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Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare Directorate of Employment

May 2014


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"Youth Guarantee" Action Plan Final Version - May 2014



Following 6 consecutive years of economic recession and difficult fiscal adjustments, Greece is now entering a period of economic recovery and growth. However, the recession of these past years has deeply afflicted employment in Greece and, more painfully so, youth employment. The inactivity of human resources and mostly of the youth is undermining the short-term economic recovery and the long-term growth of every country, as well as the long-term growth and competitiveness of Europe itself.

From the moment where the gravity of the problem became apparent, European Union member-states agreed towards a generic approach to tackle youth unemployment and implemented a set of initiatives to that end. The Youth Guarantee is a reform that goes beyond contingency measures to tackle the impact of crisis on young people. It is a unique opportunity for member-states to create or renew institutions and support mechanisms for youth employment in a solid and sustainable way.

The Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare has set the implementation of the Youth Guarantee Action Plan as a top priority, given the deep wound inflicted by the protracted recession on youth employment within the country.

The implementation of the Youth Guarantee Action Plan does not fade into general visions but is defined by a new culture of realistic pursuit and step-by-step evaluation. It is our national duty to ensure that our youth is employed, but it is even more important to restore their trust in our country's institutions.

We are striving to prevent unemployment from marginalizing an entire generation of young people. We are striving so that the European economy, stronger than ever, may restart generating new jobs, income and prosperity.

The Minister of

Labour, Social Security and Welfare

Ioannis Vroutsis

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"Youth Guarantee" Action Plan Final Version - May 2014


Table of Contents

Table of Figures ............................................................................................................................................ 4

Table of Tables ............................................................................................................................................. 4

Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................................... 5

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 7

1. Strategic Framework ....................................................................................................................... 7

1.1. Economic Environment - Trends and Outlook for the Labour Market in Greece ................ 7

1.2. Youth Unemployment and NEETs ........................................................................................ 9

1.3. Institutional Bodies involved in the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan ................................ 14

1.4. Public Employment Service (OAED) – Implementation of the Business Model Reengineering Plan ....................................................................................................................... 17

1.5. Vocational education and training ..................................................................................... 24

1.6. Mentoring and career guidance ........................................................................................ 26

1.7. National Qualification Framework ..................................................................................... 27

1.8. Programmes of the current Programming Period for the Strengthening of Youth Employment .................................................................................................................................. 27

1.9. Obstacles to the implementation of the Plan and interventions to overcome them ....... 28

1.10. Action Plan Strategy ........................................................................................................... 30

1.11. Action Plan Priorities .......................................................................................................... 32

1.12. Anticipated Results ............................................................................................................ 32

2. Implementation of the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan at a National Level ................................ 34

2.1. Implementation of the "Youth Guarantee" Programme ................................................... 34

2.2. Partnership-based approaches .......................................................................................... 35

2.3. Activities under the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan ......................................................... 42

2.4. Early intervention and activation ....................................................................................... 42

2.5. Supportive measures for labour market integration ......................................................... 49

3. "Youth Guarantee" Funding .......................................................................................................... 57

4. Evaluation and constant plan improvement................................................................................. 69

ANNEX Ι ...................................................................................................................................................... 76

ANNEX II ..................................................................................................................................................... 81

ANNEX IIΙ .................................................................................................................................................... 82

ANNEX IV .................................................................................................................................................... 84

ANNEX V ..................................................................................................................................................... 86

Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................... 88

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Table of Figures

Figure 1: Total Unemployment Rates (totals for 2013, January and February 2014) ........................... 8 Figure 2: % of population below 25 years of age (EU, Greece) ........................................................... 12 Figure 3: European Drop-out Rate (2012) ........................................................................................... 13 Figure 4: Public Employment Service operation with regard to its ability to implement the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan in terms of quality & effectiveness (S.W.O.T analysis) ................................. 20 Figure 5: Personalised approach process (general) ............................................................................. 23 Figure 6: Individual Action Plan (IAP) Drafting Process ....................................................................... 24 Figure 7: Brief description of actions ................................................................................................... 51 Figure 8: Alternative financial resources ............................................................................................. 58 Figure 9: Overall Unemployment Rate (Q1 2008 - Q4 2013) .............................................................. 81 Table of Tables

Table 1: Changes in the number of employed, unemployed and financially inactive people as well as in the unemployment rate (February 2009- February 2014) ................................................................ 9 Table 2: Unemployment (%) by gender and age group ......................................................................... 9 Table 3: Research Data on labour force, ELSTAT, 2nd Quarter 2013 ................................................... 10 Table 4: Unemployed youth 15-24 per age group and per education level, ELSTAT, 2nd Q2013 ....... 10 Table 5: EUROSTAT Unemployment rates by sex, age and NUTS 2 regions (%) ................................. 11 Table 6: Unemployed aged 15 – 24 years old registered at O.A.E.D .................................................. 11 Table 7: Overall Rate of School Drop-out (2009- 2012) ....................................................................... 13 Table 8: School Drop-out by gender (2009- 2012) .............................................................................. 13 Table 9: Drop-out rate of foreign students outside the EU. ................................................................ 14 Table 10: Attainment of the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan objectives via planned Actions ............ 32 Table 11: Key organisations/institutions supporting and implementing the "Youth Guarantee" Plan ............................................................................................................................................................. 38 Table 12: Key reforms and initiatives to ensure early intervention and activation ............................ 44 Table 13: Key reforms and initiatives for labour market integration .................................................. 52 Table 14: Overall funding for "Youth Guarantee" ............................................................................... 57 Table 14: Details on "Youth Guarantee" funding per annum, sources and levels of funding ............. 59 Table 16: Planned evaluations of structural reforms (non-financial aspects) ..................................... 72 Table 17: Planned evaluations of initiatives and financial aspects of reforms .................................... 75 Table 18: Implementation of YAP actions, data provided by EYSEKT, October 2013 ......................... 78

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AEI Higher Educational Institutes C.G. Career Guidance CM Act Council of Ministers Act DASTA Career and Employment Structure E.S.F. European Social Fund EEA European Economic Area ELSTAT National Statistical Service of Greece ENPE Association of the Regions of Greece EOPPEP National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance EPANAD Operational Programme “Human Resources Development” EPAS Vocational Schools ERDF European Regional Development Fund ESF European Social Fund ESYN Hellenic National Youth Council ETEAN Hellenic Fund for Entrepreneurship and Development EU European Union EYPOT Special Service for Culture EYSEKT European Social Fund Coordination and Monitoring Authority FEK Greek Government Gazette GDP Gross Domestic Product GSEE General Confederation of Greek Workers GSEVEE Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen & Merchants GSLL General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning GSRT General Secretariat for Research and Technology IAP Individual Action Plan ICT Information and Communications Technologies IEK Institute of Vocational Training IEP Institute of Educational Policy IΟΒΕ Foundation for Economic & Industrial Research KEDE Central Union of Municipalities and Communities of Greece KEK Vocational Training Centre KESYP Career Guidance and Counselling Centres KESYY Centre of Supplementary Supportive Services KETHEA Therapeutic Centre for Dependent Individuals KPA Employment Promotion Centres LFS Labour Force Survey NCDP National Confederation of Disabled People NCHC National Confederation of Hellenic Commerce NEETs Not in education, employment or training NILHR Institute of Labour and Human Resources NJO New Job Positions NSE New Self-Employed NSRF National Strategic Reference Framework O.P. Operational Programme OAED Greek Manpower Employment Organisation OΚΑΝΑ Greek Organisation against Drugs PASEGES Pan-Hellenic Confederation of Unions of Agricultural Co-operatives PES Public Employment Service PP Partnership Project PWDS People with Disabilities

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SEK Vocational Training Schools SETE Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises SEV Hellenic Federation of Enterprises SIS Special Implementation Service SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises SMS Special Management Service SSG Special Social Groups TOP (EKO) Local Actions of Social Integration for Vulnerable Groups TOPSA Local Action Plans for Employment VECO Vocational Education Career Offices YAP Youth Action Plan YEI Youth Employment Initiative

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"Youth Guarantee" Action Plan Final Version - May 2014



With this action plan, the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare, supported by the Greek Manpower Employment Organisation (OAED), intends to make a first attempt to establish a "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan in Greece. It is a cohesive set of actions targeting young people, aged between 15 and 24, not in employment, education or training. The goal is, from the moment the Action Plan is fully implemented, all young people aged up to 24 years old to receive a good quality offer of employment, vocational training, an apprenticeship or traineeship within a period of four (4) months of leaving formal education or becoming unemployed.

To that end, the Action Plan is based on the wide horizontal cooperation of the competent public services and bodies, as well as on the creation of partnerships with representatives of the social partners and the youth.

1. Strategic Framework

The "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan is directly linked to the strategic objectives and priorities of the new Greek growth model, and to putting the country's economy back on the growth track based on a sustainable model.

The development planning for Greece in 2020 aims at "reviving Greek economy by restructuring and upgrading the country's productive and social fabric, as well as creating and maintaining sustainable jobs, spearheaded by extroverted, innovative and competitive entrepreneurship and based on enhancing social cohesion and the principles of sustainable growth"1.

The new development strategy shall be deployed progressively, starting frontloaded by facing the acute problem of unemployment and, more specifically, youth unemployment. In the context of this strategy, the increase of youth employment, through creating targeted policies to facilitate access and active integration into the labour market, as well as the increase in quality of the educational and vocational training system are a clear priority and the vehicle of the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan. The abatement of the protracted recession effects on Greek youth population and the investment on youth human capital emerge not only as a primary national objective, but also as the "vehicle" for a socially sustainable "exit" to growth.

1.1. Economic Environment - Trends and Outlook for the Labour Market in Greece

The fact that the Greek economy remained in recession during 2008- 2013 (with a total GDP reduction of about 25% during that period) has had a serious impact on employment. At the same time, there has been an alarming increase in the rates of long-term unemployed people and unemployed young people.

More specifically, based on the Labour Force Survey (EED) data provided by the Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.), over Q1 - 2008 - Q4-2013 period, unemployment rates rose from 8.3% to 27.5%. (see Figure 9, Annex ΙΙ).

1 p. 52, Partnership Agreement 2014-2020, General Secretariat for Investments - NSRF (Ministry for Development and Competitiveness), Athens, May 2014

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Over the same period, based on the same survey, the number of people employed (aged 15 and above) dropped by 921,952 people (from 4,511,609 in Q1-2008 to 3,589,657 in Q4-2013). The reduction in the number of employed persons arises both from the permanent closure of a large number of businesses (according to the data provided by the Social Insurance Institute (IKA), about 75,6 thousand businesses, i.e. a 30% of businesses- have discontinued their operations) and the staff cutbacks in the businesses that continued to operate2. In addition, there has been a significant increase in the conversion of existing employment contracts into more flexible modes of employment.

Stabilizing trends have been emerging recently in the labour market, as illustrated in the following figure.

Figure 1: Total Unemployment Rates (totals for 2013, January and February 2014)

Encouraging signs are also emerging from the balance of dependent employment flows, i.e. recruitment minus dismissals, based on the data provided by the "ERGANI" information system of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare. According to the ERGANI results, in April 2014 60,600 new jobs were created versus 29,298 in April 2013.

Equally positive are the changes in dependent employment within the four-month period of January-April 2014 (data provided by "ERGANI"). Over the first four months of 2014, the recruitment/dismissal balance recorded an increase by 101,476 jobs versus 20,460 jobs of last year. More specifically, according to the data provided by the "ERGANI" system on the dependent employment flows of April 2014, recruitment announcements rose to 145,812, whereas dismissals reached 85,212. The recruitments were increased by 56,033 compared to the same month results in 2013.

A significant portion of the labour market is still covered by more flexible forms of employment. According to the data of the four-month period of January-April 2014, 232,383 out of 423,174 recruitment announcements pertain to full time employment contracts, 140,527 to part-time employment contracts and 50,264 to rotating employment contracts.

2 Operational Programme “Human Resources Development, Training and Lifelong Learning 2014 – 2020", April 2014

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The full picture of the number of employed, unemployed and financially inactive people in conjunction with the overall unemployment rate (with February being the point of reference since 2009 until today) is as follows:


2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Employed 4,486,782 4,431,304 4,190,310 3,822,650 3,618,409 3,609,445 Unemployed 443,244 561,757 761,653 1,083,363 1,315,162 1,300,165 Financially inactive 3,372,911 3,310,309 3,355,548 3,403,764 3,383,315 3,408,565 Unemployment rate 9.0 11.3 15.4 22.1 26.7 26.5 Table 1: Changes in the number of employed, unemployed and financially inactive people as well as in the

unemployment rate (February 2009- February 2014)

Based on the data provided by ELSTAT (Q4-2013), the overall unemployment rate rose to 27.5%, with the unemployment rate in women (31.7%) being considerably higher than the one in men (24.4). Table 2 provides data on unemployment (%) by gender and age group3:

Age Q4

2012 2013 Men Women Total Men Women Total

Total 23.3 29.7 26 24.4 31.7 27.5 15- 24 51.7 65 57.8 52.6 62.5 57 25-29 38.2 41 39.4 41.3 48.7 44.7

Table 2: Unemployment (%) by gender and age group

The increase in the long-term unemployed rate is also rather disconcerting. According to the Labour Force Survey on Q4-2013, the long-term unemployed people constitute 72% of the overall unemployed people.

The part-time employment rate based on Q4-2014 (ELSTAT) data reached 8.5% of the overall unemployment, from which 65% made that choice for lack of a full-time job. The salaried employees' rate, estimated at 63.1%, was still lower than the European Union average, amounting approximately to 83% of the overall employed people.

1.2. Youth Unemployment and NEETs

Youth unemployment (15-24 years old) in Greece stood at high levels even before the economic crisis began. However, in recent years and during the extended recession, youth unemployment has risen to unprecedented levels. Youth unemployment (15-24 years old) in Greece stood at approximately 23% in 1983, while it skyrocketed to 55.3% in 2012 and to 59%4 during the second half of 2013, far higher than the corresponding EU-27 unemployment rate, which stood at 22.8% in 2012. Based on the above data, we can conclude that youth unemployment in Greece has a structural character.

The 15-24 age groups consist of persons with differing characteristics and thus we could divide it into 2 sub-groups:

3 ELSTAT, Press Release, Piraeus - 13 March 2014 4 ELSTAT,Data for 3rd Quarter 2013, youth unemployment rate was 57.2%,

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Youths aged 15 – 19: adolescents who should be in the education system, at school. These individuals have low qualifications/specialisations and thus face particular difficulties in entering the labour market. Based on ELSTAT data for the 4th quarter of 2013, youths aged 15-19 account for approximately 6% of the total population of Greece and 2.2% of the total number of unemployed persons.

Youths aged 20 –24: individuals aged 20-24 have usually completed secondary education and may have also completed university studies.

Based on ELSTAT data for the 2nd quarter of 2013, youths aged 20-24 account for approximately 5.5% of the total population of Greece and 11% (approximately 150,000 young people) of the total number of unemployed persons (see Table 3 below).

Age Groups

2nd Quarter 2013 2nd Quarter 2013

Population Labour Force Employed Unemployed Financially

Inactive Unemployment %

Contribution %

Total 15+ 9,397.8 4.982,6 3,632.2 1,350.4 4,415.2 27.1% 53.0%

15 – 19 549.8 41.3 11.4 29.8 508.5 72.2% 7.5%

20 – 24 516.3 261.2 112.5 148.8 255.1 57.0% 50.6%

Total 15-24 1,066.1 302.5 123.9 178.6 763.6 59.0% 28.4%

% on total 11.3% 6.1% 3.4% 13.2% 17.3%

Table 3: Research Data on labour force, ELSTAT, 2nd Quarter 2013

Approximately 52% of unemployed youths (15-24) have completed secondary education, while at least 20% of these persons hold a degree from a higher technical-professional school. Approximately 10% of unemployed persons have completed basic education or did not attend school – these youths may likely face the risk of poverty or social exclusion (see Table 2 below).

In Thousands

Unemployment per age group and educational level Total

Age Groups

15 – 19

% on age group

20 – 24

% on age group

Total 178,50 29,8 148,8 Postgraduate degrees 0,6 0,3% 0,0 0,0% 0,6 0,4% University graduates 18,7 10,5% 0,0 0,0% 18,7 12,6% Tertiary Education graduates 35,0 19,6% 1,1 3,7% 33,9 22,8% Secondary School graduates 92,4 51,8% 18,9 63,4% 73,5 49,4% Have finished secondary schooling 15,0 8,4% 3,8 12,8% 11,2 7,5% Basic Education graduates 14,9 8,3% 5,2 17,4% 9,7 6,5% Haven't finished basic education 1,0 0,6% 0,2 0,7% 0,8 0,5% No schooling 0,9 0,5% 0,6 2,0% 0,3 0,2% Table 4: Unemployed youth 15-24 per age group and per education level, ELSTAT, 2nd Q2013

The position of women aged 15-24 in the labour market is worse than that of men belonging to the same age group, given the fact that the female unemployment rate (2nd quarter of 2013) stood at

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65.1% as compared to 54.2% for men belonging to the same age group (according to EUROSTAT data).

The condition, regarding NEETs, is also worrying. According to ELSTAT data for the 2nd Quarter of 2013, youth not in education, training or employment (NEETs) in the age group 15 – 24 years old were approximately 240.000; 66.484 were between 15 to 19 years old while 173.207 were between 20 to 24 years old. From the age group 15-19, 23,844 youth (36%) are unemployed, while 130,498 (75%) youths from the 20-24 age group are also unemployed.5

Regions Unemployment Rate (2012) Unemployment Rate for Youth 15-24 (2012)

East Macedonia and Thrace 22,5 52,6 Central Macedonia 26 60,4 West Macedonia 29,9 72,5 Thessaly 22,6 53,6 Epirus 22,9 60,5 Ionian Islands 14,7 22,7 West Greece 25,5 56,3 Central Greece 27,8 59,1 Peloponnesus 19,9 61,4 Attica 25,3 56 North Aegean 21,2 47,5 South Aegean 15,1 41,4 Crete 21,7 43,9

Table 5: EUROSTAT Unemployment rates by sex, age and NUTS 2 regions (%)

The highest unemployment rate for youths aged 15-24, according to EUROSTAT data, is recorded in the Region of Western Greece, where approximately 3 in 4 individuals aged 15-24 are unemployed (72.5%). It is followed by the Regions of Peloponnesus with 61.4%, Epirus with 60.5% and Central Macedonia with 60.4%. (see Table 5).

According to data from OAED6, the total number of registered unemployed in the 15-24 age group was 99.970 individuals (compared to 114.481 individuals in the same age group during December 2013) which represents 10,48% of the total registered unemployed (Total registered unemployed is 953.748 compared to 1.068.182 in December 2013). The total of registered unemployed in the age group 15-19 is 12.410 individuals, while for the age group 20-24 is 87.560 individuals.

Age group Unemployed (actively looking for employment)

Others (not looking for employment)

Total registered unemployed

15- 19 years old 10.773 1.637 12.410 20- 24 years old 76.996 10.564 87.560

Total 87.769 12.201 99.970

Total of all age groups 810.318 143.430 953.748 % of 15-24 unemployed with regards to total of all age groups 10,83 8,51 10,48

Table 6: Unemployed aged 15 – 24 years old registered at O.A.E.D

5 EL.STAT, 2nd Quarter 2013 6 Date of data acquisition from OAED is May 27th, 2014

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Individuals who are not in education, employment or training face a greater risk of exclusion from the labour market and a greater risk of poverty and social exclusion in general. According to data from a sample survey of the Statistics on Householders’ Income and Living Conditions, the population aged 18-24 that face the risk of poverty or social exclusion rose to 48.3% of the country's population in 2012 from 40.3% in 2011, 38.4% in 2010 and 31.6% in 2009 (as compared to 31.5% for the EU-27 in 2012). This rate (40.3%) is higher by 9.3 percentile units than the corresponding rate for the total population. Women (aged 18-24) are less threatened by poverty and social exclusion [39.7% in 2011 for women (from 41.5% in 2010) as compared to 40.9% for men in 2011 (from 35.4% in 2010) –Eurostat data]7.

The percentage of youth in the age group 15-24 that is currently not in education, employment or training (NEETs) has been increasing steadily in Greece from 2008 till 2012 and is continuously amongst the highest percentages in the EU. The economic cost that is inflicted to the country from the non-participation of youth in the labour market is calculated at 3,3% of national GDP (European average is 1,21%; Germany: lower than 0,6%)

Figure 2: % of population below 25 years of age (EU, Greece)

The increase in NEETs percentage carries also a very high social cost, as it is estimated that young people who are not in education, training or employment express less confidence in the country’s democratic institutions and are less active participants in the country’s social life. The problem of youth unemployment affects growth prospects, while undermining social cohesion

Untimely school drop-out/leaving of students

School/Students' drop-out impedes economic growth and employment, undermines productivity and competitiveness, and "fuels" poverty and social exclusion. The young people who drop out of school are bound to lack skills and qualifications, and deal with serious problems in their integration into the labour market.

7 The risk of poverty after social transfers for individuals aged 18-24 rose to 26.9% in 2011 from 27.6% in 2010 and 22.3% in 2009 (as compared to 21.4% of the EU-27 in 2011 )– Eurostat data. This rate is higher by 5.5 percentile units than the corresponding rate for the total population of Greece.

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Ε.Ε. Ελλάδα

Πηγή: Eurostat, ηλεκτρονική βάση δεδομένων, 2013

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Greece is part of the member-states that stand above the 10% objective set by the European Education Council (Brussels 2003)8, however it has taken a downward course over the past years. School drop-out decreased by 3.1 % in 2012 against 2009, whereas the objective is to stand at 9.7% by 2020, in accordance with the obligations assumed by our country in the context of the "Europe 2020" strategy.

As of September 2013, pursuant to L. 4186/2013 (article 36, par. 29) "an Observatory is being established within the Institute of Educational Policy (IEP) in order to record and tackle school drop-out. This Observatory shall constitute an organisational Unit of IEP."

2009 2010 2011 2012

14.5 % 13.7 % 13.1 % 11.4 %

Table 7: Overall Rate of School Drop-out (2009- 2012)

Men Women

2009 2010 2011 2012 2009 2010 2011 2012

18.3 % 16.5 % 16.1 % 16.7 % 10.6 % 10.8 % 10.1 % 9.1 %

Table 8: School Drop-out by gender (2009- 2012)

Figure 3: European Drop-out Rate (2012)

In Greece (2012), the drop-out rate amounts to 11.4% and stands a little lower than the 28-country average rate of 12.7%. By gender, 13.7% of boys versus 9.1% of girls drop out of school.

The drop-out rate of foreign students outside the EU also stands quite high, reaching 45.8% in our country, the higher rate among the 16 countries for which data are available. This means that 1 out of 2 foreign students drops out of school when the corresponding rate of Greek students is barely 8.3%.

8 Page 7, "Prevention of Early School Leaving - Report on the National Situation", D. Alimisis, G. Gavriliadi, P. Papadopoulou, Α. Provata. ASPETE, (Patras, Greece)

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2009 2012

Total Natives Foreign Total Natives Foreign

14.5 % 44.5 % 10.0 % 11.7 % 42.0 % 8.3 %

Table 9: Drop-out rate of foreign students outside the EU.

The highest rates of school drop-out continue to occur in the prefectures of Rodopi and Evrytania, while equally high rates also occur in the prefecture of Rethymno, where the rate of people aged 15-29 with a high school or barely even a secondary school certificate rises to 43.5%.

1.3. Institutional Bodies involved in the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan

The institutional bodies active in the field of youth employment, training and education are the following:

• the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare: the body in charge of the strategic planning and implementation of the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan. The Ministry's Employment Directorate has been appointed as the National Coordinator for the implementation of the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan and is assisted by the following supervised bodies:

o the Greek Manpower Employment Organisation (OAED), along with its Employment Promotion Centres and its educational units, the Vocational Schools (EPAS).

o the Social Integration and Economy Directorate, responsible for planning, coordinating, monitoring and assessing all required policies and actions that aim at developing and boosting Social Economy.

o the Analysis and Documentation Unit, tasked with monitoring employment, social security and gender equality policies, as well as with drafting studies and reports on these issues.

o the Special Management Service of the Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”, tasked with managing this Operational Programme.

o the European Social Fund Coordination and Monitoring Authority (EYSEKT) covering the needs of coordinating the co-financed interventions of the European Social Fund (ESF) in Greece.

o the Institute of Labour and Human Resources (NILHR), whose mission is to support the actions and policies adopted by the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare at a national, regional, local and sectoral level using tools, methods and techniques, and to promote vocational training and lifelong learning.

By coordinating the above services, in-class vocational training can be combined with paid traineeship in businesses and OAED's Institutes of Vocational Training (IEK), while actions are taken regarding the promotion of youth in the labour market using active employment policies, enterprise grants programmes for the recruitment of the unemployed, apprenticeship programmes for Vocational School (EPAS) graduates, school-to-work programmes (vouchers

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for the entry of unemployed people based on their qualifications), mentoring and career guidance actions for the unemployed etc.

• the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs: the official body responsible for education and training, in collaboration with the competent supervised bodies:

o the Institute of Educational Policy, supporting as an executive scientific body the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs primarily aiming at the scientific research and study of issues pertaining to Primary and Secondary Education, the transition from Secondary to Tertiary Education, and the on-going and technical support of planning and implementing the educational policy on these issues.

o the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP), which implements systemic interventions directly benefiting young people (aged 15-24), such as the Hellenic Qualifications Framework, the certification of qualifications and mentoring, career guidance and career services.

o the Special Management Service for the Operational Programme "Education and Lifelong Learning", tasked with managing the O.P. "Education and Lifelong Learning", while at the same time exercising strategic planning and coordination duties for the implementation of actions within the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2007– 2013 Operational Programmes - Education sector.

o the General Secretariat for Youth, which is an executive government body aiming primarily at formulating, monitoring and coordinating the government policy for the youth and its connection to society and the respective bodies.

o the General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning (GSLL), which is the country's executive body for Lifelong Learning. Pursuant to L. 3879/2010, GSLL has a mission to draw public policy for lifelong learning, formulate related rules, elaborate the corresponding national programme and supervise its implementation.

o the Second Chance Schools, which contribute with their actions to concluding the nine-year compulsory education, to continuing their studies and to obtaining a title equivalent to the secondary school certificate9.

o the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT), which implements enterprise support programmes to employ highly specialised staff.

o the Career and Employment Structure (DASTA) of Universities and Technological Institutes, including Career Offices, Traineeship Offices and Innovation and Entrepreneurship Units, by providing mentoring with the aim to support young people during their transition from the Tertiary Education to the labour market.

o the Private vocational training bodies - such as Vocational Training Centres (KEK) - Vocational Training Institutes (IEK).

9 L. 2525/97 "Unified Lyceum, Access of its graduates to tertiary education, Assessment of educational work and other provisions"

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Within the exercise of their competences, the Ministry of Education and its supervised bodies are implementing a series of initiatives/schemes on young people employability, such as the link between education and labour market through the University and TEI Career Offices, the promotion of traineeship in the tertiary education (Universities, ΤΕΙ, ΙΕΚ, ΚΕΚ), the support of entrepreneurship through higher education, as well as special measures aiming at reducing school drop-out.

• the Ministry of Rural Development and Food: implementing initiatives regarding youth employment in the primary sector through programmes for developing rural entrepreneurship, improving youth skills in the agro-alimentary sector, creating and implementing mentoring opportunities and financing sources for starting up a business, as well as providing assistance for investment activities.

• the Ministry for Development and Competitiveness: the body in charge of improving the country's Competitiveness and implementing actions to strengthen entrepreneurship through the Special Management Service of the Operational Programme "Competitiveness" and its supervised bodies, such as chambers, professional organisations etc. The Ministry implements programmes to support youth entrepreneurship focusing on new/innovative products, services and sectors of entrepreneurship.

• the Ministry of Merchant Marine & the Aegean: the body in charge of developing Greek merchant marine and promoting employment, lifelong learning and training of Greek seafarers. Through the Seafarer's Labour Directorate, the Seafarers' Placement Service implements training and employment promotion programmes for unemployed seafarers.

• the Ministry of Tourism: through its educational units. The Schools of Higher Tourism Education, the Vocational Schools and the Vocational Training Institutes provide study opportunities in the tourism sector, for the completion of which a traineeship in tourism businesses is required.

• the Ministry of Culture: the competent Special Service for Culture (EYPOT) implements community service programmes in culture for strengthening employment of unemployed individuals in construction, enhancement and preservation of cultural infrastructure, as well as in guarding services of archaeological sites and museums.

• the Local Authorities (Municipalities/Regions): which participate in promoting youth and vulnerable group employment through implementing initiatives locally and regionally, financed by the Regional Operational Programmes. Their work is supported by the Managing Authorities of the Regional Operational Programmes. Municipalities participate in a series of programmes, such as the Community Service Programme, the TOP (EKO) Programmes (Local Action Plans of Social Integration for Vulnerable Groups) and the TOPSA programmes (Local Action Plans for Employment).

• the Social Partners:

o The General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE), the third level trade union body in our country, in which all trade parties are represented. GSEE represents more than 2 million dependent employees (salaried employment).

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o The National Confederation of Hellenic Commerce (NCHC), the third level body representing Greek commerce nationally and internationally.

o The Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen & Merchants (GSEVEE), the third level PanHellenic organisation of employers which constitutes the major and most massive association of professionals, craftsmen and merchants throughout the country. GSEVEE is active in promoting and consolidating the professional, economic, cultural and broadly social interests of small and medium entrepreneurs (SMEs).

o The Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV), the institutional representative of private venture in Greece.

o The Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises (SETE), representing the PanHellenic sectoral unions of tourism enterprises in Greece, as well as independent companies operating across the broader tourism sector and covering the entire range of tourism activities.

o The National Confederation of Disabled People (ESAEA), which represents disabled people nationally on issues related directly or indirectly to persons with disabilities, and has a wide network of secondary level organisation-members throughout the country with more than 500 first level organisation-members. On the one hand, this network provides ESAEA awareness about the needs and problems the disabled and chronically ill people and their families are facing in all aspects of their lives at a local, regional and national level, and on the other hand it provides the ability to intervene immediately where necessary.

o The Pan-Hellenic Confederation of Unions of Agricultural Co-operatives (PASEGES), which is the leading agency of the country’s Agricultural Co-operative Organisations in terms of co-ordinating, supporting, promoting, boosting their activities and representing them on an international, European and national level.

o The Chambers, offering their services to Greek enterprises for the improvement of the entrepreneurial environment in which they are active, and better access to various financial resources.

The aforementioned social partners actively participate in formulating the national employment policy, and are active in implementing actions promoting youth employment.

• The Hellenic National Youth Council: The Hellenic National Youth Council (ESYN), the official body representing Greek youth both in Greece and abroad, making intensive efforts to inform and create awareness about issues pertaining to the Greek youth. ESYN plays an important role in informing, creating awareness and motivating the youth.

1.4. Public Employment Service (OAED) – Implementation of the Business Model Reengineering Plan

The Public Employment Service (OAED) constitutes the main vehicle for the implementation of the "Youth Guarantee" Actions since it serves as the host and care service point of the target group. The implementation of the business model-reengineering plan will contribute significantly to the Organisation's ability to respond to the challenges of implementing the "Youth Guarantee".

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OAED's Role

OAED operates based on three pillars: a) promotion to employment; b) unemployment insurance and social protection of maternity and family; and c) vocational education and training.

OAED is the public authority and central structure that manages:

a) active labour market policies (ALMPs) for halting unemployment, promoting employment, and vocational training for both unemployed and employed citizens;

b) passive labour market policies (PLMPs) concerning unemployment insurance measures (regular unemployment benefit) and other social security benefits and allowances (family allowance, maternity allowance, OAED's day-care centres etc.);

c) active policies for initial vocational education combined with work practice/traineeship (Apprenticeship system);

d) housing support policies (rental allowance); e) other social benefits (social tourism, camping programmes);

OAED Service Points - KPA2

Unemployed people and businesses listed in OAED register are served by the KPA2s, which provide employment and social insurance services as "one-stop-shops". OAED, under this structure and as a service provider, is now more efficient, quicker and more accessible to the citizens thanks to the fact that its main services are provided in one single place:

• Personalised approach, creation of Individual Action Plans (IAPs), provision of counselling services and job placement;

• Payment of benefits and other social security allowances;

• Implementation and management of Active Labour Market Policies and programmes.

More specifically, the "one-stop-shop" services provided to citizens by the KPA2s at a local level are the following:

• Reception; • Information; • Registration in the unemployed registry and issuance of an unemployment card; • "Personalised Approach" interview for job seekers; • Creation of Individual Action Plan; • Immediate job placement in an available job position via OAED intermediation; • Comprehensive information on the labour market, labour rules, training and employment

opportunities, other organisations' actions etc.; • Referral of the unemployed to actions within or outside KPA2 via OAED intermediation (referral

to training programmes etc.); • Support (counselling, intermediation) to a job placement in the open labour market (non-

subsidised jobs); • Referral, placement in active employment actions (NJO, NSE, Special programmes); • Provision of Counselling Services by specialised Organisation Counsellors; • Provision of social benefits and support of allowance policies;

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• Promotion to employment of special social groups (EKO); • Collaboration with third parties (KETHEA, OKANA etc.) for special category persons (ex-drug

addicts etc.)

PES Operations – Ability to implement the "Youth Guarantee" Plan

The vision and mainly the challenge for OAED, within its role as the Public Employment Service, is to become a friendly, reliable and encouraging point of access, reception and reference for this group's unemployed young people, able to provide solutions in line with their personal traits, fit to facilitate their path towards their integration in the labour market.

The Organisation's priorities for implementing the "Youth Guarantee" Plan pertain to:

• Leveraging the characteristics of the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan towards a more rapid integration of the Organisation's new business model reengineering philosophy into its activities;

• Ensuring the smooth implementation of the Action Plan, under the rough transitional circumstances the country is dealing with, by trying to overcome multiple internal and external obstacles;

• Upgrading the quality of services provided to young people of the age group in question.

By leveraging its extensive knowledge and expertise, as well as the targeted nature of the Action Plan to this specific group, the Organisation decisively re-orientates its philosophy and operational activity, reengineering the administrative practices and actions towards extroversion, quality and performance, by learning from and leveraging European best practices in the related fields.

Working closely with the national coordinating authority, the social partners - which have already been great collaborators of OAED for a long time - the Ministry of Education and the bodies involved with this specific age group, OAED's main objective is to co-formulate an environment that creates favourable conditions for providing the young people of this target group with the tools to promote themselves to employment. More specifically, with the aim to respond to the above aspirations, the following actions are to be integrated:

• Building a bottom-up system - Involvement of the final beneficiaries in all action stages;

• Sufficient and effective consultation/networking with other potentially involved bodies in all action stages;

• Promoting integrated approaches - innovative and flexible solutions at a local/regional/national/European level;

• On-going improvement in the quality of actions;

• Harmonisation with the terms and advancements on a national/European policy level.

Current operational status of the Public Employment Service - OAED - Improvement prospects of its ability to implement the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan

For the time being, an as much as possible realistic analysis of PES strengths - weaknesses - opportunities - hazards is used as a starting point.

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Then, the actions already and generally implemented by the Organisation to heal its weaknesses are analysed.

In brief, the current Public Employment Service operational status, with regard to its ability to implement the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan in terms of quality and effectiveness, is illustrated in the following S.W.O.T analysis:


♦ Mechanisms for immediate adjustment to the labour market needs of unemployed people and business (research, planning, counselling, monitoring - support, training)

♦ An extensive network of regional and local training and employment structures

♦ An experienced, trained personnel with a modern mind-set

♦ An advanced Internet technological environment


♦ Increased work load at KPA2s ♦ Lack of a permanent monitoring-action assessment

mechanism ♦ Absence of a regular monitoring mechanism for

the local labour market ♦ Deficient networking in the training and

employment structures with other local bodies

Opportunities ♦ The declared strategy of the citizen-centric

nature of KPA2s operation (the citizen as a user/customer of a modern PES)

♦ The current particularly rough economic adversity and the increase in unemployment.

♦ The implementation of the new business model reengineering plan

♦ The implementation of the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan

♦ Collaborations with social partners and other bodies to offer flexible employment schemes.


♦ Deficient interconnection and networking between the national bodies involved in the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan

♦ Degradation of the personalised approach function in KPA2s due to increased workload - Abatement of the potential to formulate a "good quality" offer to the target group

♦ Depreciation of the qualified personnel/ employment counsellors by charging them with traditional paperwork tasks

Figure 4: Public Employment Service operation with regard to its ability to implement the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan in terms of quality & effectiveness (S.W.O.T analysis)

The Public Employment Service, in order to respond to the increased target group needs and especially to leverage the emerging new opportunities, shall have to fight its weaknesses and eliminate the hazards in its operation.

More specifically, the actions to be taken towards improving OAED's ability to successfully implement the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan are as follows:

1. In order for the new strategic vision to be implemented regarding KPAs operation focusing on the citizens of working age, as internal customers (new public administration operational philosophy / total quality management), what is pursued is the fast improvement of the administrative environment that ensures the citizen-centric nature of its operation, in contrast to the traditional bureaucratic - service-centric nature of public administration. The main tool for this structural reform is the Organisation's Business Model Reengineering Plan.

2. In this context, the Organisation's Administration is committed, primarily pursuing a positive impact on the group's young people, to leverage the targeted nature of the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan towards integrating more rapidly the new philosophy introduced with the Reengineering Plan.

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3. The hazards illustrated in the above figure (S.W.O.T. Analysis) convert to opportunities when actions are taken for their elimination.

4. To this end, actions are already taken for the immediate removal of obstacles inflated during the

past four years of the crisis. The actions analysed below aim at immediately improving OAED's ability to successfully implement the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan:

Operational actions to improve functionality are distinguished as follows:

a) actions to boost the ability to formulate a "good quality" offer for the target group (combination of interventions for the operational upgrade of KPA2s and interventions for the improvement in targeting)10;

b) actions to improve planning, monitoring and internal evaluation11;

c) networking actions12.

Since the above mentioned actions are progressing concurrently with the Organisation's business model Reengineering Plan, they are considered to eliminate hazards.

They highlight OAED's role as a hub in the effective implementation of the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan, using its strengths as a main tool:

Activates the strengths of its qualified staff;

Appropriately directs the organisation of the previous technological infrastructure;

Updates the operation of already existing mechanisms and personalised practices towards young people and businesses;

Focuses on regional and local level.

Personalised Intervention of the Target Group

The personalised approach refers to a dynamic, interpersonal and communicational process between the Employment Counsellor and the unemployed young citizen who is a potential beneficiary of the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan. Through the Personalised Approach the following are accomplished:

• Research and recording of youth needs; • Motivation of the youth in order to determine their career goals (career orientation

counselling); • Creation of an Individual Action Plan; • Activation of young people to start seeking employment; • Preparation of young people to create a sustainable business; • The effective matching of the unemployed young person's characteristics with those of the

demanded jobs.

10 See a detailed presentation of the KPA2s operational upgrade in Annex ΙΙΙ 11 See detailed presentation in Annex ΙV 12 See detailed presentation in Annex V

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The personalised intervention process through drafting Individual Action Plans for the target group population of the "Youth Guarantee" is in progress. In order to provide the above service, the Organisation has trained Employment Counsellors who hold individual meetings with the registered young people in every KPA2 Service. This process is described in detail below:

• Step 1: The unemployed person is informed via awareness-raising actions or responds to an OAED invitation;

• Step 2: o Scenario 1: The young person registers and submits his/her personal information through

an online application. Then, KPA2 organises the invitation process and calls the applicant to an individual meeting with the Counsellor after processing the collected data.

o Scenario 2: The young person goes directly to the KPA2 and is referred to the Employment Counsellor in order to implement the personalised approach process.

• Step 3: The personalised approach process is carried out combined with individual counselling sessions conducted by the Counsellor at the KPA2 - The Individual Action Plan is drafted or updated - A mutual obligations agreement is signed between the unemployed person and KPA2/OAED;

• Step 4: The Counsellor processes the quality offer and refers the individual to actions implemented by OAED or by other bodies, depending on the young person's readiness level for integration into the labour market;

• Step 5: The Counsellor monitors the young person’s educational course or professional career on a regular basis.

Number of unemployed young persons compared to the number of Employment Counsellors - Number of sessions (meetings - interviews) per unemployed young person

The pertinent activities have already begun to be implemented with the employment of a sufficient number of Counsellors in the personalisation projects regarding the specific target group. More precisely, the process of drafting Individual Action Plans is already in progress.

In this context, the total number of business days for the 6-month period between May – October 2014, and the total number of registered unemployed persons aged 15-24 (110,727) have been calculated. Based on the above calculation, Employment Counsellors are able to serve within two (2) sessions the number of registered unemployed young people in the period between May - October 2014.

With regard to the potential number of new incoming registrations that may occur while the implementation of the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan is in progress, a further activation of a sufficient number of employment counsellors is similarly scheduled in order to conduct 2 sessions for each newly registered person, for example by the end of October 2014, with the intent to complete the drafting of an Individual Action Plan (IAP) by 31/12/2014.

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Figure 5: Personalised approach process (general)

Individual Action Plan (IAP) Drafting Process

The Individual Action Plan (IAP) is part of the unemployed person's collaboration with the employment counsellor. It defines a full scale of activities and actions based on both the OAED environment (subsidised employment – self-employment programmes) and the external environment for specialised actions taken by other bodies

The steps taken by the employment counsellor are the following:

Step one: Identify, by recording all personal, educational and professional characteristics of the unemployed individual, the job characteristics that they are seeking, and a series of information that will make up his/her profile and career goal;

Step two: Determine actions that should be taken by the unemployed person to solve the problem. Alternative action options are included in one of the four support levels;

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Figure 6: Individual Action Plan (IAP) Drafting Process

Step three: Individual Action Plan (IAP) Drafting. The IAP is drafted immediately based on the level of support. The unemployed person realises that in order for his/her goals to be met they need to mobilise;

Step four: IAP Monitoring The Employment Counsellor is required to monitor the IAP every 3, 6 and 12 months in order to get a full picture of the unemployed person's progress. This is how the results of the personalised approach are determined and potential modifications or supplementary interventions are performed.

1.5. Vocational education and training

The youth rate that chooses vocational education always stands lower than 30%, when the equivalent average in the EU is 50%. This poor ability to attract young persons is due, among others, to the lack of information about the benefits of vocational education and career opportunities, to the unattractive vocational education as a career choice, to the notion that it is not a career choice of "renowned prestige", and to the unclear regulations regarding access to certain professions.

The Greek state encourages participation in vocational education and training providing incentives

1st support level

If the young person does not fit the profile of a vacancy, but is clear about who he/she is and what he/she seeks, and it is determined that he/she responds to labour market needs, the IAP may include counselling for effective CV writing and/or job interviews with potential employers, and, more generally, jobseeking and career counselling. It also may include support for starting up a personal business.

2nd support level

If the young person has made clear his/her wishes, but needs further enhancement of his/her personal and professional skills and competences, the IAP may include (information about) participation in short-term actions (such as short-term vocational training or work experience), as well as 1st-support-level actions (jobseeking and career counselling, or support for starting up a personal business etc.).

3rd support level

If the young person has made clear his/her wishes, but is in need of a substantial enhancement of his/her personal or professional knowledge and skills, the IAP may include (information about) participation in longer-term actions, such as long-term vocational training or work experience, as well as 1st- and 2nd-level actions. If the young unemployed has not yet determined his/her professional interests, wishes, personal characteristics etc., the IAP primarily includes Career Guidance actions, and, subsequently, 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-level actions, which will be determined after the Career Guidance actions.

4th support level

If the young unemployed is unsure or unable to specify his/her wishes, he or she will be referred to specialised agencies (Career Guidance centres etc.). This usually includes persons from vulnerable groups

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to people, businesses and vocational education and training bodies. More specifically, the new legal framework set by L.4186/2013 establishes a plan for the modernisation of vocational education and training, aiming at an improved interconnection to the labour market and the economy. A special place in this effort belongs to the introduction of a dual system by establishing the "apprenticeship class" as a fourth optional year of study for Vocational Senior High School (EPAL) graduates. The Vocational Senior High Schools are expected to implement a one-year apprenticeship in a business related to the student's specialisation, with a clearly defined object, to ensure that the student receives all the practical knowledge required for the professional course in the opted specialty. The "Apprenticeship Class" implements the "Educational/Apprenticeship Programme in the work place" of 28 hours per week, and a lab educational programme within the school premises of 7 hours per week. Apprenticeship Class graduates are granted a level 4 Certificate of Professional Specialisation.

The Vocational Training Schools (SEK)13, offering an initial vocational training to secondary school graduates, also provide for the implementation of a one-year traineeship in businesses through an "Apprenticeship Class" in the third year of study. Study in SEKs lasts for three years, with the third year consisting of a 28-hour per week traineeship in a business. During the first 2 years of study at the SEKs, the student receives a 30-hour per week education training that includes a 4-hour general education (languages, mathematics) and 26-hour specialty courses/labs. Students that conclude the three-year SEK programme are able to participate in the vocational qualification exams of the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP), following a special 70-hour foundation programme and, if successful, to receive a level three professional diploma.

Apprenticeship Actions are provided by OAED through the 51 existing EPAS. They include 34 specialties adapted to market and business’s needs. The aim of the provided action is to combine theoretical knowledge and practical education in the context of an integrated training, both by classroom and on-the-job-training for young people who wish to enter the labour market, but are unwilling or unable to continue through to senior high school.

In addition, the operation of experimental schools is provided with the aim to obtain professional experience through theoretical and laboratory education in the context of an integrated training both by classroom and on-the-job-training. The Organisation's experimental schools offer vocational training for students who have concluded the compulsory education and/or senior high school.

The Greek government has drawn up a roadmap to achieve the reform in the area of apprenticeship. The Ministries of Education, Labour and OAED are cooperating on the basis of this roadmap in order to adopt a detailed action plan that will ensure the existence of a quality framework and the appropriate control mechanisms. To this end, a permanent Coordinating Committee is set up by representatives of the above bodies.

13 Vocational Training Schools (SEKs) will replace existing OAED's Vocational Schools (EPAS) starting from the 2016-2017 school year. Pursuant to article 51 (L.4262/10.05.2014), the operation of OAED' s Apprenticeship EPAS, provided in L. 3475/2006 (Α 146), is extended to the school years 2014−2015 and 2015−2016, ceasing their operations on September 15th 2016.

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1.6. Mentoring and career guidance

Mentoring and Career Guidance, also known as Career Mentoring, include the provision of mentoring services with the aim to support people (students, young people, adults etc.) in the educational and professional decision-making process and career management throughout their lives. Its purpose is to assist young people to identify their personal characteristics (knowledge, abilities, skills) and learn how to plan their career by choosing the educational or professional course that matches their qualifications, values and interests, but to also manage the stages of the critical school-to-work transition and the development of the pertinent lifelong learning skills.

A series of career mentoring, career guidance and information services, both collectively and individually, is provided with the professional assistance of several public bodies for people of any age interested in issues pertaining to career planning. For example:

a) ΟAED provides mentoring services to unemployed people in order to facilitate their integration/re-integration in the labour market. These services pertain to Mentoring and Career Guidance, as well as Career Management, Job Seeking Counselling and Counselling on Entrepreneurial Initiatives. For those who wish to seek employment in another European country, support is provided by OAED's EURES Network. In order to provide the above services, OAED has trained Employment Counsellors who possess local labour market knowledge and contact employers on a daily basis. It must be noted that mentoring services supplement the Personalised approach and the IAP of the benefited unemployed young person. In addition, OAED operates Vocational Education Career Offices (VECOs) for the labour market within the Apprenticeship Schools (EPAS). VECOs are expected to enhance Apprenticeship and link more consistently the vocational education with the business world. Their purpose is to promptly place students in traineeship positions, to provide mentoring and to monitor the professional course of the technical vocational education graduates.

In the context of the Vocational Education Career Offices operation in line with the labour market, the methodology for evaluating and monitoring the professional course of EPAS graduates following the conclusion of their studies has already been drafted. The evaluation is carried out in pilot mode in 3 EPASs and is expected to be further improved and implemented in all Apprenticeship Schools. It will concern a time period of 6, 12 and 18 months after the conclusion of the studies.

Its aim is to create a permanent monitoring mechanism of the graduates' professional course, expected to contribute significantly to:

• Evaluating and redefining the content of Apprenticeship programmes and specialties; • Supporting graduates and interconnecting them to the labour market in order to find an

appropriate job.

b) EOPPEP is developing a series of actions for Mentoring and Career Guidance through specialised counsellors who shall converse personally with the young people (students and unemployed persons) and/or with their parents through interview questionnaires and other activities in order for them to choose their studies or a profession. The provision of these

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services is combined with offering information to young people about the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan.

c) The Career Guidance and Counselling Centres (KESYPs) of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, that operate regionally per education directorate, provide mentoring and information about study choices and the direction of studies, as well as career planning through specialised counsellors (SEP).

d) The Career and Employment Structure (DASTA) of Universities and Technological Educational Institutes (TEI) provide individual and collective mentoring services, offer information regarding the interconnection of each Institute with the labour market, provide updates on Master's Degree Programmes and Scholarships, organise communicational actions for Secondary Education students, carry out research and studies and support innovation and entrepreneurship.

e) The Career Guidance Offices in Second Chance Schools are addressed to citizens aged 18 years old and above who have not completed secondary compulsory education and have chosen to continue studying in second chance schools. Special attention is paid to the development of personal skills and the overall support of trainees for personal, professional and social growth, and to facilitating access to the labour market.

1.7. National Qualification Framework

EOPPEP has developed a National Qualification Framework in correspondence with the European Qualification Network regarding titles and qualifications granted by the Greek formal education system. The National Qualification Framework is a dynamic tool and its correspondence with the European Qualification Framework offers a qualification "translation" and comparability tool whose purpose is to provide an opportunity for promoting mobility of students and employed persons between Greece and other European countries. The value of this new reform is apparent. Qualifications obtained through any learning pathway (formal, non-formal, informal) are evaluated, validated, recognised, accredited, classified within the National Qualification Framework and matched with the European Qualification Framework. The analysis of the qualification characteristics in order for them to be classified within the National Qualification Framework contributes to mobility and facilitates integration into the labour market, thus ensuring quality and transparency.

1.8. Programmes of the current Programming Period for the Strengthening of Youth Employment

The first cohesive effort to tackle youth unemployment was made on January 2013 with the "Action Plan of Targeted Interventions to Strengthen Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship within the Operational Programme of NSRF". The Youth Action Plan (YAP) was the product of a horizontal cooperation of the jointly responsible bodies (Ministries of Labour, Development, Culture etc.), while at the same time being the first action plan for youth employment in Greece raised before the highest governing body on employment (National Employment Committee) with the participation of the social partners.

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The Action Plan (YAP) has a budget of EUR 622 million and the estimated number of YAP beneficiaries amounts to 358.980 persons. The YAP incorporates all NSRF actions and programmes for the youth, which are financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). It identifies common points and develops common actions between the competent education, employment and entrepreneurship policy design and implementation bodies.

In order to boost the employment and entrepreneurship of young persons aged between 15-24 and 25-35, initiatives are implemented in the context of the action plan, such as:

a) Strengthening vocational training and apprenticeship, mainly through combining training and employment. This shall be achieved through programmes that subsidise the placement of young persons in jobs, and through traineeship, both during and following their education (e.g. traineeship of tertiary education, IEK or other institutions of elementary vocational training graduates, students of OAED's apprenticeship EPAS and students of the merchant marine academies);

b) Establishment of systematic school-to-work programmes in order to support the acquisition of first work experience. These are adjusted to the profile and needs of young unemployed persons, combined with mentoring, counselling, training and employment (e.g. Labour Market Entry Vouchers for Unemployed Young Persons);

c) Enhancement of mentoring and career guidance, mainly for young unemployed people. Boosting of school career guidance, career mentoring and counselling in entrepreneurship (e.g. vocational education career offices, actions promoting youth entrepreneurship);

d) Measures aiming at reducing school dropout.

The implementation of the YAP actions in October 201314 is reflected in the Table of Annex I. The YAP incorporates all NSRF actions and programmes for young persons that are financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). It identifies common points and develops common actions between the competent education, employment and entrepreneurship policy design and implementation bodies. Furthermore, it takes into consideration the suggestions of the social partners and is based on the assessment and evaluation of all actions until today, thus trying to heal any weaknesses of similar actions of the past.

1.9. Obstacles to the implementation of the Plan and interventions to overcome them

1.9.1. Obstacles to the implementation of the Plan

Based on the previous analysis, the following have been determined:

a) The effects of the economic crisis and recession of the past six years seem to keep having a negative impact on youth employment, although the rates for the years 2014-2015 are positively promising, and Greece seems to be exiting the recession period;

14 1st Review Note on the Action Plan of Targeted Interventions to Strengthen Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship within the Operational Programme of NSRF" Report Period, March-September 2013", October 2013, EYSEKT

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b) Many bodies are implementing and managing multiple programmes on employment, education and training resulting in fragmentation. Therefore, there is a difficulty in providing timely and sufficient information to young persons regarding the existing opportunities;

c) There is a lack of a permanent system for identifying labour market needs, which would efficiently link education with employment and lead to a better matching between offer and demand within the labour market;

d) The manifold administrative work, the increased work load and the large number of registered persons in this target group, in contrast to the number of Career Counsellors of the Public Employment Services (OAED);

e) There is a great delay in acquiring first working experience; f) There is a lack of a single integrated regulatory framework on Traineeship g) The rates of young persons in risk of poverty or social exclusion have extremely increased

during the financial crisis, while the most vulnerable group seem to be young persons aged between 15-24 years old, not in education, employment or training;

h) The "Initiative on Youth" budget (EUR 171.517.029) is limited compared to the above challenges and the range of the target group.

1.9.2. Interventions for overcoming obstacles

Youth Guarantee is emerging as one of the key tools in tackling youth unemployment in the country. Based on this, the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare, with the aim to secure the full and smooth implementation of the Youth Guarantee Action Plan in today's difficult Greek situation, takes both short term and long-term critical initiatives for:

a) Fostering systemic interventions and reforms in areas directly linked with the implementation of the Youth Guarantee Action Plan, while leveraging the important reforms and interventions in the labour market already taken by the government in the fields of education and lifelong learning;

b) Training, education and employment actions that will leverage future capabilities in the fields of economy and have an established increasing potential of development15 (e.g. primary sector, tourism / hospitality, energy / environment, information technology / telecommunications), while supporting small and medium enterprises that form the basis of the Greek Economy;

c) The plan's set of actions is in parallel supported by developing and leveraging modern information systems, successfully developed by the Ministry of Labour. With the innovative information system "Ergani", the flow of salaried employment (recruitment–dismissal) is recorded in real time and in every single corner of Greece, thus making it possible to plan on a new strategic basis the interventions for strengthening employment. Furthermore, the Ministry of Labour has launched the development of a permanent system for identifying labour market needs at a national level, aiming at matching the offered jobs to the skills required in the current labour market;

d) Modernisation of the Public Employment Services with regard to improving the organisational and administrative structure, supporting partnership development with employers, further developing the new job portal, designing active employment measures based on the needs of the market, providing services relevant to the needs of jobseekers, supporting young

15 "Partnership Agreement 2014-2020", and «Action Plan for Creating New Jobs and Supporting Unemployed People»

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apprentices of the OAED's Apprenticeship EPAS, LEAN Management or another equivalent administration type for the analysis of new proposals and synergies within the framework of providing services. In addition, emphasis is given on the operation of the Public Employment Services, the sustainable upgrading of career counsellor skills and the strengthening of the Employment Promotion Centres, defined as points of reference for the youth;

e) At the same time, in order to fully implement total quality management, the development of synergies between all key stakeholders, social partners and young persons is pursued so as to create a constant communication, best practice and opportunities channel, ultimately building a point of reference for the youth within the Public Employment Service.

1.10. Action Plan Strategy

This Action Plan shall be implemented within the new programming period (2014-2020) and in the context of the reform interventions to the employment policies, as regards urgent actions to address unemployment among the NEETs in a quantitative and qualitative way.

The Action Plan is meant to address the fast aggravation of NEETs' unemployment problems during the fiscal crisis in Greece, and especially long-term and functional unemployment, while it also aims at serving the need for a "smart" and "Frontloaded" focus of the actions on the new programming period, so that the efficiency of the relevant Actions are maximised and that appropriate conditions for efficient mid- and long-term interventions - which shall assure their fast and expedient activation - are created. Finally, the Action Plan provides the action framework to rapidly contain the increase in unemployment among the age group 20 -24 and to improve qualifications of young persons aged 15-19, while contributing at the same time to the creation of sustainable conditions for the development of human resources and the enhancement of the economy's growth perspectives. Aiming at a visible entry point to the next growth and employment increase phase, the purpose of the provided actions is to:

• restructure and upgrade the services for employment, counselling etc. provided by OAED (Public Employment Service), so that it becomes a key pillar in the achievement of the Plan's targets;

• enhance mobility in the labour market and the connection between education and employment, especially as regards the entrance to the labour market and first employment;

• upgrade employability of human resources, especially the individual marginalised groups of long-term unemployed persons;

• enhance of work demand, via employment subsidy schemes in the private sector but also in public interest entities (as "employers of last resort"), and facilitate coverage of such a demand by intra-service (operational) training and requalification of unemployed persons.

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The strategy of the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan focuses on the implementation of a series of targeted nationwide actions regarding young people aged 15-24 years old not in education, employment or training in order to provide them with a "quality offer" for education, training or employment based on each Individual's Action Plan, leveraging or evolving their qualifications and skills in order to ensure employability within 4 months after leaving formal educational, training or employment systems.

The aforementioned period begins with the registration of the young persons in the public service structures (Employment Promotion Centres - KPAs) of the Public Employment Service (OAED). This is followed by recording their individual characteristics (profiling), identifying their needs, and finally, drafting an Individual Action Plan.

The Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare, having studied all information provided by the National Statistical Service of Greece and OAED, and leveraging the experience gained from previous actions for young persons and the results of the consultation with the entities and the social partners, has elaborated cohesive actions for the two age sub-groups with the following main targets:

• age group 15-19: the Plan's actions aim at the provision of a "quality offer" which shall pertain to either the acquisition of basic qualifications via reintegration in education, or the provision of suitable vocational training or apprenticeship schemes to acquire the necessary qualifications for their entry and long-term stay in the labour market;

• age group 20-24: the Plan's actions aim at the provision of a "quality offer" leveraging their qualifications and skills, which shall pertain to their promotion to employment, acquisition of a first work experience and opportunities of self-employment, targeting on a long-term improvement of their employability.

When drafting this plan, the Ministry considered the broader national strategic planning for the orientation of the country's productive model, as defined in the "Partnership Agreement for the Development Framework, 2014-2020", the "Action Plan for Creating New Jobs and Supporting Unemployed People" drafted in May 2013, as well as the experience gained from the "Action Plan of Targeted Interventions to Strengthen Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship" drawn up in the beginning of 2013.

In this context, the actions our country has decided to include in the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan are adjusted to the national, regional and local conditions.

At the same time, the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan adopts the six (6) axes set by the European Commission, which are the following:

• Early intervention and activation; • Supportive measures enabling labour market integration; • Swift implementation of actions; • Assessment and continuous improvement of the scheme; • Use of Union funds; • Building up partnership-based approaches;

Under these specific axes of the Action Plan, the Plan's actions are developed to serve its targets, as illustrated in Table 10 below:

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Attainment of the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan objectives via planned Actions

Creation of jobs

Further use of traineeships, to reduce the school-to-work time span

Promotion of the Apprenticeships and the dual education system

Enhancement of counselling and career guidance to young unemployed persons

Promotion of career guidance in the educational system

Promotion of youth self-employment in new and/or innovative products and services

Activation and identification activities of the target groups

√ √

Apprenticeship Actions

√ √ √

Training / Education Actions

√ √

Work Experience Acquisition Actions

Entrepreneurship Actions √

Integrated Intervention Actions √ √

Table 10: Attainment of the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan objectives via planned Actions

1.11. Action Plan Priorities

Taking into account the large number of young persons already registered in OAED, the number of latent NEETs based on data provided by ELSTAT, the general difficult macroeconomic circumstances and the ability of the Public Employment Service to host the NEETs, Greece will proceed to a gradual implementation of the Youth Guarantee Programme16, by prioritising specific groups based on social standards, such as long-term unemployed young persons aged 15-24, young persons living in the Regions with high unemployment rates, and young persons living in households with particularly low income. The immediate goal is to initially tackle the risk of social exclusion for these groups of young persons that face the risk of permanent marginalisation from the labour market. At the same time, the national needs should be taken into account by also prioritising all other registered young persons belonging to this target group.

The ultimate goal of this Plan is to achieve full implementation of the Youth Guarantee Action Plan by 2020, with a view to use the experience of this 2-year period as a springboard for tackling youth unemployment in our country.

Under the current circumstances, our goal for 2014 is to provide a quality offer of employment, vocational training, apprenticeship or traineeship, within a period of four (4) months of leaving formal education or employment, to at least 40.000 young NEETs aged 15-24 (included). To the prospect of the Greek economy exiting the protracted recession within 2014, this number shall gradually increase within 2015, and thus the target of full implementation of the Youth Guarantee Programme by 2020 will be met.

1.12. Anticipated Results

Upon implementation of the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan

the young beneficiaries of the "Guarantee" will have:

16 Based on the Task Force for Greece Report (Bruno Coquet)

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• Improved their qualifications and skills, or gained work experience, to be used as tools for their professional career;

• Deeper knowledge of their vocational needs; • Been strengthened by interacting with other people with similar needs and characteristics; • Determined the job that suits them; • Increased their self-confidence and ability to find a job; • Stayed within the labour market or training without the risk of being excluded or marginalised; • Smoothed out their school-to-work path; • Gained access to an expert network able to support them locally.

the policy development and implementation bodies will have:

• Encouraged, facilitated and supported thousands of young people on their way to the labour market;

• Agreed upon a common framework of principles and objectives regarding all necessary interventions and best practices for the specific age group;

• Built better systems for identifying needs, providing guidance services, education, employment and certification of qualifications;

• Structured a better internal communication and collaboration network; • Leveraged the regional approach; • Focused more on the particular needs of the young people belonging to vulnerable groups; • Better organised the systems for evaluating and measuring the performance of policy measures; • Developed the ability to widely leverage the expert network build at a regional and local level; • Strengthened their collaboration with social partners and youth associations.

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2. Implementation of the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan at a National Level

2.1. Implementation of the "Youth Guarantee" Programme

Drafting and implementation of the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan aims at the simplification, transparency, measurability, customisation and transferability of the results, and is structured as follows:

1. Matching offer and demand • Promotion of early intervention – fostering actions and appropriate partnerships for

maximum coverage of career guidance, both in terms of quality and quantity; • Enhancement of labour market data collection actions; • Fostering awareness and employer partnership-building actions; • Upgrading and improving interconnection between technical tools and vacancies' database

with the aim to simplify and facilitate usage from both sides. 2. Providing Update – Information – Support to employers and young persons

• Upgrading technical tools with the aim to create a multi-channelled information environment;

• Partnerships – Sub-contracting (call centre). 3. Effectiveness of employment/training/apprenticeship placement

• Focus on the timely and proactive implementation, based on the set targets; • Fostering the development of a professional personal profile, aiming at highlighting the

needs and identifying the appropriate type of intervention – Enhance quality and speed of service;

• Promotion of regulations on mutual obligations; • Fostering works to automate the offer/demand matching process.

The main service point for the implementation of the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan is the KPA2s, i.e. the Manpower Employment Organisation service points throughout Greece.

The first step in this process is to provide the target group with extra skills, starting with the particular age group - a key priority for the long-term unemployed jobseekers registered in the Organisation.

The following groups are also of top priority:

• Registered – low-skilled; • Registered – low-income; • Registered – vulnerable groups.

The corresponding actions to be taken are as follows:

i. Process and analysis of the PESs or ELSTAT statistical data in relation to the particular group and in comparison/analogy to the areas with the highest unemployment rate in young persons of this age group.

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ii. Identification of subgroups and respective areas in great need, potentially requiring more specialised interventions. For example: urban centres with a high population of young unemployed, exposed to social exclusion and marginalisation.

iii. Identification of profiling works (a) that have already been carried out and entered into the Organisation's IT system, (b) to be implemented directly at KPA2 level – The respective procedure of the local PESs' automated monitoring and technical support by the Administration is already in process.

iv. Leveraging profiling works: • Identifying the needs and preparing the profile; • Specification of a realistic number of beneficiaries; • Prioritisation of groups based on key priorities; • Informing the newly registered about the capability of using the initial profiling tool

online; • Invitation of the potential beneficiaries to an interview by OAED.

The desired date of submission of the quality offer, in relation to the 4-month period, shall be defined after the completion of the preparation, analysis and targeting works. An extension is also possible for particular groups on the basis of the documentation they have provided.

The quality offer, as regards its targeting and contents, refers to:

• Improvement of qualifications and skills, i.e. improving the terms and conditions of employability of young unemployed persons, by returning them to education or integrating them in a vocational training, apprenticeship or traineeship programme (targeting young persons aged 15-19);

• Promotion to employment, by acquiring work experience or placement to a job, or providing self-employment opportunities (mainly targeting young persons aged 20-24).

The quality offer may emerge from the Guarantee Action plan pool of actions or a wider spectrum. Therefore, it is clear that the desired date of submission of the quality offer, in relation to the 4-month period, shall also be defined based on the publication date of the call for action to which the young unemployed person is referred;

2.2. Partnership-based approaches

The Employment Directorate of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare has been appointed as the competent public authority for the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan, supported by the Public Employment Service (OAED). With a view to foster dialogue and cooperation with all institutions involved in youth employment and to achieve the necessary synergies, the Ministry of Labour has set up the following Committees:

i. A Coordination Committee for the implementation of the Youth Employment Initiative, and in particular of the "Youth Guarantee" programme. The Committee has been tasked with the strategic planning, policy coordination and prioritisation as well as with the coordination, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies for the establishment and implementation of the Youth Employment Initiative, and in particular of the "Youth Guarantee"

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programme. The Committee will be comprised by social partners, civil society representatives and experts in youth employment issues.

ii. A Working Group on the implementation of the Youth Employment Initiative, and in particular of the "Youth Guarantee" programme. The Working Group has been tasked with developing a roadmap for the implementation of the "Youth Guarantee" programme; providing the necessary means and expertise to the competent coordinating public authority; processing, at a technical level, the priorities to be set by the Coordination Committee for the "Youth Guarantee" programme; constantly monitoring and evaluating the actions; as well as any other measures deemed necessary to successfully implement the Youth Employment Initiative, and in particular the "Youth Guarantee" programme. The Working Group meets regularly and is comprised by representatives from all ministries. The representatives from all ministries and bodies referred to in section 1.3. "Institutional Bodies involved in the 'Youth Guarantee' Action Plan", as well as representatives from the Ministry of Finance, the Association of the Regions of Greece and the Central Union of Municipalities of Greece, are also participating in the group.

iii. A Consultative Working Group for the "Support of the implementation of Apprenticeship action plans" under the "OAED Business Model Re-engineering" programme, pursuant to FEK 1217/13.05.2014; the Group has been tasked with submitting proposals aimed to raise the quality of Apprenticeship within the "OAED Business Model Reengineering - Support of Apprenticeship Action Plans" Programme. The Group is comprised of social partners and OAED.

Setting up these Committees creates a permanent network for the coordination, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the "Youth Guarantee" objectives.

iv. Cooperation with social partners. Bearing in mind the new culture of horizontal cooperations and creative partnerships, the Employment Directorate has focused particularly on discussions with the Social Partners, since they represent the two main poles of stakeholders relating to Youth Guarantee actions and programmes: unemployed youth and employers.

Both during the initial planning and updating phases of the Plan, the Employment Directorate held a series of meetings attended by the Secretary General, representatives of Social Partners (SEV, GSEVEE, SETE, GSEE, NCDP, NCHC) and the Hellenic National Youth Council (ESYN).

In this context, by completing a questionnaire sent to them, the social partners were requested to inform the Ministry of Labour about their particular roles and involvement in Plan implementation, e.g. awareness, promotion, communication and publicity actions, through their local and regional networks, also making suggestions for improvement. In cooperation with the social partners, the Ministry will define their contribution in the implementation of actions by leveraging as much as possible their operational capacities both at a national and local level, in line with the proposals already submitted.

v. Cooperation with the Hellenic National Youth Council (ESYN). ESYN has participated in meetings with the Ministry of Labour and committed to further assist in the elaboration, implementation and monitoring of the Plan's actions, by assuming an important role in the implementation of youth awareness-raising and information activities.

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More specifically, ESYN may bring substantial added value to the monitoring and feedback process of the Plan's implementation, leveraging its broader structure geographically (youth organisations in central parts of Greece) and the number of new youth associations under its supervision. This allows ESYN to have access to information sources, beneficiaries and businesses that hire unemployed young persons. Hence, it is possible to objectively capture first hand impressions, the image, the advantages and disadvantages of each action, any potential benefits and information on the quality of programmes being carried out.

vi. National Employment Committee (L.3144/2003). Within the general context of employment policy, the course of the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan will also be discussed at the National Employment Committee which has been established by virtue of L.3144/2003; its work will be coordinated by the Minister of Labour, Social Security and Welfare, with representatives from all Greek industry bodies and social partners.

vii. Government Employment Council. By virtue of a Council of Ministers Act, the Greek Government has set up a Government Employment Council (CM Act 13/14-4-2014, FEK A 99). The Council is comprised of the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, the Ministers of Finance, Development and Competitiveness; Education and Religious Affairs; Labour, Social Security and Welfare; Rural Development and Food; Infrastructure, Transport and Networks; Environment, Energy and Climate Change; Tourism; Mercantile Marine & the Aegean; and the Deputy Minister of Labour, Social Security and Welfare. The Council is responsible both for promoting new initiatives and interventions and coordinating actions and resources from all ministries and public bodies, in order to boost employment and create new jobs.

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Table 11: Key organisations/institutions supporting and implementing the "Youth Guarantee" Plan

Name of key organisations Type of organisation Level of responsibility Role in implementing the Youth Guarantee scheme Ensuring the success of the partnerships

Ministry of Labour, Social Security & Welfare

Central Service – Directorate for Employment

National Coordinator

Enactment and management of the youth guarantee scheme and coordination of partner relations with all agencies at all levels

European Social Fund Coordination and Monitoring Authority (EYSEKT)

Coordination of Actions of Co-financed ESF Activities Participation in the preparation of the plan Participation in the data and indicators system planning

Managing Authority for the OP 'Human Resources Development' (EPANAD)

Management of the Youth Initiative Implementation of actions by the NSRF/ Partnership Agreements, observation of ESF financing rules

Manpower Employment Organisation (OAED)

Agency under the supervision of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security & Welfare

Central Service

Aids the Directorate for Employment in coordinating and implementing the plan Produces primary data on the target-group Implements actions within the framework of the plan Keeps records on the monitoring and evaluation of its actions Agency for the implementation of reform in secondary education and training (Law 4186/2013) (in cooperation with the Ministry of Education)

Employment Promotion Centres (KPA) (National Level)

The Employment Promotion Centres of OAED serve as the point of reception for NEETs where the individual action plan is prepared. The Employment Promotion Centres of OAED (KPA 2) Network cover all Greek territory

Vocational Training Schools (National Level)

The vocational schools of OAED (former EPAS, EPAL) constitute a basic axis of vocational education and training Three pilot Vocational Training Schools are created (in Athens and Crete) in the tourism sector. Curricula are being implemented under coordination with the German Ministry of Education and the German-Hellenic Chamber.

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Name of key organisations Type of organisation Level of responsibility Role in implementing the Youth Guarantee scheme Ensuring the success of the partnerships

Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs

Central Service National

Main agency for the implementation of reforms in secondary education and training (Law 4186/2013) Monitoring of the drop-out phenomenon and provision of data on early school-leavers (drop-outs) Keeps records on the monitoring and evaluation of its activities

General Secretariat for Youth

Participation in the preparation of the plan Dissemination of information and mobilisation of youth (outreach activities) Implementation of youth activities Keeps records on the monitoring and evaluation of its activities

Managing Authority for the Operational Programme for Education and Lifelong Learning

Participation in the preparation of the plan Keeps records on the monitoring and evaluation of its activities

Vocational Lyceums (Upper Secondary Schools)

Starting in 2016 and pursuant to Law 4186/2013, the Apprenticeship Class will be created at Vocational Lyceums, which addresses EPAL graduates, has a duration of one year and combines apprenticeship with training at the workplace (dual system)

Secondary Education

Reception by OAED Labour Advisors who will provide vocational guidance advisory services

Higher Education Institutes (AEI) / Technical Education Institutes (TEI)

Operation of labour market Liaison Offices

Ministry of Development & Competitiveness Ministry National

Participation in the preparation of the plan

Implementation of entrepreneurship activities of the Youth Guarantee scheme for NEETs aged 18-24

Mobilisation, dissemination, participation in the preparation of schemes

Management of SME financing opportunities for youths via the European Investment Bank

Keeps records on the monitoring and evaluation of its activities

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Name of key organisations Type of organisation Level of responsibility Role in implementing the Youth Guarantee scheme Ensuring the success of the partnerships

Ministry of Tourism

Central Service

Implementation of activities of the Youth Guarantee scheme for NEETs aged 18-24. Mobilisation, dissemination, participation in the preparation of programmes. Keeps records for the monitoring and evaluation of its activities

Liaison Offices for tourism students/employees

Provision of information and employment/education/training opportunities in the tourism sector for youths

Ministry of Rural Development Ministry National

Implementation of rural development activities of the Youth Guarantee scheme for NEETs aged 18-24. Mobilisation, dissemination, participation in the preparation of programmes. Keeps records for the monitoring and evaluation of its activities

Ministry of Merchant Marine & the Aegean

Ministry National

Implementation of targeted training and employment activities within the Youth Guarantee scheme for NEETs aged 18-24. Mobilisation, dissemination, participation in the preparation of programmes. Keeps records on the monitoring and evaluation of its activities

Seafarers' Placement Service Provision of information on employment or training or education possibilities for youth interested in naval professions

Association of the Regions of Greece (ENPE)


Participation in the preparation of the plan Information dissemination Implementation of activities aimed at youth Keeps records on the monitoring and evaluation of its activities

Central Union of Municipalities of Greece (KEDE) Local

Participation in the preparation of the plan Implementation of activities aimed at youth

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Name of key organisations Type of organisation Level of responsibility Role in implementing the Youth Guarantee scheme Ensuring the success of the partnerships

Keeps records on the monitoring and evaluation of its activities

Social Partners Social Partners National, Regional, Local

Participation in the Board of Directors of the Public Employment Service (OAED) where decisions are made as regards activities planned to be implemented by PES Provision of information as regards the Youth Guarantee Plan and insurance of its proper implementation especially with regards to outreach activities Keeps records on the monitoring and evaluation of its activities

Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) NGOs National Mobilisation, dissemination, participation in the

preparation of programmes

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2.3. Activities under the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan

Activities under the Action Plan fall into two main categories:

a) Early Intervention and Activation Activities, including all key institutional reforms deemed necessary for the successful and smooth implementation of the Plan, prevention/counselling activities for reducing school drop-out, and information and awareness activities for young people not in employment, training or education.

The proposed "Early Intervention and Activation" activities will start immediately upon approval of operational programmes for the new 2014-2020 programming period; prevention/counselling activities will be implemented by 2020, and information and awareness activities will be implemented by the end of 2015.

b) Promotion to employment, training or education activities. These activities include key reforms pertaining to education and the promotion to employment (Apprenticeship, traineeship framework, National Qualification Framework, mutual obligations of unemployed people etc.). Furthermore, targeted and supplementary activities are also included, relating to the promotion of beneficiaries to education/training programmes (skills and qualifications improvement) and employment/entrepreneurship programmes (work experience acquisition). The aim of all activities proposed is to improve long-term youth employability.

The activities/initiatives' target group is young people aged 15-24. When specifying and announcing these actions, particular attention will be paid to special groups of unemployed people, e.g.: long-term unemployed young people, socially vulnerable groups (disabled, young ex-prisoners, etc.).

Mainstreaming the Gender Equality, non-Discrimination and Accessibility dimensions is a key component of planning this project and it is incorporated into the design and implementation of each action.

2.4. Early intervention and activation

The objective of early intervention and activation activities is to create the conditions for early intervention, as well as to support young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs), in order to promote them to education, training and the labour market as soon as possible.

This set of actions/initiatives includes:

• The implementation of target group-specific activation strategies, comprised of a set of publicity, promotion and information actions with a double objective: to map the target group spatially and at a local level, and to identify it in relation to the

PESs; and to inform and activate young people by means of new integrated information and

communication activities in order to effectively leverage employment, education or training opportunities.

• The provision of counselling services to support people in educational and vocational decision-making and managing their careers.

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In the context of early intervention, the project implemented by the Ministry of Education is crucial; it pertains to the development of an information system for early school leavers, and offers data which may be utilised for early activation and intervention. In particular, there is a series of strategies for identifying and activating these young people. These strategies include but not are limited to:

a) Distributing informative materials in places where young people usually gather;

b) Using modern social media that "speak the same language" with young people (Youtube, Facebook, Twitter) in order to communicate and inform them;

c) Organising promotional and publicity actions at a local level with the participation and cooperation of municipalities/municipal authorities, local social partners with access through formal and informal social networks to large parts of the local communities. In any case, these actions will take into account the target group's heterogeneity in order to differentiate the corresponding activation strategy.

Through these specific activation activities, young people will be initially directed towards OAED services – the main point of service for NEETs – namely the Employment Promotion Centres.

OAED will be providing job seekers with a set of counselling services both in person and in groups, depending on their needs:

a) Career guidance counselling;

b) Job-search counselling;

c) Entrepreneurial initiatives counselling;

d) Activation/mobilisation workshops for unemployed people.

These actions cover the needs of the unemployed across the country.

Table 12 shows in brief all activities/initiatives on early intervention and activation.

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Table 12: Key reforms and initiatives to ensure early intervention and activation

a/a Name of the reform/initiative Key objective(s)

Target group, including no of

people covered (if available)


Name and role of organisation in the

lead and cooperating partners

Timetable for implementation

Implementation cost, if


Table 2.3 Key reforms and initiatives to ensure early intervention and activation

Planned Reforms


Re-organization of OAED / Επαναπροσδιορισμός του Επιχειρησιακού Μοντέλου του ΟΑΕΔ

To improve the operation of the Greek PES

To provide for the timely information of youth as regards opportunities for training and employment

All NEET National OAED In implementation – to be completed on 12/2016


Establishment of a National Qualifications Framework and a National System for Certification / Ανάπτυξη εθνικού πλαισίου προσόντων και συστήματος πιστοποίησης επαγγελματικών προσόντων

To create a coherent and comprehensive system of qualifications’ classification for all levels of education

All NEET National

National Organization for Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance



Diagnostic System as regards Labour Market Needs / Σύστημα Ανάλυσης και Διάγνωσης των Αναγκών της Αγοράς Εργασίας

To provide for links between education and the labour market and the appropriate preparation of young people

All NEET National Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare

in implementation – to be completed on 12/2015

Planned Initiatives

Actions for Intervention – awareness raising - mobilisation 17.000.000 €

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a/a Name of the reform/initiative Key objective(s)

Target group, including no of

people covered (if available)


Name and role of organisation in the

lead and cooperating partners

Timetable for implementation

Implementation cost, if



Activities aimed to promote information sharing and awareness targeted at youth with specific characteristics (NEETS) / Publicity, awareness raising, and information activities

Ενέργειες προσέγγισης, ευαισθητοποίησης και ενημέρωσης νέων με ειδικά χαρακτηριστικά (EAEK) / Δράσεις προβολής, ευαισθητοποίησης, ενημέρωσης και δημοσιότητας

Spatial mapping of NEETs,

Locating, Informing and awareness raising of NEETs

all NEETs National

Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare, Ministry of Education, Hellenic National Youth Council, OAED, Municipalities, Local Social Stakeholders (chambers of commerce and labour centres) etc.

06/2014 - 2016 5.000.000

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a/a Name of the reform/initiative Key objective(s)

Target group, including no of

people covered (if available)


Name and role of organisation in the

lead and cooperating partners

Timetable for implementation

Implementation cost, if



Development and implementation of a coherent / complete awareness & outreach strategy targeted at youth (activities may include: publication material; improvement of OAED’s online portal to encompass new features; mobile youth unit in local administration to directly address target group; utilization of social networks to inform youth about programs, initiatives reforms; annual job fairs etc. )

Δράσεις προβολής, ευαισθητοποίησης, ενημέρωσης και δημοσιότητας (ενδεικτικά έντυπου υλικού και η δημιουργία ηλεκτρονικής πλατφόρμας επικοινωνίας και δικτύωσης, υλοποίηση καμπάνιας με χρήση κοινωνικών δικτύων, δημιουργία ψηφιακής πλατφόρμας με σκοπό σκοπό τη συλλογή, επεξεργασία και ανάλυση των δεδομένων για την ανεργία των νέων και την αγορά εργασίας, υλοποίηση job fairs σε τοπικό επίπεδο κ.α.)

To improve target groups’ access to information relating to work, educational and training opportunities;

To improve information gathering with regards to target group

To promote networking among beneficiaries

all young persons National

Cooperation of institutions: Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare, OAED Ministry of Education, General Secretariat for Youth , Hellenic National Youth Council, other social stakeholders

2014 - 2016 3.000.000

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a/a Name of the reform/initiative Key objective(s)

Target group, including no of

people covered (if available)


Name and role of organisation in the

lead and cooperating partners

Timetable for implementation

Implementation cost, if



Provision of Consulting services through EPAS Career Offices / Pilot project for graduates of technical professional schools

Συμβουλευτικές Υπηρεσίες μέσω Γραφείων Διασύνδεσης ΕΠΑΣ / Πιλοτική εφαρμογή στους αποφοίτους τεχνικής επαγγελματικής κατάρτισης

To improve links between training and labour market;

To inform target group with regards to possible opportunities for training or employment or self-employment

Young persons between 15-24, students of EPAS and pilot implementation for graduates of technical professional education

6.000 beneficiaries

National, regional, and local level according to needs

OAED 12/2014 – 06/2016



Career counselling services offered by employment consultants and trainers from the career offices to secondary education units

Επισκέψεις εργασιακών συμβούλων και υπευθύνων εκπαιδευτικών των Γραφείων Διασύνδεσης σε σχολικές μονάδες δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης

To prevent early school-leaving and provide for enhancement of skills and qualifications, alongside with familiarization to labour market environment

Young persons between 15 to 18 secondary education students

3000 beneficiaries

Regional – priority will be given to areas with high unemployment and school dropout rates

OAED; Ministry of Education

05/2015 – 12/2016


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a/a Name of the reform/initiative Key objective(s)

Target group, including no of

people covered (if available)


Name and role of organisation in the

lead and cooperating partners

Timetable for implementation

Implementation cost, if



Enrichment and intensification of the personalized approaching process – Upgrading of the profiling tools - Promotion of counselling services provided through K.P.A.

Εμπλουτισμός και εντατικοποίηση της διαδικασίας εξατομικευμένης προσέγγισης – Αναβάθμιση εργαλείων σκιαγράφησης χαρακτηριστικών (profiling) – Προώθηση συμβουλευτικών υπηρεσιών μέσω Κ.Π.Α.

To improve PES ability to recognize and identify the specific needs of young unemployed and to provide services in accordance with their needs

Young persons, 15-24

100.000 beneficiaries

National OAED 05/2014 – 12/2014


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2.5. Supportive measures for labour market integration

The objective of these supportive measures on integrating young people into the labour market is the implementation of specific initiatives/actions that intend to provide a "quality offer" in education, training or employment to young people, thus improving labour market accessibility and reducing or even eliminating the risk of poverty or social exclusion. This set of actions has been designed taking into account the outcomes of active employment policies implemented in the 2007-2013 programming period, and the implementation of systemic interventions and reforms in the labour market and education/lifelong learning.

It provides for the implementation of actions that are classified into 5 main "rounds of actions": Α. "APPRENTICESHIP" actions Apprenticeship actions aim at combining theoretical knowledge and practical training within the context of comprehensive training both in the classroom and in real working conditions (on-the job training). These actions pertain to the application of theoretical training in practice, since beneficiaries will be required to apply in the workplace whatever they learned in the classroom.

These apprenticeship actions offer vocational training to young people wishing to enter the labour market, but are unwilling or unable to continue through to senior high school.

These actions offer workplace apprenticeship opportunities in a field related to the beneficiary's education, subsidised on a per day per trainee basis. An apprenticeship agreement is concluded among the three stakeholders (OAED, employer, trainee) setting the rights and obligations of the parties.

Regarding the Experimental Vocational Training Schools (SEK), apprenticeship is offered for select occupations after identifying the needs of the local labour market. Students obtain skills and capabilities that allow them to fill in vacancies, but also increase their skills and enhance their professional profile.

As part of these actions, a workplace apprenticeship is offered in a field related to the beneficiary's education. An apprenticeship agreement is concluded between OAED, the employer and the trainee, setting the obligations and rights of the parties.

B. "TRAINING/EDUCATION" actions As part of the initiatives for labour market integration, a series of programmes/initiatives is being planned aiming at improving the educational level or skills of young people.

The "Youth Guarantee" Plan provides for training programmes in key sectors17 of the Greek economy, such as tourism, information technology, agriculture, shipping, etc.; these are certified based on standards or implemented on the basis of approved professional profiles. All programmes are available to young people aged 15-24 and aim at improving their skills in order to enhance long-term employability in dynamic sectors of the economy.

Actions helping early school leavers to re-enter education through second-chance schools are also being planned. "Second Chance" programmes are designed to help young adults who have completed only compulsory education to improve their qualifications and skills through formal education. The 17 Key sectors of the Greek economy as presented in a study by McKinsey

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Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs operates 32 "Second Chance" Schools throughout the country, which are being used to provide a "quality" offer of education to young people.

Special training programmes are provided for young seafarers, leading to qualification certification in accordance with the SWTC standard. The proposed initiative aims at improving the skills of young people in seafaring occupations and to certify their qualifications in order to facilitate their access to the labour market.

C. "ACQUIRING WORK EXPERIENCE" actions The main "Youth Guarantee" intervention axis is work experience-related actions, considering that reducing school-to-work transition time is a priority for tackling youth unemployment and promoting youth employability.

In this context, a series of initiatives is being planned either for the creation of new jobs addressed to young people – by subsidising wage or non-wage costs – or for setting up an "Entry Voucher" programme that combines training with work experience. Actions relating to leveraging traineeship are also being elaborated in order to promote the creation of traineeship positions in private companies, with the aim to acquire work experience and increase youth employability.

With regard to vulnerable groups (e.g. disabled, Roma with disabilities), a series of specialised and integrated actions for labour market integration is also provided. In this context, activation actions targeting the above groups are also being carried out.

To tackle youth unemployment, an initiative is provided based on the operating model implemented for the "My First EURES Job" pilot scheme. This initiative supports job mobility.

D. "ENTREPRENEURSHIP" actions "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan includes actions for the promotion of youth to entrepreneurship and self-employment. These actions include, but are not limited to:

a) Supporting young people in establishing Social Cooperative Enterprises;

b) Promoting youth innovative entrepreneurship by means of supporting the establishment of new start-ups, and furthering the "ENTREPRENEURSHIP CELLS" action implemented in the 2007-2013 programming period, intending to leverage its results;

c) Subsidising social security contributions for young people aged up to 24 years old that have decided to become self-employed, thus reducing undeclared employment and supporting young self-employed people.

E. "INTEGRATED INTERVENTION" actions The aim of these actions is to select the appropriate intervention depending on each beneficiary's profile, as determined through the personalised approach process.

The action consists of training or promotion to employment or self-employment (the successful attendance of an entrepreneurship seminar is a prerequisite), in order to provide the most suitable offer for the young person. Emphasis will be placed on young people who belong to special categories.

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Figure 7: Brief description of actions

A table showing the analysis of actions under the "Youth Guarantee" Action Plan is provided below.

Actions are shown based on planned reforms and initiatives, and have been classified in "action circles": Apprenticeship, Training/Education, Acquiring Work Experience, Entrepreneurship and Integrated Intervention.

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Table 13: Key reforms and initiatives for labour market integration

a/a Name of the reform/initiative Key objective(s)

Target group, including no of

people covered (if available)


Name and role of organisation in the

lead and cooperating partners

Timetable for implementation

Implementation cost, if applicable

Planned Reforms


Legal Framework for APPRENTISHIP (L. 4186/2013) Θεσμικό Πλαίσιο ΜΑΘΗΤΕΙΑΣ (Ν. 4186/2013)

Linkage between traditional education with the labour market through the binary system model

all young persons National Ministry of Education In implementation


Establishing legal framework for unemployed’s and PES mutual obligations Θέσπιση κανονιστικού πλαισίου για τις αμοιβαίες υποχρεώσεις ανέργου ΔΥΑ

Mutual agreement for unemployed rights and obligations

National Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare, OAED,

In implementation – to be completed in 2014


Establishing the legal framework for Internships Διαμόρφωση θεσμικού πλαισίου Πρακτικής Άσκησης

To improve Internships’ quality all young persons National Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare

Within the framework for the establishment of a European Quality Framework for Internships


Further utilization and development of the Greek EURES network regarding the promotion of labour mobility Περαιτέρω αξιοποίηση και ανάπτυξη του ελληνικού δικτύου EURES για την προώθηση της κινητικότητας

To increase awareness of young people through the network To assist young persons’ mobility within labour markets To increase placements through the network

Youth aged 19-24 National OAED – EURES network 2014 - 2017

Planned Initiatives 243.000.000 APPRENTICESHIP Actions 38.250.000


To acquire work experience through placements in apprentice positions and in real work conditions

Young persons aged 15 – 24 10.000 beneficiaries

Regional and local level

OAED 2014-2016 36.000.000

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a/a Name of the reform/initiative Key objective(s)

Target group, including no of

people covered (if available)


Name and role of organisation in the

lead and cooperating partners

Timetable for implementation

Implementation cost, if applicable


Experimental Schools of Vocational Training Πειραματικά σχολεία επαγγελματικής κατάρτισης (Σ.Ε.Κ)

To acquire specific work experience through a)theoretical and laboratorial education and b) apprentice positions in professions that are in accordance with local labour market needs

Young persons 16 – 20 500 beneficiaries

Regional and local level

OAED 09/2014 – 2016 2.250.000

TRAINING – EDUCATION Actions 43.000.000


Development of “Second Chance” programs in secondary education Προγράμματα “Δεύτερης Ευκαιρίας” στην Δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση

To encourage individuals that dropped out of compulsory education to return to school and furthermore assist them in enhancing their skills/qualifications

Young persons 18 – 24 National Ministry of Education 2014 –2015 2.000.000


Training programs to enhance skills and qualifications of young persons in key sectors of the GR economy (tourism; agriculture; new technologies; etc.) that will result in certification of qualifications Προγράμματα Κατάρτισης για την ενδυνάμωση των δεξιοτήτων των νέων σε επαγγέλματα τομέων αιχμής της ελληνικής οικονομίας (πχ τουρισμός, αγροτική παραγωγή, ναυτιλία, πληροφορική, κλπ) τα οποία θα καταλήγουν σε πιστοποίηση

To improve skills of young persons in order to be absorbed in dynamic economic sectors

Young persons 15 – 24 15.000 beneficiaries


Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare; (implementing agency ESF Actions Implementing Agency)

07/2014 – 2015 40.000.000


Modernisation and provision of training in Naval Professions that will lead to certification of trainees in accordance with the STWC Εκσυγχρονισμός και παροχή κατάρτισης στα Ναυτιλιακά Επαγγέλματα που οδηγούν σε πιστοποίηση προσόντων σύμφωνα με

To improve skills and qualifications of youth employed in naval professions

Young persons 20 -24 456 beneficiaries

National Ministry of Maritime and Aegean; Seafarers' Placement Service

2014 –2015 500.000

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a/a Name of the reform/initiative Key objective(s)

Target group, including no of

people covered (if available)


Name and role of organisation in the

lead and cooperating partners

Timetable for implementation

Implementation cost, if applicable

το πρότυπο STWC


E-learning training on basic and advanced ICT skills Εκπαίδευση (μέσω χρήσης ηλεκτρονικής πλατφόρμας e-learning) σε βασικές και ανώτερες δεξιότητες σε Τ.Π.Ε.

To improve young persons ICT skills in order to assist in their subsequent entrance to the labour market

Young persons 15 -24 10.000 beneficiaries

National OAED 09/2014- 12/2016 500.000



Employment program for the creation of new jobs for young persons aged 18 to 24 Πρόγραμμα απασχόλησης για τη δημιουργία νέων θέσεων εργασίας για νέους ηλικίας 18 έως 24 ετών

To create new jobs for young persons that are unemployed through the subsidy of wage or non-wage costs for employers or private sector enterprises

Young persons 18 – 24 5.000 beneficiaries


Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare (implementing authority: OAED)

2014 – 2015 15.400.000


Intership Program with max duration of 6 months Πρόγραμμα Πρακτικής Άσκησης διάρκειας έως 6 μήνες

To provide for the creation of intership positions in private enterprises thus allowing young employed persons to acquire work experience and maybe providing for the creation of full time positions

Young persons 15 -24 5.000 beneficiaries

National OAED 2015 - 201718 12.000.000


Subsidy program through voucher for attaining work experience Επιταγή εισόδου στην αγορά εργασίας για την απόκτηση επαγγελματικής εμπειρίας

To decrease transition gap from education to the labour market; To provide for gaining the first work experience

Young persons 15-24 12.000 beneficiaries

National Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare;

06/2014 - 2015 40.000.000

18 It is estimated since in order to implement proposed action, it it’s a prerequisite that the legal framework for interships has been established and finalized.

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a/a Name of the reform/initiative Key objective(s)

Target group, including no of

people covered (if available)


Name and role of organisation in the

lead and cooperating partners

Timetable for implementation

Implementation cost, if applicable


Specific actions aimed to promote employment of youth with disabilities Ειδικές δράσεις ένταξης στην απασχόληση για νέους με αναπηρία

To increase access to employment for groups with difficulties and increased risk of social exclusion

Young persons 15 -24 National

Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare, National Confederation of People with Disabilities (ESAmEA)

2014 - 2016 10.000.000


Subsidy program for young persons’ labour mobility in EEA member-states and Switzerland (in accordance with the framework of ‘My first EURES Job’) Πρόγραμμα επιδότησης για την κινητικότητα νέων σε χώρες του ΕΟΧ και της Ελβετίας (σύμφωνα με το πλαίσιο λειτουργίας του πιλοτικού προγράμματος του My First EURES Job)

To provide support to young persons undertaking job interviews abroad with the aim to assist them to enter the labour market

Young persons 18 – 24 500 beneficiaries

National OAED – EURES 2015 - 2017 350.000

ENTREPREUNERSHIP Actions 39.000.000


Pilot action to support youth for the establishment of Social Cooperative Enterprises Πιλοτική Δράση υποστήριξης νέων στην ίδρυση Κοινωνικών Συνεταιριστικών Επιχειρήσεων

To promote self-employment of young people in the social sector

Young persons 18 – 24 500 beneficiaries


Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare; Secretariat for Social Protection; General Secretariat for Youth; social stakeholders

2014 –2015 7.500.000


Program to promote young persons’ entrepreneurship through innovation and promotion of mentoring for the establishme of start ups Πρόγραμμα προώθησης της νεανικής επιχειρηματικότητας μέσω της προώθησης της καινοτομίας και παροχής συμβουλευτικής γαι τη δημιουργία start ups

To encourage establishment of innovative start-ups by young persons

Young persons 19 -24 National

General Secretariat for Youth; Universities, Social stakeholders; OAED.

2014 –2020 18.800.000

26 Program to promote young persons up to 24 years old from un-employment to

To promote the idea of self-employment in young persons

Young persons 19 -24 National Ministry of Labour,

Social Security and 2014 - 2016 12.700.000

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a/a Name of the reform/initiative Key objective(s)

Target group, including no of

people covered (if available)


Name and role of organisation in the

lead and cooperating partners

Timetable for implementation

Implementation cost, if applicable

self-employment Προώθηση των νέων έως 24 ετών από την ανεργία στην αυτοαπασχόληση

through subsidizing social security contributions for up to 12 months

5.000 beneficiaries

Welfare (implementing authority: OAED)



Integrated intervention program for a) training or b) employment (through creation of new jobs) or c) self-employment Προγράμματα Ολοκληρωμένης Παρέμβασης για α) κατάρτιση ή β) απασχόληση (δημιουργία νέων θέσεων εργασίας) ή γ) αυταπασχόληση

Activation and early intervention to prevent youth unemployment Promotion of acquisition of work experience or specialised training

Young persons 15 – 24 and also young individuals that belong to social vulnerable groups 8.000 beneficiaries

National OAED 09/2014 – 2016 45.000.000

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3. "Youth Guarantee" Funding

"Youth Guarantee" programme funding describes all financial resources available for the implementation of initiatives and actions described in the Plan. This funding is allocated into two main types of financial resources:

a) Resources via the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI);

b) Resources via the European Social Fund (ESF).

The following table reflects the overall funding for "Youth Guarantee" via European financial resources (YEI & ECB). The overall amount available for the implementation of the "Youth Guarantee" programme in Greece amounts to EUR 260,000,000.

Table 14: Overall funding for "Youth Guarantee"

α/α Actions Sources and Amount of Funding

Number of foreseen beneficiaries (if


EU/E.S.F./Y.E.I Total


APPRENTICESHIP Actions 38.250.000 € 10.500

TRAINING -EDUCATION Actions 43.000.000 € 25.456

ACQUIRING WORK EXPERIENCE Actions 77.750.000 € 22.500

ENTREPREUNERSHIP Actions 39.000.000 € 5.500

INTEGRATED INTERVENTION Actions 45.000.000 € 8.000

260.000.000 € 180.956

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Alternative financial resources

Additionally, young people participating in Entrepreneurship Actions will be informed about alternative financial, financial leverage or guarantee resources as shown in the Figure below:

Figure 8: Alternative financial resources









Microfinancing to provide liquidity funds to SMEs through the banking system in cooperation with the European Investment Bank

Current guarantee provision framework for loans to micro, small and medium enterprises through ETEAN and the Greek Guarantee Fund

Pilot business financing programmes through ETEAN (European Investment Bank)

Fund raising through the Jeremie programme (€50 million to support new and newly created enterprises in the areas of IT and Communications through venture capital)

Fund raising through the "Funded Risk Sharing" programme (€48 million for loans to micro and small enterprises)

Fund raising from large institutional private investors/Venture Capitals/Funds

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Table 15: Details on "Youth Guarantee" funding per annum, sources and levels of funding

α/α Name of reform / initiative Years for which funding is planned Sources and Levels of Funding No. of beneficiaries

planned (when applicable)

Cost per beneficiary

(when applicable)


National Funds,

including co-


Regional / Local Funds

Employer Funds

Other (please specify)

Male Female Total

Planned reforms and Initiatives to ensure early intervention and mobilisation

Planned Reforms

1 Re-organization of OAED / Επαναπροσδιορισμός του Επιχειρησιακού Μοντέλου του ΟΑΕΔ

In implementation – to be completed on 12/2016


Establishment of a National Qualifications Framework and a National System for Certification / Ανάπτυξη εθνικού πλαισίου προσόντων και συστήματος πιστοποίησης επαγγελματικών προσόντων


3 Diagnostic System as regards Labour Market Needs / Σύστημα Ανάλυσης και Διάγνωσης των Αναγκών της Αγοράς Εργασίας

in implementation – to be completed on 12/2015

Planned Initiatives

Actions for Intervention – awareness raising - mobilisation

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α/α Name of reform / initiative Years for which funding is planned Sources and Levels of Funding No. of beneficiaries

planned (when applicable)

Cost per beneficiary

(when applicable)


National Funds,

including co-


Regional / Local Funds

Employer Funds

Other (please specify)

Male Female Total


Activities aimed to promote information sharing and awareness targeted at youth with specific characteristics (NEETS) / Publicity, awareness raising, and information activities

Ενέργειες προσέγγισης, ευαισθητοποίησης και ενημέρωσης νέων με ειδικά χαρακτηριστικά (EAEK) / Δράσεις προβολής, ευαισθητοποίησης, ενημέρωσης και δημοσιότητας

06/2014- 2016 5.000.000 €

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α/α Name of reform / initiative Years for which funding is planned Sources and Levels of Funding No. of beneficiaries

planned (when applicable)

Cost per beneficiary

(when applicable)


National Funds,

including co-


Regional / Local Funds

Employer Funds

Other (please specify)

Male Female Total


Development and implementation of a coherent / complete awareness & outreach strategy targeted at youth (activities may include: publication material; improvement of OAED’s online portal to encompass new features; mobile youth unit in local administration to directly address target group; utilization of social networks to inform youth about programs, initiatives reforms; annual job fairs etc. )

Δράσεις προβολής, ευαισθητοποίησης, ενημέρωσης και δημοσιότητας (ενδεικτικά έντυπου υλικού και η δημιουργία ηλεκτρονικής πλατφόρμας επικοινωνίας και δικτύωσης, υλοποίηση καμπάνιας με χρήση κοινωνικών δικτύων, δημιουργία ψηφιακής πλατφόρμας με σκοπό σκοπό τη συλλογή, επεξεργασία και ανάλυση των δεδομένων για την ανεργία των νέων και την αγορά εργασίας, υλοποίηση job fairs σε τοπικό επίπεδο κ.α.)

2014 - 2016 3.000.000 €

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α/α Name of reform / initiative Years for which funding is planned Sources and Levels of Funding No. of beneficiaries

planned (when applicable)

Cost per beneficiary

(when applicable)


National Funds,

including co-


Regional / Local Funds

Employer Funds

Other (please specify)

Male Female Total


Provision of Consulting services through EPAS Career Offices / Pilot project for graduates of technical professional schools

Συμβουλευτικές Υπηρεσίες μέσω Γραφείων Διασύνδεσης ΕΠΑΣ / Πιλοτική εφαρμογή στους αποφοίτους τεχνικής επαγγελματικής κατάρτισης

12/ 2014- 06/2016 2.000.000 € 6.000 333,33 €


Career counselling services offered by employment consultants and trainers from the career offices to secondary education units

Επισκέψεις εργασιακών συμβούλων και υπευθύνων εκπαιδευτικών των Γραφείων Διασύνδεσης σε σχολικές μονάδες δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης

05/2015- 12/2016 2.000.000 € 3.000 666,67 €

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α/α Name of reform / initiative Years for which funding is planned Sources and Levels of Funding No. of beneficiaries

planned (when applicable)

Cost per beneficiary

(when applicable)


National Funds,

including co-


Regional / Local Funds

Employer Funds

Other (please specify)

Male Female Total


Enrichment and intensification of the personalized approaching process – Upgrading of the profiling tools - Promotion of counselling services provided through K.P.A.

Εμπλουτισμός και εντατικοποίηση της διαδικασίας εξατομικευμένης προσέγγισης – Αναβάθμιση εργαλείων σκιαγράφησης χαρακτηριστικών (profiling) – Προώθηση συμβουλευτικών υπηρεσιών μέσω Κ.Π.Α.

05/2014- 12/2014 5.000.000 € 100.000 50 €

Planned Reforms and Initiatives for labour market integration

Planned Reforms


Legal Framework for APPRENTICESHIP (L. 4186/2013)

Θεσμικό Πλαίσιο ΜΑΘΗΤΕΙΑΣ (Ν. 4186/2013)

In implementation


Establishing legal framework for unemployed and PES mutual obligations Θέσπιση κανονιστικού πλαισίου για τις αμοιβαίες υποχρεώσεις ανέργου ΔΥΑ

In implementation – to be completed in 2014

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α/α Name of reform / initiative Years for which funding is planned Sources and Levels of Funding No. of beneficiaries

planned (when applicable)

Cost per beneficiary

(when applicable)


National Funds,

including co-


Regional / Local Funds

Employer Funds

Other (please specify)

Male Female Total


Establishing the legal framework for Internships

Διαμόρφωση θεσμικού πλαισίου Πρακτικής Άσκησης

Within the framework for the establishment of a European Quality Framework for Internships


Further utilization and development of the Greek EURES network regarding the promotion of labour mobility Περαιτέρω αξιοποίηση και ανάπτυξη του ελληνικού δικτύου EURES για την προώθηση της κινητικότητας

2014 - 2017

Planned Initiatives



Πρόγραμμα ΜΑΘΗΤΕΙΑΣ 2014 - 2016 36.000.000 € 10.000 3.600,00 €


Experimental Schools of Vocational Training

Πειραματικά σχολεία επαγγελματικής κατάρτισης (Σ.Ε.Κ)

09/2014 - 2016 2.250.000 € 500 4.500,00 €


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α/α Name of reform / initiative Years for which funding is planned Sources and Levels of Funding No. of beneficiaries

planned (when applicable)

Cost per beneficiary

(when applicable)


National Funds,

including co-


Regional / Local Funds

Employer Funds

Other (please specify)

Male Female Total


Development of “Second Chance” programs in secondary education Προγράμματα “Δεύτερης Ευκαιρίας” στην Δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση

2014 – 2015 2.000.000 €


Training programs to enhance skills and qualifications of young persons in key sectors of the GR economy (tourism; agriculture; new technologies; etc.) that will result in certification of qualifications Προγράμματα Κατάρτισης για την ενδυνάμωση των δεξιοτήτων των νέων σε επαγγέλματα τομέων αιχμής της ελληνικής οικονομίας (πχ τουρισμός, αγροτική παραγωγή, ναυτιλία, πληροφορική, κλπ) τα οποία θα καταλήγουν σε πιστοποίηση

07/2014 - 2015 40.000.000 € 15.000 2.666,67 €


Modernisation and provision of training in Naval Professions that will lead to certification of trainees in accordance with the STWC Εκσυγχρονισμός και παροχή κατάρτισης στα Ναυτιλιακά Επαγγέλματα που οδηγούν σε πιστοποίηση προσόντων σύμφωνα με το πρότυπο STWC

2014 - 2015 500.000 € 456 1.096,49 €

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α/α Name of reform / initiative Years for which funding is planned Sources and Levels of Funding No. of beneficiaries

planned (when applicable)

Cost per beneficiary

(when applicable)


National Funds,

including co-


Regional / Local Funds

Employer Funds

Other (please specify)

Male Female Total


E-learning training on basic and advanced ICT skills Εκπαίδευση (μέσω χρήσης ηλεκτρονικής πλατφόρμας e-learning) σε βασικές και ανώτερες δεξιότητες σε Τ.Π.Ε.

09/2014- 12/2016 500.000 € 10.000 50,00 €



Employment program for the creation of new jobs for young persons aged 18 to 24 Πρόγραμμα απασχόλησης για τη δημιουργία νέων θέσεων εργασίας για νέους ηλικίας 18 έως 24 ετών

2014 - 2015 15.400.000 € 5.000 3.080,00 €


Internship Program with max duration of 6 months Πρόγραμμα Πρακτικής Άσκησης διάρκειας έως 6 μήνες

2015 - 2017 12.000.000 € 5.000 2.400 €


Subsidy program through voucher for attaining work experience Επιταγή εισόδου στην αγορά εργασίας για την απόκτηση επαγγελματικής εμπειρίας

06/2014 - 2015 40.000.000 € 12.000 3.333,33 €

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α/α Name of reform / initiative Years for which funding is planned Sources and Levels of Funding No. of beneficiaries

planned (when applicable)

Cost per beneficiary

(when applicable)


National Funds,

including co-


Regional / Local Funds

Employer Funds

Other (please specify)

Male Female Total


Specific actions aimed to promote employment of youth with disabilities Ειδικές δράσεις ένταξης στην απασχόληση για νέους με αναπηρία

2014 - 2016 10.000.000 €


Subsidy program for young persons’ labour mobility in EEA member-states and Switzerland (in accordance with the framework of ‘My first EURES Job’) Πρόγραμμα επιδότησης για την κινητικότητα νέων σε χώρες του ΕΟΧ και της Ελβετίας (σύμφωνα με το πλαίσιο λειτουργίας του πιλοτικού προγράμματος του My First EURES Job)

2015- 2017 350.000 € 500 700,00 €



Pilot action to support youth for the establishment of Social Cooperative Enterprises Πιλοτική Δράση υποστήριξης νέων στην ίδρυση Κοινωνικών Συνεταιριστικών Επιχειρήσεων

2014 - 2015 7.500.000 € 500 15.000,00 €

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α/α Name of reform / initiative Years for which funding is planned Sources and Levels of Funding No. of beneficiaries

planned (when applicable)

Cost per beneficiary

(when applicable)


National Funds,

including co-


Regional / Local Funds

Employer Funds

Other (please specify)

Male Female Total


Program to promote young persons’ entrepreneurship through innovation and promotion of mentoring for the establishment of start ups Πρόγραμμα προώθησης της νεανικής επιχειρηματικότητας μέσω της προώθησης της καινοτομίας και παροχής συμβουλευτικής γαι τη δημιουργία start ups

2014 - 2020 18.800.000 €


Program to promote young persons up to 24 years old from un-employment to self-employment Προώθηση των νέων έως 24 ετών από την ανεργία στην αυτοαπασχόληση

2014 - 2016 12.700.000 € 5.000 2.540,00 €



Integrated intervention program for a) training or b) employment (through creation of new jobs) or c) self-employment Προγράμματα Ολοκληρωμένης Παρέμβασης για α) κατάρτιση ή β) απασχόληση (δημιουργία νέων θέσεων εργασίας) ή γ) αυταπασχόληση

09/2014- 2016 45.000.000 € 8.000 5.625,00 €

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4. Evaluation and constant plan improvement

Monitoring and evaluation of the "Youth Guarantee" objectives consist of continuously monitoring planning, action implementation, results and the impact of each action, as well as the overall Plan. In particular:

At a European level

a. Monitoring the "Youth Guarantee" programme and the results thereof is subject to the multilateral surveillance of the Employment Committee (EMCO), under which a framework of indicators is to be developed in order to evaluate "Youth Guarantee" plans. Even the Regulation on the European Social Fund 1304/2013/12.17.2013 sets common output and result indicators for ESF investments, and result indicators for the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI), being monitored by ESF's competent departments and pertaining to:

• Output indicators for participants (number of: unemployed, long-term unemployed, over 25 years, economically inactive people not in training or education, etc.);

• Indicators of immediate results for participants (unemployed participants receiving a job offer, long-term unemployed participants completing YEI intervention, etc.);

• Indicators of long-term results for participants (participants who start working within six months from completing their participation, participants that become self-employed within six months from completing their participation, etc.).

b. The European Network of Public Employment Services will also monitor and report regularly on the implementation and results of the Public Employment Services with respect to actions under the "Youth Guarantee" programme.

At a national level

a. Actions implemented by OAED. OAED keeps recording and monitoring data for NEETs in its registers. To fulfil these requirements, OAED is to cooperate with the coordinating partner for the new Operational Programme, the Special Management Service, and the European Social Fund Coordination and Monitoring Authority.

In particular, a key tool for monitoring and evaluating the impact of the Public Employment Service actions is the Individual Action Plan (IAP) prepared for NEETs served by OAED. Furthermore, the following statistics are recorded: the number of NEETs served by OAED, the number of NEETs having an Individual Action Plan prepared for them by age, and the number of NEETs having received an offer.

b. Actions implemented by other agencies. Agencies implementing actions under the "Youth Guarantee" Plan provide information and data to the Technical Working Group. Information is submitted at specified regular intervals (e.g. every semester) and includes data on the progress of actions, and in particular:

• Description and purpose of the action;

• Implementation dates and milestones;

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• The person responsible for the implementation of the action and bodies involved;

• Progress and degree of implementation.

The members of the Technical Working Group on the implementation of the "Youth Guarantee" programme are the link to the promoters of actions when it comes to obtaining the necessary data and information.

c. Funding opportunities for technical assistance offered by the European Social Fund are being used for regular monitoring and evaluation of programme results.

d. After having collected all data from all partner bodies, the coordinating body (Employment Directorate of the Ministry of Labour) will prepare regular progress reports on the "Youth Guarantee" programme, to be submitted to the Technical Working Group and the Strategic Planning Committee of the "Youth Guarantee" programme. Both Committees will be responsible for monitoring and evaluating the "Youth Guarantee" actions. The Technical Working Group will meet regularly every one or two months the latest, in order to monitor the course of the Action Plan and to take any corrective or step-up measures required.

The Committee and the Technical Working Group will use and analyse results which are based on the following indicators:

• Implementation and result indicators to measure the development and progress of actions under the "Youth Guarantee" programme;

• Impact indicators to determine the effectiveness of actions in the labour market.

Based on the periodic reports, the Action Plan is to be reviewed as to whether it is being implemented as planned and whether the measures are achieving the intended results, in order to make any necessary interventions. The impact assessment of the offer/action will take place one year after its provision, with the Public Employment Service contacting beneficiaries.

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Name of reform Expected change Means through which change will be measured Source of information / planned evaluations

1. Re-organization of OAED / Επαναπροσδιορισμός του Επιχειρησιακού Μοντέλου του ΟΑΕΔ

Re-engineering of OAED and improvement of provided services


• Preparation and support to OAED with regards to its transition towards the new programming period and its new organizational and functional model

• Effective management and completion of all approved acts within the OP of E.P.AN.AD that are currently being implemented by OAED as final beneficiary and/or Intermediate Body for NSRF 2007 - 2013

• Operation of a National System to diagnose Labour Market needs, to forecast labour market demand and to collect data

• Conclusion of innovative cooperation agreements between OAED and external stakeholders at national, regional and local level. Enhance services provided through OAED’s portal


• Increase in the employment rate of people in the age group 15-24, • Decrease in unemployment rate • Decrease in the unemployment rate of women and increase in their

employment rate • Decrease in the unemployment of young scientists • Decrease in the unemployment of young persons with low qualifications • Increase in the employment rate of people aged 55-64 years, • Improvement in workforce’s skills • Increase the percentage of employee participation in lifelong learning • Promotion of self-employment and entrepreneurship among young

persons especially with regards to innovative enterprises and economic sectors with comparative advantage,

• Improving the competitiveness of enterprises, • Job creation by exploiting the characteristics of local labor markets with

the aim to cover local social needs

Ο.Α.Ε.Δ. data

2. Establishment of a National Qualifications Framework and a National System for Certification / Ανάπτυξη εθνικού πλαισίου προσόντων και συστήματος πιστοποίησης επαγγελματικών προσόντων

Certification of vocational skills Number of professions that are included E.O.P.P.E.P data

3. Diagnostic System as regards Labour Market Needs / Σύστημα Ανάλυσης και Διάγνωσης των Αναγκών της Αγοράς Εργασίας

Effective linkage between offer and demand of skills and competences in the labour market as well as better forecasting of future trends in the labour market

Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare, Social Stakeholders

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Name of reform Expected change Means through which change will be measured Source of information / planned evaluations 9. Legal Framework for APPRENTICESHIP (L. 4186/2013)/ Θεσμικό Πλαίσιο ΜΑΘΗΤΕΙΑΣ (Ν. 4186/2013)

Linkage between traditional education with the labour market through the binary system model

10. Establishing legal framework for unemployed and PES mutual obligations / Θέσπιση κανονιστικού πλαισίου για τις αμοιβαίες υποχρεώσεις ανέργου ΔΥΑ

Improvements accomplished in the implementation and monitoring of such programs

11. Establishing the legal framework for Internships/Διαμόρφωση θεσμικού πλαισίου Πρακτικής Άσκησης

12. Further utilization and development of the Greek EURES network regarding the promotion of labour mobility/Περαιτέρω αξιοποίηση και ανάπτυξη του ελληνικού δικτύου EURES για την προώθηση της κινητικότητας

Table 16: Planned evaluations of structural reforms (non-financial aspects)

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Name of Initiative Target population Target population that was reached Results for population Sources of Data 4. Activities aimed to promote information sharing and awareness targeted at youth with specific characteristics (NEETS) / Publicity, awareness raising, and information activities Ενέργειες προσέγγισης, ευαισθητοποίησης και ενημέρωσης νέων με ειδικά χαρακτηριστικά (EAEK) / Δράσεις προβολής, ευαισθητοποίησης, ενημέρωσης και δημοσιότητας

NEETs 15-24 years old Number of young persons that were approached during the action

To inform NEETs about the Youth Guarantee actions and all possible opportunities

Data that will be collected during action’s implementation

5. Development and implementation of a coherent / complete awareness & outreach strategy targeted at youth (activities may include: publication material; improvement of OAED’s online portal to encompass new features; mobile youth unit in local administration to directly address target group; utilization of social networks to inform youth about programs, initiatives reforms; annual job fairs etc. ) Δράσεις προβολής, ευαισθητοποίησης, ενημέρωσης και δημοσιότητας (ενδεικτικά έντυπου υλικού και η δημιουργία ηλεκτρονικής πλατφόρμας επικοινωνίας και δικτύωσης, υλοποίηση καμπάνιας με χρήση κοινωνικών δικτύων, δημιουργία ψηφιακής πλατφόρμας με σκοπό σκοπό τη συλλογή, επεξεργασία και ανάλυση των δεδομένων για την ανεργία των νέων και την αγορά εργασίας, υλοποίηση job fairs σε τοπικό επίπεδο κ.α.)

NEETs 15-24 years old Number of young persons that were approached during the action

To inform NEETs about the Youth Guarantee actions and all possible opportunities

Data that will be collected during action’s implementation

6. Provision of Consulting services through EPAS Career Offices / Pilot project for graduates of technical professional schools Συμβουλευτικές Υπηρεσίες μέσω Γραφείων Διασύνδεσης ΕΠΑΣ / Πιλοτική εφαρμογή στους αποφοίτους τεχνικής επαγγελματικής κατάρτισης

6.000 students of technical schools (EPA.S)

Number of graduates that actually received consulting services

Number of young persons that find a job following consulting services O.A.E.D data

7. Career counselling services offered by employment consultants and trainers from the career offices to secondary education units Επισκέψεις εργασιακών συμβούλων και υπευθύνων εκπαιδευτικών των Γραφείων Διασύνδεσης σε σχολικές μονάδες δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης

3.000 young persons 15 – 18, students in secondary education

Number of students in secondary education s that actually received consulting services

Number of young persons that find a job or continue with their education following provision of consulting services

School records / Ministry of Education

8. Enrichment and intensification of the personalized approaching process – Upgrading of the profiling tools - Promotion of counselling services provided through K.P.A. Εμπλουτισμός και εντατικοποίηση της

100.000 NEETs 15-24 Number of newly registered unemployed that actually career advice

Improvement of skills for the target group

O.A.E.D. Data acquired from the PES electronic platform

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διαδικασίας εξατομικευμένης προσέγγισης – Αναβάθμιση εργαλείων σκιαγράφησης χαρακτηριστικών (profiling) – Προώθηση συμβουλευτικών υπηρεσιών μέσω Κ.Π.Α.


10.000 students of vocational schools

Number of students that participated in the program

Number of beneficiaries that found employment following completion of their apprentice

O.A.E.D data and/or External Evaluation

14. Experimental Schools of Vocational Training Πειραματικά σχολεία επαγγελματικής κατάρτισης (Σ.Ε.Κ)

500 students from experimental vocational schools

Number of students that participated in the program

Number of beneficiaries that found employment following completion of their apprentice

O.A.E.D data and/or External Evaluation

15. Development of “Second Chance” programs in secondary education / Προγράμματα “Δεύτερης Ευκαιρίας” στην Δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση

ΝΕΕΤ 18-24 1500 beneficiaries

Number of beneficiaries from the target group that participated in the program

Number of persons that completed secondary education Ministry of Education

16. Training programs to enhance skills and qualifications of young persons in key sectors of the GR economy (tourism; agriculture; new technologies; etc.) that will result in certification of qualifications / Προγράμματα Κατάρτισης για την ενδυνάμωση των δεξιοτήτων των νέων σε επαγγέλματα τομέων αιχμής της ελληνικής οικονομίας (πχ τουρισμός, αγροτική παραγωγή, ναυτιλία, πληροφορική, κλπ) τα οποία θα καταλήγουν σε πιστοποίηση

Young persons 15-24 15.000 beneficiaries

Number of beneficiaries from the target group that participated in the program

Improvement and strengthening of skills for young persons 15 – 24 years old in professions that are vital

Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare; (implementing agency ESF Actions Implementing Agency) and/or External Evaluation

17. Modernisation and provision of training in Naval Professions that will lead to certification of trainees in accordance with the STWC/ Εκσυγχρονισμός και παροχή κατάρτισης στα Ναυτιλιακά Επαγγέλματα που οδηγούν σε πιστοποίηση προσόντων σύμφωνα με το πρότυπο STWC

456 beneficiaries 18-24 Number of beneficiaries from the target group that participated in the program

Skills improvement in the naval profession Ministry of Maritime and Aegean

18. E-learning training on basic and advanced ICT skills/Εκπαίδευση (μέσω χρήσης ηλεκτρονικής πλατφόρμας e-learning) σε βασικές και ανώτερες δεξιότητες σε Τ.Π.Ε.

Young persons 15 - 24 10.000 beneficiaries

Number of beneficiaries from the target group that participated in the ICT training program

Improve young persons ICT skills in order to assist in their subsequent entrance to the labour market

Data from the e-learning platform

19. Employment program for the creation of new jobs for young persons aged 18 to 24 / Πρόγραμμα απασχόλησης για τη δημιουργία νέων θέσεων εργασίας για νέους ηλικίας 18 έως 24 ετών

Young persons 18 - 24 5.000 beneficiaries

Number of beneficiaries from the target group that participated in the program

Number of new jobs for young unemployed persons that were created from the subsidy of wage or non-wage costs for employers or private sector enterprises

Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare

20. Internship Program with max duration of 6 months/ Πρόγραμμα Πρακτικής Άσκησης διάρκειας έως 6 μήνες

Young persons 15 - 24 5.000 beneficiaries

Number of beneficiaries from the target group that participated in the program

Number of persons that acquired work experience O.A.E.D data

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21. Subsidy program through voucher for attaining work experience / Επιταγή εισόδου στην αγορά εργασίας για την απόκτηση επαγγελματικής εμπειρίας

Young persons 15 - 24 12.000 beneficiaries

Number of beneficiaries from the target group that participated in the program

To decrease transition gap from education to the labour market; To provide for gaining the first work experience

Data from EST Actions Implementing Agency, Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare and/or External Evaluation

22. Specific actions aimed to promote employment of youth with disabilities / Ειδικές δράσεις ένταξης στην απασχόληση για νέους με αναπηρία

Young persons 15 - 24 Number of beneficiaries from the target group that participated in the program ESAMEA data

23. Subsidy program for young persons’ labour mobility in EEA member-states and Switzerland (in accordance with the framework of ‘My first EURES Job’) / Πρόγραμμα επιδότησης για την κινητικότητα νέων σε χώρες του ΕΟΧ και της Ελβετίας (σύμφωνα με το πλαίσιο λειτουργίας του πιλοτικού προγράμματος του My First EURES Job)

Young persons 18 - 24 500 beneficiaries

Number of beneficiaries from the target group that participated in the program

Increase young persons’ employability including the acquisition of skills in foreign languages

O.A.E.D. data

24. Pilot action to support youth for the establishment of Social Cooperative Enterprises / Πιλοτική Δράση υποστήριξης νέων στην ίδρυση Κοινωνικών Συνεταιριστικών Επιχειρήσεων

Young persons 19 - 24 500 beneficiaries

Number of beneficiaries from the target group that participated in the program

Promotion of self-employment of young people in the social sector

Data from business associations (i.e. chambers of commerce), data from Social Security (IKA)

25. Program to promote young persons’ entrepreneurship through innovation and promotion of mentoring for the establishme of start-ups/ Πρόγραμμα προώθησης της νεανικής επιχειρηματικότητας μέσω της προώθησης της καινοτομίας και παροχής συμβουλευτικής γαι τη δημιουργία start ups

Young persons 19 - 24 Number of beneficiaries from the target group that participated in the program

Promotion of innovative entrepreneurship to young persons that are unemployed

Data from business associations (i.e. chambers of commerce), data from Social Security (IKA) and/or External evaluation

26. Program to promote young persons up to 24 years old from un-employment to self-employment/ Προώθηση των νέων έως 24 ετών από την ανεργία στην αυτοαπασχόληση

Young persons 19 - 24 5.000 beneficiaries

Number of beneficiaries from the target group that participated in the program

Promotion of the idea of self-employment in young persons through subsidizing social security contributions for up to 12 months

Data from social security organisations and/or External Evaluation

27. Integrated intervention program for a) training or b) employment (through creation of new jobs) or c) self-employment/Προγράμματα Ολοκληρωμένης Παρέμβασης για α) κατάρτιση ή β) απασχόληση (δημιουργία νέων θέσεων εργασίας) ή γ) αυταπασχόληση

Young persons 15 - 24 & vulnerable social groups 8.000 beneficiaries

Number of beneficiaries from the target group that participated in the program

Activation and early intervention to prevent youth unemployment Promotion of acquisition of work experience or specialised training

O.A.E.D data

Table 17: Planned evaluations of initiatives and financial aspects of reforms

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Action Action Description

Priority Axis #1: Creation of Jobs for the Youth Based on their Formal Qualifications

Enterprise Grants Programme for the Recruitment of Unemployed Graduates of Higher Educational Institutes up to 35 years old

Creation of new full-time jobs of dependent employment, by recruiting unemployed persons up to 35 years old, graduates of higher educational institutes, holders of undergraduate or postgraduate degree, PhD title or equivalent degree, in private enterprises. The overall duration of the programme is 27 months, of which the first 24 months will be granted by the programme itself, while the remaining 3 months will be covered by enterprise resources.

Creation of a National Network of Direct Social Intervention for Unemployed Persons up to 30 years old

The main objective of the National Network of Direct Social Intervention is to provide integrated services to homeless people and individuals living in poverty or threatened by poverty. A more specific objective of the Network is the employment of unemployed people up to 30 years old in new or existing Social Structures. In the course of the action, a 2-year funding of 195 Social Structures (Social Groceries, Social Pharmacies, Open Homeless Day Centres etc.) is provided throughout Greece, which shall be staffed by unemployed young people.

Support of enterprises to employ highly specialised staff

The main objective is to improve access to employment, increase occupational integration and protect the researchers against unemployment, by acquiring professional experience in enterprises. The programme covers 70% of the wage costs of researchers under employment, while the remaining 30% of the cost is covered by the private enterprises for a 18 – 36 month period.

Community service programmes in culture for young individuals

This Action aims at strengthening employment of unemployed people in co-financed construction projects and projects regarding the enhancement and preservation of cultural infrastructure, as well as in guarding services of archaeological sites and museums (archaeologists, architects, engineers etc.). The action involves a semester or a seven-month employment in projects or community-oriented actions in the cultural sector.

Priority Axis #2: Strengthening vocational education, training and apprenticeship systems, focusing on both obtaining training and work experience, and on further investment in job placement and traineeship during and after education.

Tertiary Education Traineeship Programme (Universities)

This action supports university students in their effort to enter the labour market by acquiring valuable work experience relevant to their field of study. At the same time, the development of an incentives framework is pursued, both for increasing the number of participating students and for attracting more enterprises willing to host Trainees.

Tertiary Education (TEI) Traineeship Programme

This action supports TEI students in their effort to enter the labour market by acquiring valuable work experience relevant to their field of study. At the same time, the development of an incentives framework is pursued, both for increasing the number of participating students and for attracting more enterprises willing to host Trainees.

IEK and other institutions of initial vocational training

This action pertains to the implementation of traineeship programmes for graduates of Public and Private IEKs, contributing to the creation of successful links between initial vocational training and labour market. The goal is to assimilate and supplement the theoretical knowledge and laboratory courses with training at potential workplaces, and to adapt graduates' knowledge to the actual needs of the production process.

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Action Action Description

Apprenticeship EPAS Traineeship Programme (OAED)

This action aims at upgrading traineeships of OAED Vocational Schools students into subsidised traineeships corresponding to their qualifications. These programmes contribute to the assimilation and adjustment of knowledge to the actual needs of the production process, and to the familiarisation of participants with the working environment.

Greek Merchant Marine Academies (ΑΕΝ) Traineeship Programme

This action aims at linking the educational system with the labour market through traineeships, career guidance and developing the entrepreneurial spirit of the students. The Greek Merchant Marine Academies for Captains/Engineers provide vocational training for skilled jobs in the professions of Merchant Marine Captains and Engineers, and belong to the 3rd Level of Technical and Vocational Education.

Technical Education Graduates Apprenticeship Programme

This programme provides the opportunity for young graduates of Public Technical Education of the final two school years (or 3 if it concerns men who have fulfilled their military obligations) to acquire work experience through Apprenticeship in the productive sector, and more specifically in Private Enterprises of industries corresponding to their studies, with the aim to strengthen their knowledge and skills and to better prepare themselves for the labour market.

Priority Axis #3: Establishment of school-to-work systematic programmes in order to support the acquisition of first work experience (combined with guidance, counselling, training and employment), adjusted to the special profile and needs of young unemployed persons

Labour market entry vouchers for young unemployed people based on their formal qualifications (a. tertiary education graduates, b. compulsory and secondary education graduates)

This action promotes the placement of unemployed persons, aged up to 29 years old, in jobs in the private sector, via a structured course for their entry in the labour market. More specifically, the programme ensures the qualifications required for the integration of young people in the labour market by helping them acquire and improve their knowledge, while receiving theoretical training and participating in traineeship schemes in real working environment conditions, as well as adjusting their knowledge in the real production process needs.

Priority Axis #4: Enhancement of counselling and career guidance services focusing on young unemployed persons. Boosting of school career guidance, career mentoring and counselling in entrepreneurship in tertiary education

OAED's Vocational Education Career Offices

The Action pertains to the creation and operation of offices in the premises of OAED's EPAS, aiming at an integrated interconnection between the educational system and the labour market.

Tertiary Education Career Offices (Universities)

This action aims at linking education with the labour market by developing channels of communication, networking and cooperation with the enterprises, employers' bodies and society as a whole, as well as by providing integrated counselling and mentoring to students and graduates to further plan their studies and their personal professional career.

Tertiary Education Career Offices (TEIs)

Linking education with the labour market by developing channels of communication, networking and cooperation with the enterprises, employers' bodies and society as a whole, as well as by providing integrated counselling and mentoring to students and graduates to further plan their studies and their personal professional career.

Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Units in Tertiary Education (Universities)

The Action aims at expanding, enhancing and qualitatively upgrading the interventions for the development of innovation and entrepreneurship in students attending the country's Universities, as an integral part of the strategy for the connection of Higher Education to the labour market.

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Action Action Description

Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Units in Tertiary Education (TEI)

The Action aims at expanding, enhancing and qualitatively upgrading the interventions for the development of innovation and entrepreneurship in students attending the country's Universities, as an integral part of the strategy for the connection of Higher Education to the labour market.

Entrepreneurship Cells

"Entrepreneurship cells" are aimed at actively supporting 18-30-year old people who have stood out for their entrepreneurial ideas, so as to convert them to mature business plans and commercially viable enterprises. The support offered involves: (a) Few-month scholarships (4 months); (b) The opportunity to work in specialised Co-working Spaces (cells) following the latest international trends.

Promotion of youth innovative entrepreneurship and mentoring of enterprises

The programme includes the strengthening of new enterprises established by young entrepreneurs (previously unemployed) that focus on innovation, as well as the consultation of enterprises through mentoring. Mentoring is targeted to young unemployed individuals who receive financing for the establishment of new enterprises and it is offered on one the hand during the stage of establishment of the new enterprise and, on the other hand, during its operation.

Strengthening Youth Entrepreneurship (round 2)

This action supports Entrepreneurial Initiatives taken by Young people, focusing on high value-added products and services, by incorporating innovative ideas and environment-friendly production processes. Reasoned focus in economy sectors that may turn Greek entrepreneurship towards material extrovert growth

Integrated intervention for supporting Women Employment by strengthening entrepreneurship

Under the intervention, business plans are to be supported by financing the following indicative eligible expenditures: Operating costs of an enterprise, business plan elaboration and monitoring, training costs, raw material & intermediate product costs, annual salary costs for new job creation

Rural entrepreneurship

This action aims at developing human resources by improving their skills in the agro-alimentary sector, at creating and implementing mentoring opportunities and financing sources for starting up business, as well as providing assistance for investment activities.

Pilot action for the Support of Young People for the Creation of Social Cooperative Enterprises

Social Economy and Social Entrepreneurship promotion is a key priority in the attempt to contain unemployment and overcome the crisis. In the context of the wider programme for social economy promotion, the specific pilot action is addressed to the youth and will offer groups of young people the opportunity to develop their social business ideas. Young people creating Social Cooperatives will be funded and supported by the Programme in several establishment and operation stages: Social Co-operative establishment preliminary stage (Information, Counselling), Assessment and acquisition of experience in social co-operatives, and Operation stage.

Table 18: Implementation of YAP actions, data provided by EYSEKT, October 2013

Based on the 1st Review Note on the "Implementation Course of the Action Plan of Targeted Interventions to Strengthen Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship in Greece", the physical and economic implementation progress of the YAP interventions per Thematic Axis (T.A.) is as follows:

• Priority T.A. #1: The actions' physical progress for this axis was satisfactory, reaching 48%. This indicator was expected to rise immediately in the coming period with the addition of the physical progress of action 1.4 "Community service programmes in culture for young individuals", which has already been contractualised and almost all beneficiaries have been placed in the jobs provided by the programme. During the reference period, this priority axis showed a low absorption rate reaching 3.49%.

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• Priority T.A. #2: Likewise, this axis showed a satisfactory physical progress, being close to 50%, while action 2.6 "Technical Education Graduates Apprenticeship Programme" was the only one with implementation problems, for which necessary actions shall be taken to improve efficiency. The axis in question showed the best performance as regards the implementation progress of the actions' economic scope, with the exception of action 2.6. Absorption amounted to 34.84% with an equivalent progress in the physical scope, while most actions of the axis were expected to be completed within the schedules set up.

• Priority T.A. #3: This axis includes the action "Labour Market Entry Vouchers for Unemployed Young Persons up to 29 Years Old", the implementation course of which appeared to be quite encouraging. With an initial target of a quite large number of young unemployed persons (45,000 persons), based on the most recent data, the programme had covered its physical scope by almost 68% in total. Based on the data available at the time for the programme, an even higher attainment of the initially set target was expected in the coming period, since some of the existing implementation problems (for example, non-activation of the entry vouchers by the eligible unemployed persons) were identified in due time, and due actions were taken to overcome them. As regards the economic scope of the axis, despite its zero absorption, its implementation course has been very satisfactory, while the first submission of the programme expenditures was expected to be made.

• Priority T.A. #4: Axis 4 also showed satisfactory progress results on the physical scope, reaching 41.52%, with almost all of its actions being activated and its physical scope being implemented without any particular problems, while the only action showing a zero absorption, 4.6. "Entrepreneurship Cells", was at a satisfactory level of planning and adopting legal commitments. Thematic Axis 4 showed satisfactory progress results, reaching 25.24%, with almost all of its actions being activated and implemented without any particular problems.

• Priority T.A. #5: Thematic Axis 5 showed the lowest extent of physical scope attainment, with the rate of beneficiaries being lower than the 9.12% set as the initial target. The crucial deficiency as regards the attainment of the physical scope, as already noted, was mainly due to the fact that three (3) out of five (5) actions of the axis have not been activated. Until the reference period, the entrepreneurship strengthening actions included in YAP did not verify the initial expectations and a thorough immediate examination of the problems and causes hindering the smooth progress of the entrepreneurial initiatives' start-up actions is required. Thematic Axis 5 showed the lowest implementation and progress rate, with zero absorption until the reference period19.

It should be noted that from October 2013 until today (April 2014), the implementation of the following actions also progressed under YAP:

• 1.4 "Community service programmes in culture for young individuals". Its contractualisation has been completed and almost all beneficiaries have been placed in the jobs provided by the programme.

• 4.6 "Entrepreneurship Cells". This project has been assigned to the General Secretariat for Youth and is under implementation, while its completion is expected to take place by the end of 2015. The

19 1st Review Note, "Implementation Course of the Action Plan of Targeted Interventions to Strengthen Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship in Greece", October 2013

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entrepreneurship cells pertain to 1,520 graduates and students, aged between 18-30, who have stood out for their entrepreneurial ideas and their support (with few-month scholarships) pertains to the opportunity to work in specialised co-working spaces, with the contribution of a counselling network to help them focus on the implementation of their ideas. Furthermore, the actions for setting up Innovation and Entrepreneurship Units in AEIs and TEIs aim at developing the entrepreneurial spirit and encouraging entrepreneurship by providing support and materials, as well as directions to the appropriate information sources and support entities for new entrepreneurial initiatives. The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Units shall benefit approximately 45,534 AEI students and 17,901 TEI students.

• 5.1 "'Promotion of youth innovative entrepreneurship and mentoring of enterprises". OAED has already launched a support programme amounting to 10,000 euros for 2,000 young entrepreneurs, by giving priority to those who invest in innovation. This programme also provides mentoring.

• 5.4 "Rural entrepreneurship" The project has been launched by the Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food, and the final deadline for the submission of investment projects is 15 May 2014.

• Action 3.1 "Labour market entry vouchers for young unemployed people based on their formal qualifications (a. tertiary education graduates, b. compulsory and secondary education graduates)" is still in progress of being implemented. The action concerns the entry into the labour market of young unemployed persons based on their formal qualifications; it includes the theoretical training of the beneficiaries in horizontal and specialised skills, traineeship in private sector companies, as well as support services and career guidance during the traineeship.

Based on the implementation of the actions included in the AYP, all programmes related to the creation of jobs (P.A. 1), the connection of education with the labour market via traineeship and/or apprenticeship (P.A. 2), as well as the creation of institutions in order to facilitate the transition from education to employment (P.A. 3) and the actions related to mentoring, and career guidance (P.A.. 4) have shown significant results both in their physical and economic scope. Their implementation is considered successful, except for the Apprenticeship programme, which has not been yet activated; this was expected since the APPRENTICESHIP institutional framework and the roadmap are still in progress. The number of beneficiaries is significant and it is estimated that, until the end of the NSRF period 2007 – 2013, especially regarding the labour market entry voucher, the initially set targets shall be exceeded.

On the other hand, the implementation of the P.A. 5 actions regarding the strengthening of youth entrepreneurship showed significant delays. The maturity of the aforementioned actions was achieved by the end 2013; that is when the first announcements were published for the financial aid of entrepreneurial initiatives of 2,000 young unemployed persons aged up to 35 years old (OAED), the action "Rural Entrepreneurship", currently in the phase of business plans submission until mid-May 2014 (Ministry of Rural Development and Food) etc.

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Figure 9: Overall Unemployment Rate (Q1 2008 - Q4 2013)

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The actions already taken concerning the operational upgrading of KPA2s are as follows:

Automation of the registration and renewal procedures. Actions for the automation of the registration and renewal procedures are already being implemented to relieve Public Employment Services (PES - KPA2s) from the incoming crowd and to release the strengths of the specialised counsellors, so that they may be able to focus on the personalised approach for the young people of the target group.

Completion of the operational integration. The operational activity already focuses on the completion of the operational integration of the Organisation's services. This is fundamentally linked with the capabilities and functionalities of the OAED information systems and especially of the integrated system for the service of unemployed persons and employers. In the same context, the adjustment of the administrative organisation to the new requirements for the optimal possible operation of the structures and the efficiency of the services provided shall be continued. At the same time, the individual needs arising from the integration and standardisation of the KPA2 operations need to be researched, aiming at better promoting and implementing them via automated processes. The new organisation focuses on the most appropriate allocation of the KPA2 tasks to the groups of employees.

Online profiling procedure. The initial stage of standardisation works for the profiling procedure is already being completed; this includes online filling in the basic data of an unemployed young person in a standardised form, in order to accelerate the personalised approach and to save administrative time for the local PESs, so that the time of in-person sessions between the young unemployed person and the employment counsellor is devoted to the essence of the procedure.

Tools Upgrading. In this context: a) Tools -technological and other- used in order to activate young people are already being enriched and upgraded. b) Guidelines related to the mapping of the local market and the subsequent development of extrovert actions and collaborations have been updated and forwarded to the local PESs. c) The export and analysis of the profiling data is being planned for comparison, compilation and utilisation in order to provide feedback in planning ameliorative interventions.

Mutual Obligations of PESs and unemployed persons. The background of the "mutual obligations" is being prepared and soon the promotion of the relevant legislation shall take place.

Communication/culture development actions. In the context of the Re-engineering Plan works, an action plan for the communication of the new vision and its operation is expected to be immediately implemented, addressed to all Organisation officers and potential beneficiaries. Communication actions within and outside the Organisation are planned to include information and promotion of the actions performed under the Youth Guarantee Plan, in order to promote the engagement of the Organisation's human resources; their main objective is the provision of efficient support to the young persons of the group, but also to attract employers, and to engage all national/social entities involved as potential partners of the PSE for the joint implementation of actions.

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Retraining of Employment Counsellors. An accelerated, flexible and targeted retraining is being planned, aiming at updating the knowledge of the employment counsellors.

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Overall approach

The main objective of the actions, which are expected to be implemented in the near future, is to achieve efficiency as quickly as possible in accordance with the provision of quality services/offers to the young members of the group.

Furthermore, given the role of the Organisation and the need to extend the benefits to society, multiplier effects must also be pursued in order to lead to the development of policy measures, with potential benefits for the target group, at a broader and long-term level.

Based on this primary objective, the drafting of a work development plan is being planned for every action, which shall be implemented in the context of the Guarantee Plan. The integration of the internal evaluation aspect during the implementation of the action, from the initial planning phase until the final stage of implementation, is a prerequisite for the conducting of works and the achievement of quality results, as well as for further leveraging the findings/lessons deriving from the implementation at a policy-making level.

In this context, every approach, based on its objectives and each action's targets, is planned to be studied thoroughly and implemented/adjusted in accordance with the needs of the potential beneficiaries, in collaboration with the partners involved, so that the appropriate quantitative and/or qualitative indicators of processes and results are implemented safely and reliably while in progress.

Relevant action

Starting from the implementation of the "Youth Guarantee" Plan, the Organisation's internal working group has launched the drafting of an internal action evaluation tool, in the context of (a) the issue on the lack of a permanent actions' monitoring and evaluation mechanism, and (b) the relevant progress of the Reengineering Plan works. This is a general framework of guidelines, created in order to stand mainly as a basic help tool for the introduction and establishment of an internal evaluation procedure, addressed to the officers of the Organisation involved in its projects' management.

"Project" shall mean any activity of the Organisation, either a new service provided to the citizens, or an employment, training or other action, whether it is implemented in collaboration with other entities or only by OAED.

Tool functionality

The tool provides general guidelines/instructions in order to offer working groups the flexibility to adjust it appropriately to the activities of each project, as well as to the needs and capacities of the relevant group.

It is intended to provide a suitable analytical background, in order to develop a horizontally uniform concept within the Organisation regarding the reason why works should be evaluated, when they should be evaluated, what should be evaluated and how - in which manner.

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Tool structure

In order to use the internal evaluation general framework as a facilitating tool for drafting and implementing the project's internal evaluation procedures, it is structured in practical implementation steps.

These steps illustrate how the evaluation procedures are interconnected with the analytical work development plan of every project.

They are connected in a logical sequence which is follows:

Analysis → Planning → Development → Implementation → Utilisation.

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In the National General Collective Labour Agreement of 2014 (signed on 26.03.2014), the signatory heads of the key social partner organisations of Greece (SEV, GSEVEE, NCHC, SETE, GSEE), «…agree to intervene in the designing and implementation of the NSRF for the Period 2014-20120, by signing a National Programme Agreement for the economic and social conversion of Greece and setting up a cooperation network between them, based on the following topics:

1. Employment – Education – Training 2. Social Protection 3. Competitiveness 4. Entrepreneurship – Innovation"

More specifically, "…the signatories agree to work out a partnership with OAED aiming at coordinating actions on youth employment (e.g. apprenticeship, traineeship, youth guarantee, youth entrepreneurship etc.)"

In the context of the works of the Organisation Business Model Reengineering Project, as decided by the Organisation's General Manager, a consultative working group has already been set up in order to support the implementation of Apprenticeship action plans. The group is comprised of the competent Education-Training Directorates' executives and representatives of the social partners (SEV, GSEE, GSEVEE, NHCH, SETE, ACCI - also representing the Union of Hellenic Chambers). Its work is to:

1. Submit proposals for the increase in quality of Apprenticeship within the Action Plan for the Programme "OAED Business Model Reengineering - Support of Apprenticeship Action Plans".

2. Ensure the social partners and Chamber of Commerce's active involvement in designing and implementation of the Apprenticeship Action Plan, and to leverage their expertise and opinions.

3. Enhance the social partners and Chamber of Commerce's role in the implementation of Apprenticeship at a national, regional and local level.

• Considering interconnection with the Ministry of Labour IT systems, the Organisation is already leveraging the relevant information. The relevant data analysis, the feedback received from the local PESs-KPA2s and the promotion of networking with local labour market stakeholders, are expected to generate useful conclusions for building local synergies and shared actions.

• This action is currently under planning and is expected to be developed in the mid-term, since the system for identifying the needs of the labour market is in progress. Furthermore, it is a top priority to try and relieve the Agencies through automation and therefore through a broad simplification of the currently long procedures of registration and renewal. Hence, it is expected to save the necessary administrative time for engaging career counsellors to this complex project, combined with the informative/supportive actions to KPA2s' human resources required by the Administration.

• The Organisation, along with gathering expertise and all relevant material from the PESs - Partners within the context of the Reengineering Plan, but also with the relevant actions at a central, political/strategic level, is planning to develop an internal guidelines tool for networking, communication and partnerships, in order to create partnerships at a

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national/regional/local/inter-state/sectoral/industrial level and therefore to make its interventions pertaining to the Youth Guarantee Action Plan target group even more effective.

• These guidelines will serve as a resource for the PESs-KPA2s, in order to draw useful information during preparation and implementation of action plans locally. This tool's objective is to facilitate partnership development and management, as well as to add to the attainment of positive and widely useful results.

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- Prevention of Early School Leaving - Report on the National Situation, D. Alimisis, G. Gavriliadi, P. Papadopoulou, Α. Provata, ASPETE, (Patras, Greece)

- 3rd Circular for Drafting the Operational Programmes for the Period 2014-2020, General Secretariat for Public Investments - NSRF (Ministry for Development and Competitiveness), January 2014

- Report for the Task Force for Greece (Bruno Coquet), March 2014 - Labour and Employment in Greece: Annual Report 2012, National Institute of Labour and Human

Resources, Athens (January 2013) - Partnership Agreement for the Development Framework (NSRF) 2014- 2020, General Secretariat for

Public Investments - NSRF (Ministry for Development and Competitiveness), Athens (April 2014) - Implementation Course of the Action Plan of Targeted Interventions to Strengthen Youth

Employment and Entrepreneurship in Greece (1st Review Note), October 2013 - Proposed areas of national interest in the context of "smart specialisation" 2014-2020, Foundation

for Economic & Industrial Research (IOBE) - Unemployment rates and unemployment rates by region: Sample size and statistical error range in

the Labour Force Survey, National Statistical Service of Greece (dated 7/5/2014) - Action Plan of Targeted Interventions to Strengthen Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship

within the Operational Programme of NSRF (1st Review Note), Report Period "March – September 2013», EYSEKT (October 2013)

- Partnership Agreement 2014-2020, General Secretariat for Investments - NSRF (Ministry for Development and Competitiveness), Athens, May 2014

- Action Plan for Creating New Jobs and Supporting Unemployed People, EPANAD 2007- 2013 (Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare), Athens, May 2013

- Youth Guarantee Action Plan, Priorities - Action Plan - Operation of the Public Agency for Employment (OAED), OAED (April 2014)

- Operational Programme Action Plan "Human Resources Development, Training and Lifelong Learning 2014- 2020" (April 2014)

- Greece 10 year Ahead: Defining Greece’s new growth model and strategy (executive summary), McKinsey & Company, Athens Office, March 2012


- Hellenic Statistical Authority ( - Eurostat ( - Greek Manpower Employment Organisation ( - Information System "ERGANI" - Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare ( - EURES Network (
