A2 Media Evaluation, Question 1

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A2 Media Evaluation, Q1

A2 Media Evaluation, Q1

By Nicole McClelland

The target audience, we had to research in depth in relation to our chosen genre. With this, we then critically analysed horror trailers, magazines and posters. Upon completing this research we could then develop our ideas into our own trailer with reference to stereotypical conventions of existing horror products, but at the same time challenge the conventions in our trailer to put a kind of twist into our work. This would then prove to the audiences the efforts to go out of our comfort zones to complete a trailer that would be effective in meaning as well as being captivating to the audience due to challenges of the conventions of real media products.

To understand typical conventions of real media products we had to investigate and analyse a variety of different horror trailers, for example I looked at The Strangers, Scream 4, Sorority Row and Haunting in Connecticut. Through conducting my research into these already made, professional trailers I found out that they follow a typical structure if you like of typical conventions. It goes as follows:

You near enough always start with a happy non scary scenes, longer takes to make the audience see some background of the film. Film text between shots. Leading the audience to think about what the storyline is going to be about. Start to build on the horror style i.e. suspense/ tensionFollowed by actions scenes involving quick transitions, short takes, sections from different scene to not give away the plot. Almost always in these scenes you will see a gruesome take of someone being killed, chased or already dead. Fade to black transitions are always used in horror trailers.Title, met by a shot which leaves the trailer on a cliff hanger. This makes the audience more likely to go and see it. Release dates with billing blocks etcVictims almost always are more female than male because their more vulnerable. Sound track include helping to build suspense, eerie soundtracks. Less dialogue from characters. The locations conventionally are always made to make the character and audience feel isolated, usually dark settings and give off a sense of danger. Conventional (in relation to my trailer)

In most ways my trailer does follows these typical conventions in relation to a horror trailer. For example the female victims in relations to the vulnerability, the male psycho killer, the location being isolated and having a sense of danger. My trailer doesnt give off too much of the plot, but does end in a way of which isnt typically conventional with the killer hanging himself, but it doesnt show that hes actually dead and again we are met with a typical convention of the killer after this scene which arouses suspicion to the audience. My happy, non-scary scene is conventional at the start as well as the typical convention of the build-up and suspense, fast shot, quick transitions middle part of my trailer. Insert text is used, created through live type. Effects added onto some of the footage can also be seen as conventional. The start of my trailer is in a way a flash back of elderly asylum footage and photographs.Unconventional (in relation to my trailer)

My trailer, to do with transitions doesnt follow typical conventions as I have a variety ranging from fade to black, fade to white and also cross dissolve, but I feel they still have a good effect on the trailer. Unlike some trailers mine doesnt have a lot of dialogue as doing so would elongate the trailer and not make it as effective. I have also selected numerous amount of different soundtracks/ sound effects to go over the footage, which are in my opinion all relevant and add more realism to my trailer

Cross fade at the start of trailer.

Actual footage of asylum

Fade to white with B&W effect on footage

One of 2 sections of dialogue throughout the whole trailer.

Poster and Magazine After conducting a variety of analysis In relation to horror posters and magazines again I found some more typical conventions that are commonly used for horror posters and magazines. For example: PosterMembers of the cast or prop related to the movie on the front as the main image. Bold, prominent font for the title. Some sort of special effect to make the poster stand out. Follow a red, white or black colour scheme in relation to effective connotations of death and linking to horror. Credits, catchy sometimes ambiguous tagline.

In relation to my poster I have more than not followed typical conventions of a horror poster for example I used unusual effects within in it to mislead the on looker and in a sense cause a bit of illusion on the audience. I have used the conventional colours for my poster i.e. red, black and white. A professional like billing block. A baldish coloured title has been used and it can certainly be seen from a far. Tag line is used for a tension effect on the audience.

In relation to my magazine, it doesnt really differ much from the conventions of my poster, its just done more in a magazine layout for example there is more information to look at aside from the promoting of my film. Its more In your face. The use of texts boxes for the variety of information is effective and conventional to a modern day magazine.Bold title


Bold main story

Effect on picture

Textbox variety

Rotation of textbox.

Barcode- realism

Skyline= realism

Bold title

Black, white and red colour scheme

Ambiguous tagline

Text boxes effective

Photoshop effects

Background effect

Billing block and website.

Overall, I think my media products most definitely use typical forms of conventions in the way the products may not have worked as well if they hadnt followed them. At the same time I have challenged some of these conventional ideas and placed them into my final products to take away the stereotypical horror trailer, poster and magazine. The challenges also show the creativity of the producers mind, which I think is a must. A personal response to my work is vital to me. Without the typical conventions of the horror genre I dont think I could have produced my media product as well as I did. Conclusion

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