Materi Seminar Richardus Eko Indrajit [email protected] Manajemen Perguruan Tinggi Moderen Studi Komparasi Universitas Terkemuka Dunia

17 - Modern Management for University

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Sharing the Benchmark Results of Modern Campus Governance and Management around the World

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Materi Seminar

Richardus Eko Indrajit [email protected]

Manajemen Perguruan Tinggi Moderen Studi Komparasi Universitas Terkemuka Dunia

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Secara praktek bisnis dan manajemen, pada dasarnya TRI DHARMA Perguruan Tinggi merupakan tiga sumber utama pendapatan institusi.

Teaching Services Research

melahirkan IC dalam bentuk sumber daya manusia

melahirkan IC dalam bentuk inovasi produk dan konsep

melahirkan IC dalam bentuk solusi pragmatis

Administrasi Akademik dan Organisasi

Pengadaan dan Logistik

Akuntansi dan Keuangan

Teknologi dan Infrastruktur

Hukum dan Relasi Publik

Sumber Daya Manusia



Terkait dengan MISI Institusi




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Teaching atau ““pembelajaran”” merupakan proses klasik yang terjadi pada institusi pendidikan tinggi, namun berperan sebagai tulang punggung.


1. Teaching regular course offerings

2. Developing course materials

3. Developing replicable systems of instruction

4. Developing new course/labs

5. Coordinating clinical teaching/independent study/tutorials

1. Advising students on programs of study

2. Sponsoring of advising student groups

3. Serving on master’s or doctoral supervisory committees

4. Chairing master’s or doctoral supervisory committees



Merupakan kegiatan interaktif antara

pendidik dan peserta didik dalam hal pengembangan,

penyampaian dan penguasaan pengetahuan.

Merupakan kegiatan pemberian jasa konsultasi

dan peneguhan kepantasan terhadap penguasaan


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Research atau ““penelitian”” merupakan kegiatan para dosen dan peneliti untuk menciptakan beragam inovasi dan teori baru di berbagai bidang ilmu.


1.Basic scientific investigation, both theoretical and applied

2. Investigation of educationally relevant problems

1. Awards, honors, or invited presentations

2. Achieving advanced degrees, certification, etc.

Ongoing Research

Professional Recognition

Melakukan dan menekuni penelitian yang sedang



Mendayagunakan dan memanfaatkan IC

yang dimiliki. 1. Book

2. Journal and magazine article

3. Monograph, etc

4. Presenting recitals and exhibitions

5. Staging, directing, or acting in musical, theatrical, and dance productions

6. Exhibiting paintings, sculptures, and other creative arts

7. Developing software / media

8. Reviews

9. Non-refereed material

10. Citation counts

11. Invited/ contributed presentation

12. Invited/ contributed papers

13. Poster session

Mengkomersialisasikan IC kolektif institusi.

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Service atau ““pelayanan”” - yang sering diistilahkan sebagai ““pengabdian masyarakat”” merupakan kelompok yang paling banyak ragam variasinya.


1. Serving on departmental, college, or university committees

2. Serving on the faculty senate

3. Chairing any committee (student, faculty, etc.)

4. Serving as a sponsor for student activities/groups

1. Activity in professional organizations (holding office, serving on committees or boards )

2. Consulting to organization or corporations

3. Consulting to university/ colleges, etc.

Faculty Service

Professional Service

Melakukan kegiatan pemberian jasa

dalam wilayah internal institusi

Public/Community Service

Menawarkan jasa profesional dan komersial

ke industri atau pihak eksternal lainnya.

Menjalankan kegiatan sosial bagi masyarakat sekitar dalam berbagai

bentuk program.

1. Participating in local, state, or national civic activities and organizations

2. Applying academic expertise in the local, state, or national community without pay or profit

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Dengan melakukan portofolio kegiatan tersebut, maka proporsi sumber pendapatan institusi perguruan tinggi akan sangat bervariasi.

Teaching Research Services Other Big

UCLA 9% 40% 42% -

University of Arizona

25% 39% 9% -

London SOB 4% 14% 61% -

Oklahoma State University

22% 34% 36% -

Harvard 23% 16% 7% 28%

Yale 15% 28% 19% 25%

endowment fund

dekat dengan industri

potensi menuju “research university”

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Dengan memetakan berbagai unit terhadap aktivitas yang dilakukan, maka dapat diidentifikasikan sejumlah blok yang dapat dikelola secara mandiri.

Teaching Research Services

Type 1 Type 2 Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 1 Type 2 Type 3

Unit #1 x Unit #2 x x x Unit #3 x x Unit #N x x

ragam aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh Unit #N

Karakteristik dan struktur governance Model bisnis dan keuangan Spektrum produk dan jasa Status badan hukum dan SDM Strategi sumber daya dan operasional

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Kerangka aplikasi manajemen institusi perguruan tinggi terpadu yang dikembangkan SAP memperlihatkan implementasi pendekatan multi blok.

Unit #3 yang menjalankan

fungsi pelayanan tipe 1

dan tipe 2

Blok X

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Akan terdapat sejumlah blok-blok dalam naungan manajemen institusi yang dapat dengan mudah dikelola secara portofolio oleh ““holding institution””.







Perseroan Terbatas

Persekutuan Perdata

Yayasan BHP


Perseroan Terbatas


Persekutuan Perdata

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Dengan kata lain, model tata pamong atau ““governance”” single block harus diubah menggunakan pendekatan multi block.


Pengelola Pengelola

Pemilik Aktiva Tetap

Pemilik Aktiva Tetap


Pemilik Aktiva Tetap Pemilik Intellectual Capital



Kepemilikan Kepemilikan/Sewa Guna

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Terhadap masing-masing blok unit, diidentifikasikan dan diklarifikasikan kembali karakteristiknya untuk mendapatkan model yang tepat dan sesuai.

PROFIL INSTITUSI 1.  Latar Belakang Pendirian 2.  Visi, Misi dan Obyektif 3.  Kunci Indikator Kinerja 4.  Roadmap dan Pertumbuhan 5.  Cetak Biru Organisasi

Blok Unit MEKANISME INTERNAL 1.  Kebijakan Organisasi 2.  Proses dan Prosedur 3.  Sasaran Mutu 4.  Alokasi Sumber Daya 5.  Instruksi Kerja

PEMANGKU KEPENTINGAN 1.  Struktur Stakeholder 2.  Ragam Produk dan Jasa 3.  Target Kuantitas dan Kualitas 4.  Harapan dan Ekspektasi 5.  Faktor Nilai Tambah

STATUS KEUANGAN 1.  Model Anggaran dan Alokasi 2.  Neraca Aset 3.  Alur Kasi 4.  P&L 5.  Rasio Utama dan Pendukung

Jenis badan hukum atau organisasi dan Model Governance yang sesuai dengan

karakteristik Blok Unit yang bersangkutan.

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Melalui identifikasi karakteristik blok unik, dapat dipilih badan hukum atau tipe organisasi yang paling tepat untuk diimplementasikan.

Aspek Pilihan Badan Hukum Pendidikan

Perseroan Terbatas

Persekutuan Perdata

Yayasan Bentuk Lainnya

Visi dan Misi Pencapaian keuntungan ekonomis maksimal X X Pencapaian misi pendidikan (langsung) X

Pencapaian misi lain sebagai pendukung pendidikan


Struktur Kepemilikan

Tunggal atau terbatas X X X Kolektif X Publik X

Status Karyawan

Pegawai Negeri X Pegawai Swasta X X X X Pegawai Honorer X X X

Contoh Aspek

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Setelah semua blok unit berhasil dipetakan, barulah ditentukan hubungan atau relasi keterkaitan di antaranya dalam tatanan tata pamong yang efektif.









Transparency Accountability Responsibility Independency


Model Governance

Struktur Organisasi

Kebijakan Institusi

Business Process

Prosedur dan Instruksi

Peraturan Organisasi

UU dan PP

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Peranan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi sangatlah krusial bagi manajemen perguruan tinggi dalam mengelola sistem multi blok.

Learning Infrastructure and Superstructure

Integrated Learning Administration and Resource Management System

Learning Performance Analysis Tool

Knowledge Source and


Delivery Support Devices



Agents Capabilities

Center of Excellence

1 2 3 4















Fungsi TIK sebagai pengembang jejaring Institusi pendidikan

Aplikasi TIK sebagai teknologi pendidikan dan pembelajaran


Peranan TIK sebagai alat bantu dan

infrastruktur tata kelola lembaga


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ICT Role #1: Knowledge Source - dibangun berdasarkan prinsip bahwa bahan ajar berasal dari berbagai sumber yang dapat ditemukan.

Knowledge is dynamically growing so fast.

Update the scholars with state-of-the-art knowledge.

Great teachers are everywhere around the world.

Learn from the masters through modern communication models.

Books and references are continually updated.

Download the sources periodically at the most affordable way.

Innovations require group-base thinking.

Connect with the community of interests.

Learning consumes too much time to acquire knowledge.

Undergo LOD (Learning-On-Demand) mode in a very fast and

entertaining way.

Driving Principles ICT Values

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ICT Role #1: Knowledge Source (continue)

  Cyber Net Exploration – how knowledge can be found, accessed, organized, disseminated, and distributed through the internet;

  Knowledge Management – how knowledge in many forms (e.g. tacit and explicit) can be shared through various approaches;

  Community of Interests Groupware – how community of lecturers, professors, students, researchers, management, and practitioners can do collaboration, cooperation, and communication through meeting in cyber world;

  Institution Network – how school can be a part of and access a network where

its members are education institutions for various learning-based activities;

  Dynamic Content Management – how data or content are dynamically managed, maintained, and preserved;

  Standard Benchmarking and Best Practices – how school can analyze themselves by comparing their knowledge-based acquisition with other education institutions worldwide and learning from their success; and

  Intelligence System – how various scholars can have the information regarding the latest knowledge they need without having to search it in advance.

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ICT Role #2: Delivery Support - lahir dari kemampuan TIK menjadi media bantu dalam penyelenggaraan proses belajar mengajar di kelas.

Knowledge delivery should consider the use of real world context.

Simulate the real world situation and bring it into the class.

The more the illustrations are being given, the faster the process of knowledge acquisition.

Develop multimedia presentations to create astounding animations.

The students are expected to explore more of what they already know independently.

Offer various CBT software for conducting ““what-if”” scenarios.

The acquisition of knowledge are coming from the interaction among students and teachers.

Use digital-based communication commonly known by many people.

Ratio between the number of teachers and students really makes difference

on facilitation process.

Leverage the technology applications to mimic one-to-one relationship.

Driving Principles ICT Values

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ICT Role #2: Delivery Support (continue)

  Event Imitation – using technology to create animation of events or other learning subjects representing real life situation;

  Case Simulation - enabling teachers and students to study and to perform ““what if”” condition in many cases simulation;

  Multimedia Presentation – mixing various format of texts, graphics, audio, and video to represent many learning objects;

  Computer-Based Training (CBT) – technology module that can help students to conduct independent study;

  Student Learning Tools – a set of programs to help students preparing and storing their notes, presentation, research works, and other learning related stuffs;

  Course Management – an application that integrates all course related activities such as attendees management, materials deliverable, discussion forum, mailing list, assignments, etc.

  Workgroup Learning System – a program that can facilitate teachers and students group-based collaboration, communication, and cooperation;

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ICT Role #2: Delivery Support (continue)

  Three-Party Intranet – a network that links teachers, students, and parents as main stakeholders of education;

  Examination Module – a special unit that can be used to form various type of test models for learning evaluation purposes;

  Performance Management System – software that can help teacher in managing student individual learning records and tracks for analyzing his/her specific study performance;

  Interactive Smart Book – tablet PC or PDA-based device that is used as intelligent book;

  Electronic Board – a state-of-the-art board that acts as user interface to exchange the traditional blackboard and whiteboard; and

  Blogger – a software module that can help the teacher keep track of student progress through their daily experience and notes written in the digital format.

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ICT Role #3: Transformative Enabler - merupakan peluang yang ditawarkan TIK untuk beralih dari aset fisik menjadi aset maya (baca: virtual).

In learning, ““the sky is the limit”” philosophy should be emphasised.

Allow a 24/7 learning activities in an anywhere, anytime, and anyhow mode.

The number and quality of library and laboratory have positive and significant

impact on education.

Access a great number of e-library and e-laboratory provided within the internet.

Limited physical resources shall not become the burden of delivering good education.

Implement virtual class and e-learning system through distance educational

learning mode.

Strategic resources and product(s)/ service(s) should be improved

in number and quality.

Join an inter-educational institution network.

Managing IPRs are considered as a very expensive effort.

Share and collaborate with the IPR owners in various arrangements.

Driving Principles ICT Values

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ICT Role #3: Transformative Enabler (continue)

  Virtual Library - A library which has no physical existence, being constructed solely in electronic form or on paper;

  E-learning Class - any learning that utilizes a network (LAN, WAN or Internet) for delivery, interaction, or facilitation without the existence of physical class;

  Expert System - computer with 'built-in' expertise, which, used by a non-expert in an education area as an exchange of a teacher or other professional in particular field (expert);

  Mobile School – a device that can be used to process all transactions or activities related to student-school relationships (e.g. course schedule, assignment submission, grade announcement, etc.);

  Digital-Based Laboratory – a laboratory consists of computers and other digital

devices directly linked to many network (e.g. intranet, internet, and extranet) that can be freely used by teachers or students for their various important activities; and

  War Room Lab - a room or building that occupied by a good number of computers

to be used for scientific testing, experiments or research through diverse digital simulation system.

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ICT Role #4: Agent Capabilities - suatu keharusan bagi setiap pemangku kepentingan untuk dapat menguasai TIK (baca: e-literacy).

Every stakeholder should have competencies, skills, and passion in using technology for education.

Increase the e-literacy level of stakeholder in a gradual-based mode.

““Information is the raw materials of knowledge paradigm”” should be

well understood by teachers.

Help the teachers to exchange information among scholars all over the world.

Share of knowledge within the archipelago continent of Indonesia is a must-to-do activity.

Offer high speed yet affordable communication lines.

““Learning how to learn”” is for the students, teachers, and other stakeholders.

Provide with easy to use devices that make learning process entertaining and enjoyable.

Learning is a process of a lifetime and belongs to everybody.

Enable the activities required by people who are willing to learn.

Driving Principles ICT Values

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ICT Role #4: Agent Capabilities (continue)

  Word Processing - witting software that allows the computer to resemble a typewriter for the purpose of creating reports, making assignments, etc.;

  Spreadsheet - type of program used to perform various calculations, especially popular for mathematic, physics, statistics, and other related fields;

  Presentation Tool – a software to be used for creating graphical and multimedia based illustration for presenting knowledge to the audience;

  Database - a collection of information that has been systematically organized for easy access and analysis in digital format;

  Electronic Mail - text messages sent through a computer network to a specified individual or group that can also carry attached files;

  Mailing List - a group of e-mail addresses that are used for easy and fast distribution of information to multiple e-mail addresses simultaneously;

  Browser - software used to view and interact with resources available on the internet;

  Publisher – an application to help people in creating brochures, banners, invitation cards, etc.;

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ICT Role #4: Agent Capabilities (continue)

  Private Organiser - a software module that can serve as a diary or a personal Database or a telephone or an alarm clock etc.;

  Navigation System – an interface that acts as basic operation system that is used to control all computer files and resources;

  Multimedia Animation Software - system that supports the interactive use of text, audio, still images, video, and graphics;

  Website Development– a tool that can be used to develop content easily;

  Programming Language – a simple yet effective programming language to help people in developing small application module;

  Document Management – a software that can be used in creating, categorizing, managing, and storing electronic documents;

  Chatting Tool – an application that can be utilized by two or more individuals connected to Internet in having real-time text-based conversations by typing messages into their computer; and

  Project Management - an application software to help people in planning, executing, and controlling event based activities.

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ICT Role #5: Performance Tool - adalah pemanfaatan aplikasi TIK bagi pimpinan perguruan tinggi dalam mengelola institusi terkait.

Every individual has its own talents and characteristics in learning.

Allow teachers and parents (sponsors) to keep track on individual learning development in a very effective way.

Teachers should improve their competencies and skills in various field of study.

Help the management to monitor teachers performance in a timely basis.

Resources are limited, the effective management of such assets should be in place.

Support the executives and managers with tools to govern institution assets

and resources.

Institution should grow from time to time in terms of its scope and quality.

Provide management with institution performance dashboards system.

Government should have the knowledge about education institution profiles.

Ease the government in monitoring and supporting all education institutions.

Driving Principles ICT Values

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ICT Role #5: Performance Tool (continue)

  Executive Information System - a computer-based system intended to facilitate and support the information and decision making needs of senior executives by providing easy access to both internal and external information relevant to meeting the strategic goals of the school;

  Decision Support System - an application primarily used to consolidate, summarize, or transform transaction data to support analytical reporting and trend analysis;

  Management Information System - an information collection and analysis system, usually computerized, that facilitates access to program and participant information to answer daily needs of management, teachers, lecturers, or even parents; and

  Transactional Information System – a reporting and querying system to support managers and supervisors in providing valuable information regarding daily operational activities such as office needs inventory, student attendance, payment received, etc.

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ICT Role #6: Resource Management System - adalah implementasi ragam aplikasi TIK untuk mengelola sistem administrasi akademik dan non-akademik.

Each individual needs unstoppable learning support everyday.

Manage all individual needs through cyberspace in a 24/7 mode.

Interactive interaction and transaction among all education stakeholders require strong

back office management.

Perform asynchronous processes and activities to serve all education stakeholders.

Quality of services in managing education administration should be improved gradually.

Leverage assets and resources for increasing institution efficiency.

People are the most valuable yet limited resources in the institution.

Assign the human resources in the best optimum possibility.

Inter-organisational educational system emerges to exist.

Enable cross administration system among different institutions.

Driving Principles ICT Values

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ICT Role #6: Resource Mngt. System (continue)

  Student Management System – a program that records and integrates all student learning activities ranging from their detail grades to the specific daily progresses;

  Lecturer Management System – a module that helps the school in managing all lecturer records and affairs;

  Facilities Management System – a unit that manages various facilities and physical assets used for education purposes (e.g. classes, laboratories, libraries, and rooms), such as their schedules, allocations, status, etc.);

  Courses Management System – a system that handles curriculum management and courses portfolio where all of the teachers, students, and facilities interact;

  Back-Office System – a system that takes care all of documents and procedures related to school’’s records;

  Human Resource System – a system that deals with individual-related functions and processes;

  Finance and Accounting System – a system that takes charge of financial

management records; and

  Procurement System – a system that tackles the daily purchasing processes.

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ICT Role #7: Infrastructure - pada dasarnya merupakan posisi TIK sebagai sebuah infrastruktur perguruan tinggi masa kini.

Today’’s books are stored in the digital format. Enable keeping the knowledge resources in multi-storing devices.

Students and lecturers are more active and very mobile.

Use range of digital products as learning devices.

Learning should be done from any place at anytime with anyhow mechanism.

Provide broadband infrastructure to enable multimedia presentation of communication.

Physical geographical differences should not be the constraints of learning.

Install affordable network for better richness and reachness.

““The network is the school”” paradigm should be well introduced as new concept.

Gain competitive advantage for the new learners over the others.

Driving Principles ICT Values

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ICT Role #7: Infrastructure (continue)

  Transmission Media – the physical infrastructure that enables digital data to be transferred from one place to another;

  Network and Data Communication – the collection of devices that manage data

traffic in one or more network topology system(s);

  Operating System – the core software to run computers (digital devices);

  Computers – the digital-based processing devices that can execute many tasks as programmed;

  Digital Devices – computer-like gadgets that can have a portion of capability

as computers;

  Programming Language – a type of instructions set that can be structured to perform special task run by computers;

  Database Management – a collection of digital files storing various data/information;

  Applications Portfolio – a set of software that have various functions and roles; and

  Distributed Access Channels – special devices that can be used by users to access any of the eight components mentioned.

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ICT Role #8: Center of Excellence - merupakan kemampuan TIK dalam membentuk jejaring institusi pendidikan untuk berbagi jasa dan sumber daya.

All people should have an access to any educational institution node.

Enable every individual in the country to attach and to access any

educational institution.

Education should be able to produce innovations for the betterness of the society.

Support all inventor candidates with resources they need regardless

their limitation.

““Long life learning”” paradigm should be implemented in the society.

Provide the society with 24/7 learning-enabled activities.

Knowledge-based society is the ultimate targeted profile of the humanitarian.

Become the center of community gathering to acquire knowledge.

Quality education should be provided to all people regarding their economy status.

Ensure the benefits gained from the economic of scale phenomena.

Driving Principles ICT Values

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ICT Role #8: Center of Excellence (continue)

  Internet Access – ability to connect the center of excellence to the cyberworld;

  Applications Portfolio – spectrum of education-based software that can be shared by the center’’s partners;

  Database Jukebox – collection of knowledge content that can be accessed by related parties;

  Open Network – standard infrastructure that is easily be connected to other individual, private, or public networks; and

  IT Governance – structure of processes and their relationships to enable the implementation of community-based sharable IT resources.

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Dengan membangun koneksi TIK antar perguruan tinggi yang ada, maka akan terciptalah suatu jejaring IC terbesar di nusantara.

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Jejaring yang dimaksud hanya dapat tercipta secara ““scalable”” dan ““sustainable”” jika terjalin kerjasama dalam kerangka Public Private Partnership.

Limited resources post crisis should be well allocated to cover nationwide needs.

Most of the problems lie upon building effective strategy to handle scalability and sustainability.

To achieve significant impacts, revolutionary yet fundamental approch should be taken.

Workable governance and business model should be established to satisfy multiple stakeholders.



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Dengan menggunakan model utilitas yang berbasis pada paradigma ““shared services””, maka akan terciptalah jejaring PT nasional secara masif dan bermutu.

Consist full array of learning contents and materials; 2

Provide complete range of learning tools, devices, features and capabilities; 1

Operating within a shared-services environment; 4

Invested by private sectors within the educational industry that meet certain standards; 3

Adopt pay-per-use mechanism as main business model; 6

Consist of modular technology that can be easily tailored to the personal needs; 5

Offered widely to any individual or learning entities on demand mode. 8

Governed by self-regulated agency accredited by national government; and 7

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Dengan demikian, maka flagship nasional di bidang pendidikan dapat tercapai dalam tempo yang relatif singkat dan langsung berdaya guna.

TITAN for Education








Private Sectors




b invest

d pay per use

c built and shared

d pay per use

d pay per use

a subsidise

e return investment

f pay tax

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Pada akhirnya, masing-masing COE akan menjadi suatu titik atau node tempat IC dikelola melalui penerapan model Knowledge Management.


KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT The Architecture of Higher Education

Higher Education Principles Organization Development Organization Behavior Systems Management

 Intranet  Internet  E-mail  Data Warehousing  Search Engines  Decision Support  Process Modeling  Management Tools  Communications



 Academic Department  Program of

Study  Supporting

Functions  R&D  Processes  Procedures  TQM/BPR/ISO



 Rector/Chairman  Head of Academic

Department  Head of Program

of Study  Head of Divisions  Chairman of the

Education Foundation  Advisory Boards



 Data/Content  Intuition  Innovation  Learning

Community  Virtual Teams  Shared Results  Exchange Forums  Communications  Culture



Environmental Influences


Political Governmental


People Process Technology Content Teaching and Education Deliverables – Research and Development – Public and Professional Services

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Indonesia perlu bekerja keras untuk mengelola IC yang dimilikinya sehingga dapat memberikan nilai tambah yang signifikan bagi pertumbuhan institusi.


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Terima Kasih Diskusi & Tanya-Jawab