Using WSO2 ESB with FIX Paul Fremantle, CTO Asanka Abeysinghe, Architect 15 th July 2008

"Using WSO2 ESB with FIX - Supporting Financial Messaging" - Webinar by Paul Fremantle and Asanka Abeysinghe

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In this session, Paul Fremantle - CTO of WSO2, and Asanka Abeysinghe - Architect, will look at how the WSO2 ESB supports the FIX protocol and examine scenarios linking FIX systems into the wider enterprise with a FIX enabled ESB. Building on the QuickFix/J project, the WSO2 ESB is the fastest Open Source ESB with built-in support for financial industry messaging. This session will outline the benefits of FIX integration, together with some example scenarios showing how the WSO2 ESB can add value to your FIX network.

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Page 1: "Using WSO2 ESB with FIX - Supporting Financial Messaging" - Webinar by Paul Fremantle and Asanka Abeysinghe

Using WSO2 ESB with FIX

Paul Fremantle, CTOAsanka Abeysinghe, Architect

15th July 2008

Page 2: "Using WSO2 ESB with FIX - Supporting Financial Messaging" - Webinar by Paul Fremantle and Asanka Abeysinghe

ESB 1.7 Webinar Series

June 17th – Introducing WSO2 ESB 1.7 July 1st – Example Integration

Scenarios July 3rd – Introducing WSO2 ESB 1.7

(repeat) July 15th – Using WSO2 ESB with

FIX July 29th – Complex Event Processing

Page 3: "Using WSO2 ESB with FIX - Supporting Financial Messaging" - Webinar by Paul Fremantle and Asanka Abeysinghe

WSO2 ESB Based on the Apache Synapse ESB

Class leading performance Non-blocking, streaming support Routing, mediation, management, clustering

WSO2 ESB adds: Web-based management console Integrated FIX support, Smooks library Integrated Registry and Repository Full commercial support subscription

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WSO2 ESB Configured through the simple UI

Page 5: "Using WSO2 ESB with FIX - Supporting Financial Messaging" - Webinar by Paul Fremantle and Asanka Abeysinghe

FIX Scenario Line-up

Bridge FIX to other protocolsFIX to HTTPFIX to AMQP

Switch between FIX versions CBR (Content Based Routing) of FIX

messages Bridge between Data Services and


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FIX – Financial Information eXchange A protocol and format for exchanging

trade-related messages Very widely adopted A key protocol for automated trading

and algorithmic tradinghttp://fixprotocol.org

The WSO2 ESB utilizes the leading Open Source library for FIX, leading to high levels of interoperability


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AMQP – Advanced Message Queuing Protocol An open protocol for business messaging High performance, open source, open standard

alternative for MQSeries, Sonic or Tibco WSO2 ESB currently supports Apache Qpid


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FIX transport implementation of ESB

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Bridge FIX to other protocolsFIX to HTTP

Send Orders/Submissions/Instructions generated from a FIX endpoint to a Order/Submission/Instruction acceptor endpoint that hosted as a HTTP based web service.

Business Use Case

System Use Case

ESB  takes  a  FIX  message  through  a  established  FIX session  transform  the  message  payload  to  a  SOAP message  and  dispatch  it  to  a  web  service  through HTTP.  

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FIX to HTTP transport using ESB

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FIX to HTTP message flow


"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><soapenv:Body><message inSession="FIX.4.0:SYNAPSE­>BANZAI" counter="1">

<header><field id="8"><![CDATA[FIX.4.0]]></field><field id="9"><![CDATA[105]]></field><field id="34"><![CDATA[2]]></field><field id="35"><![CDATA[D]]></field><field id="49"><![CDATA[BANZAI]]></field><field id="52"><![CDATA[20080711­06:42:26]]></field><field id="56"><![CDATA[SYNAPSE]]></field>


<field id="11"><![CDATA[1215758546278]]></field><field id="21"><![CDATA[1]]></field><field id="38"><![CDATA[1000]]></field><field id="40"><![CDATA[1]]></field><field id="54"><![CDATA[1]]></field><field id="55"><![CDATA[DELL]]></field><field id="59"><![CDATA[0]]></field>


<field id="10"><![CDATA[253]]></field></trailer>


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf­8'?><soapenv:Envelope


<m0:placeOrder xmlns:m0="http://services.samples/xsd"><m0:request>




Buy 1000 DELL @ MKT

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Bridge FIX to other protocolsFIX to AMQP

Send Orders/Submissions/Instructions generated from a FIX endpoint to a Order/Submission/Instruction acceptor endpoint that communicate through AMQP.

Business Use Case

System Use Case

ESB  takes  a  FIX  message  through  a  established  FIX session  transform  the  message  payload  to  an  AMQP message and dispatch it to an endpoint using an AMQP broker.  

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FIX to AMQP transport using ESB

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Switch between FIX Versions

Send  a  FIX  message  from  a  FIX  endpoint  to  another FIX endpoint that uses a different FIX versione.g. FIX4.2 to FIX4.4.

Business Use Case

System Use Case

ESB  takes  a  FIX  message  through  a  established  FIX session  transform  the  message  payload  to  the  target FIX version and dispatch it.  

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Switch between FIX Versions using ESB

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CBR of FIX messages

Send  Orders/Submissions  to  different  destinations based on the content.e.g. Send orders with symbol 'GOOG' to destination A       Send all buy orders to destination C

Business Use Case

System Use Case

ESB  takes  a  FIX  message  through  a  established  FIX session  route  the  message  to  different  endpoints  by analysing the message content.  

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CBR of FIX messages using ESB

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CBR of FIX messages using ESB

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CBR of FIX messages using ESB

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Bridge between Data Services and FIX

Send  Orders/Submissions/Instructions  stored  in  a persistent storage to a FIX endpoint using a scheduler

Business Use Case

System Use Case

ESB  takes  instructions via Data Services convert  them to  FIX  and  send  to  FIX  endpoint(s)  through  a  FIX session.  

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Bridge between DS and FIX using ESB

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Resources WSO2 Webinars

http://wso2.on.intercall.com WSO2 ESB documentation


User [email protected]

Recent performance testinghttp://wso2.org/library/3740