British Honduras. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. CAYETANO, Roy (1987). “Why cooperatives fail”. First annual studies on Belize conference, University Center (May 25-26, 1987). Belize City: SPEAR Ethnicity and Development. DANIEL, George (1957). “Labor and nationalism in the British Caribbean”. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 310, (Mar.), 162-171. Current Issues in International Labor Relations. DODD, S. & SEAMAN, P. (1998). “Religion and enterprise: an introduction exploration”. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 3 (1), 71–87. DOWNIE, J. (1959). An Economic Policy for British Honduras. Belize: Government Printery. DUMONT, René (1963). A development plan for British Honduras. Part 2: The modernization of agriculture. UN Commission of Technical Assistance, Dept. Of Economic and Social Affairs. FOG, Karen (1993). “Between tradition and modernity: national development in the Caribbean”. Social Analysis, 33, (September), 89-104. GORDON, Edmund (1981). Phases of development and underdevelopment in a Caribbean fishing village: San Pedro, Belize. Doctoral Dissertation, Stanford University. HAMILL, Don (1978). “Colonialism and the emergence of trade unions in Belize”. Journal of Belizean Affairs, 7, 3-20. HENDERSON, Peta (1990). “Development and dependency in a Belizean Village”. SPEAReport 4: Second annual studies on Belize conference (pp. 71-91). México: SPEAR by Cubola Productions. HEYMAN, Will & GRAHAM, R. (2000). The voice of the fisherman of southern Belize. Belize: TIDE. JAMES, C.L.R. (1980). “The West Indian middle class”. In Spheres of existence: selected writings (pp. 131-140). Westport CT: Lawrence Hill and Co. KROHN, Eleanor (1979). The development of nursing in Belize (British Honduras) Central America: 1920 to 1970. Tesis (Doctor of Philosophy), Columbia University Teachers College. KROSHUS, Laurie (1990). “For the good of the small Man: the sources of small growers’ power”. In SPEAReports 6: Third annual studies on Belize conference, Belize, 1989 (pp. 44-51). México: SPEAR by Cubola Productions. KROSHUS, Laurie (1992). “Immigration, labour and Government policy: class conflict and alternative paths towards development”. In SPEAReports 8 (pp.144.-158). Belize: SPEAR. KROSHUS, Laurie (1997). “Development policies and identity politics: class and collectivity in Belize”. American Ethnologist, 24 (1), (Feb.), 148-169. KROSHUS, Laurie (1998). “The impact of free- trade initiatives on the Caribbean Basin: From

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Democracy to Efficiency in Belize”. Latin American Perspectives, 25 (5), (Sep.), 27-49. LAURE, Joseph & BONILLA, Rosario (1992). Belize: 1889-1990, a century of slow change in the purchasing power of low wages. Belice: 1889-1990, un siglo de lenta evolución del poder adquisitivo de los salarios bajos. Ciudad de Guatemala: Instituto de Nutrición de Centro América y Panamá. LAURE, Joseph (1991). Belize : un siècle de lente évolution du pouvoir d'achat des bas salaires, 1889-1990. Guatemala de la Asunción: ORSTOM-INCAP. LEWIS, Arthur (1977). Labour in the West Indies: the birth of a workers’ movement. London: New Beacon Books. [First Ed. 1939]. PALACIO, Myrtle (1990). “A socio-economic Profile of Belize” in SPEAReports 3. Belize: SPEAR. ROGERS, E. (1885). “British Honduras: Its resources and development”. Journal of the Manchester Geographical Society. 1, 197-227. ROSBERG, Michael & JOHNSON, Melva (2000). Preparing for the new millennium: National Human Development Report 1999. Belize: National Human Development Advisory Committee-UNDP-UNICEF. SHOMAN, Assad (1987). “The making and breaking of the United General Workers’ Union”. In Belize: Ethnicity and Development (pp. 1-32). Belize: SPEAR. SOSA, Nigeli (1997). “Measuring the multidimensional aspects of poverty: a study based on Orange Walk district, Belize”. Working papers 238. The Hague: Inst. of Social Studies. SPEAR’s (1993). Annual Studies on Belize Conference: Globalization and development: challenges and prospects for Belize (1992). Belize: SPEAR. STAHL, Kathleen (1951). The metropolitan organization of British Colonial Trade. London: Faber and Faber. SUTHERLAND, Anne (1986). Caye caulker: economic success in a Belizean fishing village. Boulder: Westview Press. TASKER-BROWN, Julie (1989). A preliminary analysis of Low-Income housing policy for Belize City. Montreal: School of Urban Planning, Mc Gill University. TILLETT, W. Edmund (1979). The development of an industrial labor force in a developing country: a case study of Belize. Tesis (Master of labour and industrial relations), Michigan State University. TRIPARTITE REPORT (1966). Report of the Tripartite economic survey of British Honduras, May 1966. Canada, UK, USA: Tri-national survey team. VERNON, Dylan (1992). “Ten years of independence in Belize: an analysis of the socio-economic crisis”. In SPEAReports 8 (pp. 38-50). Belize City: SPEAR.

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WOLFE, J. & BROWN, D. (1987). The informal sector production of housing: effects of unarticulated policies: a case study from Belize. Montreal: School of Urban Planning, Mc Gill University. WOODS, Louis & PERRY, Joseph (1991). “Regional integration, foreign trade, and economic development: Caricom and Belize”. SPEAReports 7: Fourth annual studies on Belize conference, Belize, 1990 (pp. 25-47). México: SPEAR by Cubola Productions.

3.3. Explotación forestal, agricultura, tierra/ Logging, agriculture, land/ Exploitation forestière, agriculture, terres

BARHAM, B. (1992). “Foreign direct investment in a strategically competitive environment: Coca-Cola, Belize and the international citrus industry”. World Development, 20 (6), 841-857. BARNETT, Carla (1991). “Aspects of state policy on land distribution and use in the crown Colonial period and after”. SPEAReports 7: Fourth annual studies on Belize conference, Belize, 1990 (pp. 61-79). México: SPEAR by Cubola Productions. BARNETT, Carla (1991). The political economy of land in Belize: “Machete must fly”. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of the West Indies. BETETA, Ramón (1999). Tierra del Chicle. Cancún: Gobierno del Estado de Quintana Roo, Secretaría General de Gobierno. BOLLAND, Nigel & SHOMAN, Assad (1977). Land in Belize, 1765-1871: the origins of land tenures, use, and distribution in a dependent economy. Mona: Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of the West Indies. CRAIG, Alan (1969). “Logwood as a factor in the settlement of British Honduras”. Caribbean Studies, 9 (1), 53-62. FINAMORE, Daniel (2004). “Pirate water: sailing to Belize in the Mahogany trade”. In David Killingray, Margarette Lincoln & Nigel Rigby (Ed.), Maritime Empires: British Imperial Maritime trade in the Nineteenth Century (pp. 30-47). London: The Boydell Press and National Maritime Museum. FORD, Amos (1985). Telling the truth: the life and times of the British Honduras Forestry Unit in Scotland (1941-44). London: Karia Press. FROST, Marvin D. (1974). A biogeographical analysis of some relationships between man, land, and wildlife in Belize, British Honduras. Doctoral Dissertation (Doctor of Philosophy), Oregon State University. GARCÍA, Evadne (1990). “Mineral resources of Belize”. In SPEAReports 6: Third annual studies on Belize conference, Belize, 1989 (pp. 29-32). México: SPEAR by Cubola Productions. IYO, Joe (1998). An oral history of land, property & real estate development in Belize. Belize: University College of Belize Press. JONES, Grant (1969). “Los cañeros: sociopolitical aspects of the history of agriculture in the

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Corozal Region of British Honduras”. Ph. D Dissertation, Brandeis University. JONES, Grant (1971). The politics of agricultural development in Northern British Honduras. Winston-Salem: Wake Forest University. JOSEPH, Gilbert (1974). “British loggers and Spanish governors: The logwood trade and its settlements in the Yucatan Peninsula, part. II”. Caribbean Studies, 4 (2), 43-52. JOSEPH, Gilbert (1977). “The Logwood trade and its settlement” (Part 1). Belizean Studies, 5 (2), 1-16. JOSEPH, Gilbert (1977). “The Logwood trade and its settlement” (Part 2). Belizean Studies, 5 (3), 1-15. KROSHUS, Laurie (1990). “Contests for continuity and change: a Local-Level view of the organization of power relations in the Belizean citrus industry”. Caribbean Studies, 23 (3-4), 51-68. LAMBERT, John D. & ARNASON, John Thor (1982). Notes de recherché. Discussion papers 824: Traditional milpa agriculture in Belize. Canada: University of Ottawa: Institute for International Development and Co-operation. MOBERG, Mark (1991). “Citrus and the State: factions and class formation in rural Belize”. American Ethnologist, 18 (2), 215-233. MOBERG, Mark (1992). Citrus, strategy, and class: the politics of development in Southern Belize. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press. MOBERG, Mark (1996). “Crown Colony as banana republic: the united fruit company in British Honduras, 1900-1920”. Journal of Latin American Studies, 28, 357-381. MOBERG, Mark (2003). “Responsible men and sharp Yankees: the United Fruit Company, resident elites, and colonial state in British Honduras”. In Steve Striffler & Mark Moberg (Ed.). Banana Wars: Power, production and history in the Americas (pp. 145-170), Durham, NC: Duke University Press. MURRAY, Roy (2006). Family and People all well... an account of the occurrences in the business of Mahogany and Logwood cutting in the Bay of Honduras in 1789. Belize, Benque Viejo del Carmen: Cubola Books. PERRY, Joseph & WOODS, Louis (1991). “Changing agricultural patterns in Belize since 1958”. In SPEAReports 7: Fourth annual studies on Belize conference, Belize, 1990 (pp.80-112). México: SPEAR by Cubola Productions. PETCH, Trevor (1986). “Dependency, land and Oranges in Belize”. Third World Quarterly, 8 (3), (Jul.), 1002-1019. Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. ROBINSON, Guy (1985). “Agricultural change in the Belize River Valley”. Caribbean Geographer, 2, 35-44. ROMNEY, D. (Ed.). (1959). “Land use in British Honduras”. Colonial Research Publication, 24. London: Her Majesty´s Stationary Office.

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SAMPSON, H. (1929). Report on development of agriculture in British Honduras. London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office. SHARPE, Frank (1955). “Activities of the Citrus Company of British Honduras”. In W.A.J. Bowman (Ed.), Citrus culture in British Honduras: the development of the Citrus Industry in the Stann Creek Valley. British Honduras: Bowman, W.A.J SHOMAN, Assad (1988). “Reseña de la industria bananera en Belice”. In FLACSO (Ed.), Cambio y continuidad en la economía bananera (pp. 37-47). San José: FLACSO. SIEMENS, Alfred (1989). Tierra configurada: Investigaciones de los vestigios de agricultura precolombina en tierras inundables costeras desde el norte de Veracruz hasta Belice. México: Consejo Nacional Para la Cultura y las Artes. STAVRAKIS, Olga (1979). The effect of agricultural change upon social relations and diet in a village in Northern Belize, Central America. Doctoral Dissertation (Doctor of Philosophy), University of Minnesota. TOUT, G.M., ANDERSON, A.G., ESTALL, D.A., FREEMAN, T.A. & RYAN, J. (1979). Belize Citrus Industry. United Kingdom: Commonwealth Development Corporation. Watson, Hilbourne. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, LAND TENURE CENTER LIBRARY, 1975. “The Central American agrarian economy: a bibliography (Part I, Regional, Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador)”. Training and methods series, 26. Madison, Univ. of Wisconsin, land tenure center library. WILK, Richard & CHAPIN, Mac (1989). “Belize: land tenure and ethnicity”. Cultural Survival Quarterly, 13 (3), 41-44. WOODS, Louis, et al., (1993). “Sugar consumption, sugar policy and the fate of the Belizean cane growers”. In SPEAReports 9: Globalization and Development: Challenges and Prospects for Belize. Belize: SPEAR. WRIGHT, A., ROMNEY, D., ARBUCKLE R,V. & VIAL, V.E. (1959). “Land in British Honduras: Report of the British Honduras land use survey team”. In Colonial Research Publication, 24. London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.

3.4. Turismo/ Turism/ Tourisme

AWE, Jaime & CAMPBELL, Mark (1989). Cahal Pech, Cayo, Belize: a preliminary guide to the Ancient Ruins. Belize: Belize Dept. of Archaeology BERENDSE, Myrte & ROESSINGH, Carel (2007). “Hidden and unspoiled: image building in the tourism industry of Belize”. International Journal of Tourism Policy, 1 (3), 267 – 282. DACHARY, Alfredo & ARANAIZ, Stella (1991). “Tourism development, the options and their problems: The case of San Pedro”. In SPEAReport No. 7: Fourth annual studies on Belize conference, Belize 1990 (pp. 142-146). México: Published for SPEAR by Cubola Productions. DALTABUIT, Magalí, VÁSQUEZ, Luz María, CISNEROS, Héctor & RUIZ, Gregorio (2006). El

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turismo costero en la ecorregión del sistema arrecifal mesoamericano. Cuernavaca, Morelos: Universidad Autónoma de México, Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias. ENRIQUEZ, Jeremy (1998). “Birds come, tourists come: That cultural and economic impact of ecotourism on Crooked Tree village, Belize”. In Brown, Deryck R., Evaluation, Learning and Caribbean Development. Canoe Press: University of the West Indies. KEY, Carol (2002). “The political economy of the transition from fishing to tourism, in Placencia, Belize”. International Review of Modern Sociology, 30 (1), (Fall), 1-17. MC MINN, S. & CARTER, E. (1998). “Tourist typology: Observation from Belize”. Annals of Tourism Research, 25 (3), 675-699. PEARCE, Douglas G. (1984). “Planning for tourism in Belize”. Geographical Review, 74 (3), (Jul.), 291-303. PHILLIPS, Michael D. (1994). “Imaging Belize: Tourist and Tourism Advertising”. Belizean Studies, 21 (3), 3-12. ROESSINGH, Carel & BERENDSE, Myrte (2005). “Combining sustainable tourism and cruise-ships in Belize”. In: Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 3 (1), 55-76. ROESSINGH, Carel, BRAS, Karin, BERENDSE, Myrte, & DUIJNHOVEN, Hanneke (eds), (2005). Entrepreneurs in Tourism in the Caribbean Basin. Case studies from Belize, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica & Suriname. Amsterdam: Dutch University Press. SHELLER, Mimi (2003). Consuming the Caribbean. London and New York: Routledge. SUTHERLAND, Anne (1996). “Tourism and the human mosaic in Belize”. Urban Anthropology, 25 (3), 259-281. WOODS, Louis, PERRY, Joseph & STEAGALL, Jeffrey (1994). “Tourism as a development tool: the case of Belize”. Caribbean Geography, 5 (1), (March), 1-19.

3.5. Ciudad, medio ambiente, territorio/ City, environment, territory/ Ville, environnement, territoire

BELIZE TOWN PLANNING COMMITTEE, (1946). A Town Planning Scheme for Belize. Belize: Government of British Honduras Printer. CAIN, Ernest (1932). Cyclone: being an illustrated official record of the Hurricane and Tidal wave which destroyed the City of Belize (British Honduras) on the Colony’s Birthday, 10th September 1931. London: A. H. Stockwell. CAIN, Ernest (1963). Cyclone “Hattie”: being an illustrated record of the Hurricane and Tidal wave which destroyed the City of Belize in British Honduras on the 31st day of October, 1961. Devon: Arthur H. Stockwell.

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CAYETANO, Sebastian (1988). Aspects of community involvement in the urban affairs of Belize City building cooperatives, Beautification Projects, etc. (Report). Belize: University of the West Indies. COTE, Mark A. (1989). Land use policy guidelines for new development areas in Belize City. Supervised Research Project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Urban Panning, School of Urban Planning, Mc Gill University, Montreal, Canada. EDMOND, Charles J. (1997). A history of Orange walk town. Belize City: BISRA Occasional Publication. EVERITT, John (1986). “The growth and development of Belize City”. Journal of Latin American Studies, 18 (1), (May, 1986), 75-111. Published by: Cambridge University Press. FARAZLI, Corinne (1987). Belize City comprehensive development Plan: Technical report: population in Belize. Montreal: Mc Gill University. FARAZLI, Corinne & LEATHEM, Thomas (1987). Belize City: Background Planning Study. Master Thesis, School of Urban Planning, Mc Gill University, Montreal, Canada. FOSTER, Byron (1987). The Baymen’s Legacy: a portrait of Belize City. Belize: Cubola Productions. FURLEY, Peter (1970). “A capital waits for its country”. Geographical Magazine 43, 713-716. GODFREY, Glenn D. (1996). Ambergris Caye. Paradise with a past. Benque Viejo del Carmen: Cubola Productions. IYO, Aondofe (2005). Discover old Belize Town. Sites and places of memory. Belize City, Belize: The Institute of Social and Cultural Research (ISCR), National Institute of Culture and History (NICH). JACOBS, N.D. & CASTAÑEDA, A. (1998). The Belize Biodiversity action Plan, 1998-2003. Belize: BRC. JOLLY, Kimo & MC RAE, Ellen (1998). The environment of Belize: Our life support system. Benque Viejo del Carmen, Cubola Productions. KEARNS, Kevin C. (1973). “Belmopan: Perspective on a New Capital”. Geographical Review, 63 (2), (April), 147-169. KHARUSI, Jocelyne (1970). Patterns of migration and indices of urbanization in Belize, British Honduras. MA Thesis, Montreal, Mc Gill University. LEATHEM, Thomas (1987). Belize City comprehensive development Plan: technical report: employment in Belize. Montreal: School of Urban Planning, Mc Gill University. MAZZARELLI, Marcela (1976). Continuity in change: settlement in the upper Belize Valley, Belize. Tesis (Doctor of Philosophy), Urbana-Champaign, III, University of Illinois. OKEKE, Stephen (2004). The Psychology of the Belize market place. Crossing Sign Publishers: Belize.

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PALACIO, Joseph (1976). “Post Hurricane ‘Hattie’ resettlement in Belize”. Unpublished research report. Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, C.A. PALACIO, Joseph (1982). “Post Hurricane resettlement in Belize”. In A. Hansen and A. Oliver-Smith (eds.), Involuntary migration and resettlement: the problems and responses of dislocated people (pp. 121-135). Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. PALACIO, Joseph (1988). Report on a survey on the opinions of Belize City residents on urban problems. Belize City: University of the West Indies. RUIZ, David N. (2000). Old Benque. Erase una vez en Benque Viejo. Benque Viejo: Cubola Productions. RUTHEISER, Charles (1993). “Belize: The Society and its environment”. In Tim Merrill (Ed.), Guyana and Belize: country studies (pp. 187-220). Washington, D.C.: Federal Research Division, Library of Congress. SÁNCHEZ, I. E. (1979). “Some interesting Belizean place-names”. Belizean Studies, 7 (3), (nov), 9-12. STONE, Michael (1990). “Backabush: Settlment on the Belmopan periphery and the challenge to rural development in Belize”. In SPEAReports 6: Third annual studies on Belize conference, Belize, 1989 (pp. 82-134). México: SPEAR by Cubola Productions. THORNTON, Margaret-Ann (1988). Belize City: Planning for social and community services, and public open space. Thesis Master of Urban Panning, School of Urban Planning, Mc Gill University, Montreal, Canada. THURSTON, L. (1982). The politics of Government housing in Belize City. Berkeley: University of California, Department of City and Regional Planning. TOPSEY, Harriot, AWE, Jaime, MORRIS, John & MOORE, A. (1983). “Belmopan before Pauling. An ancient Maya site”. Belizean Studies, Vol. 11, No. 3, 12-20. WATLER, John (1980). “The Story of Belize City”. Brukdown, 5, 9-10.

4. Etnicidad, raza/ Ethnicity, race/ Ethnicité, race

4.1. Políticas, integración, identidad nacional/ Politics, integration, national identity/ Politiques, intégration, identité nationale

ASHDOWN, Peter (1979). Race, class and the unofficial majority in British Honduras, 1890-1949. Unpublished Ph.D Thesis, University of Sussex. BOLLAND, Nigel (1987). “Race, ethnicity and national integration in Belize”. First Annual Studies on Belize Conference, University Center, May 25- 26, 1987. Belize City: SPEAR Ethnicity and Development.

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BOLLAND, Nigel (1992). “Creolization and creole societies: a cultural nationalist view of Caribbean social history”. In Alistair Hennessy (Ed.), Intellectuals in the twentieth-century Caribbean. London: Macmillan Caribbean. BOLLAND, Nigel (1997). “Pluralism and politicization of ethnicity in Belize and Guyana”. In Nigel Bolland, Struggles for freedom: essays on slavery, colonialism and culture in the Caribbean and Central America (pp. 259-313). Belize City: Angelus Press. BOLLAND, Nigel (1998). “Creolisation and creole societies: a cultural nationalist view of Caribbean social history”. Caribbean quarterly, 44 (1-2), 1-32. BOLLAND, Nigel & MOBERG, Mark (1995). “Development and national identity: creolization, immigration, and ethnic conflict in Belize”. International Journal of Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies, 2, 1-18. BRAITHWAITE, Edward (1974). Contradictory Omens: cultural diversity and integration in the Caribbean. Mona: Savacou Publications. BROCKMANN, Thomas C., 1985. “Ethnic participation in Orange Walk economic development”. Ethnic Groups, 6 (2-3), 187-207. DAUGAARD-HANSEN, Flemming (2005). “Staying and contributing: narratives of belonging in Belize”. In Jean Besson & Karen Fog (Ed.), Caribbean Narratives. London: Warwick, Macmillan Caribbean. GREEN, William A. (1986). “The creolization of Caribbean history: the emancipation era and a critique of dialectical analysis”. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 14, 149-169. HOWARD, Michael (1980). “Ethnicity and economic integration in Southern Belize”. Ethnicity, 7, 119-136. JOHNSON, Howard & WATSON, Karl (Ed.). (1998). The white minority in the Caribbean. Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle. JUDD, Karen (1989). “Cultural synthesis or ethnic struggle? Creolization in Belize”. Cimarron, 11 (2), 103-118. JUDD, Karen (1990). “Who will define US? Creolization in Belize”. In SPEAReport, 4: Second annual studies on Belize conference (pp. 29-40). México: SPEAR, Cubola Productions. MOBERG, Mark (1997). Myths of ethnicity and nation: immigration, work, and identity in the Belize banana industry. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press. MOBERG, Mark (1992). “Continuity under Colonial rule: the alcalde system and the Garifuna in Belize, 1858-1969”. Ethnohistory, 39 (1), (Winter), 1-19. SERBIN, Andrés (1987). Etnicidad, clase y nación en la cultura política del Caribe de habla inglesa. EEUU: Academia Nacional de Historia, Universidad de Michigan. SMITH, Michael G. (1965). The plural society in the British West Indies. Berkeley: University of California Press.

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SMITH, Michael G. (1967). “Social stratification, cultural pluralism, and integration in the West Indies creoles societies”. In S. Lewis & T. Mathews (Ed.), Caribbean Integration. Rio Piedras: Institute of Caribbean Studies. SMITH, Michael G. (1984). Culture, race and class in the Commonwealth Caribbean. Jamaica: Mona, Department of Extra-Mural Studies, University of the West Indies. STONE, Michael (1994). Caribbean nations, Central American State: ethnicity, race and national formation in Belize, 1798-1990. PhD Dissertation, Austin, University of Texas at Austin. WIEGAND, Bruce (1994). “Black money in Belize: the ethnicity and social structure of black market crime”. Social Forces, 73 (1), (September), 135-155. YOUNG, Alma (1978). “Ethnic politics in Belize”. Caribbean Review, 7 (3), (March), 38-42.

4.2. Relaciones interétnicas, etnicidad/ Interethnic relations, ethnicity/ Relations interethniques, ethnicité

América Indígena (1987). Número especial “Belice indígena”, vol. XLVII, no. 1. BRADLEY, Leo (1967). Belizean races and their cultures. Belize City: Unpublished manuscript, Bliss Institute. BROCKMANN, Thomas C. (1977). “Ethnic and racial relations in Northern Belize”. Ethnicity, 4, 246-262. BROCKMANN, Thomas C. (1979). “Language, communication; and ethnicity in British Honduras”. In William Francis Mackey & Jacob Ornstein (Ed.), Sociolinguistic studies in language contact: methods and cases. The Hague: Mouton. COSMINSKY, Sheila & WHIPPLE, Emory (1984). “Ethnicity and mating patterns in Punta Gorda, Belize”. In Black Caribs: a case study in biocultural adaptation (pp. 115-131). New York and London: Plenum Press. DEAN, Corinne (1945). “Belize: a story of practical amalgamation”. The Journal of Negro History, 30 (4), (Oct.), 432-436. First annual studies on Belize conference, University Center, May 25- 26, 1987. Belize City: SPEAR Ethnicity and Development. GLICK, Leonard B. (1985). “Epilogue: the meanings of ethnicity in the Caribbean”. Ethnic Group, 6, 233-248. GREGORY, James R. (1976). “The modification of an interethnic boundary in Belize”. American Ethnologist, 3 (4), 683-709. IYO, Joseph-Ernest (2000). Towards understanding Belize’s multi-cultural history and identity. Belmopan: University of Belize.

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IYO, Aondofe, TZALAM, Froyla & HUMPHREYS, Francis (2007). Belize New Vision: African and Maya Civilizations. The heritage of a new nation. Belize City: Factory Books. JANTZEN, C.R. (1987). “From the Maya to the Mennonites: intercommunity relationships in West-Central Belize”. América Indígena, XLVII (1), 169–191. JOHNSON, Melissa (2003). “The making of race and place in Nineteenth-Century British Honduras”. Environmental History, 8 (4), 598-617. JOHNSON, Melissa (2005). “Racing nature and naturalizing race: rethinking the nature of Creole and Garifuna identity”. Belizean Studies, 27 (2), 43-56. JUDD, Karen (1992). Elite reproduction and ethnicity in Belize. Ph D Dissertation, City University of New York. KOENIG, Edna L. (1975). Ethnicity and language in Corozal District, Belize: an analysis of code switching. Tesis (Doctorado en Filosofia), Austin, The University of Texas. KROSHUS, Laurie (1997). “Defining difference, forging unity: the construction of race, ethnicity and nation in Belize”. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 20 (4), 757-780. KROSHUS, Laurie (1998). “A class ‘politics of difference’: ethnic mobilization among workers in Belize”. Transforming Anthropology, 7 (2), 20-34. LUNDGREN, Nancy (1992). “Children, race, and inequality: the Colonial legacy in Belize”. Journal of Black Studies, 23 (1), (Sep.), 86-106. PALACIO, Myrtle (1995). Redefining Ethnicity. The Experiences of the Garifuna and Creole in Post-Independence Belize. MA Tesis, New Orleans, University of New Orleans. PALACIO, Myrtle (1998). “To ethnic or not to ethnic. Is that the question: new identity. The GariKriols of Belize City”. Amandala, 8 (November). PATERSON, Orlando (1975). “Context and choice in ethnic allegiance: a theoretical framework and Caribbean case study”. In Nathan Glazer & Daniel P. Moynihan (Ed.), Ethnicity: Theory and Experience (pp. 305-349). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. TOPSEY, Harriot (1987). “The ethnic war in Belize”. First annual studies on Belize conference, University Center (May 25-26, 1987, pp. 1-5). Belize City, SPEAR Ethnicity and Development. VERNON, Lawrence (1964). A Brief ethnological description of Belizean races. Unpublished Master. Belmopan: National Archives. WILK, Richard & CHAPIN, Mac (1988). Las minorías étnicas de Belice: Mopan, Kekchi y Garifuna. S.e, s.f. WILK, Richard & CHAPIN, Mac (1990). “Ethnic minorities in Belize: Mopan, Kekchi and Garifuna”. Speareports, 1. Mexico: SPEAR, Cubola Production. WOODBURY, H. Sarah (1998). “Ethnicity and ethnically ‘mixed’ identity in Belize: a study of primary school-age children”. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 29 (1), (March.), 44-67.

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WOODS, Louis, PERRY, Joseph & STEAGALL, Jeffrey (1997). “The composition and distribution of ethnic groups in Belize: immigration and emigration patterns. 1980-1991”. Latin American Research Review, 32 (3), 63-88

4.3. Grupos étnicos/ Ethnic groups/Groupes ethniques

4.3.1. Creoles, baymen, negros, afrodescendientes/ Creoles, baymen, blacks, descendents of Africans/ Créoles, baymen, noirs, afrodescendants

ASHDOWN, Peter (1978). “The problem of Creole historiography”. Journal of Belizean Affairs, 7, (Sept.), 39-53. ASHDOWN, Peter (1981). “Marcus Garvey, the UNIA and the black cause in British Honduras, 1914-1949”. Journal of Caribbean History, 15, 41-55. ASHDOWN, Peter (1985). “The growth of black consciousness in Belize 1914-1919. The background to the ex-servicemen’s riot of 1919”. Belcast Journal of Belizean Affairs, 2 (2), (December), 1-5. ASHDOWN, Peter (1986). “Race riot, class warfare and ‘Coup d’Etat’: The ex-servicemen’s riot of July 1919”. Belcast Journal of Belizean Affairs, 5 (1-2), (June), 8-14. ASHDOWN, Peter (1990). Garveyism in Belize. Serie: SPEAReports 5. Belize City: Society for the Promotion of Education and Research. BALOGUN, Olatunji (2004). Our Story. Re-Awakening, vol. 13. Belmopan: Ori-gene-all Publications. BECK, Ervin (1980). “Call and response in Belizean Creol folk song”. Belizean Studies, 8 (2), (March), 10-20. BOLLAND, Nigel (1987). “African continuities and Creole culture in Belize town on the nineteenth century”. In Charles V. Carnegie (Ed.), Afro-Caribbean villages in historical perspective (pp. 63-82). Kingston, Jamaica: African-Caribbean Institute of Jamaica. BURTON, Richard (1997). Afro-Creole: Power, opposition, and play in the Caribbean. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. COSMINSKY, Sheila (1976). “Carib-Creole relations in a Belizean community”. In Mary W. Helms & Franklin O. Loveland (Ed.), Frontier adaptation in Lower Central America. Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of Human Issues. CROSBIE, Paul (Ed.), HERRERA, Yvette, MANZANARES, Myrna, WOODS, Silvana, CROSBIE, Cynthia & DECKER, Ken (Comp.). (2007). Kriol-Inglish Dikshineri. English-Kriol Dictionary. Belmopan: Print Belize. DAUGAARD-HANSEN, Flemming (2002). Negotiating national identity in Belize. Creole processes of identification and differentiation in Belize City. MA Thesis, University of Copenhagen.

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DECKER, Ken (2005). The song of Kriol: A grammar of the Kriol language of Belize. Belize City: Belize Kriol Project. DEMAZIÈRE, Eve (1994). Les cultures noires d’Amérique centrale. Paris: Karthala. ELKINS, W. (1970). “A source of Black Nationalism in the Caribbean: the revolt of the British West Indies Regiment at Taranto, Italy”. Science and Society, 34 (1), (Spring), 99-103. ELKINS, W. F. (1971). “Suppression of the Negro World in the British West Indies”. Science and Society, 35 (3), 344-347. ELKINS, W. F. (1972). “Marcus Garvey, the Negro World and the British West Indies: 1919-1929”. Science and Society, 36 (1), (Spring), 63-77. FAIRWEATHER, Stephen (researched and published by). (1992). The Baymen of Belize and how they wrested the British Honduras from the Spaniards told by one of them, Steven Forbes. London: Society for Promoting Christian knowledge. HERNANDEZ, David (1990). “The name Belize: an example of Afro-Caribbean convergence”. In SPEAReports 6: Third annual studies on Belize conference, Belize, 1989 (pp. 33-43). México: Published for SPEAR by Cubola Productions.

HUMPHREYS, Francis (1992). “The Afro-Belizean cultural Heritage: Its role in combating Recolonization”. Belizean Studies, 20 (3), (Dec.), 11-16. HYDE, Evan X (1970). The crowd called UBAD: the story of a people’s movement. Belize City: Modern Printers. HYDE, Evan X (1971). North Amerikkkan blues. Belize: Benex Press. HYDE, Evan X (1995). X Communications. Belize City: The Angelus Press Ltd. HYDE, Evan X (1989). “Ethnicity in Belize. Then and Now”. Caribbean Commentary, 1 (1), (Dec.). IYO, Joseph (1996). “Using oral traditions as a research method of studying Belizean African heritage: a proposal”. Journal of Belizean Affairs, 1 (1), 20-29. KROHN HERRMANN, Eleanor (1980). “Black-Cross nursing in Belize: a labour of love”. Belizean Studies, 8 (2), (March), 1-7. LEWIS, Corinth (2004). Heritage. A poem read at the first Belize black summit, September 13-15, 2003 at the Biltmore Plaza hotel, Belize City. Belmopan: Occasional Publication Series no. 2 (March), University of Belize. MINORITY RIGHTS GROUP (1995). No longer invisible: Afro-Latin. London: Minority Rights Publications. PALACIO, Joseph (1996). “Is there any future for Africanness in Belize?”. Journal of Belizean Affairs, 1 (1), 34-47. SEWELL, Tony (1990). Garvey’s children. The legacy of Marcus Garvey. London and

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Basingstoke: MAC Millan Education LTD. [First Ed. 1987]. SMITH, Michael G. (1957). “The African heritage in the Caribbean”. In Vera Rubin (Ed.), Caribbean studies: a symposium. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press. SMITH, Michael G. (1991). Pluralism, politics and ideology in the Creole Caribbean. New York: Research Institute for the Study of Man.

4.3.2. Garifunas/ Black Caribs

BATEMAN, Rebecca B. (1990). “Africans and Indians: a comparative study of the black Caribs and black Seminole”. Ethnohistory, 37 (1), 1-24. BYARD, Pamela, LEES, Francis & RELETHFORD, Francis (1984). “Skin color and the Garifuna of Belize”. In Michael Crawford (Ed.), Black Caribs: a case study in biocultural adaptation. Current development in anthropological genetics, vol. 3. New York: Plenum Press. CAYETANO, E. Roy (1977). “Garifuna songs of mourning”, Belizean Studies, 5 (2), March, 17- 26. CAYETANO, E. Roy (Ed.), (1993). Dimuriagei Garifuna. The peoples Garifuna Dictionary. Belize: Governement Printery. CAYETANO, Sebastian & CAYETANO, Fabian (1997). Garifuna history, language and culture of Belize, Central America and the Caribbean. Bicentennial Edition (April 12th 1797 – April 12th 1997). Belize: BRC. [First Ed. 1990] CONZEMIUS, Eduard (1928). “Ethnographical notes on the black Carib (Garif)”. American Anthropologist. New Series, 30 (2), (Apr. - Jun.), 183-205. FITZGERALD, Cid (Text and design) & COOPER, Debbie (Illustration), (2005). The Garifuna: cultures of the Caribbean and Central America. Whitefish, MT: A Kidz World. FOSTER, Byron (1986). Heart drum: spirit possession in the Garifuna communities of Belize. Belize: Cubola. FOSTER, Byron (1987). “The politics of Ritual. The development of the Garifuna cult of the dead on St. Vincent”. First annual studies on Belize conference, University Center, May 25- 26, 1987 (pp. 17-27). Belize City: SPEAR Ethnicity and Development. GARGALLO, Francesca (2002). Garífuna Garínagu, Caribe. México: Siglo XXI. GONZÁLEZ, Nancy (1969). Black Carib household structure. Washington: University of Washington Press. GONZÁLEZ, Nancy (1987). “Garifuna traditions in historiacal perspective”. Reading in Belizean history. Belizean Studies, 14, 122-131. GONZÁLEZ, Nancy (1988). Sojourners of the Caribbean: Ethnogenesis and ethnohistory of the Garifuna. Chicago: University of Illinois Press.

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GREENE, Oliver (1998). “The ‘Dügü’ Ritual of the Garinagu of Belize: reinforcing values of society through music and spirit possession”. Black Music Research Journal, 18 (1-2) (Spring - Autumn), 167-181. GRIZZLE, H., Patricia (2004). Unbecoming Black: the case of the Garifuna. Doctoral dissertation, the Claremont Graduate University. IZARD, Gabriel (2003). “La construcción política de la identidad garífuna en el Belice contemporáneo”. Revista de las Américas. Historia y Presente, 1, 61-81. IZARD, Gabriel (2004). “Herencia y etnicidad entre los Garífuna de Belice”. Revista Mexicana del Caribe, 17, 95-127. JENKINS, Carol (1983). “Ritual and resource flow: the Garifuna ‘Dugu’”. American Ethnologist, 10, (3), (Aug.), 429-442. KERNS, Virginia (1977). Daughters bring in: ceremonial and social organization on the black Carib of Belize. Urbana: University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. KERNS, Virginia (1983). Women and the ancestors: Black Carib kinship and ritual. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. MACKLIN, Catherin (1986). Crucibles of identity: ritual and symbolic dimensions of Garifuna ethnicity. Ph. D Tesis, Berkley, University of California. MATTHEI, Linda M. & SMITH, David A. (1995). “Women, households and transnational migration networks: The Garifuna and global economic restructuring”. In Roberto P. Korzeniewicz & William Smith (Ed.), Latin America in the World Economy (pp. 133-150). Westport, CN: Greenwood. MATTHEI, Linda M. & SMITH, David A. (1996). “Belizean boyz’n the nood?: Garifuna labour migration and transnational identity”. Comparative Urban and Community Research, 6, 270-290. MATTHEI, Linda M. & SMITH, David A. (2008). “Flexible ethnic identity, adaptation, survival, resistance: The Garifuna in the world – system”. Social Identities, 14 (part. 2), 215-232. MILLER, Linda R. (1993). Bridges: Garifuna migration to Los Angeles. Doctoral dissertation, University of California, Irvine. PALACIO, Joseph (1973). “Carib Ancestral Rites: a brief analysis”. National Studies, 1 (3) (May), 3- 8 PALACIO, Joseph (1981). Food and social relations in a Garifuna community. Dissertation, University of California, Berkley. PALACIO, Joseph (1987). “Age as a source of differentiation within a Garifuna village in Southern Belize”. America Indígena, 47 (1), (Jan-mar), 97-119. PALACIO, Joseph (2005). The Garifuna. A nation across borders. Essays in social Anthropology. Benque Viejo del Carmen: Cubola Productions.

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PERDOMO, Marcella (2004). Etude comparative du rite Dügù des Garifunas. Mémoire de Maîtrise. Paris: Institut des hautes études de l'Amérique Latine. PERRY, M.D. (2008). Review of Sarah England: “Afro - Central Americans in New York City: Garifuna tales of transnational movements in racialized space”. Journal of Latin American Studies, 40 (part 1), 181-182. ROESSINGH, Carel & BRAS, Karin (2003). “Garifuna settlement day: tourism attraction, national celebration day, or manifestation of ethnic identity?”. Tourism, Culture and Communication, 4, 163-172. ROESSINGH, Carel (2001). The Belizean Garifuna: organization of identity in an ethnic community in Central America. Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers. SOLIEN, Nancy (1959). “West Indian Characteristics of the Black Carib”. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, 15, 300-307. STONE, Michael (2006). “Garifuna song, prove local and ‘World-Music’ mediation”. In Natascha Gentz & Stefan Kramer (Ed.), Globalization, cultural identities and media representations (pp. 59-79). Albany, State: University of New York Press. TAYLOR, Douglas M. (1951). The Black Carib of British Honduras. New York: Wenner-Gren Foundation. UNESCO (2001). Proclamation of the masterpieces of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity: The Garifuna language, dance and music.

4.3.3. Españoles, mestizos, indígenas, mayas/ Spanish, mestizos, indians, mayas/ Espagnols, mestizos, indigènes, mayas

AWE, Jaime (2005). Maya Cities and Sacred Caves: A Guide to the Archaeological Sites of Belize. Benque Viejo, Cubola Books. AWE, Jaime (2006), Maya Cities and Sacred Caves. Benque Viejo: Cubola Books. AWE, Jaime, MORRIS, John & JONES, Sherilyne (eds), (2004). Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology. Volume 1. Belmopan, Belize: Institute of Archaeology, National Institute of Culture and History. AWE, Jaime, MORRIS, John, JONES, Sherilyne, & HELMKE, Christophe (eds) (2005). Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology. Volume 2. Belmopan, Belize: Institute of Archaeology, National Institute of Culture and History. AWE, Jaime, MORRIS, John, JONES, Sherilyne & HELMKE Christophe (eds), (2006). Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology. Volume 3. Belmopan, Belize: Institute of Archaeology, National Institute of Culture and History. AYUSO, Mateo (1987). “The role of the Maya-Mestizo in the development of ‘Belize’ 200 B.C. to 1984”. First annual studies on Belize conference, University Center, May 25- 26, 1987 (pp.

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29-36). Belize City: SPEAR Ethnicity and Development. BERKEY, Curtis (1994). Maya land rights in Belize and the history of Indian reservations: report to the Toledo Maya cultural council. Washington D.C.: Indian Law Resource Center. BERTE, Nancy A. (1983). Agricultural production and labor investment strategies in a K’ekchi’ village, southern Belize. Northwestern University. BOLLAND, Nigel (1974). “Maya settlement in the upper Belize River Valley and Yalbac Hills: an Ethnohistorical view”. Journal of Belizean Affairs, 3, 3-23. BOLLAND, Nigel (1977). “The Maya and the Colonization of Belize in the nineteenth Century”. In Grant Jones (Ed.), Anthropology and history in Yucatan (pp. 69-99). Austin: University of Texas Press. BOLLAND, Nigel (1987). “Alcaldes and Reservations: British policy towards the Maya in late nineteenth century Belize”. América Indígena, 47, 33-76. BOLLAND, Nigel (1992). “’Indios Bravos’ or ‘Gentle Savages’: 19th Century views of the ‘Indians’ of Belize and the Miskito Coast”. Revista/Review Interamericana, 22, 36-54. CAL, Angel (1983). Anglo-Maya contact in Northern Belize: a study of British policy towards the Maya during the Cast War of Yucatan, 1847-1872. MA Thesis, University of Calgary, Alberta. CAMPBELL, Mark (1996). Beyond the Succotz tree: ethnolinguistic identity in a Maya village and school in Belize. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Toronto, Department of Anthropology. DAVIDSON, William (1987). “The Amerindians of Belize: an overview”. América Indígena, 47, 9-22. FERGUSON, William M. (1990). Mesoamerica’s ancient cities: aerial views of precolumbian ruins in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras. Niwot, Colo. University Press of Colorado. FOSTER, Byron (1989). Warlords and maize men: Guide to the Maya sites of Belize. Benque Viejo: Cubola Productions. GANN, Thomas (1918). “The Maya of southern Yucatan and northern British Honduras”. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin, 64. Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. GONZALEZ, Jorge (1974). La rebelión de los Mayas y el chiclero de Quintana Roo. Mérida: Editorial Dosis Organización. GRAHAM, Elizabeth (1991). “Archeological insights into Colonial period Maya life at Tipu, Belize”. Colombian Consequences Volume 3. The Spanish Borderlands in Pan-American Perspective (pp. 319-335). Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. GREGORY, James R. (1984). “The Mopan: Culture and ethnicity in a changing Belizean community”. University of Missouri Monographs in Anthropology 7, Colombia, 7. GUDERJAN, Thomas H. (1993). Ancient Maya traders of Ambergris Caye. Benque Viejo del Carmen: Cubola Productions.

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HAMMOND, Norman (Ed.). (1991). Cuello: an early Maya community in Belize. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. HEALY, Paul F., AWE, Jaime & HELMUTH, Hermann (1998). “An Ancient Maya Multiple Burial at Caledonia, Cayo District, Belize”. Journal of Field Archaeology, 25 (3) (Autumn), 261-274. HOWARD, Michael (1975). “Ethnicity in Southern Belize”. Museum Brief, 21. Columbia: University of Missouri. HOWARD, Michael (1977). “Political change in a Mayan Village in Southern Belize”. Katunob Occasional Publications in Mesoamerican Anthropology, 10. HUGHES-HALLETT, Deborah (1972). Pottery and related handicrafts of San Pedro Colombia, Toledo district, Belize/British Honduras. Working papers n° 5, Centre of Latin American studies, Cambridge University, Mass. JONES, Grant D. (1981). “Symbolic dreams of ethnic stratification: The Yucatecan fiesta system on a Colonial frontier”. Papers in Anthropology, 22 (1). Department of Anthropology, University of Oklahoma. JONES, Grant (1982). “Mayas, Yucatecos and Englishmen in the nineteenth century fiesta system of northern Belize”. Belizean Studies, 10 (3-4), 25-42. JONES, Grant (1984). “Maya-Spanish relations in sixteenth century Belize”. Belcast, Journal of Belizean Affairs, 1, 28-40. JONES, Grant (1989). Maya resistance to Spanish rule: Time and history on a Colonial frontier. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. KING, J. C. (1973). Ethnographic notes on the Maya of Belize, Central America. Cambridge, Mass.: Centre of Latin American Studies, University of Cambridge, Working papers, No. 19. KROSHUS, Laurie (2003). “History, culture, and place - making: ‘Native’ status and Maya identity in Belize”. In Matthew C. Gutmann, Félix V. Matos Rodríguez, Lynn Stephen & Patricia Zavella, Perspectives on Las Américas: A Reader in Culture, History & Representation. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing. MCCLUSKY, Laura J. (2001). Here our culture is hard: stories of domestic violence from a Mayan community in Belize. Austin: Texas, University Of Texas. NONDEDEO, Philippe (1998). Le nord de Belize et la côte orientale du Quintana Roo, Mexique: deux évolutions de l'occupation maya à la période préhispanique. Oxford, England: Archaeopress, distributed by Hadrian Books. PRIMACK, Richard, BARTON, David, GALLETTI, Hugo A. (et al.). (1998). Timber, tourists and temples: Conservation and development in the Maya forest of Belize, Guatemala, And Mexico. Washington, D.C.: Island Press. RICE, Don Stephen (1974). “The archaeology of British Honduras: a review and synthesis”. KATUNOB Occasional Publications in Mesoamerican Anthropology No. 6. Greeley:

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University of Northern Colorado Department of Anthropology. Mimeographed. SCHACKT, Jon (1986). One God – Two Temples: Schismatic Process in a Kekchi Village. Oslo: University of Oslo, Department of Social Anthropology, Norway, Universitetsbokhandelen. SPEAR (1987). “Is a Maya Homeland Desirable?” SPEARHEAD, 1 (2), 4-6. THOMPSON, J. Eric (1939). Excavation at San José, British Honduras. Washington: Carnegie Institution. THOMPSON, J. Eric (1991). The Maya of Belize: historical chapters since Columbus. Benque Viejo: Cubola Production. TURNER, Billie (Ed.). (1983). Pulltrouser Swamp: Ancient Maya Habitat, Agriculture, And Settlement In Northern Belice. Austin, Tx: University Of Texas Press. WILK, Richard (1985). “History and Mayan ethnicity in Belize”. Journal of Belizean Affairs, 2 (1), 12-17. WILK, Richard (1986). “Mayan ethnicity in Belize: an historical review”. Cultural Survival Quarterly, 10, 73-77. WILK, Richard (1987). “The Kekchi and the settlement of Toledo District”. Belizean Studies, 15 (3), 33-50. WILK, Richard (1987). “The search for tradition in Southern Belize”. América Indígena, 47 (1), 77-95. WILK, Richard (1991). Household ecology: economic change and domestic life among the Kekchi Maya in Belize. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.

4.3.4. Hindúes, chinos/ East Indians, Chinese/ Indiens, chinois

CAMPBELL, Persia (1971). Chinese coolie emigration to countries within the British Empire. New York: Black University Press. [First Ed. 1923. London: P.S. King & Son, Ltd.] CARDENAS, Elizabeth (1993). East Indian folk culture in Belize. Benque Viejo: BRC Printing. JEX, Zelma (1978). “East Indians of Corozal: a study in relatives, 1900-1930”. Belizean Studies, 6 (5), (September), 13-16. LEWIS, David (1989). The Chinese of Belize: a geographical interpretation. MA Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison. LEWIS, Gordon (1968). The Growth of the Modern West Indies. London: McGibbon and Kee.

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The East Indians of Belize (1983). Belize City, n.p.

4.3.5. Menonitas/ Mennonites

DRIEDGER, L. (1958). “From Mexico to British Honduras”. Mennonite Life, 13, 4, 160–166. DRIEDGER, L. (2000). Mennonites in the Global Village. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. DYCK, C.J. (1993). An introduction to Mennonite history (3rd ed.). Herald Press, Scottdale. [First Ed. 1967] EVERITT, John (1983). “Mennonites in Belize”. Journal of Cultural Geography, 3 (2), 82–93. HALL, J.A. (1980). “A summary of the findings gained from an analyze of the development and agricultural productivity of the Kleine Gemeinde agricultural system at Spanish lookout”. The Mennonite Quarterly Review, 54, 4, 323–336. Belize. HIGDON, F.X. (1997). Farm diversification and specialization: The adaptation of Mennonite households in Spanish lookout, Belize. PhD Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh. JANTZEN, C.R. (1987). “From the Maya to the Mennonites: intercommunity relationships in West-Central Belize”. América Indígena, XLVII, 1, 169–191. NIPPERT, D.J. (1994). Agricultural colonization: the Mennonites of upper Barton Creek, Belize. MA Thesis, The University of Memphis, Memphis. PLASIL, T. & ROESSINGH, Carel (2006). “Food and the community: the role of sharing a meal among the Mennonites of Shipyard”. Belizean Studies, 28 (1), 42–56. QUIRING, W. (1961). “Mennonites in British Honduras”. Mennonite Life, 16 (1), 10–13. ROESSINGH, Carel (2007). “Mennonite communities in Belize”. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 1 (1), 107-124. ROESSINGH, Carel & PLASIL, T. (2006). “From collective body to individual mind: religious change in an old colony mennonite community in Belize”. Journal of Mennonite Studies, 24, 57–74. ROESSINGH, Carel & SCHOONDERWOERD, A. (2005). “Traditional farmers or modern businessmen? Religious differentiation and entrepreneurship in a Kleine Gemeinde Community in Belize”. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 10 (1), 65–77. ROESSINGH, Carel & MOL, Linda (2008). “Working ladies. Mennonite women in the enterprises of Spanish Lookout, Belize”. In: International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 5 (3/4), 241-256. SAWATZKY, Harry (1971). They sought a country: Mennonite colonization in Mexico. With an appendix on Mennonite colonization in British Honduras. Berkeley: University of California press.

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5. Género/ Gender/ Genre

BROWNE, Sharon (1989). Women’s perceptions of their needs relative to development programs through partners of the Americas and other organizations: case studies in Belize, the Dominican Republic and Michigan. Tesis (Ph.D), Michigan State University. BULLARD, Kenyon M. (1974). “Hide and secrete: women's sexual magic in Belize”. The Journal of Sex Research, 10 (4), (Nov.), 259-265. CATZIM, Adele (1991). “The women Workers’ Union”. Belize: Society for the Promotion of Education and Research. Encuentro de Legisladores de América Central (2005). México y Belice contra la explotación sexual comercial de niñas, niños y adolescentes. UNICEF. HENDERSON, Peta & HAUGHTON, Anne (Ed.). (1993). Rising up: Life histories of Belizean women by women of the Orange Walk District. Toronto: Sister Vision Press. INSTITUTO DE LA MUJER MADRID (1990). Directorio de la mujer en Centro-América, Panamá y Belice. Madrid: Instituto de la mujer, Organización Panamericana de la Salud. KANE, Stephanie (1991). “The organization of prostitution in Belize: notes on AIDS intervention”. In SPEAReports 7: Fourth annual studies on Belize conference, Belize, 1990 (pp. 113-134). México: SPEAR by Cubola Productions. LUNDGREN, Nancy (1993). “Women, work, and ‘Development’ in Belize”. Dialectical Anthropology, 18, 363-378. LUMINAIS, Misty N. (2006). Local ideals of beauty under global pressure: gender, identity and formation in Dangriga, Belize. Thesis M.A. Anthropology, Washington State University. MACPHERSON, Anne (1992). Women’s activism in the nationalist movement and the gendered creation of State hegemony in Belize, 1950-1960. Master’s Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison. MACPHERSON, Anne (1996). “Viragoes, victims and volunteers: female political cultures and gendered state policy in 19th Century Belize”. In Michael D. Phillips (Ed.). Belize: Proceedings from the Second Interdisciplinary Conference (pp. 73-144). New York: University Press of America. MACPHERSON, Anne (2003). “Citizens vs. clients: working women and Colonial reform in Puerto Rico and Belize, 1932-1945”. Journal of Latin American Studies, 35 (2), (May.), 279-310. MACPHERSON, Anne (2003). “Imagining the Colonial nation: Race, gender, and middle-class politics in Belize, 1888-1898”. In Nancy Appelbaum, Anne Macpherson & Karin Alejandra Rosemblatt. Race and nation in modern Latin America (pp. 108-131). Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. MACPHERSON, Anne (2003). “Colonial matriarchs: garveyism, maternalism and Belize’s Black

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cross nurses, 1920-1952”. Gender and History, 15 (3), (November), 507-527. MACPHERSON, Anne (2007). From Colony to nation. Women activists and the gendering of politics in Belize, 1912-1982. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press. MC CLAURIN, Irma (2000). Women of Belize. Gender and change in Central America. New Brunswick, New Jersey and London: Rutgers University Press. [First Ed. 1996.] RANDALL, Margaret (1995). “The creation of a regional woman: Debbie Ewens of Belize”. In Margaret Randall (Ed.), Our Voices/ Our Lives: stories of women from Central America and the Caribbean (pp. 65-82). Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press. TUÑON, Esperanza (Coord.). (2001). Mujeres en las fronteras: trabajo, salud y migración, Belice, Guatemala, Estados Unidos y México. México: Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Ecosur, El Colegio de Sonora, Plaza y Valdés. WILK, Richard (1996). “Connections and contradictions: from the crooked tree cashew queen to Miss World Belize”. In Colleen, Ballerino, Cohen, Richard & Beverly Stoeltje (Ed.), Beauty queens on the Global Stage: gender, contests and power (pp. 217-233). London: Routledge. WOODS, Silvana (1991). Mothers of modern Belize. Belize: National Women’s Commission. ZAMBRANO, Lucia M. (1999). Ciudadanía y acción política de las mujeres: la Ley de violencia domestica en Belice. Tesis, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

6. Migraciones/ Migrations

6.1. Migración/ Migration

CASILLAS, Rodolfo (Comp.). (1992). Los procesos migratorios centroamericanos y sus efectos regionales. México: FLACSO, Cuadernos de FLACSO 1. EVERITT, John (1984). “The recent migration of Belize, Central America”. International Migration Review, 18 (2), 319-325. ROBINSON, St. John (2006). Peopling Belize. Chapters in migration. Belize City: National Institute of Culture and History, Institute of Social and Cultural Research. SEITZ, Karl S. (2005). Migration, demographic change, and the enigma of identity in Belize. M.A.: Arizona State University. VERNON, Dylan (1988). International migration and development in Belize: An overview of determinants and effects of recent movements. Master’s Thesis, Carleton University, Ottawa.

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6.2. Emigración/ Emigration

ARNOLD, Williams (1988). Ethnic identification, ethnicity, and ethnic solidarity in Los Angeles County´s West Indian-American Community. Doctoral Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles. BABCOCK, Elisabeth (2003). Belizean transnationalism: the role of migrant voluntary associations. Doctoral dissertation, Indiana University. BABCOCK, Elisabeth (2006). “The transformative potential of Belizean migrant voluntary association in Chicago”. International Migration, 44, 1. CORNEBISE, Michael (2005). “Belizean population and migration trends: examining the supply side of Chicago’s Belizean story”. Bulletin of the Illinois Geographical Society, 47 (1), (Spring). DAVIDSON, Robert B. (1966). Black British: Immigrants to England. London: Oxford University Press. ESCALANTE, Homero (1973). “Belizean exodus?” National Studies, 1 (4), (July), 1-3. ROSER, Connie, SNYDER, Leslie & CHAFFEE, Steven (1986). “Belize release me, let me go: The impact of mass media on emigration in Belize”. Belizean Studies, 14 (3), 1-30. SNYDER, Leslie, ROSER, Connie & CHAFFEE, Steven (1991). “Foreign media and the desire to emigrate from Belize”. Journal of Communication, 41 (1), (Winter), 117-132. STRAUGAHN, Jerome (2004). Belizean immigrants in Los Angeles. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Southern California. VERNON, Dylan (1990). “Belizean exodus to the United States: for better or for worse”. SPEAReports 4, Second annual studies on Belize conference (pp. 6-28). México: SPEAR, Cubola Productions.

6.3. Inmigración, refugiados/ Immigration, refugees/ Immigration, réfugiés

BILLARD, Annick (1988). “Belize: A peaceful corner in a region at war”. Refugees, Alto comisionado de las naciones unidas para los refugiados (ACNUR), Feb., 9-13. COLLINS, Charles O. (1995). “Refugee Resettlement in Belize”. Geographical Review, 85 (1), (Jan.), 20-30. COURTENAY, Vernon H. (1984). The Alien situation in Belize. Belmopan: Government Information Service. DAUGAARD-HANSEN, Flemming (2005). “Processes of differentiation in Belize City: The construction and negotiation of immigrants and other strangers”. Belizean Studies, 27 (1), (June), 3-25. DE FAY, Jason B. (2004). Identity matters: immigration and the social construction of identity in

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Garifuna. Doctoral Dissertation, University of California, San Diego. DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION (DFC), (1977). Labour and immigration in Belize. Belize City: DFC. FERRERO, C. (1989). “Bélize: une terre promise”. Réfugiés, 70 (11), 13-16. GOVERNMENT OF BELIZE (1989). Refugees and refugee-affected areas in Belize : diagnosis and strategies for durable solutions. Belmopan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Economic Development. MOBERG, Mark (1996). “Myths that divide: immigrant labour and class segmentation in the Belizean banana industry”. American Ethnologist, 23 (2), 311-330. PALACIO, Joseph (1985). Un medio rural para inmigrantes centroamericanos en Belice. Washington, D.C.: Centro de Políticas de Inmigración y Asistencia a los Refugiados, Universidad de Georgetown, Comité Intergubernamental para las Migraciones. PALACIO, Joseph (1987). “A rural/urban environment for Central American immigrants in Belize”. Caribbean Quarterly, 33 (3-4), 29-41. PALACIO, Joseph (1990). “Socioeconomic integration of Central American immigrants in Belize”. SPEAReports 2. Mexico: SPEAR, Cubola Productions. PARVENU, Andre M. (1986). Refugee migration and settlement in Belize: the Valley of peace project. M.A. Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison. PLAISIER, Jacob L. (1996). The impact of Central American immigrants in Belize. M.A. Thesis, University of Amsterdam. SOLIS, Marina (1998). “This tranquil haven: Valley of peace refugee settlement, Belize”. In Brown Deryck, Evaluation, learning and Caribbean development. University of the West Indies: Canoe Press.

7. Cultura/ Culture

7.1. Cultura, arte, literatura, medios/ Culture, art, literature, medias/ Culture, art, littérature, medias

BECK, Ervin (1980). “Telling the Tale in Belize”. The Journal of American Folklore, 93 (370), (Oct. - Dec.), 417-434. BECK, Ervin (1981).”Belizean Creole quarreling Songs”. Southern Folklore Quarterly, 45, 61-68. BOLLAND, Nigel (1987). “United States cultural influences on Belize: television and education as ‘vehicles of import’”. Caribbean Quarterly, 33, 60-74. DUGRAND, Alain (1998). Belice. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, Colección Popular.

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[1era. Ed. en francés, 1993] EDGELL, Zee (1982). Beka Lamb. London: Heinemann. EDGELL, Zee (1991). In times like these. Portsmouth NH: Heinemann. EDGELL, Zee (1994). Belize, a literary perspective. Washington: Cultural Center, Inter-American Development Bank. HAGERTHY, Tim & GOMEZ, Mary (ed.), (2000). If Di Pin Neva Ben. Folktales and Legends of Belize. Benque Viejo: Cubola Productions. HUXLEY, Aldous (1934). Beyond the Mexique Bay. London: Chatto & Windus HUXLEY, Aldous (1980). Más allá del Golfo de México. Buenos Aires: Sudamericana [nueva edición: Barcelona: Edhasa, 1986]. HYDE, Evan X, BRADLEY, Dickie & PARKS, Roland. Poems of passion, patriotism and protest. Belize City, Belize: Angelus Press. IYO, Aondofe (2003). Benjamin Nicholas. Painter from Boyo Creek. Belize City: Factory Books. LENT, John (1989). “Country of no return: Belize since television”. Belizean Studies, 17 (1), 17-41. LEWIS, David & DAY, Michael (1988). “Reporting of Belize by two International Newspapers”. Belizean Studies, 16 (3), 32-41. NATIONAL ART COUNCIL (1992). Proceedings of the second annual conference on culture and the Arts. Belize City: National Arts Council. NICHOLAS, Victor (2004). “The Poems Vinland Barranco”. Occasional Publication Series, 3, (March). Belmopan: University of Belize. OLIVEIRA, Omar S. (1985). Analysis of the differential effects of exposure to Mexican and US television on consumer attitudes in Northern Belize. Doctoral dissertation, The Ohio State University. PRICE, Richard & PRICE, Sally (1995). “Executing culture Musée, Museo, Museum”. American Anthropologist, New Series, 97 (1), (March), 97-109. RONDON, G. Denisse (2001). “Con el nuevo arte de Belize”. Casa de las Américas, 224, 141-144. RUTHEISER, Charles (1991). Culture, schooling and neocolonialism in Belize. PhD Dissertation, Johns Hopkins. TABOURET-KELLER, Andrée (1976). Éléments pour une sociologie de l'absence de littérature : le cas de Bélize. Talence: Maison des sciences de l'homme d'Aquitaine.

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TZUL, Alfonso (1993). After 100 Years: The oral history and traditions of San Antonio, Cayo District, Belize. Belize: U Kuxtal Masewal Maya Institute Belize. VERHOEVEN, Arjan (2006). A case study of forty years Amandala, a Belizean National Newspaper. Utrecht: University of Amsterdam. VERNON, Dylan (2000). The state of arts: culture and cultural expression in Belize. San José, Costa Rica: HIVOS-Central America. WILENTZ, Gay (ed.), (2004). Memories, Dreams and Nightmares. A Short Story Anthology by Belizean Women Writers. Vol.1. Benque Viejo: Cubola Productions. WILENTZ, Gay (ed.), (2005). Memories, Dreams and Nightmares. A Short Story Anthology by Belizean Women Writers. Vol.2. Benque Viejo: Cubola Productions. WILK, Richard (1989). “Colonial time and T.V. time: media and historical consciousness in Belize”. Belizean Studies, 17 (1), 3-13. WILK, Richard (1990). “Consumer goods, cultural imperialism and underdevelopment in Belize”. In SPEAReports 6: Third annual studies on Belize conference, Belize, 1989 (pp. 135-146). México: SPEAR by Cubola productions. WILK, Richard (1999). “‘Real Belizean food’: building local identity in the transnational Caribbean”. American Anthropologist, New Series, 101 ( 2), (Jun.), 244-255. WILK, Richard (2006). Home cooking in the global village. Belizean food from Buccaneers to Ecotourists. Belize City: The Angelus Press & London: Berg Publishers. YOUNG, Leroy (2004). The Grandmaster of Belize: The Best of the Dub Poet’s Works. Belize City: The Image Factory Art Foundation. YOUNG, Colville (1988). “Aspectos de la cultura popular en Belice”. En Cultura del Caribe. Memoria del Festival Internacional de Cultura del Caribe (pp. 311-315). México: Secretaria de Educación Pública, Unidad del Programa Cultural de las Fronteras.

7.2. Educación y lengua/ Education and language/ Education et langue

ALSOPP, S.R. (1965). “British Honduras. The linguistic dilemma”. Caribbean Quarterly, 11, 54-61. BABCOCK, Elisabeth & WILK, Richard (1998). “International travel and consumer preferences among secondary school students in Belize, Central America”. Caribbean Geography, 8 (1), 32-45. BEALS, Paul W. (1973). A study of educational and occupational perceptions in Belize (British Honduras) Central America. Doctoral Dissertation (Doctor of Philosophy), George Peabody College for Teachers. BELIZE KRIOL PROJECT (1997). Belize Kriol glossary and spelling guide (1997). Belize City: Belize

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Kriol Project. BELIZE KRIOL PROJECT (2005) (3rd edition). You can read and write Kriol. Belize City: Belize Kriol Project. BENNETT, Joseph (1979). “Goals, priorities and the decolonization of education in Belize”. Belizean Studies, 7 (5), 18-23. BENNETT, Joseph (1990). “Higher education in Belize: Aspirations, frustations and directions”. In SPEAReports 6: Third annual studies on Belize conference, Belize, 1989 (pp. 6-16). México: SPEAR by Cubola Productions. BIRDWELL-PHEASANT, Donna (1985). “Language change and ethnic identity in eastern Corozal”. Belizean Studies, 13 (5-6), 1-12. BRAUN, Charles (1970). An historical study of the development of technical education in British Honduras, Belize. Doctoral Dissertation (Doctor of Philosophy), Detroit, Mich., Graduate Division, Wayne State University. DAYLEY, John (1979). Belizean Creole: Grammar Handbook. Brattleboro, Vermont: Peace Corps Language Handbook Series. DECKER, Ken (1994). “Orthography development for Belize Creole”: In France Ingemann (Ed.), Mid-America Linguistics Conference Papers, vol. 2 (pp. 351-362). Lawrence KS: University of Kansas. EASTER, B. H. (1935). Report of an enquiry into the educational system of British Honduras, 1933-1934. Belize: Government Printing Office. ESCURE, Genevieve (1979). “Linguistic variation and ethnic interaction in Belize: Creole/Carib”. In Howard Giles & Bernard Saint-Jacques (Ed.), Language and Ethnic Relations. Oxford: Pergamon Press. ESCURE, Genevieve (1981). “Decreolization in a Creole Continuum: Belize”. In Arnold Highfield & Albert Valdman (Ed.), Historicity and Variation in Creole Studies. Ann Arbor: Karoma. ESCURE, Genevieve (1982). “Contrastive patterns of intergroup ad intergroup interaction in the Creole continuum of Belize”. Language and Society, 11, 239-264. ESCURE, Genevieve (1997). Creole and dialect continua: Standard acquisition processes in Belize and China (Pcr). Amsterdam, Holanda: John Benjamins. ESCURE, Genevieve & SCHWEGLER, Armin (2004). Creoles, contact, and languaje chance: linguistic and social implications. Philadelphia, USA: Ed. John Benjamins. GULLICK, Charles (1979). “Ethnic interaction and Carib language”. Journal of Belizean Affairs, 9, 3-20. HITCHEN, Peter (2002). Education and multi-cultural cohesion in the Caribbean: The case of Belize, 1931-1981. United States: LULU Press Incorporated. [Texto disponible en línea, Disponible http://www.lulu.com/phitchen8]

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HUMPHREYS, Francis (1989). “The implementation of Belizean studies programmes in secondary schools, 1964-1987”. Belizean Studies, 17 (2), 3-15. HUNTER, Charles (1991). “From mono-cultural myopia to multi-cultural vision: the role of Jesuit secondary education in maintaining cultural pluralism in Belize”. Belizean Studies, 19, 1, 5-17. KERNAN, Keith, SODERGREN, John & FRENCH, Robert (1977). “Speech and social prestige in the Belizean speech community”. In Ben G. Blount & Mary Sanches (Ed.), Sociocultural Dimensions of Language Change. New York: Academic Press. KROHN, Eleanor (1985). Origins of tomorrow: a history of Belizean nursing education. Belize: Ministry of Health. LOPEZ, Andrew S. (1991). “Belize Creole as an official national language: an analysis”. In SPEAReports 7: Fourth annual studies on Belize conference, Belize 1990 (pp. 6-24). México: SPEAR by Cubola productions. MCKESEY, George (1974). The Belizean Lingo. Belize City: National Printers Ltd. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION (1984). Belize Today: A society in Transformation. Belize City: Sunshine Books. SPEAR (1991) National Education Symposium (Benque Viejo del Carmen, Belize, 1990): Education in Belize. México: SPEAR Published by Cubola Productions. RUBINSTEIN, Robert A. (1977). Cognitive development and the acquisition of semantic knowledge in northern Belize. Binghamton, N. Y.: State University of New York. SHOMAN, Kiren (Ed.). (1992). Education in Belize: toward the Year 2000. Belize: SPEAR and Cubola Productions. THOMPSON, John T. (1973). Secondary education and employment in Belize: a tracer study of recent graduates. East Lansing, Mich.: Michigan State University. VEGA, José A. (1998). A qualitative analysis on the effectiveness of Jesuit education in Belize. Doctoral Dissertation (Doctor of Philosophy), St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. WOODS, Silvana (1990). “Belize Creole: prevalent crippling attitudes”. In SPEAReports 6: Third annual studies on Belize conference, Belize, 1989 (pp. 147-158). México: Published for SPEAR by Cubola Productions. WRIGHT, Pamela (1986). Language shift and the redefinition of social boundaries among the Carib of Belize. PhD Dissertation, City University of New York. YOUNG, Colville (1973). Belize Creole: a study of the Creolized English spoken in the City of Belize, in its cultural and social setting. PhD Dissertation, University of York. YOUNG, Colville (2002). Language and Education in Belize. Belize: The Angelus Press Limited. [1st edition: Belize, Hans Seidel Foundation and Univ. College of Belize, 1989] YOUNG, Colville (1986). Creole proverbs of Belize (2 ed). Belize City: C.N. Young.

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7.3. Religión/ Religion

BUHLER, Richard (1976). A history of the catholic church in Belize. Belize: Belize Institute for Social Research and Action. CLEGERN, Wayne (1986). “Review. Wallace B. Johnson, a history of Christianity in Belize, 1776-1838”. The Hispanic American Historical Review, 66 (2), (may), 380-381. CROWE, Frederick (1850). The Gospel in Central America, containing... a history of the Baptist mission in British Honduras. London: Charles Gilpin. JOHNSON, Wallace (1985). A History of Christianity on Belize, 1776-1838. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America. MURPHY, James (1990) “Catholic social ethics: an invitation to freedom”. In SPEAReport, 4: Second annual studies on Belize conference (pp. 92-98). México: SPEAR by Cubola Productions.

8. Relaciones internacionales, contexto regional/ International relations, regional context/ Relations internationales, contexte régional

8.1. España-Inglaterra, política exterior/ Spain-Great Britain, foreign policy/ Espagne-Angleterre, politique extérieure

BUHLER, Richard (2001). “Why the Spanish did not settled Belize”. Belizean Studies, 23 (1-2), (September). [Reprinted 2006, in Essays in the Battle of St. George’s Caye Day (pp. 38-40). Belize: St. John’s College+ *First Ed. 1976] CHAMBERLAIN, Roberts (1948). The Conquest and Colonization of Yucatán, 1517-1550. Washington: Carnegie Institution. CLEGERN, Wayne (1962). “British Honduras and pacification of Yucatan”. The Americas, 18 (3), (Jan.), 243-254. Berkeley, CA: Academy of American Franciscan History. CLEGERN, Wayne (1988). “Central America, Belize and the third World”. Belizean Studies, 16 (2), 4-15. DAWSON, Franck G. (1983). “William Pitt’s settlement at Black River on the Mosquito Shore: A challenge to Spain in Central America, 1732-1787”. Hispanic American Historical Review, 63 (4), 677-706. HUMPHREYS, Robert (1961). The diplomatic history of British Honduras: 1638-1901. London: Oxford University Press. MARCUS, Linda (1992). English influence on Belize and the Petén region of northern

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Guatemala, 1630 to 1763. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International. MENDOZA, José L. (1959). Britain and her treaties on Belize, British Honduras : Guatemala has the right to reinstate the entire territory of Belize (2nd ed.). Translations from the Spanish by Lilly de Jongh Osborne. Guatemala: Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores. PAYNE, Anthony (1990). “The Belize triangle: Relations with Britain, Guatemala and the United States”. Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, 32 (1), (Spring), 119-135. PENICHE, Manuel (1940). Historia de las relaciones de España y México con Inglaterra sobre el establecimiento de Belice. Mérida: Compañía Tipográfica Yucateca. SHOMAN, Assad (1992). “The making of Belize’s foreign policy: from Colony to independent State”. In Independence Ten Years After: Fifth Annual Studies on Belize Conference (pp. 13-31). Belize: SPEAR. VILLALOBOS, Martha (2003). “La presencia estadounidense en la frontera México – Honduras Británico. El caos de la compañía Stanford. 1895-1915”. Revista Mexicana del Caribe, 15, 39-78.

8.2. Belice-México/ Belize-Mexique

ALVAREZ, José de Jesús (1984). Belice: Búsqueda del Estado Nacional. México: El Colegio de México. ALVAREZ, Pablo (1987). Belice: la crisis, el neocolonialismo y las relaciones con México 1978-1986. México: Centro de Investigaciones y Docencia Económica. BARANDA, Joaquín (1873). La cuestión de Belice. Campeche: La Sociedad Tipográfica. CAREAGA, Lorena (Recopilación). (1980). Lecturas básicas para la historia de Quintana Roo. Antología. Tomo V: las relaciones con Belice. México: Fondo de Fomento Editorial del Gobierno del Estado de Quintana Roo. CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIONES DE QUINTANA ROO (1993). Estudio Integral de La Frontera México-Belice (4 vols.). México: CIQRO CHENAUT, Victoria (1989). Migrantes y aventureros en la frontera sur. México: Secretaria de Educación Pública- Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social. CRUZ, Julio (2006). Los Tratados de límites de México con Belice y Guatemala. Tesis, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. ECHÁNOVE, Carlos (1951). Una tierra en disputa (Belice ante la Historia). Mérida: Editorial Yucatanense Club del Libro. FABELLA, Isidoro (1944). Belize: defensa de los derechos de México. México: Editorial Mundo Libre.

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HUBBARD, Enrique (1998). Belize: Vecino ignorado. México: Colegio de Sinaloa. HUBBE, Joaquín (1940). Belice. Mérida: Compañía Tipográfica Yucateca. JONES, Grant (Ed.), (1977). Anthropology and history in the Yucatán. Austin: University of Texas Press. MACÍAS, Carlos (1997). “La colonización insular y costera en el Caribe mexicano”. Revista Mexicana del Caribe, 3, año II, 112-151. MACÍAS, Gabriel (1985). “Transformaciones histórico-regionales de la frontera México-Belice”. En Andrés Fábregas et al., La formación histórica de la frontera sur. México: Centro de Investigación en Estudios Superiores de Antropología Social. MACÍAS, Gabriel (1988). “Cultura popular e identidad en la frontera México-Belice”. En Cultura del Caribe. Memoria del Festival Internacional de Cultura del Caribe (pp. 366- 380). México: Secretaria de Educación Pública, Unidad del Programa Cultural de las Fronteras. MARISCAL, Ignacio (1893). Informe Del C. Ignacio Mariscal Secretario del Despacho de Relaciones Exteriores rendido ante el Senado acerca del Tratado de Límites entre Yucatán y Belice. México: F. Diaz Leon Sucs, S.A. MARTINEZ, Luis (1945). La cuestión de Belice. México: Editorial Polis. MARTINEZ, Santiago (1945). Belice. Campeche: Biblioteca de El Reproductor Campeche. PADILLA, David (2000). México-Belice, Programa de Cooperación Educativa y Técnica: caso CONALEP. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. PARTIDO REVOLUCIONARIO INSTITUCIONAL (1982). México y sus vecinos: Estados Unidos, Guatemala y Belice. México: PRI. PEREZ, Gustavo (1958). Documentos sobre Belice o Balice. México: Ediciones del Boletín Bibliográfico de la Secretaria de Hacienda y Crédito Público. PRATS, Alardo (1958). Visión actual de Belice. México: Libro Mex Editores. REBOLLEDO, Miguel (1946). Quintana Roo y Belice. México: S.E. RODRIGUEZ DE ITA, Guadalupe, RODRIGUEZ, María del Consuelo y RUIZ, Maximiliano (1998). Los retos y perspectivas de las relaciones comerciales entre Belice y México entre 1990 a 1994. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Escuela Nacional de Estudios Profesionales Aragón. SIERRA, Ligia A. (1994). Subteniente López: Un pueblo en la frontera México – Belice. México, Quintana Roo: Centro de Investigaciones de Quintana Roo. TOUSSAINT, Mónica (1996). “El tratado Clayton-Bulwer y la disputa por Belice”. Revista Mexicana del Caribe, 2, año I, 80-97. TUÑON, Esperanza (Coord.). (2001). Mujeres en las fronteras: Trabajo, salud y migración,

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Belice, Guatemala, Estados Unidos y México. México: Colegio de la Frontera Norte – Ecosur, El Colegio de Sonora, Plaza y Valdés. UGALDE, Gabriela (Coord.). (1994). Guía del archivo de límites y ríos México-Belice, 1723-1980. México: Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, Archivo Histórico Diplomático Mexicano- Instituto Mora. VICTOR, Lucio (2006). Estudio jurídico sobre el mar territorial, la zona económica exclusiva y la zona contigua de la República Mexicana. Tesis, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. ZEDILLO, Ernesto (1995). Belice, un Aliado estratégico. Quintana Roo, México: Presidencia de La República.

8.3. Belice en Centro América, Belice-Guatemala/ Belize in Central America, Belize-Guatemala/ Belize en Amérique Centrale, Belize-Guatemala

ALVARADO, Rafael (1958). La cuestión de Belice. Guatemala: Presidencia de la República, Secretaria de información. [1era. Ed. 1949] ASTURIAS, Francisco (1941). Belice. Guatemala: Facultad de Ciencias Juridicas y Sociales. AYCINENA, Luis (1949). El procedimiento "Ex Aequo et Bono" y la controversia angloguatemalteca sobre Belice.... Guatemala: Tipografía Nacional. BANCROFT, H. H. (1883-87). History of Central America (3 vols). San Francisco: History Company. BARDINI, Roberto (1987). Belice: historia de una nación en movimiento. Tegucigalpa, Honduras: Ediciones Universitaria. BOVIN, Philippe (1997). Las fronteras del Istmo: fronteras y sociedades entre el sur de México y América Central. México: Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS) - Centro Francés de Estudios Mexicanos y Centroamericanos (CEMCA). Belice es de Guatemala? Tratados. Situación jurídica. Actuaciones. Opiniones (1958). Guatemala: Imprenta Hispania. BIANCHI, William (1959). Belize: the controversy between Guatemala and Great Britain over the territory of British Honduras in Central America. New York: Las Americas. BLOOMFIELD, L. (1953). The British Honduras – Guatemala Dispute. Toronto: Carswell. BYRD, Herman (1990). “Belize-Guatemala relations: some new concerns”. In SPEAReports 6: Third annual studies on Belize conference, Belize, 1989. México: Published for SPEAR by Cubola Productions. CALVERT, Peter (1976). “Guatemala and Belize”. Contemporary Review, 228 (1320), 7-12.

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CAMEJO, Hugo (1949). Belice una cuestión continental. Guatemala: Imprenta Universitaria. DUNKELEY, James (1988). Power in the Isthmus: a political history of modern Central America. London: Verso. GALL, Francis (1962). Belice: tierra nuestra. Guatemala: Centro Editorial José de Pineda Ibarra, Ministerio de Educación Pública, Colección Documentos, 21. GASTAUD, Jean-Pierre (Dir.). (2006). Amérique Centrale: Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Belize. France: Ambassade Guatemala, Mission économique Guatemala - Paris, Ubifrance, Collection L’essentiel d’un marché. GUATEMALA (1948). El caso de Belice ante la conciencia de América. Exposición de la delegación de Guatemala presentada ante la comisión de iniciativas de la IX conferencia internacional americana, 21 de abril de 1948, en respuesta al memorandum del gobierno británico sobre Belice remitido a la conferencia por la embajada de la Gran Bretaña en Bogotá. Bogotá: Ed. Cahur. GUATEMALA. SECRETARÍA DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES (1947). Belice pertenece a Guatemala: la propaganda británica tergiversa la historia (artículos publicados en la prensa de Guatemala). Belize belongs to Guatemala; the Britannic propaganda tergiversates history. Guatemala: Tipografía Nacional. GUATEMALA. SECRETARÍA DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES. La controversia sobre Belice durante el de 1945, capítulo de la Memoria del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, correspondiente al administrativo de 1945, presentada al Congreso Nacional el 1o. de marzo de 1946. Status of the controversy over Belize during the year 1945. Guatemala: Publicaciones del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. KAUFFER, Edith (2005). El agua en la frontera México-Guatemala-Belice. San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México: El Colegio de la Frontera Sur – Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas. La Controversia sobre Belice durante el año de 1946... Status of the controversy over Belize during the year 1946, (1948). Guatemala: Tipografía Nacional, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. LÓPEZ, Francisco (1962). Quiebra y reintegración del derecho de gentes: Gibraltar, Belice, Las Malvinas. Guatemala: Imprenta Hispania. MAC LEOD, Murdo (1973). Spanish Central America: A socioeconomic history, 1520-1720. Berkeley: University of California Press. MENDOZA, José L. (1946). Britain and her treaties on Belize (British Honduras): Guatemala has the right to reinstate the entire territory of Belize. Guatemala: Tipographia National. MENDOZA, José L. (1948). Belize (British Honduras), an anglo-guatemalan controversy with a map. London: Beslay Studios. MENON, P. K. (1979). “The Anglo-Guatemalan dispute over the Colony of Belize (British Honduras)”. Journal of Latin American Studies, 2 (2), 343-371.

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MINISTERIO DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES DE GUATEMALA (1952). Guatemalan foreign minister's reply to the British government note of february 19th, 1952, concerning the inclusion of Belize in the proposed B. W. I. federation: respuesta del Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores. Guatemala, C. A.: Ortiz H. & Cia. ctda. NORTON, Natacha (1993). Guatemala and Belize. London: Cadogan Books. PAZ Y PAZ, L. Alberto (1949). La cuestión de Belice: Comprimidos históricos. Recopilación de artículos publicados en "La estrella de Panamá". Guatemala: Imprenta Universitaria. PEREZ-BRIGNOLI, Hector (1989). A brief history of Central America. Berkeley: University of California Press. RODRÍGUEZ, Virgilio (1949). El libro de Guatemala grande: Petén-Belice. Introducción y lista de materias de los dos volúmenes que verán pronto la luz pública. Guatemala, C. A.: Tipografía Nacional. SOBERANIS, Antonio & KEMP, L. D. (1949). The Third Side of the Anglo-Guatemala Dispute. Belize City: Commercial Press. SQUIER, George (1855). Notes on Central America. New York: Harper and Brothers. THORNDIKE, A. E. (1978). “Belize among her neighbours: an analysis of the Guatemala-Belize dispute”. Caribbean Review, 8 (2), 13-19. THORNDIKE, Tony (1983).”The Conundrum of Belize: An Anatomy of a Dispute”. Social and Economic Studies, 32 (2), 65-101. YOUNG, Alma & YOUNG, Dennis (1988). “The Impact of the Anglo-Guatemalan dispute on the International Politics of Belize”. Latin American Perspectives. 15 (2), 6-30.

8.4. Belice en el Caribe ingles/ Belize in the English Caribbean/ Belize dans la Caraïbe anglaise

ASHDOWN, Peter & HUMPHREYS, Francis (1988). Caribbean Revision History for CXC. Oxford: MacMillan Caribbean. FOG, Karen (1999). “The Burden of heritage: claiming a place for a West Indian culture”. American Ethnologist, 26 (2), (May), 370-388. GIACOTTINO, Jean-Claude (1972). Les pays anglophones de la Caraïbe: les Antilles Britanniques Belize-Guyana. Paris : G.P., La Documentation Française. Notes et études documentaires. JOSEPH, C.L. (1971). “The British West Indies Regiment 1914-1918”. The Journal of Caribbean History, 2, (May), 98-99. KNIGHT, Franklin (1990). The Caribbean: The genesis of a fragmented nationalism. New York: Oxford University Press [First Ed. 1978]. LEWIS, Gordon (1983). Main currents in Caribbean thought: The historical evolution of

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Caribbean society in its ideological aspects, 1492-1900. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. LOOK, Lai W. (1993). Indentured labor, Caribbean Sugar: Chinese and Indian migrants to the British West Indies, 1838-1918. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University. LOWENTHAL, David (1972). West Indian Societies. New York: Oxford University Press. MANINGTON, George (1930). The West Indies with British Guiana and British Honduras. London: Eveleigh Nash & Grayson. MINTZ, Sidney (1967). “Caribbean Nationhood in anthropological perspective”. In Sybil Lewis & Thomas G. Matthews (Ed.), Caribbean Integration: Papers on Social, Political and Economic Integration. Rio Piedras: Institute of Caribbean Studies. OLWIG, Karen (1993). “Between tradition and modernity: national development in the Caribbean”. Social Analysis, 33, (September), 89-104. OTTLEY, Oliver (2005). A meaningful memory. World War II and post war reflections. Emphasis on the Caribbean Regiment. Way Printing Co. Ltd. PARRY, John H. & SHERLOCK, Philip (1971). A short history of the West Indies. New York: Macmillan. SAFA, Helen (1987). “Popular culture, national identity, and race in the Caribbean”. New West Indian Guide, 61 (3-4), 115-126. SERBIN, Andrés (1996). El ocaso de las islas: el Gran Caribe frente a los desafíos globales y regionales. Caracas: Ed. Nueva Sociedad. YOUNG, Alma H. (1993). “The territorial dimension of Caribbean Security: The case of Belize”. In Ivelaw L. Griffith (Ed.), Strategy and Security in the Caribbean (pp. 124-148). Westport, Connecticut: Praeger.

Revistas/ Journals/ Revues

Belcast, Journal of Belizean Affairs Belize Country Review Belize Economic Competitiveness Belize Economic Studies Belizean Studies

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Índice de autores/ Authors' index/ Indice des auteurs

AGUILERA, Gabriel .................................................................................................................................. 13

ALDERMAN Ralph H.A .............................................................................................................................. 8

ALSOPP, S.R. ........................................................................................................................................... 45

ALVARADO, Rafael .................................................................................................................................. 51

ALVAREZ, José de Jesús .......................................................................................................................... 49

ALVAREZ, Pablo ...................................................................................................................................... 49

América Indígena .................................................................................................................................... 29

ANDERSON, A. H. ...................................................................................................................................... 7

ANDERSON, A.G. ..................................................................................................................................... 24

ANTOCHIW, Michel .................................................................................................................................. 7

ARANA, Francis B. ..................................................................................................................................... 7

ARANAIZ, Stella ...................................................................................................................................... 24

ARBUCKLE R,V. ....................................................................................................................................... 24

ARNASON, John Thor .............................................................................................................................. 23

ARNOLD, Williams .................................................................................................................................. 42

ASHCRAFT, Norman ................................................................................................................................ 10

ASHDOWN, Peter .......................................................................................... 10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 37, 31, 53

ASTURIAS, Francisco ............................................................................................................................... 51

AWE, Jaime........................................................................................................................... 24, 27, 35, 37

AYCINENA, Luis ....................................................................................................................................... 51

AYUSO, Mateo ........................................................................................................................................ 36

BABCOCK, Elisabeth .......................................................................................................................... 42, 45

BALBONI, Barbara S. ............................................................................................................................... 14

BALOGUN, Olatunji ................................................................................................................................. 31

BANCROFT, H. H. .................................................................................................................................... 51

BARANDA, Joaquín ................................................................................................................................. 49

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BARDINI, Roberto ................................................................................................................................... 51

BARHAM, B. ............................................................................................................................................ 22

BARNETT, Carla................................................................................................................................. 19, 22

BARRY, Tom .............................................................................................................................................. 7

BARTON, David ....................................................................................................................................... 37

BATEMAN, Rebecca B. ............................................................................................................................ 33

BATH, Sergio ............................................................................................................................................. 7

BEALS, Paul W. ....................................................................................................................................... 45

BECK, Ervin ....................................................................................................................................... 31, 43

BELIZE KRIOL PROJECT ............................................................................................................................ 46

BELIZE TOWN PLANNING COMMITTEE ................................................................................................... 25

BENNETT, Joseph .................................................................................................................................... 46

BERENDSE, Myrte ............................................................................................................................. 24, 25

BERKEY, Curtis ........................................................................................................................................ 36

BERTE, Nancy A. ..................................................................................................................................... 36

BERTRAND, Régis .................................................................................................................................... 14

BETETA, Ramón ...................................................................................................................................... 22

BIANCHI, William .................................................................................................................................... 56

BILLARD, Annick...................................................................................................................................... 42

BIRDWELL-PHEASANT, Donna ................................................................................................................. 46

BLOOD, Sir Hilary .................................................................................................................................... 19

BLOOMFIELD, L. ...................................................................................................................................... 51

BOERSMA, Kees ...................................................................................................................................... 18

BOLLAND, Nigel ............................................................................ 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 22, 27, 28, 36, 43

BONILLA, Rosario .................................................................................................................................... 21

BOUVIER, Leon ......................................................................................................................................... 7

BOVIN, Philippe ...................................................................................................................................... 51

BRADBURY, Alex ....................................................................................................................................... 7

BRADLEY, Leo ............................................................................................................................... 7, 19, 29

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BRAS, Karin ....................................................................................................................................... 25, 35

BRAUN, Bertram ..................................................................................................................................... 19

BRAUN, Charles ...................................................................................................................................... 46

BRETON, Alain .......................................................................................................................................... 7

BRISTOWE, Lindsay ................................................................................................................................. 10

BROCKMANN, Thomas C................................................................................................................... 28, 29

BROOKE, Cyril ......................................................................................................................................... 10

BROWN, D. ............................................................................................................................................. 22

BROWN, Wallace .................................................................................................................................... 10

BROWNE, Sharon ................................................................................................................................... 40

BRYCE, William ....................................................................................................................................... 10

BUHL, Richard ........................................................................................................................................... 7

BUHLER, Richard ............................................................................................................................... 10, 48

BULLARD, Kenyon M. .............................................................................................................................. 40

BURDON, Sir John Alder...................................................................................................................... 8, 10

BURN, W. L. ............................................................................................................................................ 15

BURNS, Alan ........................................................................................................................................... 10

BURTON, Richard .................................................................................................................................... 31

BYRD, Herman ........................................................................................................................................ 51

CAIGER, C.L. ............................................................................................................................................ 10

CAIN H.E.C. ............................................................................................................................................. 12

CAIN, Ernest ........................................................................................................................................... 25

CAL, Angel ............................................................................................................................ 11,19, 20, 36

CALDERON, José A. ................................................................................................................................. 11

CALVERT, Peter ....................................................................................................................................... 51

CAMEJO, Hugo........................................................................................................................................ 52

CAMPBELL, Mark .............................................................................................................................. 22, 36

CAMPBELL, Mavis C. ............................................................................................................................... 11

CAMPBELL, Persia ................................................................................................................................... 38

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CARDENAS, Elizabeth .............................................................................................................................. 38

CAREAGA, Lorena ................................................................................................................................... 49

CARPIO, Roberto ...................................................................................................................................... 8

CARR, J.D .................................................................................................................................................. 9

CARREY, N.S. ........................................................................................................................................... 20

CARTER, E. .............................................................................................................................................. 25

CASILLAS, Rodolfo................................................................................................................................... 41

CASTAÑEDA, A. ....................................................................................................................................... 26

CAYETANO, E. Roy ............................................................................................................................ 20, 33

CAYETANO, Fabian ................................................................................................................................. 33

CAYETANO, Sebastian ....................................................................................................................... 26, 33

CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIONES DE QUINTANA ROO ................................................................................ 49

CHAFFEE, Steven .................................................................................................................................... 42

CHAMBERLAIN, Roberts.......................................................................................................................... 48

CHAPIN, Mac .................................................................................................................................... 24, 20

CHENAUT, Victoria.................................................................................................................................. 49

CHEVERTON, R. L. ................................................................................................................................... 17

CISNEROS, Héctor ................................................................................................................................... 25

CLEGERN, Wayne .............................................................................................................................. 11, 48

COLLINS, Charles O. .......................................................................................................................... 14, 42

CONZEMIUS, Eduard ............................................................................................................................... 33

COOPER, Debbie ..................................................................................................................................... 33

COSMINSKY, Sheila ........................................................................................................................... 29, 31

COTE, Mark A. ........................................................................................................................................ 26

COURTENAY, Vernon H. .......................................................................................................................... 42

CRAIG, Alan ............................................................................................................................................ 22

CRAIG, Susan .......................................................................................................................................... 17

CRATON, Michael ................................................................................................................................... 15

CROSBIE, Cynthia .................................................................................................................................... 31

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CROSBIE, Paul ......................................................................................................................................... 31

CROWE, Frederick .................................................................................................................................. 48

CRUZ, Julio.............................................................................................................................................. 49

DA PENA ................................................................................................................................................. 14

DACHARY, Alfredo .................................................................................................................................. 24

DALTABUIT, Magalí ................................................................................................................................. 25

DAMPIER, William .................................................................................................................................... 9

DANIEL, George ...................................................................................................................................... 20

DAUGAARD-HANSEN, Flemming ................................................................................................. 28, 31, 42

DAVIDSON, Robert B. ............................................................................................................................. 42

DAVIDSON, William ................................................................................................................................ 36

DAVIES, Ioan ........................................................................................................................................... 15

DAWSON, Franck G. ................................................................................................................................ 55

DAY, Michael .......................................................................................................................................... 44

DE FAY, Jason B. ..................................................................................................................................... 43

DEAN, Corinne ........................................................................................................................................ 29

DECKER, Ken ............................................................................................................................... 31, 32, 46

DEMAZIÈRE, Eve ..................................................................................................................................... 32

Department of Archaeology, Archives Department, Department of Museums ......................................... 9

DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION ................................................................................................ 43

DIRECTION DE LA DOCUMENTATION, FRANCIA ........................................................................................ 8

DOBSON, Narda .................................................................................................................................. 9, 11

DODD, S. ................................................................................................................................................. 20

DONOHOE, William A. ............................................................................................................................ 11

DOWNIE, J. ............................................................................................................................................. 20

DRIEDGER, L. .......................................................................................................................................... 39

DUGRAND, Alain ..................................................................................................................................... 44

DUIJNHOVEN, Hanneke .......................................................................................................................... 25

DUMONT, René ...................................................................................................................................... 20

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DUNKELEY, James ................................................................................................................................... 52

DYCK, C.J................................................................................................................................................. 39

EASTER, B. H. .......................................................................................................................................... 46

ECHÁNOVE, Carlos .................................................................................................................................. 49

EDGELL, Zee ............................................................................................................................................ 44

EDMOND, Charles J ................................................................................................................................ 26

EDWARDS, Colleen ................................................................................................................................. 17

ELKINS, W. .............................................................................................................................................. 32

ELLIS, Zoila .............................................................................................................................................. 17

ENGERMAN, S. L. .................................................................................................................................... 15

ENRIQUEZ, Jeremy .................................................................................................................................. 25

ERGOOD, Bruce ...................................................................................................................................... 11

ESCALANTE, Homero .............................................................................................................................. 42

ESTALL, D.A............................................................................................................................................. 24

ESTRADA DE LA HOZ, Julio ........................................................................................................................ 8

EVANS, G. ............................................................................................................................................... 11

EVERITT, John ......................................................................................................................... 8, 26, 39, 41

FABELLA, Isidoro ..................................................................................................................................... 49

FAIRWEATHER, D.N.A. ............................................................................................................................ 14

FAIRWEATHER, Stephen ......................................................................................................................... 32

FARAZLI, Corinne .................................................................................................................................... 26

FERGUSON, William M. ........................................................................................................................... 36

FERNANDEZ, Julio ................................................................................................................................... 17

FERRERO, C. ............................................................................................................................................ 43

FIEHRER, Thomas .................................................................................................................................... 16

FINAMORE, Daniel .................................................................................................................................. 22

FITZGERALD, Cid ..................................................................................................................................... 33

FLOYD, Barry .......................................................................................................................................... 11

FOG, Karen ....................................................................................................................................... 20, 53

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FORD, Amos ........................................................................................................................................... 22

FOSTER, Byron ............................................................................................................................ 26, 33, 36

FREEMAN, T.A ........................................................................................................................................ 24

FROST, Marvin D. .................................................................................................................................... 22

FURLEY, Peter ......................................................................................................................................... 26

GALL, Francis .......................................................................................................................................... 52

GALLETTI, Hugo A. .................................................................................................................................. 37

GANN, Thomas ....................................................................................................................................... 36

GARCÍA, Evadne ...................................................................................................................................... 22

GARGALLO, Francesca ........................................................................................................................ 8, 33

GASTAUD, Jean-Pierre ............................................................................................................................ 52

GIACOTTINO, Jean-Claude ...................................................................................................................... 53

GIBBS, Archibald R. ................................................................................................................................. 11

GILES, B. W. ............................................................................................................................................ 14

GLASSMON, Paul ...................................................................................................................................... 8

GLICK, Leonard B. ................................................................................................................................... 29

GODFREY, Glenn D. ................................................................................................................................. 26

GOLDSWORTHY, D. J. .............................................................................................................................. 11

GOMEZ, Mary ......................................................................................................................................... 44

GONZALEZ, Jorge .................................................................................................................................... 36

GONZÁLEZ, Nancy................................................................................................................................... 33

GORDON, Edmund.................................................................................................................................. 20

GORDON, Jessica ...................................................................................................................................... 8

GOV OF PEOPLE'S UNITED PARTY ........................................................................................................... 14

GOVERNMENT OF BELIZE ................................................................................................................. 14, 43

GRAHAM, R. ........................................................................................................................................... 20

GRAHAM, Elizabeth, R. ........................................................................................................................... 36

GRANT, Cedric .................................................................................................................................. 11, 17

GREAT BRITAIN. CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION .............................................................................. 11

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GREEN, William A. ............................................................................................................................ 16, 28

GREENE, Oliver ....................................................................................................................................... 34

GREGG, Robert A. ................................................................................................................................... 11

GREGORY, James R. .......................................................................................................................... 29, 36

GRIZZLE, H., Patricia................................................................................................................................ 34

GUATEMALA. SECRETARÍA DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES ........................................................................ 52

GUDERJAN, Thomas H. ........................................................................................................................... 37

GULLICK, Charles .................................................................................................................................... 46

HADEL, Richard ....................................................................................................................................... 62

HAGERTHY, Tim ...................................................................................................................................... 44

HALL, J.A. ................................................................................................................................................ 39

HAMILL, Don .......................................................................................................................................... 20

HAMMOND, Norman .............................................................................................................................. 37

HANSON, David ...................................................................................................................................... 17

HARRISON, J. .......................................................................................................................................... 17

HAUGHTON, Anne .................................................................................................................................. 40

HEALY, Paul F. ......................................................................................................................................... 37

HELMKE Christophe ................................................................................................................................ 35

HELMUTH, Hermann .............................................................................................................................. 37

HENDERSON, George .............................................................................................................................. 11

HENDERSON, Peta ............................................................................................................................ 20, 40

HERNANDEZ, David................................................................................................................................. 32

HERRERA, Yvette .................................................................................................................................... 31

HEYMAN, Will ......................................................................................................................................... 20

HIGDON, F.X. .......................................................................................................................................... 39

HIGMAN, Barry ....................................................................................................................................... 16

HITCHEN, Peter....................................................................................................................................... 46

HOWARD, Michael............................................................................................................................. 28,37

HOWE, Stephen ...................................................................................................................................... 14

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HUBBARD, Enrique ................................................................................................................................. 50

HUBBE, Joaquín ...................................................................................................................................... 50

HUGHES-HALLETT, Deborah ................................................................................................................... 37

HUMPHREYS, Francis ..................................................................................................... 11, 30, 362, 47, 53

HUMPHREYS, Robert .............................................................................................................................. 48

HUNTER, Charles .................................................................................................................................... 47

HUNTER, Lita .......................................................................................................................................... 11

HURFORD, Graham ................................................................................................................................. 12

HUXLEY, Aldous ...................................................................................................................................... 44

HYDE, Evan X .................................................................................................................................... 32, 44

INSTITUTO DE LA MUJER MADRID .......................................................................................................... 40

IYO, Joseph-Ernest Aondofe....................................................................................... 22, 26, 29, 30, 32, 44

IZARD, Gabriel ........................................................................................................................................ 34

JACOBS, N.D. .......................................................................................................................................... 26

JAMAIL, Milton ....................................................................................................................................... 14

JAMES, C.L.R. .......................................................................................................................................... 20

JANTZEN, C.R. ................................................................................................................................... 30, 39

JENKINS, Carol ........................................................................................................................................ 34

JEX, Zelma .............................................................................................................................................. 38

JOHNSON, Howard ................................................................................................................................. 28

JOHNSON, Melissa .................................................................................................................................. 30

JOHNSON, Melva .................................................................................................................................... 21

JOHNSON, Wallace ................................................................................................................................. 48

JOLLY, Kimo ............................................................................................................................................ 26

JONES, Grant ........................................................................................................................ 22, 23, 37, 50

JONES, Sherilyne ..................................................................................................................................... 35

JOSEPH, C.L. ............................................................................................................................................ 53

JOSEPH, Gilbert ................................................................................................................................ 19, 23

JUDD, Karen ..................................................................................................................................... 28, 30

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KANE, Stephanie ..................................................................................................................................... 40

KAUFFER, Edith ....................................................................................................................................... 52

KEARNS, Kevin C. .................................................................................................................................... 26

KEMP, L. D. ............................................................................................................................................. 53

KERNS, Virginia ....................................................................................................................................... 34

KEY, Carol ............................................................................................................................................... 25

KHARUSI, Jocelyne .................................................................................................................................. 26

KING, Emory ..................................................................................................................................... 12, 16

KING, J. C. ............................................................................................................................................... 37

KNIGHT, Franklin ................................................................................................................................ 8, 53

KOENIG, Edna L. ..................................................................................................................................... 30

KOOP, G.S. .............................................................................................................................................. 14

KROHN, Eleanor ................................................................................................................................ 20, 47

KROHN, Lita .............................................................................................................................................. 8

KROSHUS, Laurie ....................................................................................................... 17, 20, 21, 23, 30, 37

LAMBERT, John D. .................................................................................................................................. 23

LAURE, Joseph ........................................................................................................................................ 21

LEAS, Charles .......................................................................................................................................... 12

LEATHEM, Thomas.................................................................................................................................. 26

LENT, John .............................................................................................................................................. 44

LEON, Narda D. ....................................................................................................................................... 64

LEWIS, Arthur ......................................................................................................................................... 21

LEWIS, Corinth ........................................................................................................................................ 32

LEWIS, David..................................................................................................................................... 38, 44

LEWIS, Gareth D. .................................................................................................................................... 11

LEWIS, Gordon ................................................................................................................................. 38, 54

LOOK, Lai W. ........................................................................................................................................... 54

LÓPEZ, Francisco..................................................................................................................................... 52

LOWENTHAL, David ................................................................................................................................ 54

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LUMINAIS, Misty N. ................................................................................................................................ 40

LUNDGREN, Nancy ..................................................................................................................... 17, 30, 40

MAC LEOD, Murdo ................................................................................................................................. 52

MACÍAS, Carlos ....................................................................................................................................... 50

MACÍAS, Gabriel ..................................................................................................................................... 50

MACKLIN, Catherin ................................................................................................................................. 34

MACPHERSON, Anne ........................................................................................................................ 40, 41

MANINGTON, George ............................................................................................................................. 54

MANZANARES, Myrna ............................................................................................................................ 31

MARCUS, Linda ....................................................................................................................................... 49

MARISCAL, Ignacio .................................................................................................................................. 50

MARTINEZ, Luis ...................................................................................................................................... 50

MARTINEZ, Santiago ............................................................................................................................... 50

MATTHEI, Linda M. ................................................................................................................................. 34

MAZZARELLI, Marcela ............................................................................................................................. 36

MC CLAURIN, Irma .................................................................................................................................. 41

MC MINN, S. ........................................................................................................................................... 25

MC RAE, Ellen ......................................................................................................................................... 26

MCCLUSKY, Laura J. ................................................................................................................................ 37

MCKESEY, George ................................................................................................................................... 47

MENDOZA, José L. ............................................................................................................................ 49, 52

MENON, P. K........................................................................................................................................... 52

MERRIL, Tim L. .......................................................................................................................................... 8

METZGEN, Monrad ................................................................................................................................. 12

MILLER, Linda R. ..................................................................................................................................... 34

MINISTERIO DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES DE GUATEMALA..................................................................... 53

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ....................................................................................................................... 47

MINKEL, Clarence ..................................................................................................................................... 8

MINORITY RIGHTS GROUP ...................................................................................................................... 32

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MOBERG, Mark .................................................................................................................... 12, 23, 28, 43

MOL, Linda ............................................................................................................................................. 39

MOORE, A. ............................................................................................................................................. 27

MORRIS, D. ............................................................................................................................................. 12

MORRIS, John ................................................................................................................................... 27, 35

MUNIANDY, Andy ..................................................................................................................................... 8

MURPHY, James ..................................................................................................................................... 48

MURRAY, Fr. M. ...................................................................................................................................... 11

MURRAY, Roy ................................................................................................................................... 16, 23

NATIONAL ART COUNCIL ........................................................................................................................ 44

NAYLOR, Robert A. ................................................................................................................................. 12

NICHOLAS, Victor .................................................................................................................................... 44

NIPPERT, D.J. .......................................................................................................................................... 39

NONDÉDÉO, Philippe .............................................................................................................................. 37

NORTON, Natacha .................................................................................................................................. 53

OKEKE, Stephen ................................................................................................................................ 17, 26

OLGUÍN, David .......................................................................................................................................... 8

OLIVEIRA, Omar S. .................................................................................................................................. 44

OLWIG, Karen ......................................................................................................................................... 54

OMAN, Sir Charles .................................................................................................................................. 12

OTTLEY, Oliver ........................................................................................................................................ 54

OWER, Leslie H. ...................................................................................................................................... 12

PADILLA, David ....................................................................................................................................... 50

PALACIO, Joseph .................................................................................................... 8, 14, 17, 27, 32, 34, 43

PALACIO, Myrtle ..................................................................................................................... 8, 18, 21, 30

PALMER, Colin A. ...................................................................................................................................... 8

PARRY, John H. ....................................................................................................................................... 54

PARTIDO REVOLUCIONARIO INSTITUCIONAL .......................................................................................... 50

PARVENU, Andre M. ............................................................................................................................... 43

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PATERSON, Orlando ............................................................................................................................... 30

PAYNE, Anthony ..................................................................................................................................... 49

PAZ Y PAZ, L. Alberto .............................................................................................................................. 53

PAZ, Ma. Elena ....................................................................................................................................... 14

PEARCE, Douglas G. ................................................................................................................................ 25

PENICHE, Manuel ................................................................................................................................... 49

PEOPLE'S UNITED PARTY (PUP) ............................................................................................................... 15

PERDOMO, Marcella ............................................................................................................................... 35

PEREZ, Gustavo................................................................................................................................. 13, 50

PEREZ-BRIGNOLI, Hector ........................................................................................................................ 53

PERRY, Joseph ...................................................................................................................... 22, 23, 25, 31

PERRY, M.D............................................................................................................................................. 35

PETCH, Trevor ......................................................................................................................................... 23

PHILLIPS, Michael D. ............................................................................................................................... 25

PLAISIER, Jacob L. ................................................................................................................................... 43

PLASIL, T. ................................................................................................................................................ 39

POSNETT, N. W. ...................................................................................................................................... 13

PRATS, Alardo ......................................................................................................................................... 50

PRICE, George ......................................................................................................................................... 18

PRICE, Richard ........................................................................................................................................ 44

PRICE, Sally ............................................................................................................................................. 44

PRIMACK, Richard ................................................................................................................................... 37

QUIRING, W. ........................................................................................................................................... 39

RANDALL, Margaret ................................................................................................................................ 41

REBOLLEDO, Miguel ................................................................................................................................ 50

REILLY P.M. ............................................................................................................................................. 13

RICE, Don Stephen .................................................................................................................................. 38

RITZ, Stacy .............................................................................................................................................. 13

ROBINSON, Guy ...................................................................................................................................... 23

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ROBINSON, St. John ................................................................................................................................ 41

RODRIGUEZ DE ITA, Guadalupe .............................................................................................................. 50

RODRIGUEZ, María del Consuelo ............................................................................................................ 50

RODRÍGUEZ, Virgilio ............................................................................................................................... 53

ROESSINGH, Carel ............................................................................................................ 18, 24, 25, 35, 39

ROGERS, E. ............................................................................................................................................. 21

ROMNEY, D....................................................................................................................................... 23, 24

RONDON, G. Denisse .............................................................................................................................. 44

ROSBERG, Michael ............................................................................................................................ 18, 21

ROSER, Connie ........................................................................................................................................ 42

RUBINSTEIN, Robert A. ........................................................................................................................... 47

RUIZ, David N.......................................................................................................................................... 27

RUIZ, Gregorio ........................................................................................................................................ 25

RUIZ, Maximiliano .................................................................................................................................. 50

RUTHEISER, Charles .......................................................................................................................... 27, 44

RYAN, J. .................................................................................................................................................. 24

SAFA, Helen ............................................................................................................................................ 54

SAMPSON, H. .......................................................................................................................................... 24

SÁNCHEZ, I. E. ............................................................................................................................. 15, 18, 27

SANTANA, Adalberto ................................................................................................................................ 8

SAWATZKY, Harry ................................................................................................................................... 39

SCHACKT, Jon ......................................................................................................................................... 38

SCHOONDERWOERD, A. ......................................................................................................................... 39

SCHWEGLER, Armin ................................................................................................................................ 46

SEAMAN, P. ............................................................................................................................................ 68

SEITZ, Karl S. ........................................................................................................................................... 41

SERBIN, Andrés ................................................................................................................................. 28, 54

SETZEKORN, William D. ........................................................................................................................... 15

SEWELL, Tony ......................................................................................................................................... 33

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SHARPE, Frank ........................................................................................................................................ 24

SHELLER, Mimi ........................................................................................................................................ 25

SHERLOCK, Philip ............................................................................................................................... 13,54

SHOMAN, Assad .................................................................................................. 13, 15, 18, 21, 22, 24, 49

SHOMAN, Kiren ...................................................................................................................................... 47

SIEMENS, Alfred ..................................................................................................................................... 24

SIERRA, Ligia A. ....................................................................................................................................... 50

SMART, H. P. ........................................................................................................................................... 17

SMITH, David A. ...................................................................................................................................... 34

SMITH, Godfrey P. .................................................................................................................................. 18

SMITH, Michael G. ...................................................................................................................... 28, 29, 33

SNYDER, Leslie ........................................................................................................................................ 42

SOBERANIS, Antonio ............................................................................................................................... 53

SOLIEN, Nancy ........................................................................................................................................ 35

SOLIS, Marina ......................................................................................................................................... 43

SOSA, Nigeli ............................................................................................................................................ 21

SPEAR .......................................................................................................... 8, 9, 15, 16, 18, 21, 32, 38, 47

SQUIER, George ...................................................................................................................................... 53

STAHL, Kathleen ..................................................................................................................................... 21

STAVRAKIS, Olga ..................................................................................................................................... 24

STEAGALL, Jeffrey ............................................................................................................................. 25, 31

STEPHENS, John L. .................................................................................................................................. 10

STONE, Michael ........................................................................................................................... 27, 29 35

STRAUGAHN, Jerome.............................................................................................................................. 42

SULLIVAN, Paul ......................................................................................................................................... 9

SUTHERLAND, Anne .................................................................................................................... 15, 21, 25

SWAN, Michael ......................................................................................................................................... 9

TABOURET-KELLER, Andrée .................................................................................................................... 44

TASKER-BROWN, Julie ............................................................................................................................ 21

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TAYLOR, Douglas M. ............................................................................................................................... 35

THOMPSON, J. Eric ................................................................................................................................. 38

THOMPSON, John T. ............................................................................................................................... 47

THORNDIKE, A. E..................................................................................................................................... 53

THORNDIKE, Tony ............................................................................................................................. 18, 53

THORNTON, Margaret-Ann ..................................................................................................................... 27

THORPE J.E. .............................................................................................................................................. 9

THURSTON, L. ......................................................................................................................................... 27

TILLETT, W. Edmund ............................................................................................................................... 21

TOPSEY, Harriot ................................................................................................................................ 27, 30

TOUSSAINT, Mónica ................................................................................................................... 13, 18, 50

TOUT, G.M. ............................................................................................................................................. 24

TRIPARTITE REPORT ................................................................................................................................ 21

TUÑON, Esperanza ........................................................................................................................... 41, 51

TURNER, Billie ......................................................................................................................................... 38

TZALAM, Froyla ...................................................................................................................................... 30

TZUL, Alfonso ......................................................................................................................................... 45

UGALDE, Gabriela ................................................................................................................................... 51

UNICEF-CRD............................................................................................................................................ 18

UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN .................................................................................................................... 24

VÁSQUEZ, Luz María ............................................................................................................................... 25

VEGA, José A........................................................................................................................................... 47

VERHOEVEN, Arjan ................................................................................................................................. 45

VERNON, Dylan..................................................................................................................7, 21, 41, 42, 45

VERNON, Lawrence ................................................................................................................................ 30

VIAL, V.E. ................................................................................................................................................ 24

VICKERS, George ..................................................................................................................................... 13

VICTOR, Lucio ......................................................................................................................................... 51

VILLALOBOS, Martha .............................................................................................................................. 49

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AFRODESC – Documento de trabajo No. 1, Working paper No. 1, Document de travail No. 1


WADDELL, David ................................................................................................................................. 9, 13

WATLER, John ......................................................................................................................................... 27

WATSON, Karl ......................................................................................................................................... 28

WHIPPLE, Emory ..................................................................................................................................... 29

WIEGAND, Bruce .................................................................................................................................... 29

WILENTZ, Gay ......................................................................................................................................... 45

WILK, Richard ............................................................................................................ 19, 24, 30, 38, 41, 45

WILLIAMS, Eric ......................................................................................................................................... 9

WINZERLING, E.O.................................................................................................................................... 13

WITTER, Michael .................................................................................................................................... 19

WOLFE, J. ................................................................................................................................................ 22

WOODBURY, H. Sarah............................................................................................................................. 30

WOODS, Louis ................................................................................................................. 22, 23, 24, 25, 31

WOODS, Silvana ......................................................................................................................... 31, 41, 47

WOODWARD, Ralph L. .............................................................................................................................. 9

WOOLRICH, B. Manuel ............................................................................................................................. 9

WRIGHT, A. ............................................................................................................................................. 24

WRIGHT, Pamela .................................................................................................................................... 47

WRIGHT, Philip ....................................................................................................................................... 10

YOUNG, Alma ....................................................................................................................9, 19, 29, 53, 54

YOUNG, Colville .......................................................................................................................... 45, 47, 48

YOUNG, Dennis....................................................................................................................................... 53

YOUNG, Leroy ......................................................................................................................................... 45

YSAGUIRRE, Lena .................................................................................................................................... 11

ZAMBRANO, Lucia M. ............................................................................................................................. 41

ZAMMIT, J. Ann ........................................................................................................................................ 9

ZEDILLO, Ernesto .................................................................................................................................... 51