ISMED Support Program RTA Assistance Mission 16-18 Sep., Cairo SUPPORT TO THE REFORM OF THE EGYPTIAN TRANSPORT SECTOR (EuropeAid 129110/SER/C/EG) Public-Private Dialogue on Public-Private Partnerships in Egypt’s River Transport Investment Security in the Mediterranean (ISMED) Support Program Cairo, 18 September 2014

ISMED PPD: Support to the Reform of Egypt’s Transport Sector, Europe Aid_Ministry of Transportation

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ISMED Support ProgramRTA Assistance Mission

16-18 Sep., Cairo


Public-Private Dialogue on Public-Private Partnerships in Egypt’s River Transport Investment Security in the Mediterranean (ISMED) Support Program

Cairo, 18 September 2014

ISMED Support ProgramRTA Assistance Mission

16-18 Sep., Cairo

1.i Budgetary support targets

1. New org. for MoT.

2. Establish market regulators.

3. Landlord concept for RTA.

4. Cross-sector planning w/ other ministries/authorities.

5. Update transport legislation.

6. Use of performance indicators & monitoring sys.

7. Proper set up of PPP Unit.

8. Planning & appraisal based budget (M.O.Finance).

9. User-Pay principal (ENR)

10. Budget autonomy for state-owned providers (ENR).

11. PPP (ENR)

12. Safety regulations (road/rail).

13. Environmental regulations.

14. Improve multimodality (ENR)

15. Promote river freight.

16. Logistic centers & dry ports.

17. Land transport reg.

18. X-Sector ICT and EDI

ISMED Support ProgramRTA Assistance Mission

16-18 Sep., Cairo

2. iv The need for RTA to restructure

There was an inevitable need to restructure RTA to enable the achievement of objectives and goals.

The project held a series of workshops and individual interviews to analyse current regulatory and functional conditions.

Ratio between administrative and technical workforce is not balanced.

Lack of some vital departments; e.g. planning.

Large number of departments reporting to RTA Chairman.

Joint responsibilities bet. two or more depts., creating a lack of a unified responsible entity.

Lack of performance measures for departments and individuals.

Assessment, recruitment & employment are conducted w/o integration with training.

Absence of good governance, e.g.; licensing and contracting are mixed with implementation and oversight.

ISMED Support ProgramRTA Assistance Mission

16-18 Sep., Cairo

2. v Basics of the new RTA structure

An entity responsible for developing and updating RTA strategic plans

An entity responsible for infrastructure planning, operation and maintenance.

An entity responsible for planning and regulating entry into the market including shipping lines, monitoring of prices, tariffs, etc.

An entity responsible for monitoring the technical performance to assure adherence to regulations

Reorganize the work of the Technical Department to separate project planning from project supervision.

Activate of the role of the regions to facilitate works and monitor projects

Establish a General Department for Human Resources to manage all affairs related to RTA personnel (e.g. career path, training, performance indicators, capacity building, etc.)

ISMED Support ProgramRTA Assistance Mission

16-18 Sep., Cairo

3.ii RTA as a Single WindowImplementing EDI will allow RTA to work as a Single Window for the whole RT Community. Stakeholders will only need to submit the information once into the BTMS, so public and private companies will be able to operate far more efficiently

Currently, data is often bilaterally exchanged throughout the IWT Value Chain by means of telephone, fax, e-mail or simply verbally.

BTMS enables order and coordination. Through one single point of entry, companies and government bodies will be able to easily send and receive all their information via the Internet or EDI.

RTA will ensure that data will be properly distributed and that feedback will be rendered. And all this with as much reuse of data as possible.

The new scenario RTA

Calamity CentersBarge operators


CustomsRiver Authorities

Lock operators

River-Port terminals

Port Authorities

ISMED Support ProgramRTA Assistance Mission

16-18 Sep., Cairo

4.i Sustaining Navigation (M&O)

There is a need to develop a contemporary M&O program to support IWT navigation requirements

Dredging is currently the only method used to obtain sufficientnavigational water depth.

It is faced with continuously shifting erosion and siltation patterns It is mostly done on local basis, i.e. not within an overall M&O plan

along the whole navigational path. It has to be repeated periodically with substantial investment.Operators still complain of inadequate water depths. This handicap is putting pressure on developing demand for IWT.

ISMED Support ProgramRTA Assistance Mission

16-18 Sep., Cairo

4.ii Obstacles and Solutions

M&O techniques based only ondredging.

Absence of navigational aidsand updated charts.

Lack of coordination betweenstakeholders.

Capacity of skippers needsupgrading.

Standard width of thenavigational channel.

Outdated contractual vehicleswith dredging companies.

Need controlled M&O plansw/ engineered solutions

This is a must to continue to“sweep” the channel

M.o.W.Resources has realtime data for water levels

A must; navigational aidsand electronic charts is

A reduced width reducesM&O

FIDIC is now used fordredging contractors.