Space & Time in Motion Pictures “This is Where I Came In” EMC/ JOUR 3000 Intro to Motion Pictures Edward Bowen

3000 Presentation 7: Lecture 6 - Time

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  1. 1. Space & Time in Motion Pictures This is Where I Came In EMC/ JOUR 3000 Intro to Motion Pictures Edward Bowen
  2. 2. In movies, space can be Framed Represented Created Distorted Fractured Reassembled
  3. 3. In movies, time can be Prolonged Condensed Rearranged Even Reversed By Editing By Speed Manipulation
  4. 4. Time Editing Concepts Editing - The process of joining all of the bits of film together to constitute the completed motion picture.
  5. 5. Time Editing The relation of one shot to the next, or many shots to each other.
  6. 6. Time Editing Orson Welles Counterpoint, Harmony, Dissonance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GdYMEvbje8
  7. 7. Time Editing. http://www.filmsite.org/bestfilmediting4.html Structure Meaning Association Rhythm Counterpoint Harmony Dissonance
  8. 8. Time Editing Alfred Hitchcock Mosaic, Montage, Assembly, Impressionism, Orchestration http://youtu.be/NG0V7EVFZt4
  9. 9. Time Editing Building Blocks Frame The individual sequential images that make up motion pictures; a single photograph on a strip of film.
  10. 10. Time Editing Building Blocks Frame http://youtu.be/xJcQgQHR78Q http://youtu.be/xJcQgQHR78Q
  11. 11. Time Editing Punctuation and Transitions Transition The technique used to connect two shots together.
  12. 12. Time Editing Punctuation and Transitions Transition The technique used to connect two shots together. Cut - The direct connection of the two shots. Nothing comes between. One shot ends and the other begins. (Straight cut)
  13. 13. Time Editing Punctuation and Transitions Cut
  14. 14. Time Editing Punctuation and Transitions Cut http://youtu.be/xJcQgQHR78Q http://youtu.be/xJcQgQHR78Q
  15. 15. Time Editing Punctuation and Transitions Cut http://youtu.be/xJcQgQHR78Q http://youtu.be/xJcQgQHR78Q
  16. 16. Time Editing Punctuation and Transitions Transition The technique used to connect two shots together. Cut - The direct connection of the two shots. Nothing comes between. One shot ends and the other begins. (Straight cut) Soft Cut - One that does not call attention to itself. You may not even notice that the shot has changed. (Invisible editing, cutting on action, continuity, matched action, motivated cutting). Casablanca Singin in the Rain
  17. 17. Time Editing Punctuation and Transitions Soft Cut Invisible Editing
  18. 18. Time Editing Punctuation and Transitions Transition The technique used to connect two shots together. Cut - The direct connection of the two shots. Nothing comes between. One shot ends and the other begins. (Straight cut) Soft Cut - One that does not call attention to itself. You may not even notice that the shot has changed. (Cutting on action, continuity, matched action, motivated cutting). Casablanca Singin in the Rain Hard Cut - One that calls attention to itself. You notice that the image has changed. Bam! (abrupt, abrasive, discontinuous). Panic on the Beach Jaws, Shower Scene Psycho, Battleship Potemkin
  19. 19. Time Editing Punctuation and Transitions Hard Cut - One that calls attention to itself. You notice that the image has changed. Bam! (abrupt, abrasive, discontinuous).
  20. 20. Time Editing Punctuation and Transitions Transition The technique used to connect two shots together. Cut - The direct connection of the two shots. Nothing comes between. One shot ends and the other begins. (Straight cut) Soft Cut - One that does not call attention to itself. You may not even notice that the shot has changed. (Cutting on action, continuity, matched action, motivated cutting). Hard Cut - One that calls attention to itself. You notice that the image has changed. Bam! (Discontinuity) Jump Cut A hard cut that creates a displacement in time and space. Disjointed.
  21. 21. Time Editing Punctuation and Transitions Jump Cut A hard cut that creates a displacement in time and space. Disjointed. Juimp Cuts in Old Movies http://youtu.be/F-Y3LtEkGgM
  22. 22. Time Editing Punctuation and Transitions Jump Cut A hard cut that creates a displacement in time and space. Disjointed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0nM4-oYEGU
  23. 23. Time Editing Punctuation and Transitions Jump Cut A hard cut that creates a displacement in time and space. Disjointed. Jump Cut Examples http://youtu.be/t1yUwWG5ikE
  24. 24. Time Editing Punctuation and Transitions Fade - A fade-out is the image in a shot going dark. A fade-in is a dark screen brightening into a clear image. Traditionally used to suggest changes in time and place. Dissolve - An overlapping transition between two shots in which for a period of time both shots are seen. That is, there is a double image or superimposition of the two shots as one fades out and another fades in overtop.
  25. 25. Time Editing Punctuation and Transitions Dissolve
  26. 26. Time Editing Punctuation and Transitions Dissolve http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFrVnOM23Sc
  27. 27. Time Editing Building Blocks Shot In the final edited film, the continuous and uninterrupted material between editing transitions. Scene - The smallest narrative unit of time, place, action. The action in a single location and continuous time. Unity of time and place. The last scene at the airport in Casablanca. The party scene in Singin in the Rain. The beach scene when the Kitner boy is killed in Jaws.
  28. 28. Time Editing Building Blocks Sequence a) A series of scenes which comprise a distinct narrative unit, usually connected either by unity of action, theme, location or time; b) events that take place in various locations in continuous time, or in various times in a consistent location. The rescue from Birth of a Nation Paris flashback from Casablanca Gotta Dance from Singin in the Rain Training from Rocky Promenade (Tourists on the Menu) from Jaws Heist from Oceans Eleven The Three Level Shared Dream from Inception
  29. 29. Time Editing Concepts Editing - The process of joining all of the bits of film together to constitute the completed motion picture. Montage The art of creating emotional or narrative impact through editing.
  30. 30. Time Editing Concepts Editing - The process of joining all of the bits of film together to constitute the completed motion picture. Montage The art of creating emotional or narrative impact through editing; the whole being more than the sum of the parts. The Odessa Steps in The Battleship Potemkin Watching the Neighbors in Rear Window The Shower Scene in Psycho Panic on the Beach in Jaws
  31. 31. Time Editing Concepts Cutting within a scene (innercutting, intracutting, intercutting) - The process of cutting between angles, views and details within a scene to develop the scenes narrative.
  32. 32. Time Editing Concepts Cutting within a scene Casablanca (1942)
  33. 33. Time Editing Concepts Cutting within a scene Requiem for a Dream (2000)
  34. 34. Time Editing Concepts Crosscutting (Intercutting). Cutting back and forth between two different locations or among several different locations (often in parallel or simultaneous action), or times, or dream dimensions. The Rescue from Birth of a Nation The Baptism from The Godfather The Three Level Shared Dream from Inception
  35. 35. Time Editing Concepts Crosscutting (Intercutting). Birth of a Nation (1915) D.W. Griffith Birth of a Nation Clip 6 http://youtu.be/9t-7SVbLjBw
  36. 36. Time Editing Concepts Crosscutting (Intercutting). Silence of the Lambs (1991) Jonathan Demme
  37. 37. Time Editing Concepts Crosscutting (Intercutting). Inception (2010) Christopher Nolan Crosscutting - Inception http://youtu.be/KmptU7vEkNU
  38. 38. Time Editing Concepts Flashcutting. Using cuts that are so brief that they are barely perceptible to the human eye. Sometimes called subliminal cutting when used to establish a psychological subtext. The Exorcist http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TD0RJ_iuBPo
  39. 39. Compressing Time The Avengers (2012) Joss Whedon Running Time 143 Minutes Narrative Time Two Days The Searchers (1956) John Ford Running Time 119 Minutes Narrative Time Six Years High Noon (1952) Fred Zinnemann Running Time 85 Minutes (Originally 100 Minutes) Narrative Time 100 minutes Cloud Atlas (2012) Lana and Andy Wachowski and Tom Tykwer Running Time 2 Hours and 44 Minutes Narrative Time 472 Years
  40. 40. Compressing Time Hollywood Montage- Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942)
  41. 41. Compressing Time Hollywood Montage- The Roaring Twenties (1939) http://www.tcm.com/mediaroom/video/247517/Roaring-Twenties- The-Movie-Clip-Volstead-Act.html
  42. 42. Compressing Time Hollywood Montage- Sullivans Travels (1942) http://youtu.be/uveCYISORog
  43. 43. Compressing Time Hollywood Montage- Champion (1949) http://www.tcm.com/mediaroom/video/21973/Champion-video-clip- training-montage-.html
  44. 44. Compressing Time Hollywood Montage- Rocky (1976) Rocky Training BEST QUALITY http://youtu.be/-ZKhpbfR-LE
  45. 45. Compressing Time Hollywood Montage Team America: World Police (2004) Trey Parker
  46. 46. Compressing Time Fast motion - Koyaanisqatsi (1982) http://youtu.be/546AUDxeHKs
  47. 47. Compressing Time Fast motion - Koyaanisqatsi (1982) http://youtu.be/mzsmU5sXM1M
  48. 48. Prolonging Time Editing Notorious (1946)
  49. 49. Prolonging Time Slow motion Max Payne (2008)
  50. 50. Prolonging Time Slow motion Nuit Blanche (2009) http://vimeo.com/groups/motion/videos/9078364
  51. 51. Manipulating Time - Ramping Ramping Changing speeds rapidly within a single shot.
  52. 52. Manipulating Time - Ramping Ramping Sherlock Holmes (2009) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug15jIs1nus
  53. 53. Manipulating Time Ramping Watchmen (2009) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Afk_onUh_s
  54. 54. Manipulating Time Reverse Action The story moves backwards. Memento (2000) Christopher Nolan http://youtu.be/Rq9eM4ZXRgs
  55. 55. Manipulating Time Reverse Action The story moves backwards. The Last Three Minutes (2010) Po Chan http://vimeo.com/10570139
  56. 56. Manipulating Time Reverse motion The action moves backwards. Spin (2005) Jamin Winans http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oP59tQf_njc
  57. 57. Manipulating Time Time Lapse Super fast motion created by taking single frames of an object over time, compressing minutes, hours, days, weeks or years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnbMYzdjuBs
  58. 58. Manipulating Time Time Lapse Super fast motion created by taking single frames of an object over time, compressing minutes, hours, days, weeks or years. http://youtu.be/nkn2ZXWDl6k
  59. 59. Manipulating Time Stop Motion Single frame photography used to animate objects. Effect that makes the animation of drawings (cartoons) and inanimate objects (i.e. Claymation) possible. http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/12/31/50-incredible-stop-motion-videos/
  60. 60. Manipulating Time Stop Motion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5QWUA17lwM
  61. 61. Manipulating Time Stop Motion Jason and the Argonauts (1963) http://www.rayharryhausen.com/index.php Ray Harryhausen
  62. 62. Manipulating Time Stop Motion Jason and the Argonauts (1963) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NQ2GPoZ_j4
  63. 63. Manipulating Time Stop Motion Neighbors Norman McLaren (1952) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZt_d_4OV-Q http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2976945051371832639
  64. 64. Manipulating Time Stop Motion Neighbors Norman McLaren (1952) http://youtu.be/4YLBgXXxbMM
  65. 65. Manipulating Time Stop Motion Her Morning Elegance Oren Lavie (2009) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_HXUhShhmY
  66. 66. Manipulating Time Stop Motion End Love OK Go (2010) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2fpgpanZAw
  67. 67. Manipulating Time Stop Motion Gulp Aardman (2011) http://youtu.be/ieN2vhslTTU
  68. 68. Manipulating Time Stop Motion Gulp Aardman (2011) http://youtu.be/fza5QdTfyxs
  69. 69. Manipulating Time Bullet Time Time is slowed or frozen selectively for the characters and the environment, but not for certain characters or the camera, which move through the environment in real time. First popularized in The Matrix (1999) http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BulletTime
  70. 70. Manipulating Time Bullet Time The Matrix (1999). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNrSNcaYiZg
  71. 71. Manipulating Time Bullet Time The Matrix (1999). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KtghA0rkDY
  72. 72. Manipulating Time Bullet Time CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2010) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9qjdUlRs7Y
  73. 73. Manipulating Time Bullet Time Philips Carousel Commercial (2009) http://youtu.be/lQ3D4CqHbJM
  74. 74. Manipulating Time Bullet Time Philips Carousel Commercial (2009) http://youtu.be/cAVeXJbbrao
  75. 75. Manipulating Time Bullet Time The Other Guys (2010) http://youtu.be/cAVeXJbbrao
  76. 76. Time and Space - 10 Minutes (1994) http://vimeo.com/2455660