Functionality of CRM Software Definition of CRM Objectives of CRM Functionality of CRM Software - Overview Functionality of CRM Software - Examples

Erp Peoplesoft Functionality Of Crm Software

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Functionality of CRM Software

Definition of CRM

Objectives of CRM

Functionality of CRM Software - Overview

Functionality of CRM Software - Examples

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Definition of CRM

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

• is a customer-focused business strategy

• aims at maximizing profit by increasing customer retention and value

• by viewing selling not as a one-time transaction, but as a long-term, relationship-driven, cross-functional task

targeted and individual communication with the customer

customer-centric business processes supported by CRM Software(for company-wide integration of customer data)

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Definition of CRM

Operational versus Analytical CRM

Operational CRM Analytical CRM

• Software Support for business processesthat include customer contact

• Workflow Management

• provides employees with thecustomer-related data he needs

• integrates with MS Office, E-Mail-Client,Legacy System, Document Management

• documents activities with customers

• Analysis of customer-related data(gathered by Operational CRM)

• Segmentation of Customers

• targeted Communication with customers,identifying:

• Cross- and Up-Selling Potential• Customers likely to quit

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Objectives of CRMEngage Transact ServiceFulfil

increase margin by comparing current customers withmarket potential, strategical selection of customers

major objectiveof CRM

reduce customer churn rate by identification of customers which are likely to quit

minor objectiveof CRMAnalytical

CRMincrease sales per customer by cross- and up-selling

higher customer satisfaction by Relationship Management targeted to customer groups or on a one to one basis

higher customer satisfaction by improved quality of contacts (process reliability, availability of information on customer)

cost savings by cross-functional integration of processes and process support


Source: Nienhaus, J., Steinmann, S., Ben-Artzy, A.,„Die richtige CRM Software finden“, new management, Nr. 04/2002, S. 64-69

cost savings by deeper integration of communication with customers with company-internal processes

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Functionality of CRM Software - Overview

ProductSales Opportunity,Support Enquiry

WWW,Visit, Call

ActivityLetter, E-Mail,


Employeeor Team



Mailingcontains Brochure,

Gift, Publication



takes part in has

takes part inreceives

takes part in

is documented in




has to fulfil

is responsible for

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Functionality of CRM Software - Overview

covered by … % of CRM Systems

for detailssee page(s)

EmployeeTeams 80%

Responsibility for Customer’s Company 60%

Responsibility for Customer’s Employee (Combined Contact) 20% 10

Responsibility for Activities (Tasks and To-dos) 100% 24

Contacts 100% 11, 18


Contact History 20%

Notes on Contacts 100%

Relationship Contacts <-> Internal Units 20%

Group Structure Chart (by geography, by legal structure) 20% 9

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Functionality of CRM Software - Overview

CRM Functionality covered by CMScovered by … % of CRM Systems

for detailssee page(s)

ProductList of Products owned by Customer 60%

Configuration of Product 20%

Sales Opportunities 80% 16, 19

Sales Pipeline 40%

Sales Forecasting 80% 22

ActivityHistory of Activities per Contact 60%

Notes on Activities 80%

Events 100%

Marketing Campaigns 60%

Mailings (Distribution of Gifts, Publications, et cetera) 100% 14

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Functionality of CRM Software - Overview

CRM Functionality covered by CMScovered by … % of CRM Systems

Integration with Telephone (CTI, Call Center) 20%


Integration with Fax 60%

Integration with E-Mail-Client 80% 26

Integration with Employee Portal 40% 11, 29

for detailssee page(s)

Integration with Customer Portal 40% 12

DocumentsTemplates for Correspondence (Email, Letter, Fax) 60% 17, 27

History of Documents sent to a Customer (Email, Letter, Fax) 40% 17

Automated Fulfillment of Literature Requests per Fax and Email 60% 28

Attachments to Contacts 80%

Attachments to Activities 60%

Attachments to Sales Opportunities 40% 15

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Functionality of CMS

Partner Overview: Group RelationshipsGroup relationshipchart

See further subsidiaries of the company

See further groups the company belongs to


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Functionality of CMS

Partner Overview: Combined Contacts

Type of relationship• reserved: contact at client

is exclusively served by one contact at Swiss Re

• coordination neededcontact at client is served by multiple employees

• inform/feedback: contact at Swiss Re is informed before and given feedback after activity with client

Contact person and division responsible for client at Swiss Re

Contact person at client

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Functionality of Onyx 2000

Employee portal: View on a Customer

Customer’s Company• Primary Contact

(see right) • Main Address• Web Site’s URL


Detailed Customer Information (1:n)• Sales Opportunities• Service

• Support activities• other Touches

• Tasks

Contacts• external

(Customers)• internal


Searching• Companies• Contacts

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Functionality of Onyx 2000

Integration of Customer Portal, Example 1: Customer RFP

Customer statesinterest in product

Customer manager editssales opportunity createdautomatically from web form

Request is routed to a Customermanager, e-mail is placed in his inbox

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Functionality of Onyx 2000

Integration of Customer Portal, Example 2: Web Self Help

Support technician answers request and leaves a note for his colleagues: Fifth call with this error

Customer initiatessupport request

Support request is routed to a supporttechnician, e-mail is placed in his inbox

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Functionality of Onyx 2000

Distribution Management, Example: e-Mail-Marketing

Resulting List,manually editable


• AND-relation among lines

• OR-relationamong blocks

Criteria availablefor query, e.g.:

• Country Code• Sales Region• Market Share• ...

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Functionality of Siebel Sales

Document Management: Attachments, View and Tab Bar concept

Files can beattached to

• Opportunities• Accounts• Contacts• Activities

View bar

Tab bar

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Functionality of Siebel Sales

Sales Opportunities, Combination of Form and List View

Attachments to the Opportunity (Notes and Documents)

Detailed formview on oneOpportunity:• Name• Description• Sales Stage• Account

(Group)• Revenue• Close Date• Probability

Revenue andProbability can beused for salesforecasting

No interface toproduct data

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Functionality of Siebel Sales

Correspondence: Integration with MS Word

Templates are created in MS Word, dragged from Explorer and dropped into Siebel Sales

Recipients• Single (Contact/Create Correspondence)• Multiple (List based on a query)

List of recentCorrespondence

Correspondence is created by picking a tem-plate and editing it with MS Word

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Functionality of Sales.Oracle.com

List of Contacts

Clicking a hyperlink leads todetailed information about:• Contact• Customer• Site the Contact is working at

(route planner & road map is planned)

Quick search for• Opportunities• Customers

(Company)• Contacts

(Person)• Calendar

entries• Information on

Companies (Hoover’s)

Filter list of con-tacts by a querybased on• Company he

works for • Department he

belongs to• Location of the

site he works at• Responsibility• Decision Maker

or not• etc.Filters can besaved for later use

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Functionality of Sales.Oracle.com

List of Sales Opportunities

Description of Opportunity and its stage in Sales Process, data necessary for forecasting (win probability, close date, possible revenue)

Data needing to be updated frequently can be changed in list as well as in form view (this is list view, for form view see next page)

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Functionality of Sales.Oracle.com

Details of Sales Opportunities (Screen 1 of 2)

Opportunities based on Products instead of Product Categories only are planned

Links to Attachments and ToDos associated to the Opportunity

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Functionality of Sales.Oracle.com

Details of Sales Opportunities (Screen 2 of 2)

Contact(s) at Client who are involved in the opportunity can be chosen from global Contact database or are entered manually

Members of the Sales Team working on the opportunity can leave notes for each other

Sales Team res-ponsible for the opportunity

Indicator for progress in the Sales Process (10 means “won”)

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Functionality of Sales.Oracle.com

Sales Forecast

Sum of possible revenue from opportunities and weighted sum (revenue multiplied by probability)

Sales Group Manager’s Worst-, Expected and Best-Case Forecast based on weighted and total opportunities

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Functionality of Goldmine 5.5

User Interface: Customizable Toolbar Sets




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Functionality of Goldmine 5.5

Work basket: Classification of Tasks

All tasks (“OpenActivities”):

• e-Mails to write• phone calls to

make• sales to forecast• …

Files can be at-tached to activitiesdepending on theirtype (e.g. e-Mails,literature requests)

Right-Click-Menu:Choose Date Range of Activities shown (e.g.: all, today, this week, next seven days)

Display subsets ofActivities

• tasks to do• tasks completed• e-Mails• phone calls• events

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Functionality of Goldmine 5.5

List Management: Integration with Contact Management

Contact Context: Multiple Contacts can be selected by holding CTRL down.

Selection can be added to a list (“group” in terms of Goldmine) by Group Building Wizard (Wizard similar to CMS)

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Functionality of Goldmine 5.5

e-Mail Communication: Integration with e-Mail-Clients

Option :Reading e-Mails on Server by IMAP-Protocol:e-Mails are left on Server for use in furtherapplications (Lotus Notes, MS Outlook)

Option :Contacts, e-Mails, tasks, calendar and folder structure is synchronized with MS Outlook: Everything available there is also available in Goldmine and vice versa

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Functionality of Goldmine 5.5

e-Mail Communication: e-Mail Templates

e-Mail template is created

Current Contact

Contact (and Contact Manager) information is merged withe-Mail template

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Functionality of Goldmine 5.5

Literature Fulfillment: Automation of Literature Shipping

Sending literature to a contact or a group of contacts by mail or by fax is scheduled

Current Contact

LiteratureFulfillment Center:• list of available

literature• history of

literature that has been sent

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Functionality of Peoplesoft 8 CRM

Employee Portal (Screen 1 of 3): High Density of Information

Current Contact

Employees can customize content and layout

Search for clientsIndividual WorkList (Todos created by employee) and Outbound Todos (part of workflow)

Information on employee’s compensation (payroll, health care, expenses)

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Functionality of Peoplesoft 8 CRM

Employee Portal (Screen 2 of 3): Recent Customer Activities

Products sold to Client

Request for Manufacturing Authorization (RMA) -Managing Product returns

General activities,information on• contact at client

involved• date of activity• its type (phone

call, mail, e-mail, web form)

• subject

Support Cases,current status of case (new, open, completed)

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Functionality of Peoplesoft 8 CRM

Employee Portal (Screen 3 of 3): Opportunity Pipeline and Lead Overview

Three “hottest” leads assigned to employee

Possible revenue from Sales Opportunities in Pipeline, classified by Sales Stage

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• Visit our Website:


• Contact us:

Jörg Nienhaus, [email protected], +41-1-6320523Dr. Adrian Specker, [email protected], +41-1-6320529