ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF COMPUTER A Term Paper Presented to Prof. Babylyn G. Retanan Rizal Technological University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in English 2 Jester A. Paquera


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A Term Paper

Presented to

Prof. Babylyn G. Retanan

Rizal Technological University

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements

in English 2

Jester A. Paquera

March 2013



I Introduction

II Computer

III Computer change the world

IV Computer affects the world

V Advantages and disadvantages of computer

VI Conclusion




The advantages are plentiful. Buying merchandise on line can save you

boat loads of money. The internet has every subject known to man. The

advantages consist of access to the internet, which in end enables a user to

communicate with other friends and people around the world. The computer itself

can process information faster than even the smartest/fastest human, and can

answer some questions even we can't. Also, the computer enables us to do

much work while sitting in one chair and staring at a screen. People can find

work off their computers and even make money working with their computers.

The disadvantages are as follows, the obvious upkeep of a computer can be a

hassle. When one gets in to computers and buys an excellent computer, it

enables the user to do all the advantages listed above but never without a few

disadvantages. Besides the upkeep, computers can mean wasted time. The

computer is probably the biggest time waster available, since it has so many

features, and with a little money, you can gain even more features.(Michael,


A computer is an electronic device that can store, retrieve, and process

data, perform calculation; and present results based on a program given to it by a

programmer. (Tiamson, 2006)

New generation of computer technology will continue to affect the

processing of data and information. Data collection continues to become easier,

data processing is getting faster and faster, mathematical calculations continue

to be performed with increased precession, and information is being provided to

users in generally more useful forms. And one of the best improvements that new

technology brings us is that computers continue to become easier to use.


Many people have been afraid of computers, but great strides have been

made in transforming the computer into a friendlier, less mysterious tool. Input

devices have become easier to use, and software is easier to understand than

ever before. In addition to being fast and easy to use, the computer also brings

us a math facility that many of us thought was eternally beyond our reach. Have

you ever had difficulty balancing your checkbook or creating a budget? Or is your

life overshadow by math anxiety? Many of us find it difficult to consistently

perform mathematical calculations accurately by hand. Sooner or later we make

a mistake. One of the major advantages of a computer is that, with the proper

software, it will perform calculations quickly and accurately, with much greater

precision and speed than would be possible manually. Thus math anxiety will not

prevent you from providing your employer with, for example, complicated

statistical or financial reports. (Sawyer and Hutchinson, 1988)

According to Shane Fletcher, (2008) computers have changed everything

in the world. Here is a list why computers have changed the world: Making new

friendship - You can now go onto a website, talk to anyone around the world. If

you look back in the olden days, people had to approach other people. Playing

with friends and other people - You can now play with friends, family and other

people other the web. This can be on Xbox, PS3 and PC gaming. If there was no

computer, you would play games like cards, dices etc. with friends which are

around your area. Information - I know this very well, going to the library,

searching for information which I need to know etc. Now, you can just get a

computer and look on the internet, simple, quick and easy. Also, information

could be that if someone thinks they know it will, they can search on the web and

see what other people think. Now with computers all data can be stored on a

database (a server). Even the information can be shared all over the business. If

there was no computer, the paper work could get ruined by using it to any times.

OH, and also meetings. Some businesses allow business meetings online, with

webcam. This is easier for people around to world to be a part of a meeting

without flying. This is only a few of many things why computers have changed

the world.


For BigBatch, (2009) economically, our world is being polluted in

production and usage of electricity. But aside from that, Computers and new

technology is making life easier for everyone and is becoming easier each day.

But with so much freedom we need to become more responsible with our health.

With all these new computers and technology there are more people not keeping

fit because of such addictions in front of a computer?All in all, there are a lot of

things that we favor with computers. Such as; Online profiles (MySpace,

Facebook, Bebo. etc.), Online Shopping (EBay, online shops), Forums and

online communities, E-mail and instant messaging... and so much more. The

computers and internet has brought the world to talk to each other bring people

around the world closer no matter where they are. The internet brings knowledge

and you can learn many things from it with the information it can provide. 


In recent years, educators have been involved with computers in three

ways; (1) they teach students about computers; (2) they teach students about a

variety of subjects such as math, language skills, reading, and grammar using

computers (computer –assisted instruction); and (3) they use computer classes

have been offered at the college level since the mid- 1950. Today many schools

at all levels offer students some exposure to computers. Many colleges and

universities now have their own microcomputer training labs. In addition, their

libraries may use computers to aid in library searches and in management, and

their special education departments are probably instructing students in the use

of custom-developed programs and hardware to aid in the education of

handicapped children and adult’s. (Sawyer, et al 1988)

There are disadvantages to integrating these technological devices into a

classroom. Computers offer convenience and allow students to create polished

products, but with these advantages come potential problems that could lead to

decreased educational effectiveness within a classroom and allow for problems

down the line in the child's schooling. It destroys the study of children as they

play games instead of visiting informative sites to gain some informationCut and


paste. Rather than thinking about the answers, students often just cut and paste

from various websites. This now leads to students actually being caught out by

plagiarism (stealing other people’s ideas and words) because they don't say

where they got the information from. This can lead to students actually losing all

the marks for coursework if the examination board uses the anti-plagiarism

software that is out there now.


Computer also has disadvantages and in biological way. After long sitting

with computer and watching to the monitor eyes become very tired and it's can

be very dangerously for the sight. Using computer in wrong way can take from

you lot of free time. (Sawyer, et al 1988)

Computers are such versatile tools that people are bringing them into

their homes in increasing numbers. A wide variety of software is available for

home use, including (1) educational software for young children, (2) personal

financial management software, and (3) entertainment software. Many

professionals also use their homes computers to do some work-related tasks at

homes or even run businesses from the home, using typical business software

packages and modern communications technology.


The use of computer in the health-care industry has grown tremendously

in the past years. The computer has become a valuable resource in the

management of records of physicians, nurses, pharmacist, nutritionist, hospital,

and medical insurance companies, as well as patient diagnosis and physiological

monitoring. Computers are used to process mountains of medical administrative

paperwork, including millions of patient insurance claims; patient billing forms;

inventory control accounts to track the availability and use of beds; and extensive

patient records and histories of test results, treatments, and medicines. (Sawyer,

et al 1988)


Recent computer-related developments in the medical profession involve

the use of computer system to assist in patient diagnosis. CAT and PET

scanners (not named after animals, but acronyms from long technical names –

computerized axial tomography and positive emission tomography) can take

computerized axial “pictures” of the interior of the brain and other parts of the

body. Many of devices found in the intensive care units are also computerized –

such as the electrocardiograph system used to record the pulses that cause a

patient’s heartbeat.

Computers often will distract from interaction with patients as the nurse,

aid, or doctor will spend more time charting than before, although the charting is

more detailed with the use of computers. Computers fail and when they do it puts

more strain on the staff to perform the same function when they do go

down.Computers are at risk from hackers and it is far easier for people to gain

access to patient information that they have no right to view, causing more

difficulty to ensure HIPPA laws are enforced.


Computers are also being used in business to collect and analyze data, to

produce concise information for management in a clear format suitable for

making decisions, and to help managers avoid being overloaded with

unnecessary information. There are some disadvantages that should be

considered by businesses owners who have been slow in embracing computers.


Special effects expert are in demand, as are those who combine musical

talent with the ability to operate computer-based musical equipment. People who

are trained in video production and modern communications can find work in

broadcasting, journalism, advertising, and a number of the other fields. And, of

course, game companies and software companies are in need people to

developed computerized games.In sports, athletes’ performances are being

analyzed and improved by the use of computers. Sports medicine has also


become much more effective through the use of computer systems to analyze

and treat injuries.


Government is by far one of the biggest computer users in the world

today. It would almost be impossible to collect, tabulate, and categorize the

colossal amount of data colossal amount of data the U.S government must deal

with daily without the aid of computers. To a large extent, the U.S. defense

system, among others, is based on computer technology. Vast networks of

computers work together to coordinate and disseminate strategic information

relating to the management and deployment of armed forces. Satellites are used

to collect and communicate data and information, and the weapons systems

have computerized components. Many weapons are now considered “smart”

weapons because they can collect data, process it into information, and use it in

military strategies. Of course, whether or not people are smart enough to use

these weapons responsibly remain to be seen.(Sawyer, et al 1988)

Being jobless because of computerization. Or computers can take place

rather than humans because computers are fast and durable. Productivity loss,

power dependency, cybercrime, data loss that are disadvantages of computer in



Law enforcement agencies use computers to collect and analyze

evidence. Many agencies are now equipped with data processing facilities that

enable them to connect with large, countrywide law enforcement computer

system from which they can obtain and with which they can share information on

criminal activities, as well as missing persons. Many police cars are now

equipped with computer terminals so that an officer can access immediate

information about a suspect or vehicle. The criminal justice system uses

computers to help manage large amounts of information. The documentation

created when a suspect is arrested and tried can easily take up several hundred


pages. Without computerized information processing, it would be next to

impossible today to collect the data, process it, and keep track of the status of

cases. In addition, lawyers can save documents such as wills in computer

system for easy updating in the future.


Many industries are being transformed by the use of computers. You

probably already know that automobile and other product manufactures use

computer based robots, bur designing them and the systems they are a part of.

Engineers and designers are using computers-aided design (discussed in more

detail later) to design items from airplanes to zippers. Publishing is good example

of one industry that has changed dramatically because of computerization.

Editing, typesetting, page makeup, photo treatments, creation of illustrations, and

color work can all be done electronically now – and much faster than ever before.

Those mean that new types of jobs are being created for people who can

combine publishing know-how and/or language expertise with computer

experience. Also, computerization has enabled more and more publishing people

to work as freelancers, because they can work with almost all the other people in

the publishing cycle electronically.


The employment picture for computer professional looks good and is

getting better. Several million people are employed as computer programmers,

computer operators, information managers, system analysts, data clerks, and

other more technical workers. The growth of the microcomputer hardware and

software industries in recent years has created a large number of new jobs in the

retail sales and marketing of computer as well. Many jobs have also been

created by companies that manufacture the various computer components and

by companies that specialized in computer repair.



New generation of computer technology will continue to affect the

processing of data and information. Data collection continues to become easier,

data processing is getting faster and faster, mathematical calculations continue

to be performed with increased precession, and information is being provided to

users in generally more useful forms. And one of the best improvements that new

technology brings us is that computers continue to become easier to use.

(Sawyer, et al 1988)

For Andes Sr., (2003), some computers are used to measure the amount of

gasoline. We in our car while other assists us in balancing our checkbook.

Computers are used in many different ways to help us will all kind of task.

Computing technology allows us to write letters create pictures, make calculation,

play and send electronic mail (e-mail) via computers. Today, an average person

uses computer based assistance several times each day, sometimes without

even knowing it. Like people, computers range in size, type and ability, and they

are everywhere: in cash registers, gas pumps, cameras, cars, homes, stereos,

and even toys. Computers have become a useful part of our lives. As computers

become integral parts of our lives, it’s important to be aware of and understand



They allow people across the globe to communicate with each other, no matter at

what time, via the use of email.  They allow people to look up information directly,

instead of the use of searching through books.  Back-up copies of work can be made

easily, without having to re-write everything. People can work from home, and spend

more time with their families because of this.  People with disabilities, whom can't write,

can get software that allows them to speak and it types it on the screen. A computer can

hold a lot of data in memory, do calculations, print out your documents and much more.

The advantage of using a computer is also that you don't have to write out screeds of

information. If your computer is on internet you can look up information using the search

engine instead of having to go to a library and read lots of books and take notes. The


advantages of using computer(s) are that we can do research and find a lot of

information we may be looking for. Other advantages include typing out a document,

essay, letter, or a simple birthday card. We can communicate with our friends online and

send them e-mails. It helps you automate various tasks that you cannot do

manually. It helps you organize your data and information. It has much more

computing and calculating power then an ordinary human. It may help your work

to be a lot easier. It can help you communicate with friends, coworkers and other

contacts. It has many search engines to help you find information quickly.


People sometimes spend all their time secluded (separate) in theirs rooms

on the computer.  It allows the old way of learning (ex: handwriting) to be

forgotten.Easier to copy peoples homework as you can sometimes find the

sources online. Illegal downloading can ruin businesses.  Details such as bank

records can be hacked into, and thus your personal information is no longer as

safe as it used to be. But there are disadvantages too... some people use

computers in a bad way. Some people use computers to look at things that we

aren't supposed to see. People can actually get personal information about you

by tricking you to fill out applications that LOOK real but are NOT real at all. It

can have negative effects on your social life and interactions with other people if

you do not maintain the balance between time online and offline.  It may have a

negative effect on your eyesight due to radiation.  It may cause pimples and

wrinkles. It may distract you from your studies.  Too much time in front of monitor

may adversely affect your eyesight. . Sitting in front of a computer for too long

without exercise can cause a weight gain. (Robgaskell,2009).  

In conclusion, Computers have made it easier for us to communicate on a

global scale, though the internet has also had a helping hand with this. We are

able to produce documents with ease because of computers.Documents can

also be scanned into computers for editing in various programs.We can edit

photos, videos, and much more with a computer.Calculators, calendars, and

plenty of other software exist to make computers a necessary part of everyday


life. Youcan change fonts easily without having to re-write everything.Youcan

easily spell check and grammar check with the program that will automatically

give me options for the incorrect spelling.This cannot be done when it is in writing

as you will need to re-write everything. Youcan edit photographs and images e.g.

resizing, cropping and changing the color scheme which I could not do by

hand.You can get to know about the entire world (news). The spell checks faster

than you can look in the dictionary, you can get info so rapidly that trip to your

local library rarely happens.Accounting has become an easy task due to

computers. Online ticket reservation, online banking, paying online bills has

become easier with the use of computers.We can chat to our love ones from

abroad and can maintain a good relationship as well.Student can solve their

study problem with the help of internet and computer.In essence the main

advantage is how easy computers have made life.

Computer can make the mind lazy. It destroys the study of children as

they play games instead of visiting informative sites to gain some

information.Some minors will open pornographic in website.Some people would

use it to get some victims through offering something but at last it’s all a

lie.People can watch porn site and they will be addictive in the games. It will

cause an eye ball and headache and it destroy the concentration of the children

in education.Exposure to radiations also can cause cancer.There is one called

virus that erases all your files and damages your computer this is one of the main

problem in using computer and finally if we use it in correct way means it is a

useful one someone using the wrong way then it became disadvantage making it

useful or un useful is in our hand.Disadvantages, Loss of data due to disk crush,

viruses, illegal access to information by hackers, loss of jobs and limited job

opportunities since human resources are being replaced by computers.The major

impact of computer technology is on teenagers. Their life standards have

changed dramatically because of the computers.They spend more time on

internet and give less time to their families. The main disadvantage of computer

is made the people become lazy and have a harmful impact on people’s

development in real life.



Andes Sr., Antonio, (2003).Introduction to computer. Valenzuela City: World Class Printing & Packaging.

Bigbatch,(May 26, 2009).How do computers affect our world good or bad(Online)[email protected]

Fletcher, Shane,(February 25, 2008). How computer change the world(Online)[email protected]

Hutchinson, Sarah and Stacey Sawyer, (1988).Computers the User Perspective. United States of America: Times Mirror/Mosby Colledge Publishing.

Michael,(July 23, 2006).Introduction of Advantages and disadvantages of using computer(Online).

Rob Gaskell, (August 10, 2009).What are the advantages and disadvantages of computer.(Online). [email protected]

Tiamson, Juan Alvin, (2006).Computer Smart Series Programming in C++. Quezon City: Trinitas Publishing.