The whole can be broken into smaller parts, each an echo of the whole” -Benoit Mandelbrot (The chaology of Markets) A multifractal trading model

The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

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Page 1: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

“The whole can be broken into smaller parts, each an echo of the whole” -Benoit Mandelbrot

(Thechaology of

Markets) A multifractal trading


Page 2: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

1. Any trader can understand the mathematics of chaos and how it relates to Stock markets, Forex markets, etc. In fact, it can be intuitive, where a trader trades with a need to understand exactly how price moves in real-time. As such, it is a powerful sense by which to understand market dynamics.

2. It requires an understanding of a map called the logistic map and how it outputs logistic systems. By noting the behavior of iterates over different rates of change (systems), and the specific character of their fluctuations (using web diagrams), a set of classifications emerge that specify sequences of iterations by their period-doubling behavior, i.e. the number of iterations needed for some seed x to return to some specified marker or point in range. It is this period-doubling behavior in iterated sequences that leads to chaos.

3. The underlying operation of the logistic map is one akin to the repeated folding and stretching of the space to which it maps, which leads to exponential divergence in the sequence of iterates. It is by this exponential divergence of sequences that we measure for chaos. So, bifurcation rates explain the relationship between chaos and unpredictability. This is clear if we consider that at high rates of exponential change, small errors multiply at exponential speeds.

4. The dynamics of logistic chaotic systems is summarized by a structural diagram called a bifurcation diagram.

2) Logistic Chaos: web diagram

Logistic Map:Xn+1 = RXn (1 - Xn)

Background 1

Page 3: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

1. The bifurcation diagram plots the end behaviors of different systems (i.e. the end behaviors of iterated sequences at different intrinsic rates of change) against a measure of change in the dependent variable. It shows the period doubling route to chaos and thus the structure of a chaotic system.

2. This diagram tells us important things that help us better understand market dynamics on a structural level (i.e. given that markets are deterministic, chaotic and nonlinear).

3. One such important piece of information it provides is that chaotic systems are fractal in structure, and so we can equate chaotic behavior to fractal behavior (the bifurcation diagram is self-similar, i.e. fractal). This means that an understanding of fractals and fractal behavior enables measurement and control of the fundamental dynamics of the system.

4. This is important because fractal behavior is less abstract in concept and can be read by

the pattern of point displacement in a given system. The chaos game for instance.

The Logistic Bifurcation Diagram

Background 2

Page 4: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

1. There are several important (rational, even somewhat moral) implications arising from the knowledge that markets are nonlinear and chaotic.

2. One crucial implication is that a key premise on which technical analysis (TA) is based (history repeats itself) is fallacious. Another key implication is that no linear model of the market is suited to explaining price except in very partial terms (of which both so-called “fundamental” analysis (FA) and technical analysis (TA) are examples). This is because the chaotic variable (price in this case) evolves in nonlinear ways.

3. But even more significant is that the absence of nonlinearity in a model describing the market is problematical because chaos needs nonlinearity. Nonlinearity is really what helps to make a chaotic system meaningful because that is what constrains its dynamics to be within the limits they express and as such explain how the parts of the system relate in order to be.

4. In direct terms therefore, the basic reason why TA and FA remain widely employed (and the market wickedly impossible to “master” by them), is that those disciplines (and their variants in OFT and even algorithmic trading) reflect the limits of understanding generally available to market participants (with respect to the dynamical structure of markets).

Background 3

Page 5: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

1. In order to trade a chaotic system and be consistently successful, it must be obvious to the trader what the local limits are in a global frame that suggests the largest immediate objective of the market (each trade). Without this kind of knowledge (structure) in a linearly unstable system, it becomes a gamble to action reads. The trader is simply not sure of what is going on and everything soon begins to appear random. Because the trader observes sequences in fast non-monotonic evolution, the trader requires the specialized knowledge of chaotic dynamics and a setup that militates against the confusion arising from chaotic properties of the variable price to read an emergent fractal structure per period.

2. Therefore, if a dynamical market system is deterministic but generally unpredictable; and if in addition it evolves by persistent cyclic trends, and is also known to have a fractal structure;

3. Then it is possible to prescribe an interpolative model (exceeding the criteria in “1”) that is a general model of the market and that will exploit it consistently. This means that based on the knowledge of how such a market is dynamically ordered, it is possible to read and trade such a market with a consistency of result that demonstrably outperforms the market.

4. As such, the market model can be shown, not just to be more effective than any predictive linear models of the same market, but to be the correct general trading model of the market.

Background 4

Page 6: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

The “predictability” of any chaotic system depends on (1) how much error or uncertainty we are willing to tolerate in a given forecast or future estimate of the chaotic variable (2) how accurately we are able to measure a system’s current state, and (3) Lyapunov time (a time scale reflecting the time from initial conditions to the point when a chaotic system becomes unpredictable). Therefore, these provide a basis by which to judge the “predictivity” of different approaches on a comparative scale. The claim here is that it is possible to improve current “predictability” of markets from say 1/2 to say 1/20 in terms of 1 and 2 above, and as such, greatly clarify the empirical sense of Lyapunov time per interval in the case of 3. This model relies on applying the tenets of Fractal Geometry and Chaos theory to reading and trading markets, i.e. it directly employs real-time Fractal Analysis of markets.

Background 5

Reset the odds

Page 7: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

A fractal is a never-ending pattern. Fractals are infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar processes across different scales. They are created (i.e. computer generated models of fractals) by repeating a simple process indefinitely in an ongoing feedback loop. Mathematically, any real system that describes the same kinds of functions is a fractal. We can say that fractal geometry is to chaos theory what geometry is to algebra in expressing the mathematics of chaos.

Background 6

Page 8: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

On the left is the Sierpinski Gasket (again): to generate it, we start with a triangle or the initiator as in (1). We then draw lines connecting the midpoints of the three sides and remove the resulting center triangle to gain the generator as in (2). The rules of recursion (3) simply require the generator to iterate to infinity. And so, as with all fractals, we see simplicity and recursion combine to create incredible complexity or the appearance of it.

As such, the SierpinskiGasket is the limiting case that results when iterations of the generator (2) are continued out to infinity.


= N2

D= 3

log (2D

) = log (3)D*log (2) = log (3)D = log (3) /log (2)D = 1.585

Fractals are non-random and of non-

integral dimension...

D = log N/log S

Background 7

The point here is that fractals are described

by precise mathematical rules and

properties - and these describe fractals

NOT to be random.

Where D is dimension, N the number

of new pieces, and S the scaling


Page 9: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

A power of Fractal Geometry is the ability to model (explain) the explicit dynamics of chaotic systems. This allows two equivalent senses of deterministic chaos: (A) a system that “appears” to have “random” arrangement in space and or(B) “random” progression in time. This is extremely consequential since graphical concepts and insights tend to be much easier to grasp.

Fractals are infinitely complex (that is to say detailed). This means, fractal phenomena can be explained (modeled) to infinitesimal detail. Fractal dimension is the measure of such complexity - i.e. the ratio of the change in Scale to that in Detail (see prior slide).

The important point that is made here is that all of this analytic power allows insights into complex dynamical systems in ways not possible before the science was formalized by Benoit Mandelbrot 41 years ago.

...But fractals

can model

(explain the

dynamics of )

things that

appear random

in space and or

in time

“Fractals are supremely visual, hence supremely

intuitive.” - Bonior Mandelbrot.

Background 8

Page 10: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

Multifractals are often found in experience. Coastlines, clouds,

lightning,the human heart and

electronically traded markets are examples.

A fractal temporal process, such as healthy heart rate

regulation (Right), may generate fluctuations on

different time scales that are statistically self-


So, the multifractal concept is applied not just to

irregular geometric forms that lack a characteristic (single) scale of length

(e.g. a coastline), but also to certain complex processes that lack a single scale of time (e.g. the human heart,

traded markets).

Temporal Self-SimilaritySpatial Self-Similarity

Multi-fractals - Complexity x

Multifractals are a generalization of fractals not characterized by a single dimension. Rather, they express a continuous spectrum of dimensions reflecting complex dynamical forces in play.

Background 9

Irish Coastline

Page 11: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

Visualizing the market as a fractal...



“Fractals should be

the default, the approximation, the

framework.” - Nassim

Nicholas Taleb.

Page 12: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

1) Regardless of how orders flow through (the different dialects of) an

electronic trading system, in the end, there must be a matching

protocol that simplifies the interface between bids and offers.

2) For this model, the

lowest offers

frontend an array of

sell orders to match

an array of buy orders

– with the highest

bids at the front end.

And this applies

across variable

chunks of orders

reaching the market

between session

open and close (and

combining with

existing orders).

Market Microstructure

3) In processing chunks, elements either side of the market (bids/offers)

are spaced by point value (and order size) and therefore dynamically

define “demand and supply schedules”. So, these are vigorously

populating ranges in market time that generate many changing


Page 13: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

2) Clearly, not only can we visualize the movements implied, etc

from this basic order matching scheme, but we can infer from

this what is a pivot.

1) In other words, this


driven matching

engine defines an

intensely unstable

scheme in


processing latent

“demand and

supply curves” in

market time.

Importantly (and as

we show next), the

output of this

process per interval,

is simply market

clearing; which

information then

feeds trader reaction

3) Cont’d, …and as a result, we have a myriad of sources per interval of not

so obvious fluctuations defining the price curve in real-time (in addition to

the more obvious one we describe further on). This state reflects

something called intermittency (or aperiodic cyclicality - the signature sign

of chaos).

Page 14: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

1) A pivot then, is that clearing price point (order book level), that exhausts

two matched (oppositely signed) arrays, where there are no further

matches ahead in the current interval, or in such proximity, as to sustain

an initial direction. 2) We of course

abstract from the

fact that limit orders

provide liquidity and

market orders

consume liquidity.

But as long as a

current range is

actively populating

with orders (i.e.

orders are queued

either side of the

market), the range is

not cleared and a

pivot is not

established to

enable a reversal in

such a range.

3) Therefore, a pivot occurs, if the market exhausts oppositely signed arrays

at a price point (order book level), with “momentum” (active queue) still on

one side to reach a “new” range of oppositely signed orders. As such,

spot pivots pervade the entire trading space including the shortest

possible interval. This system does not exhibit stable equilibrium over any

term, equilibrium is everywhere unstable.

Page 15: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

1. Traded markets function at least 24/5 all year round (and stock

exchanges for significant periods of each weekday). During this

time, all that goes on (per session) in terms of microstructure

dynamics (barring one or two abstractions), is what we have

described, regardless of the variety of;

i. Player types, order sizes and investment horizons,

intentions and influences, news and market events or

what have you.

ii. As such, all that happens in the market all of the time is

buying and selling.

2. Therefore, the market at its most basic defines an incredibly

simple form of existence:

i. It admits all incoming buy/sell orders per interval;

ii. Matches them and;

iii. Signs the flow.......................... Mr. Market is mechanical (-_-).

3. As such, the apparent complexity of traded markets comes from

the incessant and recursive but even actions of market

Simplicity and Recursion

Page 16: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

1. So we deduce from ALL of this - that for price to “move”

in market time, based on order flow, we need a three

point structure for any aggregation of orders on any

scale, large or small (the initiator).

2. That is to say, that there must be, for uprising price, two

buy pivots and one sell pivot and for downfalling price,

two sell pivots and one buy pivot to generate directed

movement or flow. The Iterated Function Systems (IFS)

formalism of fractal geometry would call each instance (a

fractal generator).

3. As such, a fractal primitive (the fractal generator) in this

model, simply consists of 3 consecutive range clearing

price points (order book levels) in the same flow. These

are price points in micro space (and therefore macro

space) at each of which price reverses direction in

Fractal primitives defined by the math of Fractal geometry

Page 17: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

…fractals allow (among other things) the trader to evaluate the state of the

system per interval, and therefore across time scales. The stress here

being seamlessness; from market microstructure to market

macrostructure, and what is more, evidence of the feedback loop in the

cyclical flow of markets.

Therefore, primitives are

the best predictors of

direction immediately

following in the same

transaction space or flow.

As linear inequalities,

there can be only 6

different definitions in any

flow (combining in a

diverse number of ways).

In other words, fractal

primitives affirm the

(exact) extent to which

predictivity anywhere

exists in market space...

In effect, fractal primitives define as volatility shaped

(self-affine) linear inequalities in market space

(regardless of scale).

The Code

Primitives as a finite set of Linear Inequalities

Page 18: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

- From micro to macrostructure


“To truly understand something, you must experience it – get it under your finger tips”-Benoit Mandelbrot

A matter of perspective: its not about the

shapes of things, it is about the behaviour

of numbers in the pattern of points that

create the shapes.

Page 19: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

So we have that, market space is space where price fractals define aperiodic cycles across time in simple (but nested) 1,2,3 legs. From sub-minute time compression through M1 – MN and in fact at (> MN).

Fractal behaviour whether over very small or very large

intervals is the same. Importantly, the smaller

ones are nested in the bigger ones (i.e. Fractals nested

within fractals or equivalently nested within

phases of larger fractal cycles) all with the same

form, and hence the deterministic( i.e. moves to only

one other next state depending on the

current state), dynamically scaling, Multifractal

structure of markets...

Fractals Scale Across market space




Page 20: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

... In this simplified, primitive driven “trending” example, each cell shown is a time frame, so we have a 1-minute frame, a 1-hour frame and a 1-day frame inscribed with 1.5 cycles or oscillations in each case. We are saying that the 1-minute frame contains at least one and a half cycles of sub-minute bars just to make its 1-2 leg up and at least one and a half cycles to make its 2-3 leg down and at least one and a half more to make up the last phase or half cycle shown. Similarly, the 1-hour frame has within it sixty 1 minute bars per 1-hour bar and here contains at least one and a half cycles of 1-minute bars to make up each of the 3 phases shown.

... Of course, this implies (as in demonstrates) that the market is a singularity (a point). It means that the market is deterministic at the margin in dynamically scaling to a single form or price point across all intervals. As such there is no sense in which price does not move as a unit at all times and what is more, the marginal move is NEVER a fair game.

In the same way, the 1 day bar contains 24, 1 hour bars and at least one and a half cycles of 1 hour bars to make up each of the 3 legs shown, and so on (in practice the nested (iterated) subcycle count per feeder frame could be several more to the same effect but not less than 1.5 cycles per feeder frame)...

Driving the point home ...

Page 21: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

… Everything happens (scales) in (persistent ) sequence following a fundamental order (iterated hierarchy) from left to right (until a point) and then

reverts to origin (finite loop equilibrium) to resume (once again) left to right...

… this order does not change because the order expresses in the rules of recursion

intrinsic to market mechanism.

Page 22: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)





So to cut a long story short, the fractal price structure is defined by nested (iterated), aperiodic (cyclical), price point displacement...

...and the market can go up or down in range, over ALL time scales in downfalling or uprising runs...

Page 23: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)




...In fractal geometry, we hear mathematicians say that the orbit of some seed, s is attracted to S. S being a complete mapping of all s(the complete fractal form). Sometimes S is called a strange attractor...

... Never fine lines -rough lines - fractals spiral in and out of a nested (iterated) structure of finite loop equilibriums or “origin” (i.e. mean-reverting series), to resume scaling in direction or counter direction. Clearly, the setup is all the while driven by a nested (iterated) system of spot pivots defining fractal primitives across the entirety of market space...

... So yes, cycles, but not sine or cosine wave like.

Instead, much rougher, aperiodic, non-monotonic,

nested, infinitely scaled, i.e. fractal and therefore,

illusory, when read outside of that structure, especially

if focusing on a single frame at any resolution.


...Not the shapes, the behaviors of numbers in the pattern of points, that create the shapes...

Page 24: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

As a result, ( (-_-) and this is key) – markets do not “trend” per time frame in any useful (tradable) sense. Markets scale as a unit, i.e. price spirals out of “origin” as a unit, going from left to right, across scales (up or down in range) to a single point. At such a point, price is back in “origin,” fluctuating (i.e. spiraling out of “origin”) to resume (up or down in

range) as a unit, and from a single point - making time frames entirely arbitrary.

... the mathematics of it’s dynamic is fixed (for all its incredible volatility). Markets are “predictable,” i.e. within the limits of fractal behaviour because electronically traded markets conform to a fundamental submission of Fractal Geometry; which is that, there is no qualitative change when the scale of a fractal object changes – a

property known in mathematics as “scale invariance.”

This is knowable symmetry, as such price can be consistently timed with regard to the points in and out of any sequence of target “origins” in a given flow. Price movement is in no sense random...

Page 25: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

The old school 50/50 risk/reward paradigm is sourced in the idea that the

market is random (with the large baggage of emotions that entails for participants).

(we just outlined why that CANNOT be!)

Page 26: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

Trading the Fractal Model in event driven space

Trend is NOT your friend when the system is chaotic: consider the dynamic

here where the points appear to be orbiting around and spiraling into a single

point or singularity. Price dynamic is somewhat similar to these points on the Mandelbrot set attracted to a singularity.

Measuring such dynamic for trend is almost meaningless and referencing a

specific time frame for trade control pointless. Much of what we have

described to this point is exactly reflective of this kind of dynamic.

Page 27: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

The trading objective, therefore, is to isolate and time tradable intervals

(persistent series). We do this by dynamically accounting for the iterated

sequencing, proportions, magnitudes and temporal periodicity of Hurst types

as they combine (from left to right) and define a “discrete” flow. Fundamentally,

this is a process that “unscrambles” time (i.e., defines the dynamic outside the

notion of time frames). This means, we completely do away with trend

analysis, focusing entirely on the fractal dynamics presenting within a

calibrated fractal trading interface. Using the IFS sense of the market, we seek

to follow the market as it hops from singularized point to singularized point.

There is no place for second-guessing the market by recourse to events

exogenous to the scaling rules under interpretation.

But let this not sound like the trader must retain knowledge of time series

analysis. Real-time fractal analysis does not imply a direct statistical analysis

of a flow. Real-time fractal analysis is an integral of the application of the

knowledge base on chaotic systems, the calibration of the graphical trading

interface and the setup that maps the market, but most important, the

interpretative skills of the trader. What is more, depending on the emergent

scaling range, the same read can suffice for intraday, swing or position trade

Real Time Fractal Analysis - a game changer for trading.

Page 28: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)


volatility +Time bound



The average trader needs only a basic

understanding (as in working knowledge) of

chaos theory and fractal geometry. With the

calibration described, and with time

“unscrambled” as it were, the entire setup

becomes extremely intuitive (and highly

simplified). The trader is able to directly read

the dynamical sequencing of iterations (and

the character of fluctuations) across scales

and can therefore assess the implications for

direction and range and this is mostly by

visual inspection (that is to say the trader can

assess the implications of fluctuations and

key events across time in terms of some

singularized point). What I do not seem to

have conveyed and would like to stress at this

point is that chaos theory is actually a

Godsend for trading. It describes the

behaviors of iterates across time within a

defined structure depending on the intrinsic

rate of change, for instance in terms of the

logistic map, the logistic systems and the

summary structure of the bifurcation diagram

The order in chaos - is about timing

It is this structure that multifractal

analysis must account for to enable

the trader time trades to near

exactitude (when available). This is

the great contribution of Mandelbrot

and chaos theory to trading – i.e.


Page 29: The chaology of markets (A Multifractal Trading Model)

From the need to study the subjects of Chaos Theory and Fractal Geometry, to

the original insight as to how and why the market is fractal, through how a trading

interface can be calibrated to define the multifractal structure of markets, and to

the specific methodology of applying fractal analysis within such an interface, I

spent 10 of my 59 years on earth working on how price actually moves, and

therefore how markets must be traded. I now stand as a resource in the

implementation of these ideas.

In conclusion: Unscramble time

First, it is clear that the dynamic fractal structure

defines market opportunities - in terms of timing

and range. To be effective in such a space the

trader must find a means to accurately read the

local limits in the global frame that defines the

largest immediate objective of the market. Among

other nuances of number behavior, price is in non-

monotonic evolution all of the time and the setup

has to account for the flow orientation implied by

the emergent fractal structure.Second, there are at least three types of dynamics acknowledged by fractal

geometry (Brownian series, Mean-reverting series and Persistent series), and that

it is the iterated proportions and sequencing of each type combining in real-time

“discrete” flows (i.e. movements from singularized point to singularized point), that

multifractal analysis must account for, to allow the trader time tradable intervals to

near exactitude and to scale (Cf. Mandelbrot’s clock time versus trading time). But

third, and even more profound is that - to read those Hurst types into validity, you

“unscramble” time. My (Mis) Understanding of Mandelbrot.

Samuel Ikwue - Monday, January 7, 2017