Topic 4 The professionals in Education Who are the teachers? Carmen Chan Cheung Man Wai Ng Yu Juan Joyce Yeo NIE Noose

AED 105 Topic 4 PowerPoint

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Page 2: AED 105 Topic 4 PowerPoint

DisclaimerWe interrupt your Wednesday evening blues to bring you a completely factual noose bulletin.

These stories will make a difference to you in the morning, afternoon and night.

Wait! There is more… Any similarities to actual events, people or pets are purely coincidental. And now… The NIE NOOSE!

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At CBD ……

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At MOE ……

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Interview by a panel of Ministry officials and principals

Contract Teaching for 6 months to 2 years

Recommendation from Principal

PracticumSchool cooperating Mentors Cooperation TeacherNIE supervision coordinator

Ms Grace


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At NIE ……

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(Deng, & Gopinathan, 2001)

Dr Ho Cin

2001- ASK Framework (Attitudes, Skills, Knowledge)

Emphasizes attitudes, values, and integrity of teachers over and

above their content mastery and teaching competence.

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2004-VSK framework(Value, Skills, Knowledge)

Comprehensive review and enhancement of initial teacher preparation programmes.

(Chong, & Cheah, 2009)

Dr Ho Cin

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2004 VSK framework

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(NIE, 2009)

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2008-2009V3SK framework(Value3, Skills, Knowledge)

(NIE, 2009)

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Studio Nie StarsearchCase 1-school culture

•You are struggling with the school's system and culture. •There are many teachers with long service.• They always converse to each other in dialects which you cannot understand a word.• They disseminate information and work in their own group •What would you do?

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Studio Nie Starsearch

Case 2 – work/life balance

•You find it difficult to balance work and family. •One day, you completed your work and preparing to leave early for your child’s 1-year-old birthday party.• Supervisor seek your urgent help to mark some test papers

•What do in this situation?

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Studio Nie StarsearchCase 3 - teach

subject not trained for

•Just newly posted to school, you are asked to teach Primary 6 Mathematics when you specialized in Chinese language.•How will you deal with this situation?

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Studio Nie StarsearchCase 4 – difficult

parents/students•You work hard to guide your students.•During the “meet the parents session”, parents blamed you for their child’s poor academic and CCA performance. •What is your response?

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Studio Nie StarsearchThere is no perfect solution

Explore challenges faced by teachers and brainstorm possible ways to overcome them

2nd learning outcome

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Studio ProAnagram

•Arrange the alphabets in the word‘professionalism’ to form words & phrases used in teaching.•Minimum length for one of the word or phrase must be 6 letters.•Each letter can only be used once.•Record your words/phrases on the construction paper.

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Studio ProAnagram

Examples for your reference:

•Professional – 13 letters

•Moron is passe- 12 letters

Did not meet the minimum length of

6 letters

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Studio ProAnagram

To summarize:One word stands out

– Passion-Passion or lies (13letters)•Invoke the hidden positive and negative attributes beneath the professionalism of teaching.•The conflicts between a role model and a ‘holistic’ teacher •Passion or conviction?

3rd learning outcome

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Nie Live - Video clip


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Learning Objectives

• Relate self awareness and reflection to professional discipline of a teacher.

• Explore challenges faced by teachers and brainstorm possible ways to overcome them

• Invoke the hidden attributes beneath the professionalism of teaching.

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References1. Boon,Z (2011). Presenting Singapore teachers for 21st century schools:

Ready?Get set, Go. In W. Choy & C.Tan(Eds). Education Reform in Singapore: Critical Perspectives. Singapore: Pearson Prentice Hall.

2. Deng, Zongyi, & Gopinathan, S. (2001). Re-conceptualising teacher preparation in the era of new educational initiatives in singapore . Proceedings of the Annual conference of the australian association for research in austrila Fremantle.

3. Chong, Sylvia, & Cheah, Horn Mun. (2009). A values, skill and knowledge framework for initial teacher. Austrialian Journal of Teacher Education , 34(3),

4. National Institute of Education. (2009, Oct). Te21 a teacher education model for the 21st century. Retrieved from http://www.nie.edu.sg/files/spcs/TE21_Executive%20Summary_101109.pdf