Why You are Not Rich, But Can Be

Why you are not rich but can be

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Page 1: Why you are not rich but can be

Why You are Not Rich, But Can Be

Page 2: Why you are not rich but can be

Brought to you by Floyd Saunders, dedicated to providing common sense financial education to improve your life and secure your families financial future.

Seminars, Books, Blog, WorkshopsLearn more at www.reallysimpleinvesting.com

Page 3: Why you are not rich but can be

Based on the book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind“, by T. Harv Eker.

The Key to Wealth is How You Think

Page 4: Why you are not rich but can be

Reason # 1

Poor people believe “Life happens to me.”

Rich people believe “I Create My Life”.

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Reason # 2

Poor people play the money game to not lose.

Rich people play the money game to win.

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Reason # 3

Poor people want to be rich.

Rich people are committed to having

financial security.

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Reason # 4

Poor people think small.

Rich people think big, and create a life that matches how they


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Reason # 5

Poor people focus on obstacles.

Rich people focus on opportunities.

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Reason # 6

Poor people resent rich and successful people.

Rich people admire other rich and successful people.

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Reason # 7

Poor people associate with negative, unsuccessful


Rich people associate positive, successful people.

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Reason # 8

Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion.

Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value.

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Reason # 9

Poor People are smaller than their


Rich people are bigger than their problems.

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Reason # 10

Poor people choose to get paid based on time.

Rich people choose to get paid based on results.

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Reason # 11

Poor people think in “either/or” terms.

Rich people think “both”.

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Reason # 12

Poor people focus on their working income.

Rich people focus on their net worth.

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Reason # 13

Poor people mismanage their


Rich people manage their money well.

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Reason # 14

Poor people work hard for their money.

Rich people make their money work hard for them.

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Reason # 15

Poor people let fear stop them.

Rich people act in spite of fear.

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Reason # 16

Poor people think they already know.

Rich people constantly learn and grow.

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Rules for Improving Your Financial Life

• Get a good education.

• Work longer, harder, and smarter than the next guy.

• Learn money-management skills.

• Spend less than you could spend.

• Save early and often.

• Invest in common stocks with growing dividends for the long term.

• Gather information before making decisions.

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Books by Floyd Saunders

