How consumers consume content has changed – a huge amount of content is now on-demand via web- site, video, search, mobile apps, social media, traditional media and brands. That content is also being shared by consumers between them- selves – just for fun, to spread infor- mation or because they are seeking peer validation – a customer writing a review on a restaurant. And they are forming communities around their interests, and creating yet more content– the challenge for brands is for their content to be valued, trusted and perceived to be as useful as peer-to-peer online communication. As user, brand and social media generated content has grown, cus- tomers have been exposed to an increasing amount of passive con- sumption of content – ads via Consumers as Super Creators Accelerate Brand Publishing Module Content Creation Effective Tools & Techniques Learning Objectives Understand how to com- mission or create the con- tent that engages your customers Access to content creation tools and techniques that publishers have been using for years – and why they work! Get an understanding of visual and multimedia con- tent and how to deliver it Key Take Aways Marketers can learn from how publishing works, and how journalists think Content marketing means putting the reader before your brand so you can build long term, meaningful rela- tionships When it comes to content focus on quality over quantity Content can be words, vid- eo, graphics, even Powerpoint presentations If you understand structure, you can commission and outsource confidently Seek and find the narrative, then never let go of it! Don’t think of content crea- tion as a chore– think of it as an amazing story telling opportunity. © Digital Chameleon [email protected] or visit www.digitalchameleon.net Before you can start deciding what content you need to create, let’s step back and make sure you are focused on a little change of thinking. Content, as we have said, is about the READER/ AUDIENCE/CUSTOMER, not about the brand. Learning to THINK more like a journalist when you are dealing with content will help you produce more engaging and quality content for your reader. Journalists think this way, to make sure they are putting Brand Journalism: Pursuing the Story Google, Facebook, on mobile apps, emails and so on. Amid all of this ‘noise’ and chang- es in consumer content and be- haviour only engaging content will get traction. the reader first and can grab their attention quickly.

Accelerate Brand Publishing Content Creation Guide 2012

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Digital Chameleon's Accelerate Brand Publishing course on content marketingFor more information, please visit us at www.digitalchameleon.net

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How consumers consume content has changed – a huge amount of content is now on-demand via web-site, video, search, mobile apps, social media, traditional media and brands. That content is also being shared by consumers between them-selves – just for fun, to spread infor-mation or because they are seeking peer validation – a customer writing a review on a restaurant. And they are forming communities around their interests, and creating yet more content– the challenge for brands is for their content to be valued, trusted and perceived to be as useful as peer-to-peer online communication. As user, brand and social media generated content has grown, cus-tomers have been exposed to an increasing amount of passive con-sumption of content – ads via

Consumers as Super Creators

Accelerate Brand Publishing Module

Content Creation Effective Tools & Techniques

Learning Objectives Understand how to com-mission or create the con-tent that engages your customers Access to content creation tools and techniques that publishers have been using for years – and why they work! Get an understanding of visual and multimedia con-tent and how to deliver it

Key Take Aways

Marketers can learn from how publishing works, and how journalists think Content marketing means putting the reader before your brand so you can build long term, meaningful rela-tionships When it comes to content focus on quality over quantity Content can be words, vid-eo, graphics, even Powerpoint presentations If you understand structure, you can commission and outsource confidently Seek and find the narrative, then never let go of it!

Don’t think of content crea-tion as a chore– think of it as an amazing story telling opportunity.

© Digital Chameleon [email protected] or visit www.digitalchameleon.net

Before you can start deciding what content you need to create, let’s step back and make sure you are focused on a little change of thinking. Content, as we have said, is about the READER/AUDIENCE/CUSTOMER, not about the brand. Learning to THINK more like a journalist when you are dealing with content will help you produce more engaging and quality content for your reader. Journalists think this way, to make sure they are putting

Brand Journalism: Pursuing the Story

Google, Facebook, on mobile apps, emails and so on. Amid all of this ‘noise’ and chang-es in consumer content and be-haviour only engaging content will get traction.

the reader first and can grab their attention quickly.

Reaching out to bloggers can quickly build out your brand’s digital footprint. When Huggies ran a piece of research that showed 1 in 3 American mothers struggled to keep their children in dia-pers, the company wanted to promote its ‘Every little Bottom’ campaign about giving away 20 million nappies to poor-er families over three months via ‘diaper banks’. To do it, they found eight influential mommie bloggers and asked them to

Building Blogger Relationships

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Content Creation Effective Tools & Techniques

© Digital Chameleon [email protected] or visit www.digitalchameleon.net

When you produce or are reviewing a piece of content you have commis-sioned ask your-self these ques-tions – Is it transparent? Is it a good angle? Is it accurate? Is the story told well? Will your audience easily digest and understand the in-formation? Would you read it yourself?

What’s search got to do with it?

While a lot of SEO is done by IT and web experts in the back-ground or code, of your site, you can have an effect on on-page SEO with a few simple tricks but, once again, be mindful of who you are writing for. When it comes to online, it is good to remember that you don’t just have the customer you are target-ing with your site i.e. Your online reader. With search engines in-creasingly indexing social net-working pages, you also have your ‘social reader’ and, to compli-cate matters a little more, your hidden reader – the spider. While it is hard to please all of the peo-ple, or spiders, all of the time, it’s

be ambassadors for the campaign. All of the blog-gers were clear about being paid, but also generat-ed activity around the campaign in addition to blog-ging.

worth reminding ourselves who these three readers are and what they like.

© Digital Chameleon [email protected] or visit www.digitalchameleon.net

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Content Creation Effective Tools &


Remember, there is a big difference between selling content, and selling an offer. While this Grays Online subject line is appropri-ate for their business, it is a straight sales pitch and offer. However the Real Age newsletter and subject line provides editorialised content around health for readers who have already expressed an interest in the subject. Consequently, the headlines in the newsletter itself all offer benefits to the reader...curb over-eating...lower cholesterol...burn more calories.

What are you selling?

Every brand publisher can and should consider multimedia content delivery. There are challenges but the opportunity to capture high engagement through audio and video brand content makes multimedia content generation a tempting option.

Reel Engaging Content

Whether you are working with internal or external content devel-opers, you’ll want to put an overall structure of editorial guide-lines in place to ensure the final content fits all the needs of your brief. In traditional publishing, this is what an editor is responsible for— not the actual creation of the content, but making sure it fits in with the brand’s goals, positioning and schedules.

Editorial Oversight

To hear from gurus like Tom Peters, selling the brand story will overshadow all other aspects of traditional marketing. It will make brand publishing the central core function of all brand marketers.

Visual Storytelling

Don’t ignore the legal implications of re-using content that is not your own!

© Digital Chameleon [email protected] or visit www.digitalchameleon.net

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Content Creation Effective Tools & Techniques

Term Definition

Black Hat SEO optimising a website or piece of content with tactics frowned upon by search en-

gines such as ‘stuffing’ content with keyword or duplicating content

Creative commons method of expanding the range content available for others to build upon legally

and to share via the web

Digital storytelling use of new digital tools and platforms to tell stories e.g. video, graphics, text, im-

ages, music, audio

Headline or H1 the headline on a single piece of content, it is usually the title tag but can be


Inverted triangle a visual device used in news writing by journalists to give news stories a way to

structure information

Keywords density the number of times your keyword/s appear on a single piece of content or web


Long tail keywords like keywords but can contain up to five words; they are used when the website

wants to refine search terms to the web page

Meme a concept that is spread by the internet, it can be a hyperlink, video, picture, website, hashtag, or just a word or phrase

Open rates the percentage of recipients who actually open an e-mail newsletter

Subject line the line in an email which explains what the content of the email contains. It is especially important for e-newsletter campaigns to attract attention and increase open rates

Title Tag the title of a single web page, it must accurately convey the content of the page as it appears in browsers, social media and is usually used as the headline, or H1

Web spider also known as a bot, robot or crawler, spiders are programs used by searching engines such as Google and Yahoo! to automatically search the web and down-load HTML content so sites can be indexed for search

Webinar short for Web-based Seminar, a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted over the Web