Penny Stock Research NEW Pot Stock Research - My Visit To Denver

NEW Pot Stock Research - My Visit To Denver

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A few weeks ago I took a business trip to Denver.

I was out meeting companies in that area… and one of the key industries I

went to look at was the Cannabis Industry. Yes, I was looking at the POT


Regardless of your views on the use of pot, you have to look at this industry. It’s

the growth industry of the decade.If you think about it, the pot industry is very similar to the Alcohol or Tobacco industries… and those are HUGE and


But I’m not going to sugarcoat it… the industry has MAJOR PROBLEMS too.

Let’s start with the good, then explore the bad, then I’ll get you a new list of

Pot stocks to research.

First, I’m going to give you the biggest positive here… GROWTH.

The Pot Industry is growing like a weed in Denver. And it’s not just growers and

dispensaries that are cropping up.

During my visit, I came across a half a dozen publications. They were

advertising everything from Holistic Doctors to grow facilities to

dispensaries.But that’s not all.

Pot Tour companies are finding huge success. Tours like you find at a winery are available! Equipment companies are

found at every turn… pipes, cleaning equipment, grow equipment, even plant

nurseries are on the rise.

But it doesn't stop there.

Thousands and thousands of new jobs have been created, and the economic

growth is obvious.

I love to chat with cab drivers (and now uber drivers) about the cities I visit… you can discover some amazing things. Like the fact that so many people are flocking to Denver, the price of housing is rising


The few cab drivers I spoke with indicated rent prices have doubled in just

the last few years. One driver praised and cursed the industry in the same


He hated the fact his rent is going up… but loved the fact business was hopping

and he was making more money.

I witnessed the same thing.

There was a buzz I felt in the city I’d never seen before. And clearly economic

activity is hot… Bars and restaurants downtown were packed on a Tuesday

and Wednesday night.

Hotel rates are up and it was a struggle to book a decent place to stay. The

Denver economy is back and I attribute it to the Pot Industry.

Despite the growth, there are some serious threats to the Pot Industry as a whole. For example, while legal at the state level, Pot remains illegal at the federal level. In my opinion, this is

something the Feds need to fix ASAP.

They should regulate and tax marijuana just like the tobacco or alcohol

industries, saving tons of money in drug enforcement action.

But that’s not the only reason.

Consider this… one of the fastest growing parts of the industry are security companies. Every dispensary had armed guards and expensive security systems

(at least the ones I visited).

Why is security so high?

It’s because dispensaries, and by default the rest of the industry, is a CASH


You see, because Pot is illegal at the federal level, dispensaries are

PROHIBITED from opening bank accounts. They also can’t get credit

cards. So they buy their supplies and pay their employees in CASH.

Talk to anyone in the industry and you’ll quickly hear of employees transporting thousands of cash in nothing more than paper bags. Robberies in the industry

are commonplace and lives are at risk… (but the Feds don’t really care about that)

The one bank who tried to set up in the state to serve the industry was quickly shut down by the Treasury Department.

Talk about stupid.

Despite the issues, I like the idea of the Pot Industry. But there are very few high

quality pot stocks to buy. The Pot Industry is like the dotcom industry back

around 2000.

Every company is claiming to be in the industry. The great growth rate is

attracting both legitimate businesses and scammers alike.

You use common sense.

You look for Pot Stocks with real businesses (not just great ideas). You

look for businesses with revenue… and hopefully income!

You look for companies with real products and assets.

Check those boxes and you’ll screen out most of the garbage Pot Companies.

Now, I think it’s time to update the list of pot stocks in the industry.

I don’t have time today, but in my next article, I’ll get you an updated pot stock

list!Tell me, do you own Pot Penny Stocks? If so, which ones? Let me know on the
