Accident prevention

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OBJECTIVES1-Introduction of accidental prevention.2-Developmental stages, common problems of each stage and its prevention.

-Road Traffic Accidents(RTAs).-Burns and Scalds.-Electrocution.-Drowning and Near-Drowning.-Chocking, Suffocation and Strangulation.-Poisoning.-Cuts.

3-General safety precautions that need to be taken by the parents or caregivers.

-Infants. –Toddlers-Preschoolers. -School Age Children.-Adolescents

IntroductionInjury preventionInjuries cause more deaths in children between the ages of 1 and 4 years than in any other childhood age-group except adolescence.Childhood accidents at home and outside are common but preventable. The age is the most important factor that affects children to have accidents.

Developmental stages and Common :problems of each stage

InfantBurns extremity fractures choking head injuries motor vehicle accident near drowning toxic ingestions

ToddlerBurns extremity fracture choking head injuries motor vehicle accidents near drowning toxic ingestions bicycle injuries

PreschoolerBurns extremity fractures falls motor vehicle accidents toxic ingestions bicycle injuries

School childExtremity fractures motor vehicle accidents sports injuries

AdolescentExtremity fractures motor vehicle accidents sports injuries near drowning ( common among males)

The common accidents in children as per age and the preventive measures to be taken in order to prevent

them as the following:

1-Road traffic accidents(RTAs)

RTAs are the most common type of accidents that leads to death on children in our state. boys between the ages of 5 and 12 years are mostly confronting this type of accidents in our place. Children of this age are school going and will not able to estimate the speed of vehicles or dangers of traffic while crossing roads. so children must be taught the practical aspects of road safety through demonstration classes.


Child passengersBicycle accidentsFalls of other forms


2-Burns and scaldsThese are the second most common cause of death from accidents. Most of these deaths are due to carelessness of parents or caretakers. Scalds from boiling water and hot drinks are common among children especially in toddlers. The common victims of burns with kerosene lamps are school age children, who will be studying near kerosene lamps.


3-ElectrocutionThis is yet another cause of death in children.


4-Drowning and near-drowning


Drowning and near-drowning also cause death in children, especially in preschoolers and school age children. children may get drowned in streams, rivers, lakes, swimming pool and also in pits where water is stagnated. Infants and toddlers are also not away from the risk of drowning. This is usually occur at home. They get drowned in bathtubs and water-filled vessels.

5-Choking, suffocation and strangulationChildren may choke on vomit, toy's parts or aspiration of food and fluids. Children strangle themselves on curtains, cloth cradles, beddings and even necklaces and neckties, some children try to imitate TV and cinema scenes and get strangulated. Airway obstruction from aspirated foreign bodies can be recovered using Heimlich maneuver in older children.




Many children are admitted to hospital because they have been poisoned by eating or drinking or even inhaling poisonous substances. Some of these children die. To prevent these types of deaths, adults need to be vigilant. Substances such as medicines, petrol, household cleaning materials, etc., need to be stored high up so that children can't reach them.



Cut injuries are also common among children. They may use carelessly placed knives, razors and blades to experiment. Sharp edges of furniture also can be injuries to children.

General safety precautions that need to be taken by the parents or caregivers

Infants Toddlers Preschoolers
