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Page 1: Zero Effort Spring

Spring BootDave Syer, Phil Webb, 2013Twitter: @david_syer, @phillip_webbEmail: [dsyer, pwebb]

(Introduction to Spring Boot)

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Quick overview of goals and high level features

Getting started demo

Behind the scenes of @EnableAutoConfiguration

Adding new features to Spring Boot

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Spring Boot:

Focuses attention at a single point (as opposed to large collection ofspring-* projects)

A tool for getting started very quickly with Spring

Common non-functional requirements for a "real" application

Exposes a lot of useful features by default

Gets out of the way quickly if you want to change defaults

An opportunity for Spring to be opinionated

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Focus Attention

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Spring Boot Goals

Provide a radically faster and widely accessible getting startedexperience

Be opinionated out of the box, but get out of the way quickly asrequirements start to diverge from the defaults

Provide a range of non-functional features that are common to largeclasses of projects (e.g. embedded servers, security, metrics, healthchecks, externalized configuration)

Absolutely no code generation and no requirement for XMLconfiguration

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Getting Started Really Quickly


@Controllerclass Application { @RequestMapping('/') @ResponseBody String home() { 'Hello World!' }}


$ spring run app.groovy

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Getting Started


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Getting Started In Java

...@Controller@EnableAutoConfigurationpublic class Application {

@RequestMapping("/") @ResponseBody public String home() { "Hello World!"; }

public static main(String[] args) {, args); }


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Getting Started In Java


$ mvn package$ java -jar target/*.jar

(or use gradle equivalents)

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Getting Started


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What Just Happened?

SpringApplication: convenient way to write a main() methodthat loads a Spring context

@EnableAutoConfiguration: optional annotation that adds stuff toyour context, including...

EmbeddedServletContainerFactory: added to your context if aserver is available on the classpath

CommandLineRunner: a hook to run application-specific code afterthe context is created

JarLauncher was added to the JAR file

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Spring Boot Modules

Spring Boot - main library supporting the other parts of Spring Boot

Spring Boot Autoconfigure - single @EnableAutoConfigurationannotation creates a whole Spring context

Spring Boot Starters - a set of convenient dependency descriptorsthat you can include in your application.

Spring Boot CLI - compiles and runs Groovy source as a Springapplication

Spring Boot Actuator - comman non-functional features that make anapp instantly deployable and supportable in production

Spring Boot Tools - for building and executing self-contained JAR andWAR archives

Spring Boot Samples - a wide range of sample apps

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Spring Boot Module Relations

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Binding to Command LineArguments

SpringApplication binds its own bean properties to command linearguments, and then adds them to the Spring Environment, e.g.

$ java -jar target/*.jar --server.port=9000

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Externalizing Configuration toProperties

Just put in your classpath, e.g.

server.port: 9000

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Using YAML

Just put application.yml in your classpath


server: port: 9000

Both properties and YAML add entries with period-separated paths to theSpring Environment.

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Binding ExternalConfiguration To Beans

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix="mine")public class MinePoperties { private Resource location; private boolean skip = true; // ... getters and setters}

mine.location: classpath:mine.xmlmine.skip: false

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Customizing ConfigurationLocation

Set - default application, can be comma-separated list

spring.config.location - a Resource path, overrides name


$ java -jar target/*.jar

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Spring Profiles

Activate external configuration with a Spring profilefile name convention e.g. application-development.propertiesor nested documents:


defaults: etc...---spring: profiles: development,postgresqlother: stuff: more stuff...

Set the default spring profile in external configuration, default,postgresql

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Adding some AutoconfiguredBehaviour

Extend the demo and see what we can get by just modifying the classpath,e.g.

Add an in memory database

Add a Tomcat connection pool

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Adding A UI with Thymeleaf

Add Thymeleaf to the classpath and see it render a view

Spring Boot Autoconfigure has added all the boilerplate stuff

Common configuration options via spring.thymeleaf.*, e.g.spring.thymeleaf.prefix:classpath:/templates/(location of templates)spring.tjymeleaf.cache:true (set to false to reloadtemplates when changed)

Extend and override:add Thymeleaf IDialect beansadd thymeleafViewResolveradd SpringTemplateEngineadd defaultTemplateResolver

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Currently AvailableAutoconfigured Behaviour

Embedded servlet container (Tomcat or Jetty)

DataSource and JdbcTemplate


Spring Data JPA (scan for repositories)


Batch processing

Reactor for events and async processing

Actuator features (Security, Audit, Metrics, Trace)

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Building a WAR

We like launchable JARs, but you can still use WAR format if you prefer.Spring Boot Tools take care of repackaging a WAR to make it executable.

If you want a WAR to be deployable (in a "normal" container), then youneed to use SprinBootServletInitializer instead of or as well asSpringApplication.

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The Actuator

Adds common non-functional features to your application and exposesMVC endpoints to interact with them.


Secure endpoints: /metrics, /health, /trace, /dump,/shutdown, /beans



If embedded in a web app or web service can use the same port or adifferent one (and a different network interface).

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Adding Security

Use the Actuator

Add Spring Security to classpath

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Spring Boot provides default configuration files for 3 common loggingframeworks: logback, log4j and java.util.logging

Starters (and Samples) use logback

External configuration and classpath influence runtime behaviour

LoggingApplicationContextInitializer sets it all up

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Customizing theApplicationContextCreation

Add external configuration (System properties, OS env vars, configfile, command line arguments)

Add ApplicationContextInitializer implementations andenable in

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Customizing the@EnableAutoConfigurationBehaviour

Add JAR with META-INF/spring.factories entry forEnableAutoConfiguration

All entries from classpath merged and added to context

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Customizing the CLI

Uses standard Java META-INF/services scanning

CompilerAutoConfiguration: add dependencies and imports

CommandFactory: add commands via a custom CommandFactoryin META-INF/services

E.g. can add script commands (written in Groovy)

$ spring foo ...

Looks for foo.groovy in ${SPRING_HOME}/bin and${SPRING_HOME}/ext by default

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Customizing Servlet ContainerProperties

Some common features exposed with external configuration, e.g.server.port (see ServerProperties bean)

Add bean of type EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer - allinstances get a callback

Add bean of type EmbeddedServletContainerFactory(replacing auto-configured one)

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Spring Boot Loader

Motivation: existing solutions for executable JAR are not very robust;executable WAR is very tricky to create.

Response: JarLauncher and WarLauncher with specializedClassLoader implementations that can find resources in nested JARs(e.g. lib/*.jar or WEB-INF/lib/*.jar)

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Maven and Gradle Tooling

Create an executable archive (JAR or WAR)

Maven plugin (using spring-boot-starter-parent):${project.groupId} spring-boot-maven-plugin$ mvn package

Gradle plugin:apply plugin: 'spring-boot'$ gradle repackage

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Testing with Spring Test(MVC)

SpringApplication is an opinionated creator of anApplicationContext, but most of the behaviour is encapsulated inApplicationContextInitializer implementations. To reproduce thebehaviour of you app in an integration test it is useful to duplicate thosefeatures you can use the corresponding initializers.

Example if you have externalized configuration:

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@RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class)@ContextConfiguration(classes =IntegrationTestsConfiguration.class, initializers =ConfigFileApplicationContextInitializer.class)public class IntegrationTests {

// Normal Spring Test stuff


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Links Spring Boot on Github Documentation

Twitter: @david_syer

Email: [email protected]

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Spring Boot Intro - END

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