At a glance: G20 agreement

At a glance: G20 agreement

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At a glance: G20 agreement

Extra $US1 trillion ($1.43 trillion) for international bodies, including trebling of International Monetary Fund financing to $US750 billion ($1.08 trillion)

G20 nations expect to have spent $US5 trillion ($7.17 trillion) battling the economic crisis by the end of 2010 

Extra $US250 billion ($358.6 billion) for trade finance 

Agreement to shame and name blacklisted tax havens 

New rules on pay and bonuses for corporate chiefs 

IMF will sell billions of dollars of gold reserves to help poor countries 

Financial regulation and oversight will be extended to all financial institutions, instruments and markets

Although there is no new fiscal stimulus, Gordon Brown said G20 countries are already implementing "the biggest macroeconomic stimulus the world has ever seen" - an injection of $5tn by the end of next year

Additional resources of $6bn from agreed IMF gold sales will be made available for lending to the poorest countries

The G20 has pledged to resist protectionism

The G20 also supports increased lending to the world's poorest countries of at least $100bn by the multilateral development banks

G20 leaders will meet again in New York in September, when the IMF will report on the impact of the spending to date.