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Page 2: You will know the truth, and the truth will 9 2018 for web.pdf · as we too seek to find ways to simplify fulfilling all of the critical functions that we have to perform as well


You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. John 8:32 Truth is timeless. Pastor Peters J. Peters, in this classic, prophetic, made for cable TV (and never before available on DVD) presentation, shares Bible truths that only the true followers of Jesus Christ can accept. Truths of who the Israelites of the Bible are and aren’t, truths of who Jesus is and isn’t, as well as Bible knowledge that was once widely understood and applied in this very country,

but now is all but forgotten or done away with. Believe it or not! Take a step back a few years and see the Bible truths that were presented then in a simple and understandable way. Then, look around at today’s society and decide for yourselves if these Bible TRUTH’s for the TIMES are needed for our times today! This TRUTH for the TIMES Classic TV program, Gun Control, pt. 1, by Pastor Peters is only the first that is now being made available on DVD. Stay tuned for more!

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Truth for the Times

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 9, 2018

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Greetings to the once lost but now found sheep of the house of Israel. You, the faithful Remnant, may have noticed during a couple of weeks in October, that posted on our website, www.scripturesforamerica.orgwas the message, “Down for Maintenance.” The reason for this is that Scriptures for America Ministry received a letter STATING that PayPal has determined that we are no longer a viable client. This information was received in the form of a cease-and-desist letter, legally requiring us to stop representation immediately, including regarding any trade mark symbols registered to PayPal. On top of that they were freezing any transactions that we have in process for a period of 90 days, at which time we can submit a claim regarding retrieving those funds, if we can prove that they legitimately belong to the ministry. You would think that this would be illegal, however it is not (read the fine print of the contract). So effectively we are no longer authorized to use any of PayPal services for the purpose of collecting critical funds. We are by no means alone in this, as recently many other Christian and Truth-promoting organizations have also received identical letters from this online credit card processing company. What is sad is that something like this can take place in a country that professes to be, “Free.” There is really only one logical explanation for this type of behavior, and that is that they hate Freedom, Righteousness and Christianity and Jesus Christ so much, that they can’t even do business with those that would dare to go against the establishment and promote Truth! Needless to say, many members of the body that faithfully support this ministry have, over the years, chosen to use this much simplified method of sending in their tithes and freewill offerings, and we totally understand that, as we too seek to find ways to simplify fulfilling all of the critical functions that we have to perform as well. However, the thought occurred to me, can you think of a better way to take out those that expose the truth and preach the unadulterated Gospel of Jesus Christ than to entice them into a much more convenient means of obtaining support, get them hooked on the convenience, even to the point of encouraging and promoting their supporters to use the service, then, out of the blue, Bam! For no reason at all, they cut you off.

From The Ram Rod @ SFA

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 9, 2018

Truth for the Times 2

From the RamRod 3

Are you a Stout Hearted Man? 6

The Book of Enoch 7

Reaping What Was Sown 18

Prosta Plus 22

From the Mailbag 23

Encoh and Jubilees 24


Bible Law Course 26

Vitamins 27

God Save America Again DVD 28

S/W Schedule and S/W Radio 29

Contact SFA 30

SFA Order Form 31

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From The Ram Rod @ SFA

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 9, 2018 I can think of another prime Biblical example of the enemy doing the same thing regarding something much more important. Salvation! Throughout early Christendom it was understood without a shadow of a doubt, that Biblically, “To be Born Again,” meant you must first be obedient, having heeded the call to be, “Born again of the Water and the Spirit,” first Repenting, which means dying to your old life by entering the watery grave of Baptism (through immersion). You are buried with Christ; you then come up out of that water, clothed with Christ Jesus, white as snow, having all of your sins forgiven. You then receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and your name is entered into the Lambs Book of Life! The word Baptism in the original Greek means immersion! Our English word “Baptism” is from the Greek word bapto or baptizo, and means “immersion, submersion and emergence” (Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, page. 96), “To immerse, submerge” (Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon, page. 94). So what was their excuse for the change regarding proper Biblical Baptism is, nothing more than “Convenience.” All the Christian churches at one time practiced immersion baptism, up to the thirteenth century, when the Council of Ravenna, in 1311, changed the form from immersion to pouring. Source; Our Faith and the Facts page 399 “The present mode of pouring arose from the many inconveniences connected with immersion, frequent mention of which are made in the “writings of the early Church Fathers.” Our Faith and the Facts page 366 I am working on a detailed article regarding this very subject and LORD willing, will have it to be presented to you the Remnant in an upcoming DragonSlayer Newsletter. The Bible never changes, but Catholicism does. Well, as for me and my household and this ministry, we will continue to promote the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, with or without PayPal. The lines are being drawn for each of us. The choices, between right and wrong, between good and evil, between following our LORD Jesus Christ or the world, are being placed before all of us right now. Because of the above mentioned scenario, the ministry is facing a critical financial shortfall. Therefore, I’m petitioning you the Remnant! If anything that this ministry does benefits you, your family or your loved ones, then we need your support, and we need you to send it in by US mail to: Scriptures for America, PO Box 766, LaPorte, Colorado 80535.

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Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed; 2 Corinthians 9:7 Thank you! It’s an honor and a privilege to stand in the gap and it is one that I do not take lightly. May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob bless all of those that are His, bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you and grant you peace. In Jesus Christ’s service first,Pastor Peter John Peters’ second, Jonathan RR

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From The Ram Rod @ SFA

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 9, 2018

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Men, we are told multiple times in Joshua to be Strong and Courageous! Ask yourself if you really are strong and courageous like Joshua was, like King David was, like Gideon was, like the Apostle Paul was, like John the Baptist was. It is not a suggestion but rather a command from our Commander in Chief, Jesus Christ! Only be strong and very courageous; be careful to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may have success wherever you go.

Judges 1:7 Pastor Peters was a man’s man who lived his Christian life as an example to all. Col. Jack Mohr was another man’s man, fighting for truth and justice and for Jesus Christ and His Kingdom! In the Church message that was broadcast on November 18, 2018, Stout Hearted Men, Col. Mohr tells it like it is and presents the challenge to each of us men. The old adage is true, that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men

to do nothing. Col. Mohr encourages each of us that call ourselves Christian to DO, and to do all that we do to the Glory of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom! The hard-hitting truths told by Col. Mohr need to be heard by all Christian men and all those that want to be Christian men. We encourage you to order the Stout Hearted Men message today, on DVD or CD, and share these Biblical truths with the Christian men in your life. The Stout Hearted Men message is available on CD or DVD from Scriptures for America Worldwide Ministry. See the order form for ordering details.

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 9, 2018

Are You a Stout Hearted Man?

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Introduction to the “Book of Enoch” Imagine a man who was given visions of the end from the beginning. Imagine a man who was taken to heaven and showed everything. Imagine a man in whom the fallen angels begged to intercede with God for them, after they rebelled against the most High. Imagine a man that was shown the most detailed accounts of the coming messiah Jesus Christ’s Life. Now imagine a man that has left instructions for you, the last generation. LORD willing we look at all of these aspects in the forthcoming articles. Who was this man? His name was Enoch, the son of Jared, from the seventh generation of Adam, the father of Methuselah, and the man the Holy Bible says walked with God for 300 years, before God took him. Enoch wrote this book sometime after the birth of his grandson Lamech, and before the birth of his great grandson Noah. It is book filled with divine secrets, dreams and visions, a tour of Heaven and of Hell guided by the Arch Angel, Uriel. Proverbs 25:2, NASB, instructs us that; It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter. And does not the Bible also tell us, that the Followers of Jesus Christ will be priests and kings. Revelation 5:10, NASB “You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth.” The KJV says, And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. Let me give you an example of searching out a matter in Scripture. 2 Samuel 8:2, KJV And he smote Moab, and measured them with a line, casting them down to the ground; even with two lines measured he to put to death, and with one full line to keep alive. And so the Moabites became David’s servants, and brought gifts. Now if you’re like me you read that and you shrug your shoulders, and scratch your head and say, “What does that mean?” Well normally I would look at multiple translations KJV, NASB, and the ASV. But in this case none of them were helpful. So I have recently been inspired by a brother from California that carries around a massive Bible that has several translations including the Amplified; although I’m not sure if he carries it around to increase is Biblical understanding or just to stay in shape! So I decided to look it up in the Amplified, which reads: He defeated Moab, and measured them with a length of rope, making them lie down on the ground; he measured two lengths to [choose those to] put to death, and one full length to [choose


Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 9, 2018

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those to] be kept alive. And the [surviving] Moabites became servants to David, bringing tribute. Now I could understood what it meant. The length of rope was let’s say, 6 foot. He made them lie down on the ground, most likely because he didn’t have a ladder. Those that measured 2 lengths or let’s say 12 feet were put to death and those that measured 1 length they kept alive. Most likely because, those that were 12 feet tall were believed to be the descendants of the Fallen Angels. The Bible in Genesis Chapter 6 verse 4 calls them the Nephilim. David understood that these were the cursed ones and God had commanded them to wipe out their blood line completely. Anyway, you get the idea. Unless you hunger and thirst for the truth, you will most likely never find it! For instance, when you read Genesis chapter 6, it leaves you with more questions than answers, until that is you discover The Book of Enoch. The Book of Enoch was written before all other Scripture, before Moses or Abraham were even born. There are great details of this time period that only The Book of Enoch reveals. It’s important to understand that the Bible, the Holy Word of God, confirms the authenticity of The Book of Enoch. Anyone who ignores The Book of Enoch is content and complacent in their ignorance. And let’s be honest, ignorance is one of the greatest commodities in today’s world, much of which can be accredited to being deliberate. However, the rest is by free will, or in other words by the choices that we make. There is so much information and detail that God has revealed through His prophet Enoch, it is extremely important that we as the true Christian followers of Jesus Christ understand that. However, in my opinion, the main reason this critical writing was left out of our Bibles no matter what version you have is because it exposes the fallen angels, the demonic activity on this Earth as well as the actual creation and how things work. This, in many cases, contradicts what we have been taught or programmed to believe. Have you ever noticed the less you know about Satan’s deceptions, the easier it is for him to deceive you and to make you believe the lie? The lie of science as explained by man, that chooses to only label the things they understand. The Book of Enoch describes things in a much different way about the sun, the moon, the stars and even the earth.

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It’s very important to understand that the early church knew these things, and it was only in the last couple hundred years or so that the church has been kept in the dark regarding the hidden teachings within The Book of Enoch. Why is it important to know the Truth about everything God wants us to know and understand? John 8:31-32, NASB “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” There is no doubt in my mind that God wants His people to understand Him clearly and completely. Does that mean we will know everything about the power and the Glory of God? No, not all at once. However, we need to learn and understand all of what He has already given us and that includes The Book of Enoch. The Apostle Paul made it clear in 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4 that he didn’t want anyone in the church to be ignorant about those that had died. Consider this? Could it be that the reason that the Bible does not go into great detail regarding the writings of Enoch is because we have The Book of Enoch and it was included in the original Christian Canon? There would be no need for details to be revealed elsewhere in the Holy Word of God. This is especially true regarding The Book of Enoch which explains things that no other book of the Bible does. But why is it that this important book remerged after being kept from our people for thousands of years? The answer, I believe, is found in the Book of Daniel 12:4, we will expound on that later on in this article. So let me be straight forward with you. I’m telling you that this is Satan’s plan and you need to understand that he cannot accomplish it except through men. In the same way that God chooses to use us as instruments of righteousness on this earth. Without the truths given to us in The Book of Enoch, Satan can get mankind to believe in extraterrestrial alien beings that planted our species billions of years ago, UFOs and all the other unexplained phenomena, which are nothing more than the reality of the lie. The Truth is exactly what The Book of Enoch and the Bible have recorded it to be. The fallen angels did come down and mate with the daughters of men, producing giants, and these giants were never meant to exist. The consequences of these giants were destructive and catastrophic to mankind. Genesis Chapter 6 mentions it and The Book of Enoch, Chapter 6, gives the gory details. According to The Book of Enoch, the group of fallen angels that came down and mated with earthly women was 200. In comparison to the total of fallen angels, Revelation says only a third, it was a small number. However the damage that they caused was astronomical.


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But one of the most significant truths revealed in the The Book of Enoch is that when the giants died in their physical bodies, their spirits were not human spirits and they would continue to live out of body on the Earth. Scriptures tell us that demons know exactly who Jesus is, the Son of God, and they are 100% aware of their ultimate doom; “That they cannot be redeemed, ever!” Luke Chapter 11 and Matthew Chapter 12 tells us that when an unclean spirit comes out of a person, that it travels through dry country places seeking rest. Finding none, it says it will return to the house it left. Then the person is worse off than he was before. Maybe it’s just me, but I would say it’s important that we understand everything we can about this subject! Luke 11: 24-26, NASB “When the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and not finding any, it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when it comes, it finds it swept and put in order. Then it goes and takes along seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first.” Then in Matthew 12:43-45, NASB, even more detail is given to us. “Now when the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came’; and when it comes, it finds it unoccupied, swept, and put in order. Then it goes and takes along with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. That is the way it will also be with this evil generation.” There can only be two reasons why The Book of Enoch was not included anymore in the Scriptures. Either they were trying to protect us, by continuing to encourage us to live by deception, (such as depicted in the movie, “The Matrix”), or they were trying to deceive us. I maintain the latter to be the truth. The only reason they would try to deceive us would be so they could control us. I, for one, am convinced that this is why mankind has been deceived. We all know what a lie is, but it is the purpose and the intent of the lie being told that we really need to understand.

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Why does it matter if we know these truths or not? Well, it doesn’t as much to the average Christian, but it does to the Remnant, to the one who takes his walk with God seriously. Without this knowledge, we can’t answer the questions that inevitably came up from those that are still lost and searching, those who are not yet saved. See Genesis 4 and 6 and Jude 15 and 16. Matthew 25:29, ESV, says, For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. How many times have you been in a Bible study and the person leading the Bible study just tries to glance over the things that are controversial or that they don’t understand? I find myself guilty of this from time to time. My personal response is that I don’t really know. I will add that to the list of things I need to ask God when I get to Heaven. When you don’t use the gifts, the truth and knowledge you have, even what you think you have is taken away. What was it the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy? 2 Timothy 2:15, KJV Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Now I want to share with you a Scripture that I believe depicts those of you that criticize and deny God’s divinely inspired Word in The Book of Enoch. Proverbs 17:28, KJV Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding. The most common defense as to why many say they believe the Book of Enoch is not genuine is that The Book of Enoch is not canonical; simply meaning that it was not excepted as genuine by the Roman Catholic Church. Well, based on what we have learned over the years regarding the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic Church, do you think they might have had a reason that they did not include The Book of Enoch with the other Holy Scriptures? The truth is, I believe they had more than one reason. But the bottom line is that none of them can be justified, because it was once included. It wasn’t like they decided not to include The Book of Enoch. It was included until about 500 years ago and then they, meaning Constantine the Great Roman Emperor from 306 to 337, literally removed it.


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I would bet you that those so-called educated Christians that oppose the legitimacy of this book never cared enough to research that fact. So what do you say we the Remnant get the facts straight before we too start fulfilling Proverbs 17:28? The fact is that most Christians have never even heard of The Book of Enoch, and why would they? Most pastors, preachers and teachers are just as ignorant and they, too, have never heard of The Book of Enoch. For many years we have read the couple verses in the tiny Book of Jude, verses 14 and 15 and never really questioned who is this man Enoch referenced here? Why is it that there is very little in the Scriptures regarding this man? Although when you look deep enough, there are several books in the Holy Bible that mention Enoch; Hebrews 11:15, Genesis 5:18-24, Luke 3:37 and 1 Chronicles 1:3. The copy of The Book of Enoch that the Ministry carries is the earliest known translation, from the Ethiopic in 1882. It is my position that the principals of Hermeneutics (meaning the study of the methodological principles of interpretation (as of the Bible), a method or principle of interpretation) apply to the prophetic writings of The Book of Enoch, the same way that they apply to all Scripture that was inspired by the Spirit of God. Amazingly, the only complete original text of this book was the one written in Ethiopic script, a fact that dates this book as being the earliest Biblical record of antiquity, which in turn opens it up to much controversy by its opponents. Most Biblical scholars from a Western European perspective have only looked at Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek regarding early Bible manuscripts. Therefore, through their training they ignore the very Scriptures that talk about the fact that the Pentateuch had been written by Moses.

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I know what some of you are thinking, what in the world are you talking about? Glad you asked! The Pentateuch is the first five books of the Bible, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, which are believed to have been written by Moses, and that were given to him on Mt. Sinai when he spoke to God. The word Pentateuch comes from a combination of the Greek word penta, meaning “five” and teuchos, which can be translated “scroll.” According to most Biblical scholars, the books were indeed written by the leader of the Israelites, Moses. The Pentateuch is often called the Five Books of Moses No matter who actually wrote the words that make up the books of the Pentateuch, the author of those words was God, through His prophet Moses, and the inspiration of these five books of the Bible is still true. One of the most important evidences for Moses being the author of the Pentateuch is that Jesus Himself refers to this section of the Old Testament as the “Law of Moses.” Luke 24:44, KJV And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me. Back to The Book of Enoch. Why would the New Testament prophets and apostles mention Enoch? The writings of Enoch were very well known in the early history of man. Then as man continued to degenerate further and further away from God and his walk with God became more and more distant, the darkness of ignorance crept in and contaminated the truths that God had given His people. Now ask yourself. Who is it that primarily desires to discredit these writings? Agnostics, Atheists and racially-based Theologians are always the ones mocking and discrediting The Book of Enoch, not just over the content regarding its revelations, but also its origin and authorship.

Remember to join us on Wednesday nightsfor “Wednesday Night Prayer Meetings,”7 pm mtn., 8 pm central, 9 pm eastern.

Join us for “COFFEE with the Wranglers,”Saturday mornings at 7 am mtn., 8 am central, 9 am eastern.


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Of course, like all other Biblical works, you will find that its greatest opposition comes from the Devil! The one that the Bible says, In 2 Corinthians 4:4, KJV; In whom the god of this world (satan) hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. I’m confident that if The Book of Enoch was to be reinstated in to the Bible, it would strengthen and revolutionize our understanding of angels, demons, creation and the final judgment. The truth is The Book of Enoch does more to validate the Holy Scriptures than any other single book. Everything I read in The Book of Enoch can be cross-referenced to Scripture in both the Old and the New Testament. This book is so valuable, with important prophetic events, doctrines and teachings of a man that walked with God for according to scripture in Genesis 5:22-24 for 300 years, which, if you ask me, is one of the primary reasons it was removed and hidden from God’s People! Genesis 5: 22-24, KJV And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. Twice it says, “And Enoch walked with God.” It’s important to understand that Enoch’s perspective in these writings was at time before

the great flood and the deluge that inundated the world and destroyed its degenerate, ungodly inhabitants. So now, for some you, you have just been educated and given a glimpse of the powerful, critical, Biblical truths that have been stolen from our people. Does not the Book of Daniel give us a greater understanding of why the critical truths in The Book of Enoch were hidden from us? Daniel 12, starting in verse 4, KJV. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. I believe that. Don’t you?


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Then I Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood other two, the one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the bank of the river. And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, How long shall it be to the end of these wonders? And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished. And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. I always thought I understood what the Scripture meant by, to run to and fro, until I studied into the deeper meaning. To run to and fro simply means, “to travel throughout.” It’s important to understand that at that Biblical time, travel wasn’t possible like it is today, as we are able to travel throughout the world. The next thing we need to look at is the word knowledge. Most would interpret that as technological advances, but the word knowledge here comes from the Hebrew word, “Yada,” which means to know, to ascertain by seeing, including observation recognition, to acknowledge and to comprehend, among other things… To me, that sounds like we will know things or understand things that we didn’t before, such as having a greater understanding of the hidden and deceitful things that have been done. Does that not sound like exactly what we are witnessing today, the wicked, evil, vile things that were done in the dark are being brought to the light and shouted from the roof tops! Praise be to Jesus! The Book of Hebrews starts out under the sub title, God’s Final Word in His Son. Hebrews 1:1-4, NASB God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world. And He is the radiance of His glory


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and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power. When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become as much better than the angels, as He has inherited a more excellent name than they. When Hebrews says that he spoke to the fathers through the prophets of old, but now through His Son, it means that if we put all of these pieces together, they support each other and confirm the truth! It is then we get the full picture. Hence one of the reasons The Book of Enoch is so important. Enoch was really the first prophet and the information that God, through His angels, showed Enoch were the things that God wanted His people to know. Also, He specifically said that it was for this generation. Enoch 1:3-4 Upon their account I spoke and conversed with him, who will go forth from this habitation, the Holy and Mighty One the God of this World. Who will herafter tread upon mount Sinai: appear with his hosts: and be Manifested in the Strength of his power from Heaven What did Jesus say in Luke 21:26 KJV? Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. Look at verse 5 and the first part of verse 6 in The Book of Enoch. All shall be afraid, and the Watchers Terrified! Great fear and trembling shall seize them, even until the ends of the earth. Now turn to Revelation 6:15-17, KJV. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? How could Enoch know any of this unless God had shown it to him? In the latter part of verse 6 in The Book Of Enoch we read. The lofty mountans shall be troubled, and the exalted hills depressed, melting like a honeycomb in the flame. The Earth shall be immerged, and all things which are in it perish: Now look at 2 Peter 3:10, KJV But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. These are the accounts of two men, thousands of years apart, describing in their own words the same thing God showed them.


Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 9, 2018

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Reading on in the last part of The Book of Enoch, chapter 1, verses 6 and 7. While judgment shall come upon all, even upon the righteous. But to them shall he give Peace: he shall preserve the elect, and towards them exercise clemency. Where else do we see similar promises? In the Book of Revelation 7:3. Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. Enoch 1:8 Then shall all belong to God: Be Happy and Blessed: and the splendor of the Godhead shall illuminate them. Isaiah 40:5, KJV And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it. Enoch Chapter 2, a very short chapter. Behold he comes with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgement upon them and destroy the wicked, and reprove the flesh for everything which the sinful and Ungodly have done and committed against him. Now turn to Jude verses 14 and 15. And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. I want to leave you with the encouragement that Enoch left for us, Gods Remnant, in Chapter 91. That which was written by Enoch. He wrote all this instruction of wisdom for every man of dignity; and every judge of the earth; for all my children who shall dwell upon the earth, and for subsequent generations, conducting themselves uprightly and peaceably. Let not your spirits be grieved on account of the times; for the holy, the great One has given days to all. Let the righteous man arise from slumber; let him arise, and proceed in the path of righteousness, in all its paths; and let his going be in goodness and in eternal clemency. Mercy shall be showed to the righteous man; upon him shall be conferred integrity and power for ever. In goodness and in righteousness shall he exist, and shall walk in everlasting light; but sin shall perish in eternal darkness, nor be seen from this time forward to evermore. RR


Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 9, 2018

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Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. Galatians 6:7 In previous newsletters and messages, we have spoken to the spiritual side of the causes and reasons for the ever-increasing wildfires that have been growing dramatically across the West. The following article presents a few facts and comments on the physical aspects and what has led up to the situation we are now facing. California wildfires are setting records again. The Camp Fire in the Northern California foothills and the Woolsey and Hill fires northwest of Los Angeles, all started on Thursday, November 8, as humidity plummeted, and hot, dry winds whipped over vegetation parched by years of drought. Survivors described the scene of horror from Paradise, CA, in Biblical terms. It was as if “the gates of hell had opened up.” “Black and red was all you could see.” Last December, the Thomas Fire burned through 281,893 acres (440 square miles) in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties. It became the largest wildfire in California’s recorded history. Firefighters said they’d never seen anything like it before. That fire was eclipsed just eight months later by the Mendocino Complex fire, which ravaged the wine country in the middle of the state and whipped up a deadly fire tornado, baffling firefighters as well as civilian onlookers. This week, firefighters in Northern California told reporters they’d never seen a fire move so fast as the Camp Fire that destroyed Paradise. The “Camp Fire,” named after the origin of the blaze in Camp Creek, California, has become the deadliest in the state’s history. The statewide death toll, as of 11/16/2018, is at least 63 people killed, 631 missing, 52,000 people displaced by the fire and the fire has burned down 9,700 residences. The Camp Fire has decimated more than 117,000 acres of Northern California, and has destroyed more than 9,700 structures, including over 9,844 single-family residences, over 300 commercial structures and 2,000+ other structures. 15,000 structures are still threatened.

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 9, 2018

Reaping What Was Sown

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In Southern California, an additional 57,000 structures are under threat as the Woolsey Fire continues to rage. The blaze has now scorched more than 93,000 acres, near Los Angeles, burning an area the size of Denver and has caused the destruction of 616 structures, 57,000 still threatened and the death of three people. If firefighters, climatologists, and California’s governor are correct, these infernos are only a taste of the destruction California will face in the coming years. California Governor Jerry Brown went public with his version of the massive California wild fires. Brown seems to think the fires in California are a direct result of ‘Global Warming” without even mentioning the possibility of any other cause like poor forest management or the cause of massive fuel loads as a result of millions of dead and dying trees, or the massive influx of homes and people right up against the millions of now dead and dying trees. Nor has he commented on the tremendous amounts of carbons flooding the atmosphere from these out of control forest and wildfires. The U.S. Forest Service estimates that more than 190 million acres of public land are at risk of catastrophic fires, including 60 percent our national forests. Too many trees, too much brush, and bureaucratic regulations and lawsuits filed by environmental extremists are to blame. Timber harvests have plunged more than 75 percent from 12 billion board feet per year to less than 4 billion board feet per year. The result: historically large ponderosa pines which grew in stands of 20 to 55 trees per acre now grow (and burn) in densities of 300 to 900 trees per acre. When you have the propaganda (in the next paragraph) of mistruths and unfounded allegations (that’s called LIES to us common folk), promoted and spread far and wide as truth and believed by the unknowing city-dwellers, suburbia do-gooders and un-educated politicians, it is a wonder that there is any grazing of public lands allowed at all. The following paragraph is propaganda promoted by them: The ecological costs of livestock grazing exceed that of any other western land use. In the arid West, livestock grazing is the most widespread cause of species endangerment. By destroying vegetation, damaging wildlife habitats and disrupting natural processes, livestock grazing wreaks ecological havoc on riparian areas, rivers, deserts, grasslands and forests alike — causing significant harm to species and the ecosystems on which they depend. CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY, AZ. The result of decreasing Prescribed Grazing Management on public lands, and the drastic decline in allowable prescribed logging, where it can and needs to be done, are two of the major factors in the increase in the massive wildland fires that we are seeing all over the country, especially in California.

Reaping What Was Sown

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It is a proven fact that properly managed grazing of livestock on public lands increases diversity of different species by controlling the amount of undergrowth grasses and improves the overall habitat of the forest/grassland ecosystem, much like how the huge, drifting herds of buffalo used to roam the same lands hundreds of years ago. The following is but one example from a multi-generational working ranch family that are actually living and working on the land in question, and have real-life experience in what actually works and doesn’t, as opposed to just theories and perceived perceptions. Another example of how cattle improve the rangeland: To begin a habitat restoration project, the family used their cattle to knock down invasive, fire-prone brush and allow a greater variety of native plants to return. They tossed some alfalfa hay into the area they wanted cleared and turned the cattle in. “In two feedings of about 15 minutes each, the hungry cattle crushed the brush with their excited behavior,” he said. “No land-scarring firebreak needed, no burn permit, no air pollution and no fire scarring of the landscape to clear it. The trampled brush provided ground cover to prevent winter erosion from runoff and spring brought a resurgence of perennial grasses and tender sprouts, which was wonderful deer feed.” Past practices have done damage to the environment and created public concerns. “Managed grazing, when it’s done well, actually enhances the organic matter in the soil, improving its ability to store carbon,” said Shasta County rancher Henry Giacomini, who is chairman of California Farm Bureau Federation’s Public Lands Advisory Committee. “And, it improves the water and mineral cycles and allows the whole ecosystem to function in a way that’s healthier. CALIFORNIA BOUNTIFUL, THE BENEFITS OF GRAZING As ill-informed environmentalists fight to stop logging in the forest, one has to wonder if they realize what dangers they are promoting to families, their homes and the forests. Prescribed and managed logging is not the all-evil, forest-destroying monster that the tree-huggers make it out to be. Prescribed and controlled logging is a proven way to decrease the massive fuel-load in the forests while also providing jobs and taxes across much of the West. Since the 1970’s, wildfires have greatly increased while U.S. logging and grazing have drastically decreased.

Reaping What Was Sown

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The decrease in productive use of grasslands and forests has increased fuel levels and catastrophic wildfires. Years ago environmentalist lobbies ideologically opposed to economic growth put the screws to California’s once-thriving wood-harvesting industry. New federal and state regulations came into effect make it increasingly difficult for the industry to operate. “As a result, timber industry employment gradually collapsed, falling in 2017 to half of what it was 20 years earlier, with imports from Canada, China, and other nations filling domestic need,” Chuck DeVore, Vice President of National Initiatives at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, writes at Forbes. As timber harvesting permit fees rose and environmental regulations intensified, industry employees left the field and “the combustible fuel load in the forest predictably soared,” according to DeVore. “No longer were forest management professionals clearing brush and thinning trees.” With all that kindling piling up on forest floors, today’s devastating wildfires were not hard to foresee. Back in 2005 experts were predicting “larger, more devastating fires—fires so hot that they sterilized the soil, making regrowth difficult and altering the landscape,” DeVore writes. They saw the rise of “fires that increasingly threatened lives and homes as they became hotter and more difficult to bring under control.” “Federal lands have not been managed for decades, threatening adjacent private forests, while federal funds designated for forest maintenance have been “borrowed” for fire suppression expenses,” DeVore writes. “The policies frequently reduce the economic value of the forest to zero. And, with no intrinsic worth remaining, interest in maintaining the forest declined, and with it, resources to reduce the fuel load.” For they sow the wind And they reap the whirlwind. Hosea 8:7 Two decades ago there used to be an orderly burning of wood waste –including brush and smaller trees cleared by thinning efforts— from timber operations, DeVore adds. That waste fed “renewable biomass powered electric generating plants across the length of the state,” but taxpayer-subsidized solar power coupled with California’s air-quality regulations and less wood waste to use forced biomass generators to shut down. “What used to be burned safely in power generators is now burned in catastrophic fires,” he writes. “Including the growing capture and use of landfill methane as a fuel, California’s biomass energy generation last year was 22% lower than it was 25 years before.”

Reaping What Was Sown

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As recently as 2016, field supervisors from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service stated that grazing keeps ecosystems healthy. In 2017, the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce determined that fuel levels MUST be reduced to lessen wildfires and that government regulations have hindered the reduction of fuels. About time is all that I can say about that… In Genesis 2:15, we were given the responsibility to take care of this home we live in and on. It’s time we did just that, in truth and with what actually works. RP

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Shasta Wood-Fired Power Plant, Anderson, CA, can process 1,250

tons of scrap wood per day.

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SFA, Thank you for the prayers. It looks like my felony (false) accusation is about to work itself out. I’m still not cleared but it appears they’re going to see this case as self-defense and that the dog deserved to be killed anyway. Last contact, my attorney indicated witnesses may not have to go to court, if he can get approval for signed affidavits instead. Thanks again for the prayers and for all you folks do. North Carolina - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Dear SFA, First I want to thank you for sending me the DragonSlayer. I was especially impressed by the articles dealing with the occultic Arch of Palmyra. I did not know that the arches had been erected in New York and in Washington DC. You are correct in saying that we are in spiritual warfare and it is escalating. Satan has but a short time and will do anything to increase his influence among the masses. Yes, I agree that President Trump was meant to be our President by the power of the LORD. Is our President perfect? No, but the LORD has His reasons for allowing him to be President over our nation and slowing the antichrist’s agenda down. I believe it is a test of sorts by the LORD to bring His people back to Him and to repent. Just as He did in ancient times with the Israelites, either they will repent and their eyes will be opened or they will not, but they have that choice and time is short. Washington State - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

From the Mailbag

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The Book of Jubilees gives a further understanding of the writings

found in the books of Genesis

and Exodus. This book thoroughly harmonizes

with the leading

thoughts of the religion of the day in Christ’s time, mainly

the importance of the LAW.

Many Biblical narratives are explained and

complemented on in various manners in an apologetical spirit, filling in some gaps,

if you will. When seen as a commentary on the Bible story, it is a most interesting work.

The Book of Enoch, like The Book of Daniel, was written originally

in Aramaic and partly in Hebrew. Latin and Greek versions have only, in part, been

discovered but the Ethiopic Version has been preserved in twenty-nine manuscripts.

The citations of Enoch by the twelve Patriarchs and by The Book of Jubilees show

that at the close of

the second century BC and during

the first century BC, this

book was regarded

as inspired. This

information is needed

again today.

See order form for details.Both available for a donation of $20.00.



The Book of EnochThe Book of Jubilees

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Scriptures for AmericaPO Box 766, LaPorte, CO

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Scriptures for America is supported entirely by your tithes and free-will offerings.

Our address is,SFA, PO Box 766 LaPorte, CO 80535


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What Do You Know About BIBLE LAW?

Take the BIBLE LAW Course and find out…The Bible Law Course is a

16-part correspondence course, now available FOR FREE,

that is written to teach not only the Law of God but also how it can be applied in today’s society.

Request the Bible Law Course today and learn what BIBLE LAW really is.

See the order form in this Newsletter

for ordering details. Also available at the ministry website,


Scriptures for America is supported entirely by your tithes and free-will offerings.

Our address is,SFA, PO Box 766 LaPorte, CO 80535

Bible Law Course

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Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 9, 2018

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Will you humble yourselves and pray and seek His face?

Will you cry out to God Almighty to “Save America Again?”

Order these prayer DVD’s and pass them out today! See the order form in this Newsletter for ordering details.

Also available at the ministry website,

Oh God, Hear our Prayer of God Save America Again!



GOD SAVE AMERICA AGAINScriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 9, 2018

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Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 9, 2018

S/W Schedule & Radios

Frequency Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 9.475 10:00AM-10:00PM 9:00AM-9:00PM 8:00AM-8:00PM 7:00AM-7:00PM 5.830 10:00PM-10:00AM 9:00PM-9:00AM 8:00PM-8:00AM 7:00PM-7:00AM

Phone number to listen in: (712)-775-5613

SFA-1103 SW Radio: This high quality world receiver receives all the sta-tions in shortwave spectrums; Scriptures for America frequencies 9.475 and 5.830 come in loud and clear; plus side bands, SSB. This unique digital radio starts FM from 76.0MHZ. The SFA-1103 can decode (SSB) Single

Side Band broadcasts though its SSB circuitry, 1 kHz tuning steps and clarifier. It is much better than other radios costing much more and in a smaller size. This radio also comes with 3 Ni-MH AA rechargeable bat-teries, and an AC adaptor. The SFA-1103 uses LCD to simulate the analog dial on the radio. $119.00.

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Scriptures For America Ministry PO BOX 766,

LaPorte Colorado 80535 USA Office # 307-742-7582

Email [email protected]

Satellite and Internet Radio BroadcastingWe are broadcasting on the internet & satellite (audio) 24 hours per day,

7 days a week, heard all across North America and the world! The satellite is digital audio, KU band; see our web page,“Online Audio”.

Church Broadcast & Video StreamingThe Sunday morning Church services at the LaPorte Church of Christ

are video streamed live to our website,

from 08:30am until noon, Mountain time. (a high-speed internet connection is suggested).

IPhone and Ipad accessible. You can also attend our ‘Early Morning Church

(the previous weeks’ sermon) at our website from 6:30—8:30 am, Eastern Time.

Visit our Network website, for the complete programming schedule and archives.

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Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 9, 2018

SFA Order Form

Please fill in the following, and mail to SFA, PO Box 766, LaPorte, CO 80535: Name_________________________ Address_____________________________________ City, ST, Zip________________________ E-mail _________________ QTY ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE LINE TOTAL NEW Truth for the Times NOW on DVD DVD $25.00 B-147 The Book of Enoch book $10.00 B-155 The Book of Jubilees book $11.00 SPECIAL BOTH of the above books SPECIAL $20.00 B-134 War Psalms of the Prince of Peace book $12.00 M-9 GOD SAVE AMERICA AGAIN DVD DVD 10/$10.00 BR-005 Strong’s Concordance of the Bible reference $45.00 B-064 America the Conquered, by Pastor Peters book $12.00 B-208 The Raw Truth About Milk book $20.00 B-060 Hydrogen Peroxide: Modern Miracle book $15.00 NEW Prosta-Plus 90 tablets (prostate support) bottle $35.00 SALE PROSTA-PLUS BUY 2, GET 1 FREE SPECIAL $70.00 NEW K-12 Oral Probiotics bottle $35.00 NEW M18 Multi-Blend Oral Probiotics bottle $35.00 SALE Vitamine D3 - Buy 2, get 1 free SPECIAL $40.00 L-IOD Iodine, 2 oz. bottle $16.00 NEW CD1300 Stout Hearted Men, by Col. Mohr CD $5.00 NEW DVD1300 Stout Hearted Men, by Col. Mohr DVD $8.00 Gun Control Packet packet $20.00 The Bible Law Course, 16-part correspondance course N/C RealSalt REAL SALT 9 oz. shaker (injcludes shipping) 9 oz. $10.00 RealSalt REAL SALT 26 oz. pouch (includes shipping) 26 oz. $17.00 Seasonings REAL SALT 4 pack of seasonings 4 pack $24.00 P-IOD Potassium Iodate 200 tablets tablets $20.00 VitB100 Vitamin B-100 TR 100 tablets 100 $30.00 VitB270 Vitamin B-270 TR 270 tablets 270 $55.00 BR-001 Bible in Modern English - Ferar Fenton Bible Bible $36.00 SALE A-012 The Last Days CD Series by Pastor Peters SPECIAL $20.00 Anointing and Un-Anointing Oil oil N/C Earthpaste Toothpaste (please specify flavor; wintergreen, peppermint, spearmint, cinnnamon or lemon) tube $8.00 PUB-1 Public Law 97-180 $3.00 Donation for Scriptures for America Worldwide Ministry _____ Donation for BIBLE WORLD WIDE _____ Total Enclosed _____

Thank you for your prayers and financial support.
