الصراع بين الفلسفة والإيديولوجيات السياسية في العالم المعاصر: دراسة نقدية للأصول الفلسفية والسياسية

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  • 2







  • 3


    )1889-1976( 1927


    . .


    . : )2(. 1933 .





    1 Steiner, Alex: The Case of Martin Heidegger, Philosopher and Nazi, Part 1, Published by the International Committee of the Fourth International, available at:


    2 Habermas, Jrgen: Martin Heidegger: On the Publication of Lectures from the Year 1935, Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal, Vol. 6, No. 2 )Fall 1977(, P. 155.

    3 Steiner, Alex; op.cit part 1.

    4 Thomson, Iain: Heidegger and National Socialism: A Companion to Heidegger, Edited by: Hubert L. Dreyfus, Mark A. Wrathall, Blackwell Publishing Ltd- 2005, P. 32.

  • 4



    . . ) ( . . . - - .


    1841 )Friedrich Schelling )5 . . . . )( 1848 . . 1848 . .



    5 Steiner, Alex; op.cit., part 3.

    6 Ibid, the same part.

  • 5


    . Paul de Lagarde Julius Langbehn )7(


    : . Romantic Element . Luther . .


    . . . )1838-Georges Bizet )1875 Carmen 1875.

    . Schleswig-

    Holstein . )9(.

    7 Karademir, Aret: Heidegger and Nazism: On the Relation between German Conservatism, Heidegger, and the National Socialist Ideology, The Philosophical Forum, Vol. 44, No. 3 )Fall 2013(, P. 102.

    8 Nietzsche, Friedich: The Birth Of Tragedy Or Hellenism And Pessimism, Tr. By W. M. A. Haussmann, In: The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Ed. By: Oscar Levy, George Allen, London: Unwin Ltd, 1st Published, 1909, P. P. 179 & 180.

    9 Rockmore, Tom; On Heideggers Nazism and Philosophy, University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, Oxford, 1991.

  • 6


    . 1871 . : . 1870 1914 . 50 40 . .


    1919 . .


    9 1918 .Philipp Scheidemann 1929. )11(. . 1924 1929 . . )1933-1919( .

    10 Karademir, Aret: op.cit., P.P. 100 & 101.

    11 Rockmore, Tom: op.cit., P. 17.

  • 7


    . . . .

    Volk )12(.

    . . . . .





    Mekirch 1889 26 . 1914 . John Duns Scotus )*(14.

    12 Karademir, Aret: op.cit., P.P. 102 & 103.

    13 Steiner, Alex; op.cit part 1.

    14 )*( . . . . .

  • 8


    .Todtnauberg . 26 1976

    Mekirch 28 1976)15(.

    . . )16(. )1903-1909( : . 1909. 1909

    1911 .

    1912 . . 1919 . )1920-1921(. )1921( )1927(. ) : Hlderlins Hymnen: Germanien und Der Rhein

    .)17(Hlderlins Hymne Andenken

    . .

    15 Ritter, Martin: Review of Rosenzweig and Heidegger: Between Judaism and German Philosophy by Peter Eli Gordon, Hebraic Political Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2 )winter 2006(, P. 239, Dreyfus, Hubert & Wrathall, Mark: Martin Heidegger: An Introduction to His Thought, Work, and Life, Edited by: Hubert L. Dreyfus and Mark A. Wrathall, Melbourne: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2005, P. 2.

    16 OMeara, Thomas F.: Heidegger and his Origins, Theological Perspectives, Theological Studies, No. 47, 1986, P. 207, Dreyfus, Hubert & Wrathall, Mark: op.cit., P. 2.

    17 OMeara, Thomas F.: op.cit., P. P. 209 &210.

  • 9



    Hugo Ott. Engelbert Krebs 1919. )18(.


    ( ) Krebs .

    ) ()19(.

    Karl Lowith : . .


    . . . - - .

    18 Leithart, Peter J: Review of Martin Heidegger: A Political Life, by Hugo Ott, trans. By: Allan Blunden, New York: Basic Books, 1993, Hirsch, David: Deconstruction of Literature: Criticism after Auschwitz, England Hanover, NH: University Press of New, 1991, and: Kerckhove, Lee: Review of Heideggers Crisis: Philosophy and Politics in Nazi Germany by Hans Sluga, Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 20, No. 2 )Summer 1995(.

    19 Ott, Hugo: Martin Heidegger: A Political Life, trans. Allan Blunden; New York: Basic, 1993, P. 109.

    20 Ibid, P. P. 2 & 3.

  • 10


    . .

    )1917-1918( )1909-1915( . . . . . . - - . :


    1916 .


    . . . . . . . .


    21 Dreyfus, Hubert & Wrathall, Mark: op.cit., PP. 1925-.

    22 Kerckhove, Lee: op.cit., P. 112.

  • 11


    - - .unconcealment )( . . . . . . .


    . ) Trakl ( ) (. )Volkstum(. Paul Yorck von Wartenburg

    )24( .

    The Decline of the West ) 1922-1919(. - - - . > .


    23 Steiner, Alex: op. cit., part 3.

    24 Escudero, Jess Adrin: Heideggers Black Notebooks and the Question of Anti-Semitism, Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual, 5, 2015, P. 30.

    25 Kidd, Ian James: Oswald Spengler, Technology, and Human Nature, The European Legacy, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2012, P. 20.

  • 12


    . Herf


    . . 1930 Walter Benjamin . . . )27(. Peter Schwerber


    1966 Der Spiegel)29(. 1976. .


    26 Herf, Jeffrey: Reactionary Modernism: Technology, Culture, and Politics in Weimar and the Third Reich, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1984, P. 196.

    27 Kidd, Ian James: op. cit., P. P. 25 & 26.

    28 Schwerber, Peter: Nationalsozialismus und Technik: Die Geistigkeit der nationalsozialistischen Bewegung, Munich, 1930, P. 72, Quotidian in: Herf, Jeffery: Reactionary modernism Technology, Culture, and Politics in Weimar and the Third Reich, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1984, P. 192.

    29 Steiner, Alex: op. cit., part 1.

  • 13





    victor Farias )2005( 1987. . . 1989. 1933 1945. . . . 1953 1933 . ) SA- ()30(.


    30 Farias, Victor: Heidegger and Nazism, trans. By: Paul Burrell with Dominic DiBcrnardi, Philadelphia: Temple Univ. Press, 1989, P. 209, Sheehan, Thomas: Heidegger and the Nazis, The New York Review of Books, Vol. 35, No. 10 )June 16 1988(, P. P. 1 & 2.

    31 Sheehan, Thomas; op. cit., P. 2.

  • 14


    1932. 1934 1945 1951 1976



    Theodore Kisiel John van Buren Steven Crowell Alan Rosenberg Alan Milchman )1911-1929( . 1933 - - . .


    . . 7 1918 Elisabeth Blochmann)32( . .

    32 Heidegger, M. )1991( Only a god can save us, In R. Wolin )ed.(, The Heidegger Controversy. New York: Columbia University Press )original work published 1976- p.103. & Also: Thomson, Iain: Heidegger and the Politics of the University, Journal of the History of Philosophy, Vol. 41, No. 4, 2003, P. 516.

  • 15



    . .




    1933 . : )34( .


    : . . . . . - . ...

    33 Thomson, Iain: op. cit., P. 516.

    34 Ibid, P. 516, Heidegger, Martin: The Self-Assertion of the German University- 1933 Scanned from Gunther Neske & Emil Kettering )eds.(, Martin Heidegger and National Socialism, New York: Paragon House, 1990, PP. 513-, Dreyfus, Hubert & Wrathall, Mark: op.cit., P. 11.

  • 16


    . . .




    30 .

    . :

    Volksgemeinschaft ][ ... . ... ... . .



    . . . . . Race

    35 Heidegger, Martin: The Self-Assertion of the German University, op. cit., P. 9.

    36 Martin Heidegger, The University in the New Reich, PP. 4445- Quoted In: Steiner, Alex: op. cit., part 1.

  • 17


    . )37(.

    )27 1933( . . - - - . )21 1933( . . )( Joseph Sauer : 22 ) FINIS universitatum! 1933 1 !(. . . 20


    4 :


    3 1933


    37 Ibid, part 1.

    38 Ringer, Fritz K.: The decline of the German mandarins: the German Academic Community, 18901933-, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1969. P. 42.

    39 Ibid; P P. 4244-.

    40 Steiner, Alex; op. cit., part 1.

  • 18


    . SS SA . 22 1933 - - : ) (


    . )41(:

    Hermann Staudinger ) 1953( 1934. 10 . . . ] [ . .


    . . 1931 . 16 1933 : . ] [ .

    41 Sheehan, Thomas: op. cit., 2 & Ibid, part 1.

  • 19




    )43( 42. ) ( 1928 1933 . 1 1933. . 1938 . .

    . .

    Emmanuel Faye 1933 1935 .


    )44( - - . > anti-human . .


    1935-1934. 1934-1933 .

    42 Ibid; p.3 & Steiner, Alex; op.cit. part 1.

    43 Ibid; p. 3 & Steiner, Alex; op.cit. part 1.

    44 Grosser, Florian: Review of Heidegger: The Introduction of Nazism into Philosophy, in Light of the Unpublished- Seminars of 19331935, by Emmanuel Faye. Translated by Michael B. Smith, Foreword by Tom Rockmore, New Haven/London: Yale Univ. Press, 2009, In: European Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 19, No. 4, 2011, P. 626.

  • 20


    1933-1934 . 1927 1949. .


    . : . . . Fhrerstaat . ><


    Hugo Ott . .


    . . . .

    45 Ibid; p. 626.

    46 Ibid; p. 626.

  • 21




    Rdiger Safranski )48( . . .


    )49( 1933 - . - . - Heraclitean -


    )1927( . - - . .


    47 Leithart. Peter J: Review of Martin Heidegger: A Political Life, by Hugo Ott, trans. Allan Blunden; New York: Basic, 1993- Deconstruction of Literature: Criticism after Auschwitz by David Hirsch )Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1991(, and Heideggers Crisis: Philosophy and Politics in Nazi Germany, by Hans Sluga )Cambridge, MA Harvard, 1993 Contra Mundum, No. 13, Fall 1994- p. 3 & Steiner, Alex; op.cit. part 1.

    48 Rdiger Safranski, Martin Heidegger: Between Good and Evil, t rans. Ewald Osers, Cambridge: Harvard University Pressm 1998, p. 257- Quated In Ibid; part 1.

    49 Grosser, Florian; op.cit. p. 627.

    50 Sheehan, Thomas; op.cit. p.9.

  • 22


    . . . 1 1949. : )51(. : . . . . )52(.

    . Carl Jung . . Volkisch )53( . ideology . .


    Heinrich Riehl )1823-1897( Land und . Leute . . . George L. Mosse : ][

    51 Farias, Victor; op.cit. p. 287- Quoted In; Steiner, Alex; op.cit. part 1.

    52 Sheehan, Thomas; op.cit. p.9.

    53 Steiner, Alex; op.cit. part 3.

  • 23


    . )restlessness(. . . . )Volk( . .



    Heideggers Black Notebooks


    Schwarze Hefte -2014


    . - - . : Yorck

    . )55(.

    54 Mosse, George L., The Crisis of German Ideology: Intellectual Origins of the Third Reich, New York, Grosset and Dunlop, 1964, p. 22- Quated In Ibid; part 3.

    55 Escudero, Jess Adrin: Heideggers Black Notebooks and the Question of Anti-Semitism Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 5 )2015- p.22.

  • 24



    : . . Fritz Heidegger 1950 Hugo Friedrich. - - : Hermann Heidegger: . . . . 1972 Vittorio Klostermann : . 1973 102 . . 2014



    Marbach. . Gesamtausgabe : Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann )94-102( . . 1931 . 1931 1976.

    56 Ibid; p.p. 22 & 23.

    Escudero :

    Xolocotzi, Angel; Facetas heideggerianas, Mexico: Los Libros de Homero, 2009, 66 & Interview with Hermann Heidegger; see Xolocotzi, Facetas heideggerianas-p.66,


  • 25


    1931 1976. - 1931 1941. : 2015. . 1200 . .

    )57(. 1938

    )Peter Trawny)58 . . - - . . .


    . .


    57 Ibid; p.p. 23&24.

    58 Ibid p.p.24 &25.

  • 26


    Gottfried Feder )59( . .


    . )60(. . .


    )( . .

    . .

    . . )61(. 1947


    59 Herf, Jeffrey: Reactionary Modernism Technology, Culture, and Politics in Weimar and the Third Reich, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1984, P. P. 189 & 190.

    60 Escudero, Jess Adrin; op.cit. p.p.36&37.

    61 Ibid; p.37.

    62 Heidegger und das Dritte Reich. Ein, Kompendium, ed. Bernd Martin )Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1989(, 156.- see- Ibid; p. 37.

  • 27




    Toni Cassirer . 1945 -1893( Elfride Petri . 1916 1992( 2005 Verjudung . Victor 1929 Schwoerer Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft . Bremen

    . )63(.


    Hannah Arendt . Georg Misch )1878-1965( )64(.




    63 Escudero, Jess Adrin; op.cit. p.37.

    64 Heidegger and Arendt, Briefwechsel, 69 Quated In; Ibid; p.p.39&40.

  • 28


    Richard Wolin )( . . . - - ) ( ]Volksgemeinschaft[ . Rockmore


    . ]Volksgeist[ Faye . .

    )1933( )65(.

    . .


    . . .

    65 Wolin, Richard; The Politics of Being: The Political Thought of Martin Heidegger, Columbia UP, New York 1990, P. 33.& Tom, Rockmore; On Heideggers Nazism and Philosophy )Berkeley: university of California P, 1992(- p. 10.& also; KARADEMIR, ARET; op.cit.p.113.

  • 29




    . .


    .. . :



    . )1943-1893( Kurt Huber White Rose conspiracy* . . .


    66 Rockmore, Tom; On Heideggers Nazism and Philosophy- op.cit. p. 11.

    67 Ibid; p.p. 32 & 33.

  • 30


    . .


    )Heideggerians )68 . )Kettering 1990 Neske ) Pggeler )1990( SCHRMANN )1990( )1999( Olafson . : . . : decisionis .


    1927 . : . .


    . )Johannes Fritsche )69 . ) ( . .

    68 Steiner, Alex; op.cit. part 3

    69 Ibid; part 3

  • 31


    . . . . polemically Volksgemeinschaft


    )70( . .


    . .

    Max Mller Hans Jonas )Blut und Boden(. .


    : )( )( . )(


    70 Ibid; the same part

    71 Jonas, Hans Heideggers Resoluteness, and resolve, an interview, In; Kettering, Emil & Neske Gunter; Martin Heideggeg and National Socialism, Paragon House, New York, 1990, P. 200 Quated In: Escudero, Jess Adrin; op. cit. p.p.33&34

  • 32


    Karl Lwith )1927( . . Olafson Guignon . - )( )( .



    . . 1945

    1966 .

    Schneeberger Ott Farias

    Marbach )73(.

    1933 . . ) (

    72 Sluga, H; Heideggers Crisis: Philosophy and Politics in Nazi Germany, Cambridge, MA Harvard University Press 1993-& Wolin, R.; The Politics of Being: The Political Thought of Martin Heidegger, Columbia: Columbia Univ. Press, 1990, Quated In; Thomson, Ian; op.cit. p.34.

    73 Rockmore, Tom; On Heideggers Nazism and Philosophy, op. cit., P. 15.

  • 33


    . .


    )74(. - .


    )75( : . .


    . biologism . )antibiologism( . Alfred Rosenberg . . . .


    74 Thomson, Iain: op.cit.p. 37.

    75 Maidan, MichaelEmmanuel Faye; Heidegger, The Introduction of Nazism into Philosophy in Light of the Unpublished Seminars of 19331935-- Trans. Michael B. Smith- New Haven and London: Yale University Press 2009 Philosophy in Review vol. XXX, no. 32010-- p. 183.

    76 Steiner, Alex; op.cit. part 3.

  • 34


    )1973-1899( Leo Strauss )77( - -1878( Martin Buber 1922. 1965( . . ( )


    . :

    . .



    )79( 1933 . .

    77 Ritter, Martin; op.cit. p.241.

    78 Martin Heidegger, Letter to the Rector of Freiburg University, November 4, 1945, In; Wolin, Richard: The Politics of Being: The Political Thought of Martin Heidegger, New York: Columbia University pres.)1990(.p.64.Quated In; Steiner, Alex; op.cit. part 2.

    79 Steiner, Alex; op.cit. part 2.

  • 35


    . . . . ]Kehre[


    . . .


    ) ( (. >) ... Otto Poggeler

    )80(. .

    . . 1937 1941.



    80 Ramet, Sabrina P; The Relationship between Martin Heideggers Nazism. and his Interest in the Pre-Socratics Religion Compass vol. 6. no.9- 2012 p. 429.

  • 36


    : : . . . )(.




    1964 .


    lieutenant colonel of the Schutzstaffe Otto Adolf Eichmann : ... ... . . .

    81 Arendt, Hannah; Heidegger the Fox From Arendts Denktagebuch (Thought Journal) of 1953, English translation by Robert and Rita Kimber In; ; ESSAYS in understanding )19301994-- Formation, Exile, and Totalitarianism Edited and with an introduction by Jerome Kohn- SCHOCKEN BOOKS, NEW YORK- 1994 p.361.

  • 37


    .. - - )82(.

    1960 1962.


    . . . .


    1966 .




    82 Carlisle, Erin J; How did she Forgive Heidegger? Hannah Arendt and the Politics of Forgiveness, In, West, B. ed. TASA Conference 2014. Adelaide, SA: Challenging Identities, Institutions, and Communities. Melbourne, VIC. Nov, 2014- p.p. 10 & 11.

    83 Ibid; p. 10.

    84 Ibid; p. 12.

  • 38


    . .


    Karl Mannheim Max Horkheimer 1933 .Siegfried Marck Paul Tillich

    . )85(.

    . .



    . .

    Les Temps )87( Modernes )1947-1948( . : . Karl Lowith

    85 Rockmore, Tom: On Heideggers Nazism and Philosophy; op. cit., p. 20.

    86 See Edmund Husserl, The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology: An Introduction to Phenomenological Philosophy, trans. David Carr, Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1970, P. 12- Quoted In; Ibid; p. 19.

    87 Rockmore, Tom; Derrida and Heidegger in France, The Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2004, P. 352. & Also; Grosser, Florian Heidegger: The Introduction of Nazism into Philosophy, in Light of the Unpublished Seminars of 19331935, by Emmanuel Faye. Translated by Michael B. Smith. Foreword by Tom Rockmore. New Haven/London: Yale University Press, 2009 Revie In; European Journal of Philosophy vol. 19 no.: 4 - 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd., oxford- 2011- p. 625.

  • 39


    . Alfred de Towarnick Maurice de Gandillac Alphonse De Waehlens

    . .

    - .

    1987 Pierre Bourdieu Jean-Francois Lyotard Francois Fedier Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe Dominique Janicaud




    : Hans D. Sluga Heideggers Crisis; Philosophy and Politics in Nazi Germany )1993( . . 1933


    88 Rockmore, Tom; Derrida and Heidegger in France op. cit., p. 652.

    89 Kerckhove, Lee; op.cit. p. 110.

  • 40


    - - .

    . . . ) ( .



    : Hermann Schwarz 1923. 1933 . 1940 . : . . .

    1933 )91(.



    . 1933 .

    90 Ibid; p. 110.

    91 Leithart. Peter J; op. cit., P. 3.

  • 41


    : 1933 . 1933


    . . .


    . Fred Bumler Ernst Krieck . . .




    . . .

    92 Kerckhove, Lee; op.cit. p. 111.

    93 Ibid; p.p.113 & 114.

  • 42


    . Francois Fedier



    )95( . 1933 . . 1935 Lacoue-Labarthe . . . Alan Milchman

    .Alan Rosenberg

    - - . Jean Beaufret


    1982 )96( . . .

    94 Steiner, Alex; op.cit. part 2.

    95 Ibid; part 2.

    96 Rockmore, Tom; Derrida and Heidegger in France- op.cit. p. 339.

  • 43


    . .

    . . : .










    . .

    97 Steiner, Alex; op.cit. part 2.

    98 Ibid; p. 352.

  • 44




    - - - - Ernst Nolte .

    )100( 1992 : . . . .


    . . . : ... ... ][ .

    Thomas Sheehan )101(.


    99 Hicks, Steven V.; Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Foucault, Nihilism and Beyond in Foucault and Heidegger Critical Encounters - Alan Milchman and Alan Rosenberg )Editors(- Contradictions, Volume 1 6 - University of Minnesota Press M in n e a polis by the Regents of the University o f Minnesota London, 2003, p. 75.

    100 Steiner, Alex; op.cit. part 2.

    101 Ibid; the same part.

  • 45


    )Rdiger Safransk )102 : : 1998. .



    .Richard Rorty .


    )103( Mark Okrent . : . - - . . .


    . .

    - ... ) (. .

    102 Ibid; the same part.

    103 Rorty, Richard: Heidegger, Contingency, and Pragmatism, in: A Companion to Heidegger, Edited by Hubert L. Dreyfus and Mark A. Wrathal, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2005, P. 515.

  • 46


    . )104(.

    . .


    . . . .


    - - .

    . )106(.

    . .


    104 Rorty, Richard: Rev. of Martin. Heidegger: Between Good and Evil, by Rdiger Safranski, New York Times Book Review, May 3, 1998 Quated In; Steiner, Alex; op.cit. part 2.

    105 Steiner, Alex: op. cit., part 2.

    106 Lampert, Laurence: Heideggers Nietzsche interpretation Man and World, Vol. 7, No. 4 )Nov. 1974(, P. P. 358 & 359.

  • 47


    1968 .


    Jean-Francois Lyotard )107( . . Socialisme ou Barbarie. 1968. 1968





    . . . - -


    107 See; Steiner, Alex; op.cit. part 3.

    108 Rorty, Richard: Heidegger, Kundera and Dickens, Essays on Heidegger and Others Cambridge University Press- 1991-p.67-Quated In Ibid; The Same Part.

  • 48




    . 1945 : . . . . 1946 . 1946 Schloss Haus Baden in Badenweiler .Viktor Baron von Gebsattell

    1949 . ) (. . 1951

    . )109(.

    .. .


    Paul De Man . . . .


    109 Sheehan, Thomas; op.cit. p.6.

    110 Donoghue, Denis: The Strange Case of Paul De Man, New York Review of Books, June 29, 1989 See Steiner, Alex; part 2.

  • 49


    . )Jean Beaufre )111 ) ( 1982. 35 . . ) (. Robert Faurisson.


    . .



    . . : )( Holocaust. .




    111 Steiner, Alex; op.cit. part 2.

    112 Edler, Frank; Heideggers Way of Thought Critical and Interpretative Signposts Theodor Kisiel, Edited by Alfred Denker and Marion Heinz New York and London: Continuum, 2002, Roping In Heidegger Philologically Speaking, Janus Head vol. 6 no. 1, 2003, P. P. 159 & 160.

  • 50


    . - - .

    1848 1849 . . - - . . .




    - !!

  • 51


    Arendt, Hannah; Heidegger the Fox From Arendts Denktagebuch (Thought Journal) of 1953, English translation by Robert and Rita Kimber In; Essays in understanding )1930-1994- Formation, Exile, and Totalitarianism Edited and with an introduction by Jerome Kohn- SCHOCKEN BOOKS, NEW YORK, 1994.

    Carlisle, Erin J; How did she Forgive Heidegger? Hannah Arendt and the Politics of Forgiveness, In, West, B. ed. TASA Conference 2014. Adelaide, SA: Challenging Identities, Institutions, and Communities. Melbourne, VIC. Nov, 2014.

    Donoghue, Denis: The Strange Case of Paul De Man, New York Review of Books, June 29, 1989.

    Dreyfus, Hubert & Wrathall, Mark: Martin Heidegger: An Introduction to His Thought, Work, and Life, Edited by: Hubert L. Dreyfus and Mark A. Wrathall, Melbourne: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2005.

    Edler, Frank; Heideggers Way of Thought Critical and Interpretative Signposts Theodor Kisiel, Edited by Alfred Denker and Marion Heinz New York and London: Continuum, 2002.

    Escudero, Jess Adrin: Heideggers Black Notebooks and the Question of Anti-Semitism, Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual, 5, 2015.

    Grosser, Florian: Heidegger: The Introduction of Nazism into Philosophy, in Light of the Unpublished Seminars of 19331935, by Emmanuel Faye. Translated by Michael B. Smith, Foreword by Tom Rockmore, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2009.

    ..: Review of Heidegger: The Introduction of Nazism into Philosophy, in Light of the Unpublished- Seminars of 19331935, by Emmanuel Faye. Translated by Michael B. Smith, Foreword by Tom Rockmore, New Haven/London: Yale Univ. Press, 2009, In: European Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 19, No. 4, 2011.

    Habermas, Jrgen: Martin Heidegger: On the Publication of Lectures from the Year 1935, Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal, Vol. 6, No. 2 )Fall 1977(.

    Herf, Jeffrey: Reactionary Modernism Technology, Culture, and Politics in Weimar and the Third Reich, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1984.

    Hirsch, David: Deconstruction of Literature: Criticism after Auschwitz, England Hanover, NH: University Press of New, 1991.

    Husserl, Edmund: The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology: An Introduction to Phenomenological Philosophy, trans. David Carr, Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1970.

    Karademir, Aret: Heidegger and Nazism: On the Relation between German Conservatism, Heidegger, and the National Socialist Ideology, The Philosophical Forum, Vol. 44, No. 3 )Fall 2013(.

    Kerckhove, Lee: Review of Heideggers Crisis: Philosophy and Politics in Nazi Germany by Hans Sluga, Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 20, No. 2 )Summer 1995(.

    Kettering, Emil & Neske Gunter; Martin Heideggeg and National Socialism, Paragon House, New York, 1990.

  • 52


    Kidd, Ian James: Oswald Spengler, Technology, and Human Nature, The European Legacy, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2012.

    Lampert, Laurence: Heideggers Nietzsche interpretation Man and World, Vol. 7, No. 4 )Nov. 1974(.

    Leithart, Peter J: Review of Martin Heidegger: A Political Life, by Hugo Ott, trans. By: Allan Blunden, New York: Basic Books, 1993.

    Maidan, MichaelEmmanuel Faye; Heidegger, The Introduction of Nazism into Philosophy in Light of the Unpublished Seminars of 1933-1935- Trans. Michael B. Smith- New Haven and London: Yale University Press 2009 Philosophy in Review Vol. XXX, No. 3, 2010.

    Mosse, George L., The Crisis of German Ideology: Intellectual Origins of the Third Reich, New York, Grosset and Dunlop, 1964.

    Neske, Gunther & Emil Kettering )eds.(, Martin Heidegger and National Socialism, New York: Paragon House, 1990.

    Nietzsche, Friedich: The Birth Of Tragedy Or Hellenism And Pessimism, Tr. By W. M. A. Haussmann, In: The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Ed. By: Oscar Levy, George Allen, London: Unwin Ltd, 1st Published, 1909.


  • 53


    Sluga, H; Heideggers Crisis: Philosophy and Politics in Nazi Germany, Cambridge, MA Harvard University Press 1993.

    Steiner, Alex: The Case of Martin Heidegger, Philosopher and Nazi, Part 1, Published by the International Committee of the Fourth International, available at: (http://www.wsws.org/articles/2000/apr2000/heid-a03.shtml-3-Apri-l2000)

    Thomson, Iain: Heidegger and National Socialism: A Companion to Heidegger, Edited by: Hubert L. Dreyfus, Mark A. Wrathall, Blackwell Publishing Ltd- 2005.

    .: Heidegger and the Politics of the University, Journal of the History of Philosophy, Vol. 41, No. 4, 2003.

    Tom, Rockmore; On Heideggers Nazism and Philosophy )Berkeley: university of California, 1992.

    Victor Farias: Heidegger and Nazism, trans. By: Paul Burrell with Dominic DiBcrnardi, Philadelphia: Temple Univ. Press, 1989.

    Xolocotzi, Angel; Facetas heideggerianas, Mexico: Los Libros de Homero, 2009.

    Wolin, Richard )ed.(, The Heidegger Controversy. New York: Columbia University Press, 1991.

    Wolin, Richard: The Politics of Being: The Political Thought of Martin Heidegger, New York: Columbia University Press, 1990.