Forex Demo Account: Myths and facts [Infographics]

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Forex Demo Account MYTH vs FACT

It is a fake environment where there is no real money, no profits and no losses so you will never learn the vital aspects of successful forex trading

Demo account helps to gain necessary experience

You can taste your forex strategy

You cannot test a real-world applicaon in a demo environment. A forex strategy is only as good as your execuon of it will be

Demo and live trading are absolutely different and success in demo account means nothing

Success in demo account means you should go live and do the same

It is a safe method to learn trading

Trading in demo account leads to a false sense of security and knowledge what can cause failure

Price feeds are similar in demo and live accounts

Demo accounts do not reflect on liquidity of brokers so can give a false sense of trading and does not account for extraordinary events

Demo account is good to do the first aempt of a trading plaorm and see the basics of trading.

Brought to you byPaxForex.com

Than push your mind to trade live!