Technical Meeting 5/July/16 Project Slope 1 WP 3 – Integration of novel intelligent harvesting systems operating in mountain areas (hardware development)

4th Technical Meeting - WP3

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Technical Meeting 5/July/16

Project Slope1

WP 3 – Integration of novel intelligent harvesting systems operating in mountain

areas (hardware development)

Project Meeting-Trento 4-5 June 2016.

Technical Meeting 5 Jul 16

WP 3

wp 3 deliverable of the period

Technical Meeting 5 Jul 16

Task 3.6 DATA MANAGEMENT BACK UP isstill ongoing and deliverable (prototype) isunder development

Task 3.4 processor headthe team have been finalising theintegration of allhardware/software components.software tools have been implemented(mostly previously developed) on thecentral computer of the industrial PCinstalled on theprocessor/excavator.

Technical Meeting 5 Jul 16

The connection to the central database(MHG) and uploading of required datafrom the database is accomplished bymeans of the web service.The data are ready for integration withother software tools, including productionplan, location map and user interface(visualization of the logs, quality andsuggested cross-cuttings)

Technical Meeting 5 Jul 16

Team scheduled installation of the WIFI electronics in the central computer

The team (Compolab, Graphitech, CNR) worked on the connection of theprocessor head and the cable crane (industrial PC and bananaPI)

The aim was toverify possibility of the data transfer and further usage of the information tobe provided by the cable crane.

Technical Meeting 5 Jul 16

Task 3.3

Tecno carriageChockersRope launcher

Technical Meeting 5 Jul 16

Task 3.3TECNOAs seen in yesterday demothe status of work is asfollows:

TECNO carriage: hardwarecompleted, softwarecompleted

The only function that hasstill to be checked is the rfidtag reading in the forest,since the connection was notavailable.Yet the Antenna workedduring our testing activities

Technical Meeting 5 Jul 16

Technical Meeting 5 Jul 16

Chockers work status

Chokers are ready. Themechanical part is ready. We havemanaged interaction betweenthem and the new software

Testing activities were carriedout also between Tecno carriageand the Chockers

Technical Meeting 5 Jul 16

Synthetic rope launcher EASER status


Technical Meeting 5 Jul 16

Contact info

Diego Graifenberg: [email protected]

Technical Meeting 5 Jul 16