Heroes by Robert Cormier Starter: 16 th January 2012 What is a hero? What makes a person a hero? List as many real/fictional heroes as you can. Do the people in your list share any qualities? What are these heroic qualities? How are heroes treated by others? What would you imagine a war hero to be like? Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

1. heroes introduction_hdo

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Heroes by Robert CormierStarter:

16th January 2012

What is a hero?• What makes a person a hero?

• List as many real/fictional heroes as you can.

• Do the people in your list share any qualities? What are these heroic

qualities?• How are heroes treated by others?

• What would you imagine a war hero to be like?

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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Lesson Objectives

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes

I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships

I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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• Look at these front covers for the novel ‘Heroes’• What do you think this story is about?

Heroes by Robert Cormier

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly

thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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A little bit about the author1925: Robert Cormier born 17 January in Leominster, Massachusetts, USA1939: Start of the Second World War in Europe1941-2: Studies at Leominster High School, then Firchburg State College1945: USA enters the war after Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour1945: USA drops first atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Second World War ends1948: Marries Constance Senay1948-78: Begins work as a journalist eventually becoming editor of the Fitchburg-Leominster Sentinel and Enterprise1974: Publication of first novel for young adults, The Chocolate War1998: Heroes published2000: Dies on 2 November

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly

thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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Heroes by Robert CormierThe book we are going to read is called ‘Heroes’ so that is something to keep in mind as we read.

The book is set in ‘Frenchtown’, a small town based upon Robert Cormier’s home of Leominster in Massachusetts.

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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Leominster today

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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Heroes, however, is set between 1940 and 1945

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

What else happened during this time?

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Learning check – how are you getting on?

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes

I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships

I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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Attach the character sheet to your folder

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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• Draw a picture of the main character Francis Joseph Cassavant based on the description given to us in his own words.

• Label his injuries (appearance).

• Underneath mind map other important things e.g. he was a soldier, personality aspects

Heroes – Pages 1-2

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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Literary Devices


Dialogue Action

3 techniques Cormier uses to create character = Description, Action and Dialogue.Look out for these as we continue reading.

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Let’s read the rest!

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

As we read make notes on:

Language e.g first/third person narrative? Short or long sentences?


Structure e.g past or present tense? Linear or non-linear?


Themes e.g. love?

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Narrative Structure

• Heroes is written in the first person perspective of its central character Francis Cassavant.

• How is the opening sentence “The war is over and I have no face” dramatic?

• Why has Cormier used first person? How does it affect the reader’s relationship with Francis?

• How does Francis see himself? How do others see him?

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Attach the setting sheet to your folder

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

This marks all the key places in the book

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St Jude’s ChurchRobert Cormier has chosen to introduce St Jude’s Church in the opening chapter to emphasise that there is a moral and religious dimension to the novel. Throughout the novel the central character, Francis Cassavant, returns to the church at times of stress. In chapter 1 his visit to the church appears to evoke memories of his childhood and perhaps provides him with a sense of security. He prays for his dead parents and his friend Enrico Rucelli.

Francis then thinks back to the words of his teacher: “pray for your enemies, for those who have done you hard” (p.6). He has a strong awareness of the rights and wrongs of his behaviour. He refers to his sense of guilt as he prays for the man he intends to kill (p.7). The planned murder is now his only purpose in life. It is also clear that he believes he has no future.Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)

I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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Chapter One Summary

Francis describes in stark and brutal detail his ______ sustained during the war, and how after the war he came to lodge with Mrs ______ in _______ where he lived as a boy. He visits the ______ and says prayers for various important people in his life; thus we are introduced to some major and minor characters: ______ , his mother and father, whom we learn are dead, and ______ Renard and Larry ______ . Tension is created- he states his intention of ______ Larry, but at this stage we do not know why. A ______ to the war introduces the theme of heroism- Francis has a ______ Star Medal, although he refuses to believe himself heroic – and reveals his ______ for Nicole.

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

LaSalle Frenchtown Enrico Belander church injuriesNicole killing flashback Silver love

Copy this in to your books

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Chapter 11 Why do you think so many physical details are mentioned in the first page?

2 Why doesn’t the doctor have much success in developing Francis’s sense of humour (page 2)?

3 ‘I knew that my mission was about to begin’ (page 5) marks a beginning. Up to this point, how has the writer suggested details from Francis’s past life?

4 In the section beginning ‘Later, I light a candle in St Jude’s Church’ (page 5), the writer introduces the other time periods in the book. How does he do this?

5 In this first chapter, what is revealed about Francis’s feelings about Larry and Nicole?

6 What is suggested in the first chapter about the events in the rest of the book?Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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Learning check – how are you getting on?

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes

I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships

I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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Narrative, Language and DetailThe scene is set very clearly and in a shocking way. The use of Francis as a narrator establishes a relationship with the reader. Francis sees himself as an outsider, beyond normal society and normal emotions. He talks about his condition in a detached and unemotional way which contrasts sharply with the details he describes.

Francis does not want to be recognised even thought he is in his home town. He is pleased Mrs Belander hands him a receipt marked “Tenant”.

The text is full of references to the destruction of physical appearance. There are references to pain, missing limbs, blindness, disfigurement. The destruction of Francis’ face is the destruction of his identity, which is something that he welcomes. These references contribute to the atmosphere of despair which develops as narrative unfolds.Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

CheckpointWhy do you think it is important to Francis to remain anonymous?

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Examiner’s tip: writing about the shadow of war

The matter of fact way in which Francis describes his injuries emphasises the nature of war. He hides them in order to protect other people from their shocking reality. He tells the reader he likes to think that the scarf he wears to hide his face makes him look like a First World War hero. Nowhere else in the novel does he talk about himself as a hero.

Before going to bed, Francis studies his face in the mirror and thinks back to conversations he had about his injuries with his friend Enrico and also Dr Abrams, the doctor who treated him. During the flashback account of his conversation there are references to the pain caused in war.

It is obvious that Francis’s experiences in the war have been defining moments in his life. He will carry the consequences with him forever.

The readtion of his landlady, Mrs Belander, sums up the attitudes of many people towards Francis: “Poor boy” (p.3). How do you think France would vies such a reaction? Would he want to be pitied?Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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Grade Booster

Writers often introduce characters and reveal the themes of a text in the opening chapter. It can be useful to refer to the opening chapter in an examination answer.

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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Learning check – how are you getting on?

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes

I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships

I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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Why is this chapter important?A The opening sentence ends with the shocking words, “the war is over and I have no face” (p.1). This indicates the power of a first-person narrative and provides a dramatic and striking beginning to the novel which immediately engages the reader’s interest.B It is clear that the narrative will focus on the relationships between three characters – Francis, Larry and Nicole.C We are told Francis intends to kill Larry, but we have no idea why or what might have occurred to make Francis feel this way.D We see that the action takes place in the shadow of war.

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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You should have the following about Francis Cassavant:

ex-soldier 18 Lives....


injuries mission Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)

I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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2. What do you think Francis’ personality is like? What makes you think that? Try to use phrases from the novel to support your thoughts.You could start it.

‘I think that Francis Joseph Cassavant is a …’

3. Why do you think he wants to kill Larry LaSalle?Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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Learning check – how are you getting on?

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes

I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships

I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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Where has Francis Cassavant come from?

Watch this clip from Forrest Gump (1994) and this clip from Saving Private Ryan. Pay close attention to the brutality of war but also the comradeship...

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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Images of war...

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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Why did the USA join the war?Watch this clip

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

Who has seen the film Pearl Harbour?

What did the Americans do to the Japanese?

Homework:Go to my blog:http://mrshammondheroes.blogspot.co.uk/ and research the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki:• How many people were killed directly?• How many were killed or injured through radiation?• What percentage of the city was completely destroyed?• How big was the area the bomb destroyed?

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This poster was designed to encourage young men to enlist in the army.

- What devices/techniques does it use to persuade men to join up?

- Explain the effectiveness of the image in terms of font, colour, language.

- Look at http://mrshammondheroes.blogspot.co.uk/ for more images

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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Key Quotes from Chapter 1

Quotation Page Explanation

People glance at me in surprise and look away quickly or cross the street.


The pale purity of her face reminded me of St Thérèse. 8

Copy out the table and explain what each quotation tells us and its significance to the novel.

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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Learning check – how are you getting on?

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes

I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships

I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;

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Reflecting on my learning: copy out the skill you need to work on the MOST at the moment.

Part 1: When studying the novel ‘Heroes’, I need more practise...1. Describing and explaining characters personalities2. Understanding the links between the themes and

characters3. Using a quotation that matches my point 4. Identifying and exploring language techniques5. Explaining and commenting on narrative techniques6. Interpreting the messages within the story

Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1)I must generally refer to relevant aspects of HeroesI should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationshipsI could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;