Term 1 Reflections

Term 1 Reflection

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Term 1 Reflections


This term I enjoyed Fish market and going to Science works, I liked Science works because they had two new exhibits, I liked Fish Market as well because it is a very fun game.

At the National young leaders day, I learnt that you can become a hero and anything is possible.

Something that challenged me was the maths about me, We had a lot of things to do in a couple of weeks.

Next term my goal is to challenge myself in maths.


This term we had an amazing excursion at Science works that allowed us to see further than tomorrow and deep in the future. We could create cars and even have priceless times in the teleporter and music room. How could I forget fish market it gave us a chance to have our own business and helped us learn new techniques. In inquiry we had our Social Justice Projects which were exciting, my topic was homelessness. We also had to do our energy audits which taught us how to save energy and what is the maximum light you should have. Cookie coal mining was extremely fun but educational and messy too we learnt that if you Break something it can’t be repaired. An amazing show we got to watch was called “Life after people” it was informative and freaky as well because all the buildings that fell. On top of all that we also had energisers which were fun to make us feel relaxed. In writing we wrote a persuasive and information reports they were fun and helped us have more writing techniques. My goal is to learn long division a bit better so I am really confident.


This term I have enjoyed going to an excursion to science works my favourite area was the think ahead.

This term I have learnt all about energy for example: Solar power, Wind power, Hydro power geothermal and Natural gas

This term my challenge was the fish market because I was trying to avoid losing points and shops.

This term my goal was to listen on the floor and I am getting good progress


This term I enjoyed going to science works and going to peppercorn park

because we got to explore the 2 new parts.This term i learnt with online technology to be careful of hackers.

This term I found challenging catching up on my learning port folio because I was so far behind.

My goal this term is to keep my hands and feet to my self.


This year I enjoyed doing energizers, I enjoyed energizers because it is like a brain teaser, it keeps me active. I enjoyed learn about the future in science works it so fun because I’ve always wondered what the future was like.This year I learnt that we can expand earth hour. It doesn’t just an hour you can amplify, multiply and globalise. I learnt how to use a blog properly like writing a comment on the blog and how to use a correctly.This year the things that challenged me were the multiplication sums, I thought this was challenging because the number of digits used.My goal for next year is to learn my times table so I don’t struggle during class time.


This term I went to science works it was really fun I liked when I went to the sport place I liked when we had to race other kids.

I also liked when I did the energy information reports and I did biomass that was kind of hard because I had to find lots of information about biomass.

I also liked the mining cookie power point because it was really fun to do.

I liked talking to other kids in the class when we had to eat lunch with them because so we can know each other more.


This term I have enjoyed :

I have enjoyed seeing junior every day with a smile.

This term I learnt:

my 5 times tables so I can do 5 times tables

This term I challenge:

I challenge myself to learn my 12 times tables


This Term I enjoyed doing energizers because they are really fun and it gives you more time to know more about your classmates. I also learnt how to work out multiplication sums and now I feel like a superstar because I know how to do it. A challenge for me this term was doing long division I think I need to learn more about it. A goal for next term is to try and practise long division at home that way I'll get better.


This term I enjoyed crazy hair day because I like colouring my hair orange and blue and I also liked the lightning bolts.

Also I enjoyed going to Science works because the think ahead exhibit made me think that the future would be a different place. One game that I liked was were two people would have a ball each and the first ball to get into the whole

wins. I learnt on clean up Australia day that people need to take a bit more care to our Environment and that we are harming our animals. A challenge for me was on Fish market because sometimes I

can make a good trade but sometimes I made mistakes. My goal for next time is to get finished in time.


This term I enjoyed doing the energy audit because I got to learn a lot of things about energy and I learnt how to measure light. I also enjoyed using the different equipment. I learnt how to write information reports and I also learnt how to make better persuasives. I learnt about different persuasive techniques. I found the persuasive ads a little challenging because we didn’t have much time to complete them and we had to try to get people to buy caramel chocolate. My goal for next term would be to try doing multiplication sums with more digits in them and getting most of them correct.


This term I enjoyed…I enjoyed going to science works and seeing the new displays that they had.I also enjoyed doing the cookie coal mining because it was a fun activityThis term I learnt…I learnt how to persuade people into buying things I also learnt about geothermal energy This term I got challenged by…I got challenged by doing my maths about me My goal for next term is to post more comments on the blog.


This term I enjoyed crazy hair day and going to science works, I like it because in science work you get to learn lots and lots of stuff like how people run around and how people move their muscles.This term I learned how to estimate and how to round numbers to the nearest hundreds or tens. I learned it because it helped me a lot .This term something challenged me was math about me because there is a lot of step and it is really difficult to follow it. But I still think it is fun.Next term I think my goal is to listen to the teacher when she is speaking, and stay focused at all time when learning . Also I think I really need to check my writing after I was done because you get more accuracy rate if you checked your work!


This term I enjoyed going to science works. It was really fun because I got to learn things about science, and I love the emotion room (this was when you pressed a button to tell people how you feel about the sound.) I also enjoyed crazy hair day. I liked being in the techno group because I got to make an Edmo do account and play some games on the IPad. I found challenging fish market because when you buy a fish sometimes the shop closes but I really like playing with my partner Mia. I loved doing cookie coal mining. The challenging bit was when you had to take out the coal and then put it back in. but I loved eating the cookies afterwards.


This term I enjoyed the excursion to Science Works because I learnt a lot of things, I also enjoyed doing fish market with my partner Michael because in fish market you have to look around to by fish for a cheap price and sell them for more then how much you got them for. I learnt how to make a persuasive text more persuasive and more interesting and lots of energies and how they work. My goal for next term is to challenge my self in maths and use full sentences in my writing.


I enjoyed doing crazy hair day because we did fun activities and the teachers got there hair sprayed. I learnt about different types of energy like thermal energy. A challenge that I thought was hard was maths about me because we had to measure our self. Next term I would like to get better at maths.


This term I enjoyed going to science works and seeing what will be in the future. I liked it because I saw different types of technology and cars. It was really mind blowing. I learnt about Thermal Energy and how it is all around our homes and in our world. I think it is really good to know all of this information. One of the challenges for me this term was my Maths About Me. I found it a little tricky because we had to do a lot of different activities in an amount of time. My goal for next term is to learn how to do my long division and to get better at my times tables.


In term 1 I enjoyed sport because I like running and I also enjoyed crazy hair day because we were raising money for the leukaemia foundation. This term I have learnt how to measure light and how to write a good persuasive. This term a challenge for me has been the times and division test we done because I struggle on division. My goal is to learn my division, as another goal I would like to walk to school to save energy.


This term I enjoyed fish market because it makes you smart and I my fish market partner was Thomas. We take turns of who goes first I enjoy playing fish market.

This term I learnt how to do a blanket Stich in art it was a bit tricky but I got it .

This term I challenge my self by doing my 8 time tables.

My goal is if some body gets hurt I will try and make them laugh.


I know what a prime number is and what a factor is.

I also know that there is two types of energy.

I learnt what a strong password is.I also learnt to be cyber safety and that

every second a baby is born.


The activity I enjoyed this term was going to science works because I liked the mood room because you can do different types of moods

What I learnt this term was different types of energy like geothermal and green house gases

The challenge for me this term was making power points and getting them done on time

My goal for next term is getting my reading groups on time


The activity I enjoyed this term was going to science works because it was fun.

I learnt this term that how we get pollution and how can we save the earth.

The challenge this term was that we had to present to the classes and prepare for it.

The goal I have set myself next term is to do some good things that can effect the area and doing something because you want to do it, not to do it because you have to.

I also enjoyed the cookie coal mining this term because they were exciting to make and I felt like a real miner.


This term I enjoyed doing the information report because I have learnt different types of energy new things. I also enjoyed science works at science works I enjoyed the teleport , making the car, maths room and the future room. The challenge for me this term was getting the reading groups done because some times I have to stay in. My goal next is to finish my reading in time.


This term I enjoyed doing the information report because I have learnt different types of energy new things. I also enjoyed science works at science works I enjoyed the teleport , making the car, maths room and the future room. The challenge for me this term was getting the reading groups done because some times I have to stay in. My goal next is to finish my reading in time.

Mrs Canning

Thank you to all of the amazing students in 5EC for a wonderful first term. I have enjoyed all of the learning we have done together.

I look forward to an even better term 2!